(新教材)2022版北师大版英语选择性必修第一册同步练习:UNIT 1 Period 3 Lesson 2 (含答案).doc

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1、UNIT 1 Period Three 题组 A 基础练 (建议用时:10 分钟) 单词拼写 1Im sure you will find it hard to _(处理)this problem tomorrow. 2With such _(偏好) for food, she doesnt share the same taste with her husband at table. 3With so much work to do every day, she feels much _(烦恼的) recently. 4The little boy felt much _(羞愧的) to b

2、e caught cheating in the examination. 5With the _(意图)of going to a key university, she works very hard at her lessons. 6Im sure the medicine will cure you of your illness because it is said to be very _(有效的). 7She is rather _(过敏的) about the cold weather in this city. 8You can _(举起) your hand if you

3、have any questions to ask in class. 9The teacher told the students to work out the problem in a different _(方式) 10The tall guy _(突显) himself among the students of his same age. 【 答 案 】 1.handle 2.preference 3.upset 4.ashamed 5 intention 6.effective 7.sensitive 8.raise 9manner 10.highlights 单句语法填空 1W

4、ith the _(intend) of standing out, she works much harder than others. 2I dont have any special _(prefer) in my daily food. 3I think the medicine is very _(effect), but the doctor just recommended it. 4Do you know that woman _(knock) by the car in the accident? 5Id like to go to Britain for my _(far)

5、 education after I graduate from university. 6How I wish you _(keep) the secret to yourself yesterday! 7Only _ this way, can you get yourself promoted in your Chinese. 8The light suddenly went out and she found herself _(trap) in the lift. 9_ other words, you failed in the final examination. 10The g

6、irl has got used to _(eat) the western food. 【答案】1.intention 2.preference 3.effective 4knocked 5.further 6.had kept 7.in 8.trapped 9In 10.eating 翻译句子 1你可以用另一种方式去同她交流。(manner) 【答案】You can communicate with her in a different manner. 2你很快就会习惯这里的食物。(get used to) 【答案】You will soon get used to the food he

7、re. 3我多希望我昨天来开会了!(wish) 【答案】How I wish I had attended the meeting yesterday! 4说实话,我并不喜欢体育活动。(to be honest) 【答案】To be honest, I am not interested in sports. 5这位老人想为这些可怜的孩子集资。(raise) 【答案】The old man would like to raise some money for the poor children. 题组 B 提升练 (建议用时:30 分钟) 阅读理解 In my senior year of h

8、igh school, Mike and I were lined up in front of a small group of students made up mainly of the leaders of the senior classes. Our teacher said to us, “The two of you will never amount to anything.” There was some snickering (窃笑)from some of the seniors as the teacher continued, “From now on, I am

9、not going to waste any more time on either of you. I am only going to spend my time with these class leaders. You two are the class downs with bad grades, and you will never amount to anything. Now get out of here. ” That teacher did Mike and me the biggest favor of all. While what she said was true

10、 in many ways and her words hurt us deeply, her words also inspired both of us to work even harder. They carried us through college and into our own businesses. A few years ago, Mike and I attended our high school reunion. It was nice to visit with people with whom we had spent three years during a

11、period of time when none of us really knew who we were. It was also interesting to see that most of the so- called senior leaders had not become successful in the years after high school. I tell this story because Mike and I were not academic whiz kids. We were neither financial experts nor athletic

12、 stars. For the most part, we were slow- to- average learners and students. In my opinion, we were not as naturally gifted as our fathers. Yet it was our teachers stinging words and the snickering from our classmates that gave us the strength to move forward, to learn from our mistakes and to keep d

13、oing in both good times and bad times. Just because you didnt do well in school, were not popular, bad in math, or have other reasons to underestimate yourself none of them count in the long run. They only count if you think they count. For those whore considering beginning your own financial fast t

14、rack, you may have some doubts about your abilities. Trust that you have everything you need right now to be successful financially. All it takes to bring out your natural God- given gifts is your desire, determination and a deep faith that you have a genius and a gift that is unique. 1What did Mike

