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1、Unit 3 Language in use Module 3 Life now and then 1. To summarise and consolidate the use of adjectives and adverbs 2. To summarise and consolidate the use of comparative degree and superlative degree Objectives 1. People are wealthier today, and they live longer than they did in the past. 2. But pe

2、ople dont take as much exercise as they used to. 3. More people have cars, and they walk or use their bikes less. 4. We eat better and we live longer. Are you familiar with these sentences? They are all from this module. 5. Mum, do you think that life is better today than in the past? 6. Some people

3、 think life in the past was simpler and healthier than today. 7. And they sometimes work harder. 8. Do people work as hard as they did fifty years ago? 9. I went everywhere on foot or sometimes by bike. 10. My daughter is really lucky. 11. But some of the shows are too noisy for me. 1. People are _

4、(wealthy) today, and they live _ (long) than they did in the past. 2. But people dont take _ much exercise _ they used to. 3. More people have cars, and they walk or use their bikes _ (little). 4. We eat _ (well) and we live _ (long). 5. Mum, do you think that life is _ (good) today than in the past

5、? wealthier longer as as less better longer better go Ready? 6. Some people think life in the past was _ (simple) and _ (healthy) than today. 7. And they _ work _ (hard). 8. Do people work _ hard _ they did fifty years ago? 9. I went _ on foot or sometimes by bike. 10. My daughter is _ (real) lucky.

6、 11. But some of the shows are too _ (noise) for me. simpler healthier sometimes harder as as everywhere really noisy 形容词是指那些形容词是指那些用来描述或修饰名词用来描述或修饰名词 (或代词或代词)的一类词的一类词。一般放在其所修。一般放在其所修 饰的名词之前。如:饰的名词之前。如:tidy, rich, cheap, early 等。等。 在句中用作定语、表语、宾语补足语在句中用作定语、表语、宾语补足语 等成分。等成分。 形容词的用法形容词的用法 1.作定语,常置于被修饰词

7、的前面作定语,常置于被修饰词的前面 He is a good actor. 2. 作表语,置于连系动词后面作表语,置于连系动词后面 The baby is still asleep. Will you please make less noise? 宝宝还在睡觉,你小声点好吗?宝宝还在睡觉,你小声点好吗? 3. 作宾语补足语,置于宾语后面作宾语补足语,置于宾语后面 Have you got everything ready for the meeting? 你为这次会议做好准备了吗?你为这次会议做好准备了吗? alive, afraid, awake, alone, asleep等表等表 语形

8、容词作定语需后置。语形容词作定语需后置。 Who is the greatest man alive? 谁是当今最伟大的人物?谁是当今最伟大的人物? The baby still asleep might be awake very soon. 还在熟睡的婴儿可能马上就会醒来。还在熟睡的婴儿可能马上就会醒来。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关 形容词的规律吗?形容词的规律吗? I have something important to tell you. 我有重要的事要告诉你。我有重要的事要告诉你。 Is there anything interesting in

9、the film? 电影里有什么有趣的内容吗?电影里有什么有趣的内容吗? There is nothing dangerous here. 这儿一点都不危险。这儿一点都不危险。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关 形容词的规律吗?形容词的规律吗? 英语单词中英语单词中something, anything, nothing等不定代词被形容词修饰时,形等不定代词被形容词修饰时,形 容词放在不定代词后面。容词放在不定代词后面。 away,long,wide,high,deep,old 等词附有数量词语说明时需后置。等词附有数量词语说明时需后置。 The road is a

10、bout 50 metres wide. 这条路大约这条路大约50米宽。米宽。 The river is 30 metres deep. 这条河这条河30米深。米深。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关 形容词的规律吗?形容词的规律吗? 形容词形容词+介词短语或不定式短语作定语介词短语或不定式短语作定语 需后置。需后置。 He is a man full of energy. 他是一个充满活力的人。他是一个充满活力的人。 The music pleasant to listen to interests me. 这动听的音乐使我感兴趣。这动听的音乐使我感兴趣。 仔细观

11、察下面句子,你能找到有关仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关 形容词的规律吗?形容词的规律吗? 用用and或或or连接的两个意义相反的形连接的两个意义相反的形 容词作定语需后置。容词作定语需后置。 She has a family, happy and rich. 他有一个幸福美满的家庭。他有一个幸福美满的家庭。 A country, big or small, should be equal. 国不论大小应该平等。国不论大小应该平等。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关 形容词的规律吗?形容词的规律吗? 形容词作表语位于连系动词之后。形容词作表语位于连系动词之后。 The

