(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 3 Bank or Beach -Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:70ab0).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Bank or Beach _Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:70ab0)
    • Bank or Beach Lesson 2.ppt--点击预览
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Unit 3 Gogo is going to a wonderful place on May Day. May Day Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 clue 1 线索 clue 2 clue 3clue 4 Task 1 shopping mall Task 1 animals clue 1 线索1 Task 2 Where are they going? Where is she going? Where are they going? Where is he going? Where is she going? Where is he going? Where is she going? Task 2 take photos clue 2 线索2 Task 3 Can you read? sh Sheep, sheep, sheep. Ship, ship, ship. The sheep is on the ship! Fish, fish, fish. Dish, dish, dish. A fish is in a dish! Chant Task 3 firework show clue 3 线索3 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 animals take photos firework show Is Gogo going to _________? Yes,he is./No,he isnt. Miss Wu Task 4 After school Task 4 1. Is Kevin going home? 2.Is Mike going to the book store? 3.What does Mike want to do in the book store? No, he isnt. Hes going to the playground. Yes, he is. He wants to buy some books. Task 4 A: Hello! B: Hi! A:Are you going.? B:Yes, I am. /No, Im not. A:. B:. After school Task 4 in Zhuhai clue 4 线索4 animals take photos firework show in Zhuhai Chimelong Ocean Kingdom May Day is coming. Im going to the Chimelong Ocean Kingdom. I like the ocean animals . I can take photos with the animals. I want to see the firework show(烟 花表演) at night. It will be(将会) fun. What about you? Chimelong Ocean Kingdom see the firework show take photos ocean animals Mind map Haibin parkHaibin beach New Yuanming palace Huafa shopping mall Hi, Im ________. May Day is coming. Im going to the the________. I (like/can/want to)______________ I ___________________________ I ___________________________ I like May Day. Writing Remember to tell your parents where you are going.(记得跟父母报告行踪) Dont go to the swimming pool or beach alone(独自). Homework 1. Finish your writing. 2.Share the places you are going with your good friends.Unit 3 Bank or Beach?教学设计 课题名称:课题名称:Unit 3 Bank or Beach?(Lesson 2) 教材版本:教材版本:粤人 2011 课标版三年级起点四年级下册 教材分析:教材分析:本节课是 Unit3 Bank or Beach 的练习课。主要内容为: “Where are you going?Im going to.” “ Are you going to .? Yes, I am./No, Im not. 句型和 movie theater, shopping mall 等地点单词以 及含有 sh 发音的单词 sheep,ship 等。 学情分析:学情分析:通过三年级一年的学习,四年级的学生已经有一定的词 汇量,能听懂简单的课堂用语,并能有秩序地参与课堂游戏和活动。 学生活动好动,好奇心强,大多数学生学习态度积极,好表现,对 英语学习充满着浓厚的兴趣,渴望获得更多的知识,提高自己的语 言运用能力。 设计思路:设计思路:本节课创设了五一劳动节快要来临的情景,运用本单元 的地点单词和句型进行语言交际运用,通过完成任务活动获得线索, 猜出同学们的好朋友 Gogo 五一节将要到哪里去。通过鼓励学生勇于 接受任务,找到线索,使得整堂课更加有趣生动,同时训练学生的 逻辑思维。 教学目标:教学目标: 1、语言知识目标: 1. 复习本课有关地点的单词: movie theater, swimming pool, hospital, bank, shopping mall, restaurant, park, supermarket; 2. 了解 sh 字母组合在单词中的发音规律,能根据发音规律正确 拼读单词; 3. 能理解并运用句型“Where are you going?” “Are you going to .?”等及其相关回答。 2、语言技能目标: 1. 能够运用“Where are you going? ” “Are you going to .”来提 问某人打算去哪儿,并运用“Im going to .” “Yes,I am./No, Im not.” 来回答,从而培养学生的语言交际运用能力。 2. 能够在教师的引导下参与游戏任务,并完成听说读写等学习 活动。 3、情感态度目标: 1.通过小组竞赛激发学习兴趣。 2.通过同伴及小组合作来培养学生合作和学习的意识和能力。 3.引导学生在生活中无论去哪儿都要提前告诉父母,不能独自 去海边等危险的地方。 4、学习策略目标: 认知策略:在课堂学习中集中注意力,能通过学习活动意识到自 己或者同学口语和书面上的错误并适当纠正。 调控策略:能明确自己的学习目标,把握本单元学习的重难点, 找出自己学习上的不足,积极与老师或同学交流学习方法。 交际策略:通过课堂学习敢于与同学用英语在课堂或课后进行交 际,遇到问题能主动向老师或同学请教。 资源策略:通过动画,视频,广告和网络等学习和查找与本课相 关的学习资源并分享。 5、文化意识目标:了解珠海其他一点有趣的景点以及名称,培养出 游安全意识。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 一、movie theater、restaurant、shopping mall 等地点单词的发音与 拼写。 二、掌握 sh 发音规律及根据发音规律正确拼读单词。 三、熟悉掌握目标句型“Where are you going?” “Are you going to.”及其回答的熟练运用。 四、运用所学的句型正确表达五一计划去哪里。 教学准备:教学准备:多媒体课件,句型卡片,微课课件等。 教学过程:教学过程: Step1 Warm- up 1. Greeting: Good morning , boys and girls. 2. Free talk: T: How are you today ? Ss:. T: May Day is coming. Where are you going? Ss:. T: Where are you going ? S1:Im going to. T: Where are you going ? S2:Im going to. T: Do you like May Day? Ss: Yes, I do./No, I don t.