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1、高一年级第一次质量检测英语试卷 第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30分) 第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,共 7.5分) 听下面 5.段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How many students are there at the school this year? A.300. B.400. C.700. 2.What does the man decide to sell? A.His CDs. B.His bik

2、e. C.His camera. 3. What program will be shown after the news? A.A food program. B.A cartoon movie. C.A football match. 4.How will the man go to school tomorrow? A.By bicycle. B.By bus. C.By car. 5.Where does the conversation take place? A.In an art gallery. B.In a factory. C.In a library. 第二节(共 15小

3、题;每小题 1.5分,共 22.5分) 听下面 5 段对话戒独白。每段对话戒独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选 项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话戒独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话戒独白读两遍。 听第 6段材料,回答第 6、7题。 6.What should Jack do first when he gets off the bus? A.Cross the road. B.Turn left. C.Turn right. 7.Where is the mans house? A.In front of a sho

4、p. B.Behind a school. C.Near a bookstore. 听第 7段材料,回答第 8、9题。 8.What are the speakers talking about? A.A big sale. B.A book signing event. C.The opening of a new bookstore. 9.When is Peter Robbins expected to arrive at the store? A.At 1:45. B.At 2:15. C.At 3:30. 听第 8段材料,回答第 10至 12题。 10.What does the m

5、an want to do first? A.Do science experiments. B.Buy Christmas gifts. C.Take the Star Ferry. 11.Which place does the man show little interest in? A.Ocean Park. B.The museum. C.Temple Street Night Market. 12.What might the woman think of taking the Star Ferry? A.Exciting. B.Boring. C.Silly. 听第 9段材料,回

6、答第 13至 16题。 13.Where will the man go first? A.To a hall. B.To a classroom. C.To a meeting room. 14.What will the Director of the Studies talk about? A.Student dormitories. B.Different courses. C.Social activities. 15.About how long will the man stay in the hall? A.One hour and fifteen minutes. B.One

7、 and a half hours. C.One hour and forty-five minutes. 16.How does the man feel about the test? A.Glad. B.Nervous. C.Confident. 听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。 17.When will this autumns fashion show start? A.In September. B.In October. C.In November. 18.What color will the clothes be in the show? A.Red. B.Blue

8、. C.Orange. 19.Why wont any shoes be for sale? A.People dont like to try on shoes. B.Clothes are more popular. C.The space is limited. 20.What is the prize for the best designer? A.Money. B A computer. C.Designer clothes. 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分) 第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5) A CAMP KANDALORE Founded in 1

9、947,Camp Kandalore has grown to become one of Canadas most well- respected childrens summer camps.We welcome boys and girls aged 6 to 17 for two-and four- week sessions(一段时间)in June,July and August each summer.Of our 275 campers each session,approximately 90%come from within Canada and 10%come from

10、abroad. Session Dates Two-Week Sessions Camp Al: June 28 to July 12 Camp A2:July 12 to July 26 Camp Bl:July 29 to August 12 Camp B2:August 12 to August 26 Four-Week Sessions Camp A:June 28 to July 26 Camp B:July 29 to August 26 Our Activities Kandalores program is based around a traditional Canadian

11、 camp experience with skill development in a wide variety of activities combined with an age proper canoe(独木舟)trip experience for all campers.Campers select 4 of 6 activity periods each day and will also receive a daily swim lesson. Kandalore has more than 20 different activities for campers to choo

12、se from and we work to develop campers skills in the activities they select each day.There is something for everyone at camp! Some of our activities include:*Drama*Arts Crafts*Pottery*Sailing*WindsurfingWood Working*Archery*Kayaking*Snorkeling. All-inclusive Package(全包套餐) We provide all of our inter

13、national campers with an all-inclusive package. Everything the campers will need during their stay is included in the fees that you pay. This includes:*Round trip airport transfers*Health Insurance *1:3 Staff to Camper Ratio All programs and activities*Pillow,sleeping bag and life jacket*Parent and

14、Camper Communication System*Basic Tuck Expenses Want More Information? For more information on Camp Kandalore,please email Alyson Robertson Alyson:. 21.What do we know about Camp Kandalore? A.It attracts more boys than girls. B.It has a history of over 75 years C.It divides its campers into differen

