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1、2021 年高考英语模拟题重组强化训练年高考英语模拟题重组强化训练(一一) .阅读理解 A 2020淄博市高三模拟Pearl Fryar knew he wanted to do something unique with the farmland he bought in South Carolina. He wanted to win the local garden clubs “Yard of the Month” award. Fryar didnt have the money to purchase new trees, so he began by using bushes a

2、nd shrubs that a local nursery had thrown away plants that looked dead to most people. Because he worked at a can factory during the day, Fryar often tended his garden at night. Neighbors got used to seeing him stand on the ladder, cutting his steadily growing bushes. The shrubs began to take on dif

3、ferent shapes. As the years went by, the creations became more delicate. Fryar began planting trees and using zip ties, coat hangers, PVC pipe, and even his wifes old stockings to achieve the forms he wanted. “He has a way of handling plants to do things he wants them to by training, bending, wiring

4、, and clipping,” said a neighbor. Many professional gardeners are amazed by what Fryar has been able to accomplish. Some plants which wouldnt survive in the South thrived under his care. Fryars attention to detail and his willingness to work hard have made him a local hero. He was the first African

5、American to win “Yard of the Month” from the local garden club. Fryars garden now includes about 400 species of plants and 150 different plant sculptures. A box for donations can be found on the property, but giving is optional. Fryar welcomes people who cant afford to pay. He understands. Hes been

6、there. “You can be somebody,” he tells students who visit the garden. “Show me anyone who works at anything with a passion and has patience, and theyre going to be successful. Be strong enough not to let the barriers in life stop you.” 1How did Fryar make his garden unique? AHe made the plants into

7、different shapes. BHe bought new trees from a local nursery. CHe used his professional knowledge. DHe asked his neighbors to cut his bushes. 2What does the underlined word “thrived” in Paragraph 4 mean? ADied away. BBecame weak. CFaded slowly. DGrew strong. 3What made Fryar win the award? APassion a

8、nd innovation. BPatience and generosity. CAmbition and sympathy. DWillingness and honesty. 4What is the best title for the text? AMaking a Man into a Hero BThe Hard Life of Pearl Fryar CTransforming a Garden into Art DThe First Man of “Yard of the Month” B 2020武汉市高中毕业生 6 月供题Knowing that you are paid

9、 less than your peers (同龄 人) has two effects on happiness. The wellknown one is negative: a thinner pay packet harms selfrespect. The lessknown one is called the “tunnel” (隧道) effect: high incomes for peers are seen as improving your own chances of similar riches. A study by professor Mr. Fitzroy se

10、parates the two effects using data from household surveys in Germany. Previous work showed that the income of others can have a small, or even positive effect on peoples satisfaction. But Mr. Fitzroys team theorized that older workers, who largely know their lifetime incomes already, will enjoy a mu

11、ch smaller tunnel effect. The data confirm this view. The negative effect on reported levels of happiness of being paid less than your peers is not obvious for people aged under 45. Seeing peers incomes rising actually makes young people happier (even more than a rise in their own incomes). It is on

12、ly those people over 45, when careers have “reached a stable position”, whose happiness is harmed by the success of others. Those with jobs are no happier after they retire, however, perhaps because their lives already line up with social expectations. Indeed, retiring early from work can have side

13、effects. Men retiring a year early lower their possibility of surviving to age 67 by 13%. Almost a third of this higher death rate, which seemed to be concentrated among those who were forced into retirement by job loss, was caused by drug and alcohol addiction. So a persons value does not only depe

14、nd on how much they buy material goods and recreations but is also influenced by how well a person obeys the generally accepted standards of social behaviour of the category he belongs to. Applying identity theory to the relationship between unemployment and life satisfaction implies that unemployed

15、 people are dissatisfied with their life not only because they have lower incomes, but also because they dont follow the standards of their social category under which they are expected to work. 5How will people usually react to a lower income than peers? ATheir pride will be injured. BTheir status

16、will be acquired. CTheir reputation will be harmed. DTheir happiness will be achieved. 6Who will enjoy the biggest tunnel effect? AWorking people. BRetired people. CPeople aged over 45. DPeople aged under 45. 7Early retirement will probably affect peoples _. Aincome Bhealth Cprivileges Dexpectations

17、 8What is the best title for the passage? APeers, Pay and Pride BAge, Admiration and Attitudes CEnvy, Employment and Expectation DIncome, Inspiration and Independence .完形填空 2020成都市毕业班第二次诊断检测 We live in a town with lots of shopping malls. So its quite _1_ to feel connected to the land. I wanted _2_ f

