(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 6 Good Habits-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:e056a).zip

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TotosTotos goodgood habitshabits 粤人民版粤人民版英语英语五年级下册五年级下册UnitUnit 6 6 ReadingReading andand writingwriting Lets sing How often do you wash you face? How often do you brush your teeth? How often do you comb your hair? Toto Toto is Gogos cousin. Gogo The First Reading: Listen and answer. Does Toto have any good habits? Does Toto have any good habits? Yes, he does. The Second Reading: Read and answer. (1)What does Toto do in the evening? Answer the questions: (2)What does Toto do every morning? Underline the keywords. (1) What does Toto do in the evening? He always finishes his homework. He usually packs his schoolbag. He often takes out the trash and cleans up his room. (2)What does Toto do in the morning? He gets up at 6:00.He always washes his face and brushes his teeth. The Third Reading: Read after the tape. The Fourth Reading: Read and act. Show Time Act out the story. Q: What good habits does Toto have? -He usually does things right. Think and answer. Q: What do you think of Toto? He is a boy. A. good B. bad C. Naughty(顽皮的)(顽皮的) D. Careful(细心的)(细心的) E. Careless(粗心的)(粗心的) Think and answer. He is not wearing the right clothes when he goes toschool. Today, there is one thing wrong. Nobody is perfect. 人无完人人无完人,金无足赤。金无足赤。 Try to do the best. 尽力而为。尽力而为。 Look and say. Fill in the blanks. Introduce Toto to your classmates. Hello, this is Gogos cousin. He is Gogos uncles son. His name is . He has habits. He usually does things . He up at 6:00 every morning. He always his face and his teeth. In the evening , he always his homework. He usually his schoolbag. He often the trash and his room. Toto is a boy. Do you want to make friends with him? The stars with good habits. Good Habits Hello! My name is Chen Ziqing. Im 11. I have lots of good habits. I get up at 6:40 every morning.I wash my face every day. I brush my teeth twice a day. I take out he trash every day. I clean up my room twice a week. These are my good habits. Good Habits Hi! My name is Li Junyang. Im eleven. Im a student. I have good habits. I always wash my face and brush my teeth. I brush my teeth twice a day. I like playing basketball. I play it twice a week. Im a good boy. Good Habits My name is Peng Lilin. I am 11. I am a good girl. I have some good habits. On the weekends,I always help my mom do housework. I usually wash the dishes, sweep the floor and clean the table. These are my good habits. Good Habits Hi! Im Wu Jiongle. I have some good habits. I like reading books. I read books every day. I like exercising, too. I exercise every day. Good habits Hi! My name is Li Junyang. Im eleven. Im a student. I have good habits. I always wash my face and brush my teeth. I brush my teeth twice a day. I like playing basketball. I play it twice a week. Im a good boy. Good habits Hello! My name is Chen Ziqing. Im 11. I have lots of good habits. I get up at 6:40 every morning.I wash my face every day. I brush my teeth twice a day. I take out he trash every day. I clean up my room twice a week. These are my good habits. My name is Peng Lilin. I am 11. I am a good girl. I have some good habits. On the weekends,I always help my mom do housework. I usually wash the dishes, sweep the floor and clean the table. These are my good habits. Good Habits Hi! Im Wu Jiongle. I have some good habits. I like reading books. I read books every day. I like exercising, too. I exercise every day. Talk something about the stars with good habits in groups. Complete the letter. Introduce the stars of good habits to Toto or the teachers. You can choose one of the tasks. From: To: Toto Subject: Task 1: Hello! My name is . This is my friend . He/ She is . He/She has some good habits. He/She at 6:40 every morning. He/ She every day. He/ She twice a day. He/ She every day. He/ She twice a week. He/She is helpful at home. Toto, do you want to be friends with him/her? Task 2: Hello! My name is . This is my friend . He/ She is . He/She has some good habits. ____ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ He/She is helpful at home. Toto, do you want to make friends with him/her? Task 3: Hello! My name is . This is my friend . _____________________________________ ____ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Toto, do you want to make friends with _________? Homework: 1.Retelling the story about Toto to your parents.(复述复述Toto的故事给父母听。)的故事给父母听。) 2.Finish the text paper. 3.Make a poster (海报)海报)about good habits with your classmates. (与同学合作完成一份关于好习惯(与同学合作完成一份关于好习惯 的海报。)