议论文复习写作(ppt课件)1 2024届高考英语一轮复习.pptx

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1、How to write an argumentation?写作按照写作类型来说,有图画作文,图写作按照写作类型来说,有图画作文,图表作文,提纲作文,开放作文。表作文,提纲作文,开放作文。按照文体类型来说,有记叙文,说明文,按照文体类型来说,有记叙文,说明文,议论文议论文和应用文。和应用文。针对不同的文章都要针对不同的应试技巧针对不同的文章都要针对不同的应试技巧去动笔。去动笔。lIntroduction:an introduction to the essay lBody:evidence to support your ideal (用论据说明自己的观点)lConclusion:state

2、or restate your idea l 结论(重申自己的观点,呼应前文)Argumentation(议论文)范例范例1 1:某中学生英语报社正开展一场题为某中学生英语报社正开展一场题为“Young teachers or Young teachers or elderly teacherselderly teachers,which do you prefer?which do you prefer?”请你依据下面表格所提供的要点写一篇短文,向该报社投稿。请你依据下面表格所提供的要点写一篇短文,向该报社投稿。老年教师老年教师 青年教师青年教师教学耐心讲解细致经验丰富教学耐心讲解细致经验丰

3、富精力充沛教学活泼勇于创新精力充沛教学活泼勇于创新 你的观点你的观点?注意:注意:1 1词数词数100100左右,开头语已为你写好,不计入总数;左右,开头语已为你写好,不计入总数;2 2短短文必须包含表格的全部内容。要求观点明确,结构合理,紧凑连贯文必须包含表格的全部内容。要求观点明确,结构合理,紧凑连贯学生作品学生作品1:Compare with young teachers,I prefer elderly teachers.There are some reasons below.For one thing,most of elderly teachers are patient in

4、teaching.They not only spare no effort to teach the students,but also give classes carefully.They will do all they can to make the students understand the teaching content.What good teachers!For another thing,elderly teachers are full of teaching experience.This is also the most important,especially

5、 for us senior students.This is only my opinion.I think young teachers are also good.点评:亮点:1、观点鲜明,词汇句型的运用比较灵活2、过渡词及连词的使用使文章结构紧凑连贯、条理清楚。2、审题不全面,忽略了对青年教师这部分信息的处理。这一点是比较大的失误。1)2)3)1)Compared2)more3)try to make the classes lively and interesting不足之处:1、个别地方的表达需要改进。学生作品学生作品2:Opinions are divided on this q

6、uestion.Some students who like the elderlyteachers more than the young ones think thatthe elderly ones are more patient in teaching,more careful in explaining and also have a lot of experience.However,the others have a differentopinion.They think the teachers who areyoung are full of energy.Besides,

7、theirteaching is lively and they dare to bring inthe new ideas.Well,in my opinion,I like both the elderlyteachers and the young ones because fromthem we both can learn a lot.点评:点评:亮点:亮点:1、段落清楚,要点齐、段落清楚,要点齐全,句式表达比较灵全,句式表达比较灵活,能适当运用复句。活,能适当运用复句。2、过渡词运用也比较、过渡词运用也比较熟练。熟练。需要改进的地方:需要改进的地方:1)2)3)4)1)prefer

8、 the elderly teachers to the young ones2)with explanations3)the 去掉去掉4)The young teachersOne possible version:Opinions are divided on this question.Some students may like elderly teachers teaching because they think elderly teachers have more teaching experience and that they tend to be patient and c

9、areful with explanations.However,I prefer to be taught by young teachers.Firstly,we students have much in common with them.So they are our friends as well as our teachers.Secondly,they are more.energetic and enthusiastic.Usually they can make their classes lively and interesting.Besides,they are mor

10、e ready to accept or create new ideas,including teaching.Thirdly,most young teachers devote themselves to their work,making them teach creatively and effectively.In a word,I prefer young teachers to elderly teachers.Introduction(开头):1)Nowadays,play a more and more important role in our daily life.(如