18、or my children: soil, Mother Earth and ecology. Im a classic urban mom. But I grew up _3_ summers at my grandparents farm. I used to pick wild blackberries, _4_ fishes, and run between the rows of tall corn plants. I knew what wild garlic looked like. I _5_ picked flowers from the honeysuckle and su

19、cked the nectar (花蜜) out. Ive _6_ my kids to do the same. “Its so sweet, Mom,” they told me. _7_, instead of teaching my kids about the landscape, I decided to teach them how to love the _8_ they live in. I was determined to _9_ PBLplacebased learning. So we went to the _10_ parking lot near the dea

20、d mall and _11_ dandelion (蒲公英) greens, which can be used as delicious spring salad. We dug with sticks in the wheel ruts (车辙) along the road _12_ going home. My tenyearold boy found a special rock which _13_ him to start a rock collection. In the fall, I _14_ my kids to stands of chestnut trees and

21、 _15_ them how to get the eatable nuts from the branches. I _16_ I had taught them some big lessons about the earth, the _17_ of which they should have appreciation for. It has been revolutionary to be outside. We have _18_ simply walking, observing, feeling the dirt under our feet, and _19_ bringin

22、g home something we _20_ with our own hands. 1A.challenging Bwonderful Crelaxing Ddisappointing 2A.admiration Bgratitude Cconnection Damusement 3A.learning Bspending Cexpecting Dwitnessing 4A.eat Bkeep Ccook Dcatch 5A.voluntarily Binstantly Cdelicately Dcarelessly 6A.forbidden Btaught Cordered Drequ

23、ired 7A.However BIn addition CAs a result DSimilarly 8A.house Blife Cland Dage 9A.investigate Bdiscover Ctest Dpractice 10A.abandoned Bscary Cnew Dcollapsed 11A.touched Bsmelt Cviewed Dsought 12A.after Bwhile Cupon Dsince 13A.inspired Burged Cforced Dneeded 14A.pulled Brushed Ctook Draised 15A.infor

24、med Bwatched Casked Dshowed 16A.agreed Bdoubted Cfelt Ddecided 17A.scenery Bbeauty Cfuture Dcustom 18A.imagined Bconsidered Cenjoyed Dinsisted 19A.calmly Bsafely Csuddenly Dhappily 20A.harvested Bplanted Cmade Dshared 2021 年高考英语模拟题重组强化训练年高考英语模拟题重组强化训练(一一) . A 文章大意 文章属于记叙文。Pearl Fryar 对园艺很感兴趣,他利用被扔掉的

25、灌木打 造独特的园林,成为第一个从当地园艺俱乐部赢得“本月之园”奖的非裔美国人。 1答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第三段的“Neighbors got used to seeing him stand on the ladder, cutting his steadily growing bushes. The shrubs began to take on different shapes”“Fryar began planting trees and using zip ties, coat hangers, PVC pipe, and even his wifes old stocki

26、ngs to achieve the forms he wanted”可知,Fryar 用很多方式使他的植物长成不同的 形状,变得独一无二。 2答案与解析:D考查词义猜测。画线词前面的句子提到许多专业园艺师对 Fryar 的成就感到惊讶,由此判断,他有非凡的园艺技术,能够化腐朽为神奇,故画线词所在句 子应表示一些在南方无法生存的植物在他的照料下也茁壮成长,D 项表意符合语境。 thrive“兴旺,欣欣向荣,茁壮成长”。 3答案与解析:A考查推理判断。根据文中的“Pearl Fryar knew he wanted to do something unique”“Fryar often tend

27、ed his garden at night”“Fryar began planting trees and using zip ties, coat hangers, PVC pipe, and even his wifes old stockings to achieve the forms he wanted”“Show me anyone who works at anything with a passion”等信息可知,Fryar 对园艺充 满热情,并且有自己的想法,敢于尝试,勇于创新,由此可知,他的热情和创新是他获奖 的关键。 4答案与解析:C考查标题判断。文章主要讲述了 Pea

28、rl Fryar 通过自己的努力、热 情和创新把奄奄一息的植物变为艺术品,把自己的园圃打造得独一无二,令人赞叹。C 项 “Transforming a Garden into Art”体现了文章的主旨。 B 语篇类型:说明文 主题语境:人与社会研究发现知道自己的工资比同龄 人低的影响 文章大意 研究表明,对于 45 岁以下的人来说,收入低于同龄人对幸福感的负面 影响并不明显;但是对那些 45 岁以上的人,当他们的事业已经“达到一个稳定的位置”时, 他们的幸福感会被别人的成功伤害。而且,没有遵循自己的社会类别标准的人也对生活不 满意。 5答案与解析:A 考查细节理解。根据第一段第二句“The w

