北师大版(三起)六年级下册Unit 10 Review-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:d0425).doc

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北师大版(三起)六年级下册Unit 10 Review-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:d0425).doc_第1页
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1、六年级下册复习课教学设计与评析 兴隆二小 张振君 【教材分析】【教材分析】 时态是英语学习的一个重要内容,小学生们在实际运用中会出现混淆的情况,在六年级 下册中二三单元都出现了一般过去时和一般将来时这两种时态,所以我将二三单元的内容做 一整合,利用一课时对这两种时态进行复习。 【学情分析】【学情分析】 在教学中,学生对这两个时态的接触很多,虽然反复训练,但做起作业来还是会有错。 在现在进行时 be 动词后加动词现在分词的学生有时还会写成动词原型。而在一般将来时 be going to 后加动词原形学生有时还会写成现在分词。 现在进行时和一般将来时都包含了 be 动 词的用法,学生对于这两种时态

2、容易混淆,因此将两种时态一起复习,使学生分清两种时态 的用法。学生从四年级起就开始学习现在进行时和一般将来时,五、六年级时继续学习,两 个时态学习很多,也很重要。 【教学目标】【教学目标】 1.复习一般将来时和一般过去时两种时态并让学生在实际情境中灵活运用。 2.通过听说读写训练,发展学生综合运用语言的能力,培养学生参与课堂教学的兴趣和积极 性,以及培养他们运用语法知识的交际能力。 【重点难点】【重点难点】两种时态的区分与在真实情景中的熟练使用。 【教学准备教学准备】多媒体课件 【教法与学法】【教法与学法】小组学习活动法 、情景教学法 【教学过程】【教学过程】 WarmWarminging-

3、-upup 1. Greeting:How are you?Whats the weather like today?What day is it today? What day was yesterday?What day is tomorrow? 2. Lets chant Last weekend I cleaned my Last weekend I cleaned my room.room. What did you doWhat did you do?What did you doWhat did you do? Last weekend I stayed at home.Last

4、 weekend I stayed at home. What did you doWhat did you do?What did you doWhat did you do? Last weekend I watched TV.Last weekend I watched TV. What did you doWhat did you do?What did you doWhat did you do? Last weekend I washed my clothes.Last weekend I washed my clothes. What did you doWhat did you

5、 do?What did you doWhat did you do? 活动一:活动一: 活动形式:Pair work 情 境:Talk about your last weekend 语言支架:How was your weekend ? What did you do last weekend? Did you do anything else? (内容评析:由老师和同学自由交流,自然地复习了过去时的句子,唤醒了学生对过去时的 记忆,并拉近了师生间的距离,营造英语氛围,引导学生乐于用英语开口说话。 ) 习 题:1.给短语分类 2.写出下列单词的过去式.(让学生自己找出规律并总结) 3.用动

6、词的正确形式填空. (内容评析:老师先对假期活动进行归类,然后让学生组内讨论并归类,目的是让学生在活 动中体会学习策略的应用,学习梳理、归纳词汇的方法。并通过习题让学生更好的回顾单词, 牢固掌握过去的变换规律。 ) 活动二活动二: 活动形式:Pair work 情 境:Talk about your next weekend 语言支架:Where are you going? What are you going to do ? Who are you going with? How are you going there? 习 题:1.选择正确答语 2.根据情景,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对

7、话。 (有一项是多余的。 ) (内容评析:通过两种时态的对比,让学生巩固掌握在不同时态中动词时态与时间状语搭配的 一致性使用。) last weekend How was? What ? Did? 1.写出下列单词的过去式写出下列单词的过去式: : watch- wash- clean- play- stay- study- cry- live- like- dance- read- hurt- do- eat- am/is- go- see- drink- take- sleep- watched washed liked lived studied cried hurt read did

8、was cleaned played stayed danced ate went saw watch-watched wash-washed clean- cleaned play-played stay-stayed drank took slept study- studied cry-cried live-lived like-liked dance-danced read-read hurt-hurt do-dideat- -ateam/is-was go-went see- saw drink-drank take-took sleep-slept 用动词的正确形式填空用动词的正确

9、形式填空: : 1.I_ (cook) dinner the day before yesterday . 2.We _(see) tigers at the zoo last Sunday. 3.My mother_ (have) a cold yesterday. 4.He rode a bike and _(hurt) his foot. 5._Zhang Peng_(wash) his clothes last night? cooked saw had Didwash hurt next weekend Where? What ? How? am going to are going

10、 to is going to 活动三:活动三:活动形式 Pair work 情 境: Do you like holidays?How many holidays do you know?what are they?what about your last Labor Day holiday?How was Lily s last Labor Day holiday? 语言支架: Where did you go during last Labor Day holiday? What did you do during last Labor Day holiday? How did you

11、go there? Who did you go with? 习 题 : Talk about Lilys last Labor Day holiday,then answer some questions. 1.Listen and do Q1: ()How was Labor Day holiday? A great B happy C busy Q2: During her holiday she went to _with_. 选择正确答案:选择正确答案: ( )1.They had an English party _ A .yesterday B.next Sunday ( )2.