15、 and the author think of the teachers words? AHer stinging words inspired them. BHer inspiring words hurt them deeply. CHer encouraging words helped them through bad times. DHer bitter words discouraged them from working harder. 2At the school union, the author found _. Atheir former classmates didn

16、t recognize him Bit was boring to see their formers classmates Cmost of the class downs turned out successful Dmost of the senior leaders didnt become successful 3The underlined word “whiz” in Paragraph 5 means _. Aknow- nothing Bslow Cstupid Dgenius 4According to the author, which of the following

17、people can achieve financial success? AThose who have faith in themselves. BThose who did not do well in school. CThose who have natural God- given gifts. DThose who are doubtful about their abilities. 【语篇解读】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章通过作者和朋友受到老师刻薄的话的启 发, 更加努力学习最终取得成功的故事, 告诉读者不要因为自己在学校不够优秀就低估自己, 只要有渴望并对自己有信心,就有

18、取得成功的可能。 1A 细节理解题。根据第三段的“While what she said was true in many ways and her words hurt us deeply, her words also inspired both of us to work even harder(尽管她所说的在很 多方面都是真的, 她的话也深深地伤害了我们, 但是她的话激励我们两人更加努力学习) ” 可知,老师的话启发和激励作者和 Mike。故选 A 项。 2D 细节理解题。根据第四段的“It was also interesting to see that most of the so

19、- called senior leaders had not become successful in the years after high school.”可知, 作者吃惊地发现, 大多数当年所谓的佼佼者在高中毕业后的这些年并没有成为成功者。故选 D 项。 3D 词义猜测题。根据第二段的“You two are the class downs with bad grades(你们两 个是班上的后进生,成绩很差)”和画线部分所在句子“I tell this story because Mike and I were not academic whiz kids(我讲这个故事是因为 Mik

20、e 和我不是学术上 whiz 的孩子)”可 猜测画线部分的意思是 “天才”。故选 D 项。 4 A 细节理解题。 根据最后一段的“Trust that you have everything you need right now to be successful financially. All it takes to bring out your natural God- given gifts is your desire, determination and a deep faith that you have a genius and a gift that is unique(相信你

21、拥有在经济 上取得成功所需要的一切。激发你的天赋所需要的是渴望、决心和深深的信念,相信你有天 赋,而且这个天赋是独一无二的)”可知,那些有渴望,并且对自己有信心的人容易在经 济上取得成功。故选 A 项。 完形填空 When I was a kid,my parents sent me to a summer camp in New Hampshire. At the _1_ we did tons of great things like swimming, sports and archery, but for me,the most memorable experience was an

22、overnight trip of mountain climbing. If youve ever _2_ a mountain, you know its a physical challenge, especially when youre carrying your food and shelter on your back. When campers got tired, they _3_ started complaining. “How much farther is it?” “I cant go any further.” “My _4_ is too heavy. Can

23、you carry it for me?” The reply of the teachers was, “ Suck it up(忍耐一下)! ”The _5_ is that the complaining campers were nowhere near the point of exhaustion. If they had been, the teachers would have noticed the signs and given them _6_. The kids simply werent used to the physical challenge. Once the

24、y realized they werent getting any sympathy, they _7_ the discomfort, and in most cases _8_ having a great time. In my camp days, I dont recall a single camper complaining at the top of the _9_. There are two ways to deal with an _10_ situation. You can complain, or you can make the best of it. If y

25、ou complain, you might feel like youre getting that _11_ energy out, but youre probably not going to cause a positive change. Its much more likely that your complaining will cause the _12_ of those around you. No one likes a complainer. Theyre _13_ and they hurt the group. Complaining makes life _14

26、_ for everyone. Instead, if you determine to master your own suffering, to move past it and focus on a _15_, its my experience that youll realize it wasnt bad in the first place. 1Aexperience Bcamp Coccasion Dsituation 2Aclimbed Bdescribed Cseen Dreached 3Aespecially Bnormally Ccertainly Dobviously