15、t age groups D.It includes campers from different countries 22.If Amber is free in July.which camp can she choose? A.Camp Al B.Camp A2 C.Camp B1 D.Camp A 23.What can campers do at Camp Kandalore? A.Catch fish B.Go rock climbing C.Take a swim class every day. D.Play with various sea animals. B Readin

16、g can open a world of joy for students, and one North Carolina principal wants to spread that moment of happiness to them on their birthday. Glenn Cook,principal of Pleasant Ridge Elementary School in Gastonia,North Carolina,came up with an idea to give each student a book on their birthday.With abo

17、ut 900 students attending Pleasant Ridge,it is not an easy task,but Cook says hes ready togo big or go home. He is going to include every student in this project. I didnt have a lot of kids books,said Cook.So I put the idea online,and l wanted to see if any of my friends needed to clean off their bo

18、okshelves at home.I was hoping to get maybe 50 books for the first round of birthdays.The number of books Cook received was surprising.Were probably getting maybe 500 books,said Cook. There are so many books taking up space all over his office. The idea started when Cook attended a professional deve

19、lopment event.He asked another principal for advice.This principal told him that at her school,she gave her students a pencil on their birthday He wanted to take this idea to the next level,so he began reading himself.He came up with the idea that a principal should share his excitement and love for

20、 reading.The goal of giving these books to students is to find a book thats right for each one,so they can experience the happiness of reading. Local businesses have joined the project to donate books.Michelle Clear,a parent at Pleasant Ridge,decided to support Cooks project and offer her store as a

21、 book donation center.Reading just opens up so many ways in kids lives,Clear noted.Hopefully this will get.across the nation to call on more people to donate books. 24.What can we learn fromgo big or go homein Paragraph 2? A.Cook wants to collect many great books B.Cook has made up his mind to run t

22、his project C.Cook will visit each students home D.Cook will face a lot of problems. 25.Why did Cook carry out the project? A.To encourage students to read. B.To advertise his school online. C.To celebrate students birthdays. D.To help friends clean the bookshelves. 26.Why did Michelle Clear support

23、 Cooks project? A.To own money. B. To encourage children to read. C.To call on more people to donate books.D.To help with the local business. 27.What can be the best title for the text? A.A principal is carrying out a big project B.Reading makes students and principal close C.A principal gives stude

24、nts a special birthday gift D.Reading brings students happiness and excitement C For most people.getting to work at Disney parks-the happiest place on earth-is certainly a dream job. But is there any job at Disney parks thats not so enjoyable? Some might guess that the worst job at Disney parks woul

25、d be the cleaning job.Who wants to clean up spilled drinks and even dirtier things near amusement park(游乐场) rides all day?But as a matter of fact,former Disney workers say that the freedom to walk around the parks and communicate with guests made such duties worthwhile for them. They enjoyed getting

26、 to see and feel the magic around them. They enjoyed communicating with park guests from all over the world. Its actually the jobs where theres not a lot of interaction(互动)with guests that Disney workers say are the least enjoyable.One former Disney worker,Gary,says that the worst job at Disney park

27、s is working behind the scenes in the quick-service restaurants.These arent the workers that sit upfront and help guests place their fast-food orders.No.these are the workers that prepare the food.imagine that youre working at McDonalds.All day is rush hour.The work will get boring fast.says Gary.Pl

28、us,guests only notice you when you make a mistake, so your only interaction is removing the displeasure of hangry guests. People usually choose to work at Disney parks because they like interacting with guests,another former worker Bryson says.But this job only gives the shortest of interactions.and

29、 sometimes none at all.Besides.Disney workers doing these thankless jobs usually have to wear the same costume(戏装)as everyone else while they are busy with the food preparation. If you are going to work at Disney parks and dont want to do the worst job, according to these former Disney workers.you c

30、an choose to be character performers. They gel treated like the princesses theyre dressed up to be.And you can even enjoy a sound technician role,if you dont mind riding the same ride all day long.Of course, these are much better jobs and are not that easy to get. 28.What do former Disney workers th

31、ink of the cleaning job? A.It is the worst job at Disney parks. B. Its actually not so bad as people think. C.It is hard to tolerate(忍受)though it has its advantages. D.It is good as it means being able to enjoy free rides. 29.Why does Gary dislike the food-preparation work in the quick-service resta