(设计意图:通过互相问候,把学生带进英语课堂的氛围中。直奔 主题,让学生通过头脑风暴,回顾自己上节课的储存知识,并正确 的表达出来。 ) Step 2 Lead in 1. Present a role: Gogo. T: Gogo likes May Day ,too. May Day is coming. Gogo is going to a wonderful place. Do you know where Gogo is going? 2. Encourage Ss to find the clues and guess where Gogo is going. T: Here are some tasks. If you finish the tasks, you can get the clues. 3. Divide the class into 2 groups (Boys VS Girls). (设计意图:呈现整体主线,设计情境将老朋友 Gogo 引入课堂,激 发学生参与学习活动的积极性和兴趣。 ) Step 3 Presentation& Practice Task 1: Bomb game “ where is it?” Then Ss get clue1: animals (设计意图:巩固本单元的地点单词发音,游戏任务使得课堂气氛 活跃有趣。) Task 2:Listen and guess 1. Where are they going? 2. Where is she going? 3. Where are they going? 4. Where is he going? 5. Where is she going? 6. Where is he going? 7. Where is she going? Then Ss get clue 2.: take photos (设计意图:通过听力输入猜出声音的地点,并用句型正确输出答案, 加强了句型的练习,同时激发学生积极参与的兴趣,增强学生的信 心和自豪感。) Task 3: Can you read? 1. Present the “sh” sound 2. Use the phonics to read the words about “sh” sound sheep ship shop shoes fish dish 3. Use the words to chant Sheep, sheep ,sheep, Ship, ship, ship, A sheep is on the ship. Fish, fish,fish, Dish, dish, dish, A fish is on the dish. Then Ss get the clue 3: firework show (设计意图:在语音视频里学习 sh 的发音,并教会其发音规则,拓 展拼读为学过单词的发音,通过掌握发音规律去拼读单词,再通过 单词和节奏去唱出 chant,使枯燥的语音学习变得生动有趣。) Bonus:Ss have three chances to ask Miss Wu where is Gogo going on May day. T:Miss Wu could just answer “Yes, he is./ No, he isnt.” Ss: Is Gogo/ he going to .? T: No, he isnt. (设计意图:本环节设计在第三个任务后,让学生根据之前活动得到 的线索,联想 Gogo 五一要去的地点,训练了学生的逻辑思维。再通 过疑问句 Is Gogo going to.?去输出提问,加强了句型的操练。) Task 4 Pair work 1. See a video. 2. Read the questions before see the video again. 1) Is Kevin going home? 2) Is Mike going to the book store? 3) What does Mike want to do in the book store? 3. Ss answer the questions and check 4. Choose a student to pair work as an example. T: Hello! S: Hi! T: Are you going to the playground after school? S: No, Im not. T: Where are you going? S: Im going to . 5. Have Ss to pair work with their partners, after 3mins choose 3pairs to show in the class. Then Ss get clue 4: in Zhuhai (设计意图:通过观看微课视频,用目标语言进行问答对话,增强 了学生的信心和兴趣。此活动需要两人一组进行,从而也锻炼了学 生与他人合作和交流的能力。 ) Step 4 Development of reading and writing skills. 1. listen and read the passage about Where Gogo is going on May Day. 2. Have Ss sum up the Mind map . Where Why What . 3. Write down the mind map about where are you going like Miss Wu. 4. Show the mind map from Ss 5. Finish writing on the worksheet and share in the class. (设计意图:这一环节主要发展学生的听说读写能力。从拿到所有线 索后知道 Gogo 要去的地点,自然的呈现出 Gogo 说的话。教师引导 学生复述出 Gogo 五一去哪儿,为什么去这个地方,能在这个地方做 什么或想做什么,引出写作的思维导图,为写作做了铺垫。然后根 据自己的思路尝试去写思维导图,完成写作并分享。此活动,引导 学生学以致用,将所学的语言整合并运用到实际当中。) Step5 Cultures of interest places in Zhuhai and moral Education 1. Introduce other interest places in Zhuhai ,such as: Haibin park. 2. Safety education (设计意图:让学生感受珠海的其他景点如何用英语表达,并在出行 时要有安全意识。) Step 6 Homework 1. Finish the writing. 2. Share the place you are going to on May Day with your friends. (设计意图:加强锻炼学生语言的运用能力和交流能力。) Step 7 Assessment Assess Ss performances. (设计意图:根据黑板的评价给予同学们奖励,增强学生学习英语的 信心和自豪感。) 板书设计: Students worksheet Worksheet of Unit 3 Review Mind map Writing.(写一写你五一打算去哪里写一写你五一打算去哪里) Hi, Im ________. May Day is coming. Im going to ______________________________. I (like/can/want to)_________________________. I ________________________________________ I ________________________________________ I like May Day. 教学反思:教学反思: 本节课是一节练习课。按照新课标的要求注重以学生为主体, 利用多媒体和创设情境结合本单元的知识点进行教学设计,基于四 年级孩子活泼好动,对游戏、竞赛、挑战任务特别容易产生兴趣等 特点,引入了 Gogo 五一要出行去一个很棒的地方的教学情境,设计 了多个挑战任务去获取线索,在各个环节中锻炼了学生的思维能力、 语言运用能力和语言交际能力,让学生在快乐中学习并轻松掌握本 课知识。 本节课不足和改进之处: 1. Free talk 环节可以根据学生的回答适当的板书一些地点单词, 让学生在后面的写作环节可以更有思维灵感。 2. Bonus 的三次提问有点少,只能简单针对几个同学进行句型 操练,没有照顾到所有同学,需要在今后的教学中尽量克服。 3. 自我教师课堂用语还需进一步加强。课堂中教师的语言不 能过于复杂,要简单清晰,从而能使英语水平不同程度的学生都能 更容易集中注意力投入课堂学习,提高课堂学习效率。
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