27、4Abackpack Bfood Cshelter Dwater 5Astory Btruth Cjoke Dthing 6Asign Bactivities Cgesture Dcare 7Abelieved Btrusted Cwondered Dovercame 8Aended up Bcouldnt help Cinsisted on Dgave up 9Amountain Bbase Cbuilding Dcamp 10Aunbelievable Bunexpected Cunusual Dunpleasant 11Agreat Bnegative Cspare Dpotential

28、 12Arespect Bdislike Csympathy Denthusiasm 13Aannoying Bamazing Cshocking Dworrying 14Aharder Beasier Cbetter Dpoorer 15Adiscovery Bproblem Csolution Dhope 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者小时候参加了一个夏令营,期间和其他人一起 参加夜晚登山露营活动。 登山过程中, 有人抱怨走不动。 但是后来作者发现, 如果停止抱怨, 坚持下去,其实道路并没有那么难走。 1B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在夏令营,我们做了很多很棒的事情,比如游泳、 运动和

29、射箭。根据上文“my parents sent me to a summer camp”可知,作者在夏令营参加 了很多活动。故选 B 项。 2A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你曾爬过山,你就会知道这是一项体力挑战, 尤其是当你背上背着食物和露营装备的时候。 根据上文中的“mountain climbing”可知是爬山。 故选 A 项。 3 C 考查副词词义辨析。 句意: 当露营者累了, 他们当然会开始抱怨。 根据下文“How much farther is it?”“I cant go any further.”可知,因为太累,露营者肯定都抱怨。故选 C 项。 4A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:“

30、我的背包太重了。你能帮我拿吗?”根据上文中 的“when youre carrying your food and shelter on your back”可知,此处有人抱怨背的东西即背 包太重。故选 A 项。 5B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:事实是,那些抱怨的露营者根本没有到筋疲力尽的 时候。根据下文“the teachers would have noticed the signs and given them _6_”,如果老师们 注意到(他们筋疲力尽的)迹象,就会照顾他们。由此可知,事实是,那些抱怨的人并没有精 疲力竭。故选 B 项。 6D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果他们(筋疲力尽)

31、,老师们注意到这些迹象,就会 照顾他们。老师会照顾那些真的很疲惫的露营者。故选 D 项。 7D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们意识到自己得不到任何同情,他们就会克服这 些不适。Abelieved 相信;Btrusted 信任;Cwondered 感到疑惑;Dovercame 克服。 没有人同情他们,他们就会自己想办法克服困难。故选 D 项。 8A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:而在大多数情况下,他们最终会度过一段愉快的时 光。Aended up 以告终,最终;Bcouldnt help 忍不住,禁不住;Cinsisted on 坚持; Dgave up 放弃。根据“having a great tim

32、e”可知,最终他们到了山顶都很高兴。故选 A 项。 9A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我野营的日子里,我记得没有一个露营者在山顶 上抱怨。根据上文“an overnight trip of mountain climbing”可知,他们是爬山,爬到了山顶。 故选 A 项。 10D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有两种方式来应对这种令人不愉快的境况。 A unbelievable 难以置信的; B unexpected 出乎意料的; C unusual 不寻常的; D unpleasant 令人不快的。上文提到很多露营者在途中抱怨,这是令人不愉快的情景。故选 D 项。 11B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意

33、:如果你抱怨,你也许会感到你正在将那些消极的 能量释放出来,但是你很可能不会产生积极的改变。Agreat 极好的;Bnegative 负面的, 消极的;Cspare 多余的,备用的;Dpotential 有潜力的。上文提到“If you complain”,抱 怨是消极的情绪。故选 B 项。 12 B 考查名词词义辨析。 句意: 更可能的是抱怨会引起周围人(对你)的厌恶。 A respect 尊敬; Bdislike 厌恶;Csympathy 同情; Denthusiasm 热情。根据下文“No one likes a complainer.”可知,抱怨太多会让周围的人不喜 欢你。故选 B 项

