湘少版三年级下册-Unit 10 Is he a farmer -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:004d3).zip

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Sing a song Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John? Brother John? Morning bells are ringing. Morning bells are ringing. Ding! Ding! Dong! Ding! Ding! Dong! farmer teacher driver doctor nurse postman Is she a teacher? Yes, she is. Is she a teacher? No, she isnt. Is he a farmer? Yes, he is. Is he a famer ? No, he isnt. Hes a postman. Free talk Is he/she a .? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. Homework 1.Copy the words in Part B.UnitUnit 1010 IsIs hehe a a farmerfarmer ? PeriodPeriod 1 1 教学内容:湘少版小学英语三年级下册教学内容:湘少版小学英语三年级下册 教学目标:教学目标: (一) 语言目标 1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读单词 teacher,farmer,postman,nurse,doctor,driver 2. 句型:能初步运用“Is he a .?” “Yes, he is./No, he isnt.” “Is she a .?” “Yes, she is./No, she isnt.”询问他人职业,并能对别人的询问做出恰当的回答。 (二) 应用目标 1. 能在图片或课件的帮助下说出相关职业名称 2. 能通过物品来判断其相应的职业,并作出正确的回答。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1.重点:能听懂、会说、认读单词 teacher,farmer,postman,nurse,doctor,driver,并能初步运 用“Is he a .?” “Yes, he is./No, he isnt.” “Is she a .?” “Yes, she is./No, she isnt.” 来询问他人职业,并能对别人的询问做出恰当的回答。 2.难点:postman 中间的 t 发音不应太重 教学准备教学准备 用于新授的职业单词卡片、PPT 课件等。 教学过程教学过程 StepStep 1 1 Warming-upWarming-up 1. T:Can you sing the song? Ss:Yes. T:Now,lets begin.Are you sleeping?. 2. Greetings T:Class begins.Good morning,class. Ss:Good morning,Miss Zhang . T: Sit down,please. Ss;Thank you. 设计意图:以熟悉的歌曲,让大家很快地进入英语的学习氛围中来。 StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation andand drilldrill 1. NewNew wordswords (1) Learn words T:Im your teacher.Then,what is he ?(画面) He is a farmer.So,today,well study Unit 10 Is he a farmer?(板 书)Follow me. T:Look at the picture.What is he ? He is a farmer. 教师展示画面,用升降调带读单 farmer,请学生开火车读,然后拼读板书在四 线格中 教师用同样的方法教学单词 teacher,driver,nurse,doctor.postman. 设计意图:用图片的展示,能够更直观的学习这六个职业词。 (2) 老师范读,学生齐读三次。然后叫学生读。 T:This time ,each word reads three times. T:Yes,very good.Now Id like some of you to read the words. 设计意图:通过齐读,发现学生读不准的单词,便于纠正。个人读又可以检验 个人的情况。 (3) 游戏 Game: putting up your cards. T:OK.Time is up.Lets play another game. I say the word,you should put up the word.Are you OK? Ss:OK. T:The first one is teacher. 设计意图:检查学生对单词形的认识,老师说单词的发音,学生找对应的单词。 (4)师生互动 T:I speak Chinese ,you speak English ,then change ,Are you clear? Ss:Yes. 设计意图:通过教学让学生把单词的音形义都牢牢的掌握在大脑中。游戏的设 计,让学生更加有激情的参与到课堂的学习中来。 2. SentencesSentences 1.Learn the sentences. T:OK,look at this picture .Is she a teacher? (教师图) Ss:Yes,she is. T: Now look at here .Is she a teacher? (护士图) Ss:No, she isnt. T:Is he a farmer? (农民图) Ss:Yes, he is. T:Is he a farmer? (医生图) Ss:No, he isnt. 设计意图:用四张图片就把一般疑问句展示得淋漓尽致,学生能理解什么时候 用 he 什么时候用 she.进而把教学难点突破了。 2.Game:interview.(叫六个学生采访) T:Id like some students to come here and choose one thing for a job.Then Im a reporter.I will interview you.Are you clear? The first one,What do you you ? T:Is he a .(挨个来问学生,全体学生答) 设计意图:通过采访游戏,检查对单词的掌握程度。然后用一般疑问句来询问 其他学生,可检查学生对其回答是否正确。 StepStep 3.Practice3.Practice 1. Pair work T:Take out your pictures.Talk about the picture with your partners.read each other. 2.Act out. T:Now ,time is up. Which group can talk about the pictures ? You should choose one picture to ask and answer. 设计意图:小组活动能让胆小的学生在小组内交谈,小组活动则可以让胆子大 一些的学生当着全班同学来表演。这两种方式都能提高学生的自信心。 StepStep 4.Homework4.Homework Coppy the words of part B. 板书: Unit 10 Is he a farmer? teacher doctor Is he /she a .? farmer nurse Yes,he /she is. driver postman No, he /she isnt.
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