北京版二下-UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT -Lesson 14-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-公开课-(编号:700d2).zip

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Unit 4 Where is my shirt? Lesson 14 I have a sweater. I have coat. I have a coat. I have a hat. I have a scarf. I have pants. I have socks. I have boots. This is me! Im very happy! What is Baobao looking for(寻找寻找)? jacket Whose jacket is it? Is that your red scarf,Baobao? Is that Baobaos red scarf?No,it isnt. Where is Baobaos red scarf? His red scarf is in his schoolbag. Lets do a role play. 失物招领处失物招领处 失物招领处失物招领处 Oh!Look! Is this/that your.? Yes,it is. Here you are. Thank you! Hello,teacher! I cant find my red scarf . 1 2 3 4 5 失物招领处失物招领处 Lets find the owner(主人). Homework: 1.Read Lesson 14; 2.Make a dialogue in Lost&Found in your group .1 指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 听说能力是重要的语言技能。听是语言学习的前提,通过听可以促进学生对新语言 材料的吸收,加深对语言的感性认识;说是口语表达与沟通技能。在沟通的过程中,信 息的输入与输出必不可少。鼓励学生在宽松和谐的氛围中,大胆自信地在相应情境中尝 试表达,突出语言的交际功能,体现英语的工具性特征。在语境中接触、体验和理解真 实语言,注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,培养学生良好的生活习惯是本 教学设计的主旨。 在本课时的教学设计中,根据低年级学生的认知特点、兴趣爱好以及生活习惯,选 取最贴近学生真实生活的素材展开学习,同时也培养孩子能独立处理自己丢失物品的事 情,养成捡到物品上交的品格和主动对帮助自己的人说谢谢的习惯。 教学背景分析教学背景分析 教材分析:教材分析: 本单元是北京版教材二年级下册第四单元第二课时,单元标题为 Where is my shirt? 这一单元主要围绕衣物类话题展开,主要学习询问衣物在哪里以及是否属于对方并做出 相应回答。分别描述阳阳上学前在家中找衣服,询问衣服在哪里、在学校询问衣物是否 属于对方的情景对话(有三个不同场景:家里、教室、操场) 。三个课时以地点变化为线 索,从家里到学校的情景转换自然,都是学生熟悉的环境,易于学生理解对话内容。 本课为本单元的第二课时,教学内容由 Listen and say、 Lets act、Lets say 三部分组 成,本节课将围绕前两部分展开教学活动。 学情分析:学情分析: 本节课的教学对象是二年级学生,我校地处于农村,学生水平层次良莠不齐,家庭 环境与条件也大相径庭,教学资源的利用并不均衡。本班大部分孩子学习英语的积极性 很高,对英语学习并不排斥,且大多数家长能与教师合作,促进学生英语学习,个别同 学有课外英语学习的经历。通过一年半的英语学习,孩子们能对一些简单的陌生词汇进 行拼读。 2 教学目标教学目标 1. 学生能听懂,认读 jacket、red scarf、schoolbag 3 个新名词; 2. 学生能够用“Is this your .?”询问某物是否是对方的并能根据实际情况回答出相应 答语 “Yes,it is./No, it isnt.”; 3. 大多数孩子能正确朗读课文对话,部分孩子能表演对话、创编对话; 4. 学生能自己处理丢失物品的事情,养成捡到物品上交的品格和主动对帮助自己的 人说谢谢的习惯。 教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能听懂,认读 jacket、red scarf、schoolbag 3 个重点词; 2.能理解 this 和 that 的用法; 3.能够用“Is this/that your .?”询问某物是否是对方的并能根据实际情况回答出“Yes,it is./No, it isnt.” 教学难点:教学难点: 1.能够用“Is this your .?”询问某物是否是对方的; 2.能区分 this 和 that 的用法,根据距离远近,恰当运用“Is that your.?”和“Is this your.?”询问他人某物是否是对方的。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming up and Leading in Read a picture book: My closet 3 T:The girl is very happy. But how about our friends? 【设计意图:从小培养阅读习惯是我校特色,本单元学习衣物类单词,绘本的色彩非常 艳丽,激发孩子们对英语学习的兴趣,并且扩充一定的词汇量。通过 picture book 里小女 孩的 happy 引出课文】 Step 2 Presentation 逐步呈现课文主人公 Baobao Yangyang 和 Guoguo,引导孩子观察图片,猜测人物对 话内容。 