湘少版三年级下册-Unit 10 Is he a farmer -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e1883).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 10 Is he a farmer _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:e1883)
    • 图片doctor.jpg--点击预览
    • 图片driver.jpg--点击预览
    • 图片farmer.jpg--点击预览
    • 图片nurse.jpg--点击预览
    • 图片postman.jpg--点击预览
    • 图片teacher.jpg--点击预览
    • 教案e1883.docx--点击预览
    • 歌曲How is the weather .mp4
    • 课件Unit 10 Is he a farmer .pptx--点击预览
    • 课文视频.mp4


Unit 10 Is he a farmer? 教学目标: (一)语言目标: 1.能听懂、认读、会说新单词 teacher,farmer,postman, nurse, doctor, driver; 2.能初步运用“Is he a farmer? Yes , he is./No, he isnt. ” “Is she a nurse? Yes , she is./No, she isnt. ”询问他人职业,并能对别人的询问做出恰当的回答。 (二)应用目标: 1.能熟练运用本单元的词汇、句型询问他人职业,并能对他人的询问做出恰当 的 回答; 2.能通过图片或观察典型外部特征判断他人的职业; 3.能听懂、会说 A 部分的对话。 (三)情感目标: 学生对相关的职业有正确的认识,进而形成初步的职业理想。 教学重难点: 重点:掌握新单词 teacher,farmer,postman, nurse, doctor, driver;初步运用 “Is he a farmer ? Yes , he is. /No, he isnt.” “Is she a nurse? Yes , she is./No, she isnt. ”询问他人职业,并能对别人的询问做出恰当的回答。 难点:driver 的发音以及 nurse 和 doctor 职业的区别。 教学准备:CAI 教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greetings 2.Sing a songHow is the weather? 3.Free talk :Whats the weather like? Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.Learn the new words: farmer, teacher, pupil (1)T:Oh!Its a sunny day. Its hot., But my father is working.(出示图片)Can you guess?Whats he? Read the word: farmer 出示课题:Unit 10 Is he a farmer? Show my mothers photo ,and ask: Shes my mother. Is she a farmer? Help the Ss answer: Yes, she is 板书:Yes, she is,并带读句子。 (2)T:My father is a farmer. My mother is a farmer, too. And Im a (teacher) Read the word: farmer Chant: T- Teacher, teacher, Im a teacher. Ss- Pupil, pupil, Im a pupil. Teacher, teacher, Youre a teacher. T asks(指着学生):Is he a pupil? Is she a pupil? Help the Ss answer: Yes, she is/Yes, he is 板书:Yes ,he is,并带读句子。 2.Learn the new words: doctor, nurse. (1)Show the radio of “doctor” T: Is he a pupil? Help the Ss answer: No, he isnt. (板书并带读) He is a doctor. (Read the word: doctor) (2)Guess: His overcoat is white. He helps sick people. When we need his help, we can call 120.Whats he? white-sick-120 (doctor) Guess: Her overcoat is white, too. She helps sick people, too. But she isnt a doctor. She is an angel. Whats she? white-sick-angle (nurse) Read the word: nurse Show the radio of “nurse”. 3. Learn the new words: postman, driver. (1)T: I got a letter yesterday. Who sent it to me? Do you know? Show the radio, Learn “postman”. (2)Look at the picture : T: Whats this? Ss: Its a car. T: Whats she in the car? (Help the Ss answer : Shes a driver.) Read the word one by one. (3)出示图片 T:Whose mother/father is this? Can you talk about her/him? S1: Yes, I can. This is my Shes/Hes a Step 3 Practice 1.转盘读单词(配图) 2.Lets chant Pupil, pupil. Im a pupil. Teacher, teacher. You are a teacher. Postman, postman. Hes a postman. Doctor, doctor. Hes a doctor. Farmer, farmer. Hes a farmer. Nurse, nurse. Shes a nurse. Driver, driver. Shes a driver. 