29、ellknown one is negative: a thinner pay packet harms selfrespect”可知,知道自己的工资比同龄人低的时候, 众所周知的一个消极的影响就是伤害自尊。故选 A。 6答案与解析:D考查细节理解。根据第一段尾句可知,隧道效应指同龄人的高收 入被视为提高了你自己获得类似财富的机会,再结合第三段中的“The negative effect. makes young people happier”可知,收入低于同龄人对幸福感的负面影响对 45岁以下的人并 不明显,看到同龄人的收入增长实际上会让年轻人更快乐,由此可知,45 岁以下的人能得 到最大的

30、隧道效应。故选 D。 7答案与解析:B考查推理判断。根据第四段第三句“Men retiring a year early lower their possibility of surviving to age 67 by 13%”可知,提前一年退休的男性活到 67岁的可能性 降低了 13%。由此可推知,早退休可能会影响人的健康。故选 B。 8答案与解析:A考查标题判断。本文主要介绍了一项针对见到同龄人的工资比自 己高,人们的心理状态的研究。研究表明,对于 45 岁以下的人来说,收入低于同龄人对幸 福感的负面影响并不明显,而 45 岁以上的人的幸福感会被别人的成功伤害。而且,没有遵 循自己的社会

31、类别标准的人也对生活不满意。由此可知,A 项最适合作文章标题,故选 A。 . 语篇类型:记叙文 主题语境:人与自我家庭生活引导孩子接近并探索自 然 文章大意 作者曾经在祖父母的农场里生活过,并因此对田园生活情有独钟。后来, 作者带领自己的孩子接近并探索自然,进而让孩子们对大地的美充满感激。 1答案与解析:A 根据本段第一句“We live in a town with lots of shopping malls”及 空后的“feel connected to the land”可知,作者住的城镇里有很多购物广场,所以要想接近土 地(自然)是非常困难的,即是有挑战性的。故选 A。B 项意为“精

32、彩的”;C 项意为“令人放 松的”;D项意为“令人失望的”。 2答案与解析:C 根据上文中的“feel connected to the land”与下文中的“soil, Mother Earth and ecology”,并结合作者对自己过去生活的回忆可知,作者想要让自己的孩子亲近 自然。故选 C。A项意为“羡慕”;B项意为“感谢”;D项意为“娱乐”。 3答案与解析:B根据下文中的“I used to pick wild blackberries. tall corn plants”可知, 作者描述了一系列的乡村生活的情景,由此可知,作者是在祖父母的农场里度过夏天的。 故选 B。 4答案与解

33、析:D根据本句中的“pick wild blackberries”以及“run between the rows of tall corn plants”可知,作者在这里描述的是自己在农场的生活,“抓鱼”在这里符合语境。故 选 D。 5答案与解析:C根据上文作者在农场里采野黑莓、抓鱼、在一排排高大的玉米作 物之间奔跑可以推测出,作者小心翼翼地采金银花,并将花蜜吮吸出来。故选 C。A 项意 为“自动地”;B项意为“立刻”;C项意为“小心翼翼地”;D项意为“粗心地”。 6答案与解析:B根据第 7空后的“instead of teaching”以及该空后孩子们对作者的回 应“Its so sweet

34、, Mom”可知,作者教自己的孩子像自己当年那样吮吸花蜜,故选 B。A项意 为“禁止”;B项意为“教”;C项意为“命令”;D项意为“要求”。 7答案与解析:A根据第一段作者对自己过去生活的回忆,以及该空后的“I decided to teach them how to love the 8 they live in”可知,虽然作者对田园生活非常喜欢,但是作者 现在生活在城镇里,所以她决定教孩子们如何热爱自己生活的土地,而不是教他们关于田 园生活的情景。故选 A。 8答案与解析:C参见上题解析。 9答案与解析:D根据下文作者带着孩子去寻找蒲公英鲜叶、用棍子挖车辙等可知, 作者决定实践(pract

35、ice)基于实地的学习。故选 D。 10答案与解析:A 根据该句中的“near the dead mall”可知,该处的停车场已经废 弃了。故选 A。A项意为“废弃的”;B项意为“可怕的”。 11答案与解析:D根据下文中的“which can be used as delicious spring salad”可知, 作者带领孩子们去寻找用作春天美味色拉的蒲公英鲜叶。故选 D。 12答案与解析:B根据第 9 小题的解析可知,作者实践基于实地的学习,又结合语 境可推测出,作者和孩子们在回家的途中,用棍子挖车辙。故选 B。 13答案与解析:A根据本句中的“found a special rock”