T:Look! What can you see from the picture? Ss:I can see blackboard/coat/desk. T:Who are the boys?Where are they? Ss: Yangyang and Baobao.Thay are in the classroom. T:Look!What is Baobao looking for?Can you guess? 4 Ss:coat/pen/ball/eraser T:Look!Who is coming?Whats in her hand ? According to the picture, guess what are Guoguo、 Baobao、 Yangyang talking about. Learn new word: jacket T:Whose jacket is it? Watch the video and answer the question. 【设计意图:从主题图入手,让孩子观察图中的人物, ,培养孩子观察能力。通过找到 jacket 引入课文正文,通过视听结合理解课文并感知课文。 】 通过让孩子观察图中钟表从第一幅图自然过渡到第二幅图,视听结合,理解并学习 新词汇 red scarf,体会 that 与 this 的使用区别。 T:What time is it? Ss:Its four thirty. T:Its four thirty.Its time to go home.But Yangyang and Baobao are sports boys.They want to play on the playground.So they come to the playground.Look!What will they do? Ss:Play basketball. T:Yes.They will play basketball together.ButLook!What are they talking about?Lets watch the video and answer the question . Ss: red scarf/红领巾. Learn new word: red scarf 5 T:They are talking about the red scarf.Look at the picture! Yangyangs finger is pointing it. Expain why Yangyang asks Baobao “Is that your red scarf, Baobao?” Listen and answer the question “Is that Baobaos red scarf?” Ss:No. (引导学生说出 No,it isnt. 若有学生能说出奖励一个 stiker) T:Watch the video with no subtitle and answer the question: Where is Baobaos red scarf ? Ss:In his schoolbag. Practice new word:schoolbag 【设计意图:从图片细节入手先进行猜测再听,视听结合,让孩子更好的理解课文; 通过带着问题看动画,训练孩子的听力。 】 Step 3 Practice Point and Follow. 6 Read by yourselves. Do a role play.(T-S、different level) Step 4 Production (Lost and Found Office) T:Bao and Yang find a red scarf. After playing basketball,they put it into the Lost&Found office.Do you want to know whose red scarf it is? Ss:Yes. T:Now,lets see who will come to the Lost and Found office.Wow!Who is the girl? Ss:She is Lingling. T:Is this Linglings red scarf ?Lets see what will she looking for at the office.Look!Whats that? Ss:Its a red scarf. T: She cant find her red scarf.So she come here.When she meet the teacher what will she say to the teacher? Ss:Hello!/Good morning!. T:Yes!You are so polite!Dose the teacher know Lingling is looking for her red scarf? Ss:No . 7 T:What will Lingling say? Ss:I cant find my red scarf. T:What dose the teacher say? Ss: Is this your red scarf ? T:Lingling says.同说 Yes,it is. Teacher will give it to Lingling and says.师做动作引导孩子说出 Here you are. And Lingling will says .Ss:Thank you ! 老师出示一大箱子物品,在班内做 Lost and Found 对话练习。 师帮孩子拿起箱内足球,故意没拿住让球滚远,提问:Is this or is that,which one is correct?强调 Is this 和 Is that 的用法。 【设计意图:让孩子体会在情境中运用本课重点句型询问 “Is this/that your.?”并根据事实 回答“Yes, it is./No,it isnt.”】 作业布置作业布置 1.Read Lesson 14; 2.Make a dialogue in Lost&Found in your group . 板书设计板书设计 8
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