11、今,在我们的日常生活中越来越重.)2)Should?Different people have different opinions on the issues of 3)Recently we had a heated discussion on Opinions are various among different people.(人们对此事有不同的看法)(04)湖北:学习英语要不要从儿童时期开始?Different people have different opinions on the issues of whether it is necessary to start learn

12、ing English from childhood.Body(正文):1.Some may hold the view that because/firstly.(有些人认为有些人认为)l But others have a negative attitude.From their point of view,l(有些人却持有不同的观点有些人却持有不同的观点,他们认为他们认为)2.some people are against the idea of because.l while some are for the idea of 3.1)(表顺序表顺序)Firstly.(in the fi

13、rst place,/first of all)secondly thirdly ,the last but not the least,2)(表递进表递进)what is more/in addition/furthermore/moreover(另外另外),what is worse(更糟糕的是更糟糕的是)3)(表比较表比较)on one hand.on the other hand,on the contraryPractice 1.有些人认为做运动可以强身健体,然而有些人认为运动是浪费时间.2.对于高考,一方面我们要尽我们所能,另一方面我们要保持良好的心态.3.上网不仅可以获得最新的国

14、内外新闻,而且还可以交朋友Some hold the view that doing sports can keep fit,while others think that it is a waste of time to do sports.As for the examinations to college,on one hand,we should try our best,on the other hand,we should keep a good state of mind.We can get the latest news both at home and abroad by

15、surfing the Internet,what is more,we can also make friends.body4.As far as I am concerned,I totally agree with the statement that 5.Personally,I support the idea that The reasons are presented below.(我的观点是我的观点是,论据如下论据如下)Conclusion(结论):1.Taking all these factors into consideration,we may reach the co

16、nclusion that 2.Therefore,it is easy to draw the conclusion that 3.To sum up/in a word/above all/generally speaking,I still hold the view that l 范例范例2:假如你事实李华,你班同学最近开长了一场讨论,主题是:高三学生:假如你事实李华,你班同学最近开长了一场讨论,主题是:高三学生要不要参加体育锻炼,请根据下面所提供的信息,写一篇短文,介绍讨论的要不要参加体育锻炼,请根据下面所提供的信息,写一篇短文,介绍讨论的情况,并发表自己的观点情况,并发表自己的观点

17、比例比例你的观你的观点点观点观点支持支持反对反对主要理由主要理由应该明天进应该明天进行体育锻炼行体育锻炼做早操,打做早操,打乒乓球,打篮球,乒乓球,打篮球,但时间不要过但时间不要过锻炼能增强锻炼能增强质减少疾病质减少疾病锻炼能使大锻炼能使大脑休息,使学习脑休息,使学习效果更好效果更好锻炼浪费时锻炼浪费时间锻炼使间锻炼使人疲劳锻人疲劳锻炼以后很兴奋,炼以后很兴奋,较长时间不能较长时间不能学习锻炼学习锻炼中可能受伤中可能受伤1.关键词语关键词语体育锻炼体育锻炼做早操做早操增强体质增强体质减少疾病减少疾病休息休息学习有效果学习有效果浪费时间浪费时间投入学习投入学习受伤受伤take exercises

18、do morning exercisesbuild up the bodyreduce the diseasehave a reststudy more effectivelya waste of time pay attention to studybe hurt2.作文结构作文结构1.have had a discussion about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical exercises.As we know,every coin has two coins./Different students have differ

19、ent ideas.2.55%of the students think.such as(举例).(原因).3.On the other hand,45%of the students believe.(原因).4.In my opinion,I prefer to 3.范文:范文:Recently,we have had a discussion about whether have had a discussion about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical exercises.As we know,every coin

20、has two coins.55%of the students think they should take all kinds of exercises every day,such as doing morning exercises,playing table tennis and playing basketball,but not spend too much time on them.As a proverb says,”all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.Exercise builds up their body and red

21、uce lots of diseases.Sports let them have a good rest so that their study will be more effective.On the other hand,45%of the students believe taking exercise is a waste of time and tiring.After taking exercise,they are too excited for a long time to pay attention to their lessons.And its possible to be hurt in sports.In my opinion,I prefer to take proper exercises in my spare time.


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