12、He will take a trip_. A.last winter holiday B.next summer holiday ( )3.My family is going to see a film_. A.the day before yesterday B.this evening ( )4. Mary _ here next month. A. isnt working B. isnt going to work ( )5. He _ very busy last week, he _ free next week. A. will be; is B. was; will be

13、A B B B B 根据情景,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。根据情景,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。(有一项是多余的有一项是多余的) Amy:Hi,Chen Jie,what did you do yestaday? Chen Jie:1._ Amy:2._ Chen Jie: Because I am going to visit him. Amy: Oh, really? 3._ Chen Jie: I am going there this summer holiday. Amy: 4._ Chen Jie: I am going to Mount Emei with my uncl

14、e. Amy: Sounds great!5._ Chen Jie: Im going by train. Amy: 6._ Chen Jie: Thanks! A. Why did you write an email to him? B. I wrote an email to my uncle in Sichuan. C. When are you going there ? D. Yes, I did. E. Have a good trip! F. How are you going there? G. What are you going to do there? B A C G

15、F E holiday Where What How Who summer holiday Chinas National holiday winter holiday Labour Day holiday Q1()()How was Lilys Labor Day holiday? A great B happy C busy Q2: During her holidayshe went to _ with_ . B Beijing her family 2 Read and answer A 判断: B 回答问题 C 选择正确答案 (内 容评析:目的在于考察学生在语境中如何灵活运用所学短语

16、及句型,同时通过听说读写来培 养学生的语篇意识和阅读获取信息的能力。 ) 活动四:活动四: 活动形式:Group work and by oneself 1.情 境:talk about your Mothers Day 语言支架:Where did you go on Mothers Day ? What did you do on Mothers Day ? How did you go there? Who did you go with? 学生活动:Talk about your Mothers Day in your group 2.情 景: Talk about Fathers D

17、ay 语言支架: Where are you going on Fathers Day? What are you going to do on Father s Day? Who are you going with on Father s Day? How are you going there? My Labor Day holiday Hello!Everybody, My name is Lily . Last Labor Day holiday, I was very happy . The first day ,I did my homework at home. Sometim

18、es they were difficult. I asked my mother and father. The second day, I went to Beijing. I went there by car with my family. Do you know the Great Wall? It was very famous, so the third day, I went to the Great Wall. It was great! I took a lot of pictures for the Great Wall, then I rode a horse with

19、 my father, We were happy! The fourth day I went shopping with my mom and my sister, I bought a dress and a pair of shoes, I liked these shoes very much. Then I went to the library with my sister, I read a magazine and Harry Potter III,I liked it very much,my sister read some poems,we enjoyed our La

20、bor Day holiday. What about you?Can you tell me? 一、判断: ( )1.During Labor Day holiday Lily watched TV at home. ( )2.During Labor Day holiday Lily went to Beijing by train. ( )3. Lily took a lot of pictures for the Great Wall, then she rode a horse with her father. 二、回答问题: 4.Did Lily buy a skirt and a

21、 pair of shoes? _ 5.Where did Lily and sister go? _._ 三、选择正确答案 ( )1. Lily read a _ andHarry Potter III. A. magazine B.story book C.comic book ( )2. Lilys sister _their Labor Day holiday. A. didnt like B .liked F F T No, she didnt. The Library A B Mothers Day Where What How Who Past washed clothes we

22、nt shopping made a card saw a film watered the flowers cleaned the room cooked bought gifts Fathers Day Where What How Who Past washed clothes went shopping made a card saw a film watered the flowers cleaned the room cooked bought gifts be going to wash go shopping make a card see a film water the f

23、lowers clean the room cook buy gifts 学生活动: Talk about in your group 习 题: Write down Mothers Day is on the second Sunday in May. On that day, I _ _ _. Fathers Day will come,I am going to_ _ _ _. (内容评析:提升学生综合语言的运用能力。 ) Designation on the blackDesignation on the blackboardboard Review the past tense an

24、d the future tense where Weekend when what Festival how who did? 课后反思:课后反思: 本节课我以新课程为指导,以学生为主体,以话题为中心,以语言为载体,通过听说读写 各项活动组织学生参与课堂复习。 本节课是六年级的一节有关时态的复习课, 重点复习一般过去时和一般将来时两种时态, 在设计本课之前,我结合平时孩子做题是出现的两种时态混淆的现象,又结合过去的五一劳 动节、母亲节和即将到来的父亲节,作为本课时的主线,很自然的就复习了两种时态。 整堂课运用了情境教学法,为学生创设真实的语言情境, 激发了学生的兴趣 ,集中学生的 注意力,整

25、个课堂使学生在练中学,学中练,使学生轻松接受了知识,课堂效果良好,多媒体和 图片提供关键词,让学生对重难点一目了然,也降低了教学难度。并且起到强调作用。 整堂课不论是哪个时态的复习,我都注重运用思维导图,使学生的思维能力得到了培养, 并且利用“思维导图”引导学生进行自主学习。因此,在课堂上,学生主动思考的机会增多, 学生在运用英语进行表达时的独立思考能力逐步得到提升,对老师的依赖逐步减少,自主批 判性思维能力获得发展。 本堂课还注重为学生创设合理的情境,目的在于通过情境让学生体验和运用语言,通过对 语言的交际性内化语法规则,让学生正确使用语言进行交流。注重小组合作的学习方式,在 学习的过程中学会独立思考和合作学习。 当然,本堂课还存在许多不足。首先是时间安排紧张。在四十分钟之内进行以上环节, 时间紧,导致个别环节进行的不彻底。其次是在拓展方面,由于时间因素,导致拓展不深, 一部分优秀的学生可能会有“吃不饱”的感觉。


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