2020新外研社必修一 Unit 2 Exploring English- Developing ideas.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Exploring English Developing ideas Pre-reading Read and guess the meanings. Whats going on? to sound familiar (听起来耳熟) sth. unimportant or insignificant (小人物,小角色) a light perfume that does not have a very strong smell ( 花露水) in a confused, badly organised, or difficult situation (乱七八糟) natural

2、 ability in growing plants (园艺高手) to make an effort to improve your work or behaviour because it is not good enough (努力工作,重新再做) Can you think about more English expressions that may cause misunderstandings? a person who watches too much television -Wheres Jessica? I cant hear her all the morning. -Y

3、ou know, shes a total couch potato. Can you guess the meanings of these expressions? Have a try! church mouse Now I am as poor as a church mouse. 我现在真是一贫如洗啊。 dog day The dog days will arrive soon. Wed better install an air conditioner. 三伏天就要来了,我们最好装一个空调。三伏天就要来了,我们最好装一个空调。 go bananas The drugs have m

4、ade him go bananas. 毒品使他神魂颠倒。 break a leg Break a leg tomorrow at your job interview. I hope that youll get the job. kick ass A:Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. Youre good. 哇哇!你不到十分钟就把我的计算机修好了呀你不到十分钟就把我的计算机修好了呀! 你很棒。你很棒。 B: Yep. I just kick ass. 是是的的!我就是厉害我就是厉害! Misadventures in E

5、nglish Now lets read the passage and find more words and expressions that caused the misunderstandings. (Tips: Pay attention to the pictures, because it is not only a very important part of the passage, but also gives you some information and helps you understand.) WHILE-reading Task 1 Read the four

6、 posts (帖子帖子)quickly and find out what puzzled Yancy, Sophie, Julien and Zheng Xu. She had a frog in her throat. the ground floor / the first floor wicked Not bad have a frog in ones throat 1 Task 2 Work in groups. Read the four posts again and try to settle their puzzles . clue words unable to spea

7、k clearly because your throat is dry or blocked; it doesnt really mean theres a frog in your throat the first floor/the ground floor 2 (BrE) the floor of a building above the one at ground level; (AmE) the floor of a building at ground level the first floor: clue words wicked 3 very good, fantastic

8、(informal) morally wrong and intending to hurt people clue words Not bad! 4 Well done! pretty good, better than you expected A. To discuss methods to learn English. B. To stress the importance of the English outside the world. C. To introduce the funny or strange stories about using English. D. To e

9、ncourage the students to use English as much as possible. Whats the purpose of the passage? Think and Share What examples of Internet language are used in the passage? What do they mean? COZ: because; X-(: angry; emoji: confused; :-(: sad Post-reading Work in pairs. Retell the situations in the four

10、 posts. Retelling Something that puzzled him/her (His/her doubts) Yancy Sophie Julien Zheng Xu Last week, our forum asked if you had any funny or strange stories about using English. We didnt expect to get so many _. Yancy went to a summer school. Her English teacher Maggie didnt come to teach them

11、because she had a frog in her throat. Why did she try to eat such a big frog? While going shopping in New York, she found “the first floor” in American English was actually “the ground floor”. She was confused. Why did she give me the wrong information. He didnt understand why his English penfriend

12、used _ to describe his grandfather, a nice man. When he got his English paper back, he found his teacher had written the _“Not bad!” He was a bit disappointed. posts Who Where wicked comment What happened doubts Writing a story about a misunderstanding in English 1. Who were the people in the story?

13、 2. Where did the story take place? 3. What happened? 4. What caused the misunderstanding? Writing Sharing Share your story with the class. Last summer, I stayed with a British host family. One day, I was really surprised when Jeremy, the son of the family, told me that we would have toad-in-the-hol

14、e for dinner. I wasnt sure whether we were going to eat a real toad in a hole. If so, how terrible! I joined them at dinner time with butterflies in my stomach. To my astonishment, a dish of sausages cooked in Yorkshire pudding (a mix that tastes a bit like pancakes) was served on the table, and it

15、tasted delicious. It turned out that toad-in-the- hole is a typical dish for a British dinner, and theres no toad! What an amazing experience! It was interesting to try such yummy food with a strange name. Sharing Discussion 1. Do you know any Chinese expressions that often cause misunderstandings f

16、or people from other countries? Share them with the class. 嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮 跳到黄河也洗不清 不好意思。 你这么说就没意思了。 我就是意思意思。 你意思意思是几个意思。 你知道我是啥意思就行。 你这人可真有意思。 Critical thinking How should we treat misunderstandings in a different culture? Respect the differences Treat it in an open way and keep an open mind

17、Talk more actively and ask more Think More, Ask More, Learn More Write a paragraph to tell the story. Use the expressions in the box to help you. Writing Notes 1. remind vt. 提醒,使想起 Here are some of our favourites, to remind us that some of the English we learn in the classroom is rather different fr

18、om the English in the outside world! 这里有一些我们最喜欢的(帖子)提醒我们,我们在教室里学习的英语与外界的英语 是相当不同的! Please remind him to start early. The pictures reminded me of / about my school days. Please remind me that there is an important meeting tomorrow morning. 2. comment n. 评论;议论 vt. & vi. 作出评论;表达意见 He made no comments o

19、n our proposal. 他对我们的建议没有作评论。 No comment! I dont know anything. 无可奉告!我什么都不知道。 Users can also offer comments and feedback. 用户还可以提供建议和反馈。 I commented on his actions and speech without any prejudice. 我评论他的言行丝毫不带偏见。 Notes 3. recognise v. 认识,辨认出;意识到;承认,认可 Recognise differences between American English an

20、d British English. 辨认出美式英语和英式英语之间的差异。 Lincoln is recognized as / to be one of the greatest presidents in America. 林肯被认为是美国最伟大的总统之一。 My hometown has changed beyond recognition since I was last here. 自从我上次离开这里以来,我的家乡已经变得让人认不出来了。 It is widely recognised that drug-abuse will cause a huge loss of both li

21、fe and wealth. 人们一致认为滥用毒品会造成巨大的生命和财产损失。 Notes 4. aware adj. 意识到的,明白的 be aware of cultural differences 意识到文化差异 Were you aware that something was wrong? 你有没有意识到已经出了问题? In order to raise peoples awareness of protecting our environment, we must make people around us aware of the importance of it first. 为了增强人们的环保意识,我们必须首先让周围的人意识到它的重要性。 Notes Goodbye!


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