12、 weather here is very pleasant. 这里的天气很宜人。这里的天气很宜人。 Your mother looks very well. 你妈妈看起来很健康。你妈妈看起来很健康。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关 形容词的规律吗?形容词的规律吗? 形容词作宾语补足语,位于宾语之后。形容词作宾语补足语,位于宾语之后。 The news made her mother very angry. 这消息使她妈很生气。这消息使她妈很生气。 I found the story very interesting. 我觉得这个故事很有趣。我觉得这个故事很有趣。

13、 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关 形容词的规律吗?形容词的规律吗? 形容词或形容词词组作状语使用时,形容词或形容词词组作状语使用时, 可房子句首、句中或句尾。可房子句首、句中或句尾。 Tired and hungry, he returned home. 他又累又饿地回到家里。他又累又饿地回到家里。 He went home, full of fear. 他满心恐惧地回到家里。他满心恐惧地回到家里。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关 形容词的规律吗?形容词的规律吗? a big round black new wooden French

14、 table 一张新的大而圆的法国黑色木桌子。一张新的大而圆的法国黑色木桌子。 a famous German medical school 一所德国著名的医学院一所德国著名的医学院 some green eating apples 一些绿色食用的苹果一些绿色食用的苹果 a beautiful little young British policemen 这些年轻高大的英国警察这些年轻高大的英国警察 a pretty purple silk dress the boys little nice red toy 仔细观察下面例子,你能找到有关仔细观察下面例子,你能找到有关 形容词的规律吗?形容词

15、的规律吗? 多个形容词修饰名词的大体顺序是:多个形容词修饰名词的大体顺序是: 限定限定 描绘描绘 大大(小小) 长长 (短短) 高高 (低低) 形状形状 年龄年龄 新新 (旧旧) 老老 (少少) 颜色颜色 国籍国籍 出处出处 材料材料 作用作用 类别等类别等 +名词名词 下面顺口溜有助于你记忆:下面顺口溜有助于你记忆: 品大新形色国料品大新形色国料 副词用来副词用来修饰动词、形容词、其它副词、修饰动词、形容词、其它副词、 全句或名词词组及句子的词全句或名词词组及句子的词。常用的有:。常用的有: ago,before,now,then,soon, already, yet, here, ther

16、e, up, down, above, below, inside, outside, where, very, much, so, too, quite, enough, easily, quietly, also, too, only等。在句中用作状语、表语、等。在句中用作状语、表语、 定语、宾补等成分。定语、宾补等成分。 副词的用法副词的用法 Our school is very beautiful. 我们的学校非常美丽。我们的学校非常美丽。 It was rather hot that day. He studies much harder now. 他现在学习更努力了。他现在学习更努

17、力了。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么 规律?规律? 副词修饰形容词、副词时,放在它所修副词修饰形容词、副词时,放在它所修 饰的词的前面。饰的词的前面。 I dont know him well enough. 我不够了解他。我不够了解他。 The book is easy enough for kids. 这本书对孩子来说够容易了。这本书对孩子来说够容易了。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么 规律?规律? enough作为副词总是置于被修饰的形容作为副词总是置于被修饰的形容 词或副词后。词或副词后。 We havent enough

18、food for you. = We havent food enough for you. 我们没有足够的事物分给你们。我们没有足够的事物分给你们。 enough作为形容词时可位于名词前或作为形容词时可位于名词前或 者名词后。者名词后。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么 规律?规律? 频度副词频度副词、程度副词程度副词可放在可放在be动词、情动词、情 态动词和助动词之后,实意动词之前态动词和助动词之后,实意动词之前。 He always goes to school on foot. 他总是步行上学。他总是步行上学。 She has never been to B

19、eijing. 她从没有去过北京。她从没有去过北京。 He can hardly say a word. 他几乎一言不发。他几乎一言不发。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么 规律?规律? They stayed at home last night. 昨晚他们在家。昨晚他们在家。 Last night (时间副词时间副词) they stayed at home (地点副词地点副词). Theyll come back soon. 他们不久将会回来。他们不久将会回来。 时间副词时间副词和和地点副词地点副词一般位于一般位于句尾句尾。如两。如两 种副词同时出现,则种副词

