(2019版)北师大版必修三英语Unit 8 Green Living(9)-2 PPT课件(含教案).pptx

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1、必修三 Unit 8 Green Living (9) 高一年级 英语 Reading Club 2 The Environment: A Local and Global Issue The Environment: A Local and Global Issue environment n. the air, water, and land on the Earth, which is affected by mans activities; the natural features of a place, for example its weather, the type of lan

2、d it has, and the type of plants that grow in it The Environment: A Local and Global Issue issue n. C a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people What are the standards of a good environment where

3、 every one of us would enjoy ourselves? Activate and share blue sky, fresh air clean water, trees and grass However, in many places of the world, the environment is being polluted. What are some environmental problems we are facing? Activate and share water pollution destruction of forests the risin

4、g amount of waste air pollution The Environment: A Local and Global Issue In many ways, life has become far more comfortable and convenient in the past few decades. However, this has come at a huge cost to the environment. Here, we look at three of the most serious environmental problems we are curr

5、ently facing. Read and explore Read the text quickly and answer the question. What are the three environmental problems discussed in the text? The Environment: A Local and Global Issue Three environmental problems: Air Pollution Global Warming Overflowing Landfills landfill n. C a place where waste

6、is buried under the ground 垃圾填埋场 overflowing adj. flow v. over- too many things that cannot be contained in a place because it is already too full Activate and share Have you experienced any of these in daily life? What do you know about them? Three environmental problems: Air Pollution Global Warmi

7、ng Overflowing Landfills Group A: Air Pollution Many places in the world are suffering from air pollution. There is heavy smog or haze and people have to wear masks to protect themselves from breathing in harmful particles. Activate and share Group B: Global Warming Everyone on this planet is experi

8、encing global warming. The average temperatures have been increasing over the past few decades. And climates in many places have changed a lot, leading to many other problems such as the death of some animals and plants or even extinction. Activate and share Group C: Overflowing Landfills People are

9、 producing more and more waste in daily life that may cause overflowing landfills. Many cities are taking action to promote garbage sorting and recycling, which can help solve the problem. Activate and share If you write a short passage about air pollution, what aspects will be included? Read and ex

10、plore Example: What is air pollution? What is air pollution? What are the sources of air pollution? What are the phenomena or bad effects? How big are the bad effects? What can we do to stop it? Read and explore What is air pollution? What are the sources of air pollution? What are the phenomena or

11、bad effects? How big are the bad effects? What can we do to stop it? Read and explore Read Part 1 and check which of the questions are answered. Causes Effects Solutions Read Part 1 and write down detailed information about air pollution. Read and explore Causes: Effects: Solutions: Air Pollution Ca

12、uses: the burning of fossil fuels human activities construction the burning of waste a fuel such as coal or oil that is produced by the very gradual decaying of animals or plants over millions of years fossil fuel 化石燃料 腐朽 Air Pollution Causes: the burning of fossil fuels human activities constructio

13、n the burning of waste Air Pollution Causes: the burning of fossil fuels human activities: construction the burning of waste Air Pollution Effects: serious effects on our health 2.4 million people die annually people suffer the most: young children the elderly people with heart and lung problems Air

14、 Pollution Solutions: only using a car when its absolutely necessary If it isnt, try using public transport instead. What else? Air Pollution Causes Effects Solutions Air Pollution Causes: Watch a video and write down more information. View and learn the burning of fossil fuels human activities: con

15、struction the burning of waste wildfires the burning of waste volcanic eruptions Air Pollution Causes: the burning of fossil fuels human activities: construction natural sources: allergens allergen n. a substance that causes an allergy 过敏原 过敏 Some common allergens are dust, pollen and dander. 花粉 皮屑

16、尘土 wildfires the burning of waste volcanic eruptions Air Pollution Causes: the burning of fossil fuels human activities: construction natural sources: allergens agriculture There are different types of human-made air pollution. What are they? What are the causes? Watch the video again and write down

17、 more information. View and learn 1. Greenhouse gases 2. Smog 3. Toxic pollutants cause: causes: car exhaust, coal power plants, factory emissions the use of gasoline, paint, cleaning solvent 汽油,油漆, 清洁剂 There are different types of human-made air pollution. 汽车尾气, 燃煤电厂, 工厂排放 the burning of fossil fue

18、ls the burning of fossil fuels pollutant a substance that makes air, water, soil etc. dangerously dirty, and is caused by cars, factories etc. 污染物 pollute v. pollution n. causes: the burning of fossil fuels causes: the burning of fossil fuels cause: the burning of fossil fuels 1. Greenhouse gases 2.