的海报。) Thanks for listening We should eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. Hurray!Comment a1: Totos good habits Comment a2: 这些句型的学习在后 面的教学活动要有体现,就是要理解 及领读 Comment a3: 再具体一点 Comment a4: 这些都是情感,没有 文化的目标也是可以的 1 Unit 6 Good Habits Reading and writing Is Toto a good boy? 一、教学目标教学目标 1.语言知识目标: (1)单词:things, right, wearing, wrong 等词汇。 (2)句型:He usually does things right. There is one thing wrong. Toto is not wearing the right clothes when he goes to school. 2.语言技能目标: (1)听:能听懂、理解Reading and writing的阅读材料,并能够获取文本中的重点信息。 (2)说:能根据所学短语和句型来描述自己和别人的习惯。 能根据思维导图熟练运用相关的句型对课文进行复述。 (3)读:能读懂Reading and writing的短文内容,了解好的行为习惯,并培养学生的阅读技巧。 (4)写:能完成相应的课堂检测练习。 3.学习策略目标: (1)通过自主学习,掌握回答问题的技巧,独立完成相应的课堂练习。 (2)与他人合作交流,积极思考,能够尝试对课文进行复述。 (3)善于总结发现规律,运用自然拼读法来拼读新单词,克服单词朗读的困难。 4.情感态度目标: (1)通过有趣的故事教学和各种教学活动让学生体验学习英语的乐趣,增强学生对英语的热爱。 (2)引导学生分清好、坏习惯,并知道以好的习惯来要求自己,培养学生养成良好的行为习惯。 5.文化意识目标: (1) 让学生懂得要保持良好习惯,改正不良习惯。 (2) 让学生了解人无完人,金无足赤 No man is perfect None is perfect;尽力而为 Try to do the best。 二、教学重点,难点二、教学重点,难点 1. 教学重点 阅读Reading and writing的故事,能理解文本内容,了解哪些是好的行为习惯。 2. 教学难点 文本中 things, right, wearing, wrong 等词汇的发音;He usually does things right. There is one thing wrong. Toto is not wearing the right clothes when he goes to school.等句子的理解。 Comment a5: 建议:补上教师的过 渡语以及创设情境的语境。别人来学 习也是学习你的这些语言。 Comment a6: 建议:过渡的语言最 好要与前面的活动有关,而且说的时 候要慢些。 Comment a7: 补过渡语及指示语. Comment a8: 这一步是阅读教学的 关键,集指导、检查、学习及板书一 体,不能这么简单,好好思考及组织 语言.还有突破难点也是在这个过程, 不能忽视 2 三、教学准备三、教学准备 PPT, word cards, text paper 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Pre-reading Step 1:Warm- up 1.Sing and do: “This is the way.” (Ss sing the song and do some actions) T: 【设计意图:借助与本课内容紧密结合的课外歌曲来活跃气氛,在引出新知的同时激发学生的 学习兴趣。 】 2. Free talk : T: Good morning, boys and girls. T:Do you have any good habits? S1: . T: How often do you ? S2: . T: How often do you ? S3: . 【设计意图:在复习旧知的同时,自然地引出平常生活中的一些行为习惯。 】 Step 2: Lead-in T: This is our good friend Gogo. But whos he?( 出示Toto的图片)Do you want to know him well? 【设计意图:从学生熟悉的人物Gogo引出故事的主人公Toto。 】 While reading Step 1: Presentation 1. The First Reading:Listen and read. T: Does Toto have any good habits? Listen carefully. T: 【设计意图:第一次播放录音,让学生带着问题认真听课文,初步接触阅读材料,整体感知关于 Toto 的信息。】 2. The second Reading: Read and answer. T: Questions: What does Toto do in the evening? What does Toto do every morning? Please underline the key information. T: Comment a9: 最后的一段学习的步 骤也要写清楚,特别是对 TOTO 的评 价 Comment a10: 评价语言呢? Comment a11: 评价的语言,不能随 便说 Comment a12: 补过度语 Comment a13: 是全班还是小组还是 个别,要清晰,如何检查? Comment a14: 是说还是写的活动? 要写清楚 3 T: 【设计意图:学生进入第二次阅读,听录音的同时让学生整篇阅读,提升问题难度,通过问题引导 学生找出需要的关键信息,其它信息略过,培养学生获取重点信息的能力。】 3. The third reading: Read after the tape. 请学生跟读课文,注意模仿。 T: Read the story together. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation. T: 【设计意图:通过朗读文本帮助学生进一步了解课文大意,培养学生的听说技能。】 4. The four reading: Read and act T: Read the story in groups. Then act it out. T: 【设计意图:通过加上动作演读,帮助学生串联起整个语篇内容,为复述全文做好准备。】 Step2: Summary T: T: What good habits does Toto have? Ss: He usually does things right. T: What do you think of Toto? (提示学生) Ss: T: Yes,you are right. Toto is a . T: But what is one thing wrong today? Ss: Today, he is not wearing the right clothes when he goes to school. T: So No man is perfect None is perfect人无完人,金无足赤; but we should try to do the best尽力而为。 Post-reading Step1: 1. Look and say. T: Look at the pictures, and lets retell the story about Toto. 【设计意图:借助思维导图,让学生复述故事,同时检查学生对整个语篇的理解。】 2. Fill in the blanks. Introduce Toto to your classmates. Hello! This is Toto. He is Gogos cousin. He has habits. He usually does things . Comment a15: 组织语言呢?要出现 Comment a16: 补充语言 Comment a17: 建议:发个微信或写 信好些,因为 TOTO 没有 Comment a18: 可以的 4 He up at 6:00 every morning. He always his face and his teeth. In the evening , he always his homework. He usually his schoolbag. He often the trash and his room. Toto is a (good/ bad/ clever/ careless/ careful/) boy. Do you want to make friends with him? 【设计意图:通过拓展练习材料,检测学生的阅读能力和写作能力,为以后的写作起示范作用。 】 Step 2: Application 1.Show the stars of good habits. T: (出示4位班中好习惯之星的文章,让他们先自我介绍。) 2.Talk something about the stars of good habits in groups. T: (1) Complete the E-mail. Introduce the stars of good habits to Toto. From: To: Toto Subject: Hello,Toto! My name is . This is . He/She has some good habits. He/She is helpful at home. Toto, do you want to be friends with him/her? (名字) (疑问:这里能否设计选择性题目,学困生完成填空,稍有能力的学生自行转述?) (2) Show time T: Step 3:Homework 1. Retelling the story about Toto to your partner. 2. Finish the text paper. 3. Make a poster about Good Habits with your friends. Comment a19: 课件必须要有中文 5 Step4: Ticking time I can I can read the new words. I can read the story. I can understand the story. I can finish the practices. I can retell the story.
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