20、同时出现,则地点副词放在时间副地点副词放在时间副 词之前词之前,也可将时间副词放在句首。,也可将时间副词放在句首。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什 么规律?么规律? He carefully does his work. 他认真地做他的工作。他认真地做他的工作。 He does his work carefully. Please listen carefully. 请认真地听讲。请认真地听讲。 Please listen to me carefully. 请认真地听我讲。请认真地听我讲。 方式副词方式副词修饰及物动词可在及物动词前修饰及物动词可在及物动词前 或宾语后

21、,修饰不及物动词在修饰的动或宾语后,修饰不及物动词在修饰的动 词后或在介词词后或在介词+宾语后。宾语后。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么 规律?规律? The people here are very friendly. 这里的人都很友好。这里的人都很友好。 They live on the floor below. 他们住在下一层楼。他们住在下一层楼。 副词副词作定语作定语,一般放在被修饰的名词后。,一般放在被修饰的名词后。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么 规律?规律? The light is still on. 电灯还在亮着。电

22、灯还在亮着。 Her office is just above. 他的办公室就在上面。他的办公室就在上面。 副词副词作表语作表语表示位置,位于系动词后。表示位置,位于系动词后。 仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么仔细观察下面句子,你能找到什么 规律?规律? Im pleased to see you back. 看到你回来我很高兴。看到你回来我很高兴。 We saw her off two days ago. 两天前我们为她送行。两天前我们为她送行。 副词副词作宾语补足语作宾语补足语位于宾语后。位于宾语后。 构成构成 原级原级 比较级比较级 最高级最高级 一般在词尾加一般在词尾加-er, -est

23、 tall long taller longer tallest longest 以字母以字母e结尾结尾的词,在的词,在 词尾加词尾加-r,-st fine late finer later finest latest 重读闭音节词且词尾只重读闭音节词且词尾只 有一个辅音字母有一个辅音字母,双写双写 辅音字母辅音字母再再加加-er, -est big thin bigger thinner biggest thinnest 以“以“辅音字母辅音字母 + y”结结 尾的双音节词,先尾的双音节词,先把把 “y”改为“改为“i”再加再加-er, - est easy friendly easier

24、friendlier easiest friendliest 多音节多音节和和部分双音节部分双音节, 在原级前加在原级前加more, most interesting more interesting most interesting 规则变化:规则变化: 不规则变化:不规则变化: 原级原级 比较级比较级 最高级最高级 good/well better best bad/ill worse worst little less least many/much more most far farther/further farthest/ furthest old older/ elder old

25、est/ eldest 1. 规则变化:规则变化: 1) 单音节的词在单音节的词在词尾直接加词尾直接加-er/-est, 例如:例如: near nearer/ nearest hard harder/ hardest 2) 部分双音节和多音节的词在部分双音节和多音节的词在词前加词前加 more/most,例如:,例如: carefully more/ most carefully warmly more/ most warmly 2. 常用不规则变化为:常用不规则变化为: 原级原级 比较级比较级 最高级最高级 well better best badly worse worst much m

26、ore most little less least far farther/ further farthest/ furthest The story gets more and more exciting. 故事变得越来越激动人心。故事变得越来越激动人心。 Our lives are getting better and better. 我们的生活越来越好。我们的生活越来越好。 . 常用的比较级句型:常用的比较级句型: Health is more important than wealth. 健康比财富更重要。健康比财富更重要。 He got up earlier than I did

27、this morning. 今天早上他起得比我早。今天早上他起得比我早。 1. 比较级比较级+than,表示“,表示“比比更更” 2. 比较级比较级+ and + 比较级比较级,表示“,表示“越来越来 越越” The more time you spend on it, the greater progress you will make. 你在这上面花的时间越多,你的进步就会越你在这上面花的时间越多,你的进步就会越 大。大。 The more he talked, the more excited he grew. 他越说越激动。他越说越激动。 3. The + 比较级,比较级, the+比

28、较级比较级,表示,表示 “越越越越” 同级比较一般采用同级比较一般采用as as句型,否定句型,否定 句可以用句可以用not so/asas表示。例如:表示。例如: He is as tall as his father. 他和他父亲一样高。他和他父亲一样高。 She is as busy as before. 她和过去一样忙。她和过去一样忙。 I get up not so early as you. 我不如你起得早。我不如你起得早。 1. the + 最高级最高级 + of/ in .常用的最高级表达:常用的最高级表达: Jim is the tallest of the three. 吉