34、。 13 A 考查形容词词义辨析。 句意: 他们会让人讨厌, 而且会连累整个团队。 A annoying 令人讨厌的;Bamazing 令人惊奇的;Cshocking 令人震惊的;Dworrying 令人担忧的。 根据“they hurt the group”可知,抱怨太多会令人生厌。故选 A 项。 14A 考查形容词比较级辨析。句意:抱怨会让每个人的生活更艰难。根据上文“No one likes a complainerthey hurt the group.”可知, 抱怨不仅让自己令人生厌而且还连累其他 人,这样就会更困难。故选 A 项。 15C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:相反,如果你决定去

35、掌控你的痛苦,逾越过去,专 注于寻找一个解决方法,你会意识到它一开始并不糟糕,这就是我的体验。作者认为有了困 难,要积极寻找解决方法,而不是一味抱怨。故选 C 项。 语法填空 Yu Rong, a Chinese artist, thinks of a new way to introduce 1._ ancient story of Hua Mulan in her picture book. In the book, I Am Hua Mulan, she tells the story by 2._(combine) paper- cutting with international a

36、rtistic styles. She places Shaanxi papercuts over western- style pencil sketches (素描)3._(create) a typical presentation of Chinese elements (要素), which turns out to be a 4._(success) and impressive breakthrough. Hua Mulan,5._ story has been told by generations in China, was a fighter from the Northe

37、rn Wei Dynasty (386534). As a devoted daughter, she dressed herself as a man to serve in the army 6._ place of her father. Mulans characteristics, such as courage, kindness and a disinterested attitude toward fame and fortune, made 7._(she)one of the most respected historical Chinese heroines. Mulan

38、s story has been adapted 8._(frequent) in modern media. For example, in 1998, Disney produced a film named Mulan, which 9._(consider) a great success by critics and the public. To better tell the story, Yu Rong takes inspiration from her several 10._(visit) to sites of ancient battles and Yu Opera.

39、After years of preparation she finally makes this extraordinary work. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了中国艺术家郁蓉通过把中国的剪纸和国际上流 行的艺术形式结合在一起,创作了含有中国特色的图画书我是花木兰 。 1the 考查冠词。句意:中国艺术家郁蓉想了一个新的方法介绍花木兰的故事。此处 特指花木兰的故事,应用定冠词。故填 the。 2combining 考查动名词。句意:在我是花木兰这本书里,她把中国的剪纸和国 际上流行的艺术形式结合在一起讲述花木兰的故事。在介词 by 后作宾语,应用动名词短语 充当宾语。故填 c

40、ombining。 3to create 考查不定式。句意:为了创造出一个典型的中国元素的形象,她把陕西剪 纸和西方的素描相结合。此处应用动词不定式作目的状语。故填 to create。 4successful 考查形容词。句意:结果证明这是一个成功的并给人留下深刻印象的新 突破。句中 and 连接并列结构,此处 and 的后面是形容词 impressive“给人深刻印象的”。 故填 successful。 5whose 考查关系代词。所填的词要引导一个定语从句,指代先行词 Hua Mulan 在 定语从句中作 story 的定语。故填 whose。 6in 考查介词。句意:她把自己化装成一个

41、男性代替父亲服兵役。介词短语 in place of 是固定短语,表示“代替”。故填 in。 7her 考查代词。句意:花木兰的性格,如勇气、善良以及对名誉和财富的无所谓态 度,让她成为中国历史上最受尊敬的女英雄之一。在动词 made 后作宾语,应用宾格。故填 her。 8frequently 考查副词。句意:花木兰的故事已经频繁地在当代媒体里被改编了。此 处应用副词修饰动词 adapted 作状语。故填 frequently。 9was considered 考查被动语态。分析句子结构可知,关系代词 which 指代先行词 “a film named Mulan”,与 consider 是被动关系,且根据上文中的 produced 可知用一般过去时。 故填 was considered。 10visits 考查名词复数。句意:为了更好地讲述这个故事,郁蓉还从几次参观古战 场和豫剧中获得了灵感。空前 several 修饰可数名词复数。故填 visits。


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