19、 Smog 3. Toxic pollutants There are different types of human-made air pollution. the burning of waste 2. Smog car exhaust, coal power plants, factory emissions the use of gasoline, paint, cleaning solvent 汽油,油漆, 清洁剂 汽车尾气, 燃煤电厂, 工厂排放 Air Pollution Solutions: Watch a video and write down more informat

20、ion. View and learn only using a car when its absolutely necessary If it isnt, try using public transport instead. decreasing the use of fossil fuels in transportation, manufactory and electricity generation 制造业 Air Pollution Solutions: only using a car when its absolutely necessary If it isnt, try

21、using public transport instead. Read Part 2. Read and explore Causes Effects Solutions Check if these aspects are mentioned and find out if there is any other aspect. Definition Read Part 2 and write down detailed information about global warming. Read and explore Definition: Causes: Effects: Global

22、 Warming Definition: Causes: the build-up of carbon dioxide and other pollutants in the atmosphere the increase in the temperature of the Earths near-surface air and oceans dioxide a chemical compound that contains two atoms of oxygen and one atom of another chemical element 二氧化物 carbon dioxide CO2

23、C O O greenhouse gas Global Warming Effects: Sea levels are rising due to the melting of polar ice sheets. ice sheets An ice sheet is a large thick area of ice, especially one that exists for a long time. 冰盖 Global Warming Effects: Sea levels are rising due to the melting of polar ice sheets. Countr

24、ies have faced extreme weather conditions: hurricanes floods heat waves Do you think global warming affects our food and health? Watch a video and write down more information. View and learn Global Warming Effects: Sea levels are rising due to the melting of polar ice sheets. Countries have faced ex

25、treme weather conditions: hurricanes floods heat waves droughts Growing crops becomes more difficult. Air Pollution Global Warming Effects: Sea levels are rising due to the melting of polar ice sheets. Countries have faced extreme weather conditions: hurricanes floods heat waves The warmer atmospher

26、e increases the amount of smog. Health problems: asthma 哮喘 heart disease lung cancer Watch the video again and answer the question. What is the relationship between global warming and air pollution? View and learn When we burn fossil fuels to produce energy, they release greenhouse gases into the ai

27、r leading to a rise in global temperatures. the burning of fossil fuels greenhouse gases a rise in temperatures air pollution climate change global warming This creates a cycle where air pollution contributes to climate change and climate change creates higher temperatures. In turn, higher temperatu

28、res intensify some air pollution. 加剧 What is the relationship between global warming and air pollution? They are the cause and effect of each other at the same time, just as a cycle. air pollution climate change global warming Global Warming Definition Causes Effects Solutions Watch a video and writ

29、e down more information. View and learn Global Warming Solutions: replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy resources like solar and wind 可再生能源 decreasing the use of fossil fuels in transportation, manufactory and electricity generation 制造业 only using a car when its absolutely necessary If it isn

30、t, try using public transport instead. Read Part 3. Read and explore Overflowing Landfills Definition Causes Effects Solutions Check if these aspects are mentioned and write down detailed information accordingly. Overflowing Landfills Causes: Effects: Solutions: Due to the amount of waste our lifest

31、yles produce, landfills are now reaching full capacity. capacity n. the amount of space a container, room etc. has to hold things or people 容量 The room had a seating capacity for about 80. The storage capacity of my new phone is very high. Overflowing Landfills Causes: Effects: The chances of danger

32、ous chemicals in the waste entering our water supply increase. Due to the amount of waste our lifestyles produce, landfills are now reaching full capacity. Overflowing Landfills Solutions: Apart from the three Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), some experts have begun advocating the fourth R Responsibi

33、lity. The government is now trying to find alternative waste disposal methods. The most effective way of solving the problem is to encourage people to take responsibility for reducing the waste they produce. Express yourself What can we do to apply the three Rs? Reduce: Reuse: Recycle: Express yours

34、elf Students: Reduce: Reduce the waste we produce. Reduce the use of plastic products. Reduce the use of one-time products. Reduce the use of water and electricity. Express yourself Reuse: Reuse the cloth bags every time we shop. Drink with a reusable water bottle instead of bottled water. Reuse som

35、e clothes, papers, glass jars and change them into DIYs. Express yourself Recycle: Recycle papers, metals, some plastic products. Recycle cans and glasses. Recycle electronics such as cell phones and computers. Watch a video to learn more about the 3 Rs. Reduce: Reuse: Recycle: View and learn Critic

36、al Thinking The fourth R: Responsibility Do you think its more important than the other 3 Rs? Why or why not? The most effective way of solving the problem is to encourage people to take responsibility for reducing the waste they produce. Responsibility is more important than the other three Rs. Cri

37、tical Thinking Responsibility is not important than the other three Rs. Voice your opinion Responsibility is not important than the other three Rs. All 4 Rs are advocating people to change their lifestyles or habits and the 3 Rs are very practical ways to remind people of what they can do in daily l

38、ife. There is no doubt that every one of us should shoulder responsibilities and it makes no sense to stress responsibility without knowing what exactly we can do. So Responsibility is just as important as the other 3 Rs. Critical Thinking Responsibility is more important than the other three Rs. Cr

39、itical Thinking Only when people realize their behavior makes a difference can they participate in the actions. People have to understand that the 3 Rs are not just some policies of the government but what everyone can do every day to protect the environment. We can achieve great effects when more a

40、nd more people really take action after they decide to take responsibility. Critical Thinking Do you think its more important than the other 3 Rs? Why or why not? I am glad to hear opinions from both sides and they both mentioned the importance of every individuals behavior and responsibility. Just

41、as we learned from Lesson 1, Dr. Jane Goodall states that every individual matters and makes a difference. Suggestion As global citizens, it is our responsibility to take action to protect our shared environment not only for the living of ourselves but also for all living creatures on the Earth. Living in harmony with nature is the base of building a human community with a shared future. Homework Design a poster about the idea of 4 Rs to encourage more people to protect the environment.


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