3.Guess,guess,guess(根据关键词猜测已学职业单词) School-students-classroom ( teacher ) T:She works at school. She teaches many students in the classroom. Whats she? Green-bag-letter ( postman ) T: His coat is green. His bag is green, too. He sends letters to the people. Whats he? Farm-sunny day-harvest ( farmer) T:He works in the fields. He grows rice. There are many harvest in autumn. Step 4 Consolidation 1.看图竞猜 T:Is he a farmer? S1:Yes, he is ./No, he isnt. Hes a T:Is she a nurse? S2: Yes, she is ./No, she isnt. Shes a 2.Learn Part A (1)Listen and count(你听到几个关于职业的单词?哪几个?) (2)Listen and repeat. (3)Work in groups. (4)Act it out. 3.情境对话: Game: Listen and guess(听音识人) (1) 六人一组,其中一位同学背对大家,另五位同学用“ Im a ”介绍自己的 职业并表演。 (2)老师提问:“Who is the ?” (3)第一位同学用“Is he/she a ?”来猜,全班同学回答。 Step 5 Sum up 1.Today,weve learned the Profession(职业):teacher,farmer,postman, nurse, doctor, driver. 2.Please look at these workers.(PPT 出示各种职业的劳动者辛勤工作的图片,拓 展延伸) 3.There are three hundred and sixty trades, and every trade has its master.(三百 六十行,行行出状元) Labor is the most glorious.(劳动最光荣) Every worker is worthy or respect.(每一位劳动者都值得尊重) Step 6 Homework 1、Listen to the tape and read the text.(听录音,读课文) 2、Write the words: teacher , doctor. (写单词) 板书设计: Unit 10 Is he a farmer? Is she a farmer? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. Is he a farmer? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.Is he a farmer? Period 1 湘少版小学英语三年级下册 Lets sing. farmerfarmer 农农农农民民 Is she a Is she a farmer?farmer? Yes,she isYes,she is teacherteacher 教教师师师师 Guess,guess,guessGuess,guess,guess Guess the words according to the prompts (根据提示猜单词).Use this sentence pattern : Is he/she a ? whitesick(生病的)120 doctordoctor 医生医生 Guess,guess,guessGuess,guess,guess Guess the words according to the prompts (根据提示猜单词).Use this sentence pattern : Is he/she a ? whitesick(生病的) angle(天使) nursenurse 护护护护士士 postmanpostman 邮递员邮递员邮递员邮递员 couriercourier 快快递递递递员员员员 driverdriver 司机司机 快速说出指针指向的单词 Science Lets chant Pupil, pupil. Im a pupil. Teacher, teacher. You are a teacher. Postman, postman. Hes a postman. Doctor, doctor. Hes a doctor. Farmer, farmer. Hes a farmer. Nurse, nurse. Shes a nurse. Driver, driver. Shes a driver. Guess the words according to the prompts( 根据提示猜单词).Use this sentence pattern : Is he/she a ? schoolstudents (学生) bag classroom letter field( 田地) grow( 种植) harvest (收获) green Guess , guess , guessGuess , guess , guess Running pictures.(奔跑吧,图图片! ) Lets listen. 你听到哪几 个关于职业 的单词? farmer ( ) nurse ( ) doctor ( ) teacher ( ) postman ( ) driver ( ) Listen and tick(). Work in groups , then act it out.(小 组练习 ,再表演 ) Listen and guessListen and guess (听音识人)(听音识人) 1. 六人一组,其中一位同学背对大家,另五 位同学用“ Im a ”介绍自己的职业并表演。 2.老师提问:“Who is the ?” 3.第一位同学用“Is he/she a ?”来猜, 全班同学回答。 Labor is the most glorious. (劳动最光荣) Every worker is worthy of respect.(每一位劳动者都值得尊重 ) HomeworkHomework 1、Listen to the tape and read the text.(听录音,读课文) 2、Write the words: teacher , doctor. (写单词)
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