36、以及“start a rock collection”的 关系可知,作者 10岁的儿子发现了一个特别的石子,这鼓舞孩子开始收藏石子。故选 A。 14答案与解析:C根据本句中的“stands of chestnut trees”以及“how to get the eatable nuts from the branches”可知,在秋天,作者将孩子们带到栗树丛,向他们展示怎样从树枝 上获得可食用的坚果。故选 C。 15答案与解析:D参见上题解析。 16答案与解析:C本句是作者对第二段中自己的教育方法的总结;根据本段作者教 育孩子的经过可知,作者感到(felt)自己教给了孩子们一些有关大地的重要的

37、课程,并且孩 子们也应该对大地的美心存感激。故选 C。 17答案与解析:B参见上题解析。 18答案与解析:C根据上文中的“It has been revolutionary to be outside”可知,作者 认为在野外,学习是革命性的;由此可知,作者和孩子们喜欢在野外散步、观察并感知脚 下的泥土。故选 C。 19答案与解析:D根据上题的解析及第二段作者讲述的带领孩子在野外学习的收 获可知,作者和孩子们开心地将他们自己亲手收获的东西带回家。故选 D。 20答案与解析:A参见上题解析。 2021 年高考英语模拟题重组强化训练年高考英语模拟题重组强化训练(二二) .阅读理解 A 2020郑州市

38、第三次质量检测 I was 11 years old when I asked my mom for piano lessons in 2010. We were in financial trouble, so she said politely, “Sorry, son, but we cant now.” I searched the measurements on the Internet for a keyboard, drew the keys on a piece of paper and stuck it on my desk. I would click notes on a

39、n online keyboard and “play” them back on my paper one keeping the sound they made on the computer in my head. I spent six months playing without touching a real piano. Once my mom saw that I was serious, she borrowed money and bought me 10 lessons. I still remember the first one. I was struck by ho

40、w real the sound of the piano was. I sat my Grade 1 after eight lessons. Once I started secondary school, we couldnt afford lessons again. I passed Grade 3, and then Grade 5, practicing only on my piece of paper. One evening, when I was about 13, my mom said she had a surprise for me it was an elect

41、ronic keyboard, bought with more borrowed money. It was the first time that I played for her and she was in shock. My school didnt offer music Alevel. I found The Purcell School for young musicians, but the tryouts were difficult. Some of the questions even involved an evaluation of the composer. I

42、was at a loss. But to my amazement, I was offered a place. At Purcell, I spent two years working as hard as I could. I performed to raise money and saved enough to buy my first piano. When I left Purcell, I was awarded the senior piano prize and academic music prize. Im now at the Guildhall School o

43、f Drama it is time to take action and embrace the feelings because it is the right thing to do. Life presents us with signals to acknowledge and value what is the most important in life. 1How was the authors father when she arrived at the hospital? AHe was dangerously weak. BHe was worried about his

44、 life. CHe remained healthy and strong. DHe was unconscious and couldnt speak. 2How did the author feel after knowing her fathers situation? ASympathetic. BWorried. COptimistic. DIndifferent. 3What can we learn about the authors childhood? AShe never took no for an answer. BShe was her fathers favor

45、ite child. CShe followed her father a lot as a young girl. DShe got away from her family at an early age. 4What advice does the author give at the end of the text? AValue your loved ones and be close to them. BGrow up and share your parents responsibility. CCare about your parents health before its

46、too late. DDistance yourself from your family and be independent. B 2020河北省高三年级名校联考 Two unusual groups the same companies that are causing the most pollution, the BP oil company and Delta Air Lines, both announced plans to become carbon neutral (碳中和) by 2050 through decreasing resource usage as well

47、 as applying useful technology. Several other large oil companies, like Shell, Total, and Eni, have announced similar goals. Other airlines, like Qantas and JetBlue, are working on the same plan. Since airline travel causes around 2%3% of the worlds greenhouse gases, making airlines carbon neutral w

48、ould be a great step. Some people believe the companies are “greenwashing”. They are running the businesses the way they used to perform, and none plan to stop their polluting activities right away. Or some companies plan to meet some climate goals by buying “carbon offsets (补偿)”, which means paying

49、 someone else to cut pollution or remove greenhouse gases. But its not always clear that offsetting truly lowers pollution. Global heating is a huge part of the climate emergency. The world is getting hotter mainly because humans are burning “fossil (化石) fuels” like coal and oil. These fuels give off pollutants often called greenhouse gases. To become carbon neutral, its necessary to stop burning fossil fuels. Climate experts have said the best solution is to leave oil and coal in the ground, although its still hard to reach for the moment. The us


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