32、urants? A.The work is very tiring. B.The work provides little fun. C.The work isnt creative so that guests cant notice the workers. D.The work is so difficult that workers can easily make mistakes. 30.According to Bryson.which of the following is most attractive to Disney workers? A.Being treated fa

33、irly. B.Wear colorful costumes. C.Being able to interact with guests D.Walking around the parks for free. 31.What would be the best title for the text? A.The worst job at Disney parks B.Some attractive jobs at Disney parks C.The disadvantages of working at Disney parks D.The ways Disney workers pref

34、er to do their jobs D If you dont behave.Ill call the policeis a lie that parents might use to get their young children to behave.A new psychology study led by Nanyang Technological University.Singapore suggests that it is connected with harmful effects when the children become adults. The research

35、team asked 379 Singaporean young adults whether their parents lied to them when they were children. how much they lie to their parents as adults.and how well they respond to adulthood challenges. The first questionnaire(问卷)asked these young adults to recall if their parents told them lies about eati

36、ng,leaving or staying.spending money and so on.Some examples of such lies areIf you dont come with me now,I will leave you here by yourselfand“I dont bring money with me today.we can come back another day.The second questionnaire included questions that could show how often they lie to their parents

37、 as adults.Lastly.these young adults filled in two other questionnaires that asked them about their psychosocial problems and tendency to behave selfishly and impulsively(冲动地)。 Adults who reported being lied to more as children were more likely to report lying to their parents in their adulthood.The

38、y also said they faced greater difficulty in meeting psychological and social challenges. Lead author Setoh Peipei from NTU Singapores School of Social Sciences said,Parenting by lying can seem to save time.especially when the real reasons behind why parents want children to do something are difficu

39、lt to explain.When parents tell children that honesty is the best policy,but display dishonesty by lying,such behavior can send negative messages to their children. Parents dishonesty may finally erode trust and encourage dishonesty in children Our research suggests that parenting by lying is a prac

40、tice that has negative influence on children when they grow up.Parents should be aware of these possible risks and consider other ways to replace lying,such as knowing childrens feelings,giving information so children know what to expect,offering choices and solving problems together,to encourage ch

41、ildren to have good behavior,said lead author Setoh Peipei. But the study has its limitations.Some limitations of the study include depending on what young adults report about their parents lying.Future research can explore using many informants(告密者),such as parents,to report on the same thing,sugge

42、sted Setoh. 32.What did the research team do during the study? A.They turned to 379 Singaporean children. B.They looked for questionnaires on the Internet. C.They collected answers to some sets of questions. D.They asked the young adults parents for information. 33.What does the underlined worderode

43、in Paragraph 5 mean? A.Reflect B.Exchange C.Destroy. D.Recover 34.Which of the following might Setoh Peipei agree with? A.Parents can sometimes tell harmless lies to their kids B.Parents had better explain to their kids why theyve lied C.Parents who like lying are more likely to behave selfish D.Par

44、ents should use positive ways instead of lying during parenting 35.What is the main idea of the text? A.Parents lying to children can influence them negatively. B.Parents lie to children to save themselves some trouble. C.Childrens behavior can be affected by their parents. D.Children may lie more i

45、f their parents often lie. 第二节(共 5小题:每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 What makes a book a good read?It is a great question,but theres no easy answer! 36_There are so many styles and types of books.This is because people have different likes.For fun,go and read the I-sta

46、r Amazon reviews for your favourite popular book.Many people hate it and cant finish it!Does this mean the book is actually terrible?37_Art is highly subjective(主观的)。 There are certainly many good books on writing and story structure,but theyre more general guides than step-by-step guides.Since book

47、s have no hidden parts(all the words are there on the page),its necessary to study the books you and others think are good reads and ask,_38_. Most serious writers have early readers who read drafts(初稿)and provide their opinions. 39_They learn which parts arent as good as they think.And then they re

48、write the drafts.A good read is usually the result of many improvements of a bad one. One difficulty in writing is that it is hard to find people who can give useful opinions beyondI like itorI hate it._40_And you have to try to be receptive to things that you dont want to hear.At the same time,be glad to make changes to a draft based on what you learned. A.Why do people like reading books? B.Maybe,it depends on your preferences(偏好)。 C.Why does


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