29、姆是三个人中最高的。吉姆是三个人中最高的。 He is the most diligent student in his class. 他是班上最勤奋的学生。他是班上最勤奋的学生。 2. 选择疑问句选择疑问句 It is the most interesting book I have ever read. 这是我所读过的最有趣的一本书。这是我所读过的最有趣的一本书。 3. the + 最高级最高级 + 定语从句定语从句 Who is the tallest, Tom, Jack or Bill? 汤姆、杰克和比尔,谁个子最高?汤姆、杰克和比尔,谁个子最高? 比较级和最高级的比较级和最高级的修

30、饰语修饰语应置于其所修饰应置于其所修饰 的的形容词或副词之前形容词或副词之前。常见的。常见的比较级修饰比较级修饰 语语有有much, still, a lot, even, far等。例如:等。例如: This is by far the most expensive bag in the shop. 这是目前这家商店里最贵的包。这是目前这家商店里最贵的包。 常见的常见的最高级修饰语最高级修饰语有有almost, by far, far, much等。例如:等。例如: He worked much harder than then. 那时他工作要努力得多。那时他工作要努力得多。 Complet

31、e the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 P22 For many people, life is a lot (1) _ (easy) today. Medicine and diet are improving, and people are getting (2) _ (healthy) and living (3) _ (long). But communication is changing (4) _ (fast) of all. Today, with the Internet, people

32、can communicate (5) _ (easily) than ever before with friends all over the world. easier healthier longer (the) fastest more easily Not all the changes are (6) _ (good) ones. More people drive cars instead of riding bikes, so they are not as (7) _ (fit) as they were. Increasing traffic makes the road

33、s (8) _ (crowded) than ever, and it also makes pollution (9) _ (bad). We must all work harder to reduce pollution. better fit more crowded worse Work in pairs. Look at the two pictures and talk about how the town has changed. Use the words in the box to help you. 2 P22 big buildings busy house moder

34、n more shop street tall traffic tree 1. There are more cars in the street today than it was 50 years ago. 2. The buildings are much taller, much more beautiful and much newer. 3. The streets are much wider. 4. The environment is much better. 5. I can see people are much busier than before. 6. The li

35、fe is much better than before. 7. There are more shops than before. Complete the sentences with the words or expressions in the box. 3 P23 heat more than seldom spare speak up 1. We _ have time to go on holiday. 2. We do not have much _ time because we have important exams this year. 3. Never go out

36、 in the _ of the day without a hat. 4. You have to _ because the students in the back cannot hear you. 5. Mr Smith is _ a teacher. Most of his pupils think of him as their friend. seldom spare heat speak up more than Read the email and find three examples that show life was harder in the past than i

37、t is today. 4 P23 1. People lived in very small houses, very close to each other, with no space for children to play. Families in those days were quite big A whole street had to share one outside toilet. 2. The pollution from factories filled the air. People put their rubbish outside in the streets.

38、 As a result, there were many illnesses. 3. Children didnt always go to school, because they had to work instead. Many children started work in factories when they were only four or five years old. They worked twelve hours a day in dangerous jobs for very little money. Many were hurt in accidents wi

39、th machines. Read the email again. Find sentences and write examples. 5 P24 1. People lived in very small houses, very close to each other, with no space for children to play. 2. _ _ 3. _ _ _ The pollution from factories filled the air. People put their rubbish outside in the streets. Many children

40、started work in factories when they were only four or five years old. They worked twelve hours a day in dangerous jobs for very little money. Many were hurt in accidents with machines. Listen and complete the table. 6 P24 Grandmother Mother Age to start school Age to start work Age to get married Nu

41、mber of children Age to stop working Write a passage comparing the lives of the speakers grandmother and mother in Activity 6. 7 P24 The speakers grandmother and mother have lived very different lives. Her grandmother had a much bigger family Adjective: used for describing a noun or pronoun. Adverb:

42、 used for describing a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a whole sentence. 注注: 另附另附word文档。文档。 点击此处链接点击此处链接 单项选择。单项选择。 1. You look _ today. Yes. I stayed up late last night to watch a talk show. A. easy B. warm C. tired D. smart 2. Fishing with Dad was so _ for little Sam that he almost fell asl

43、eep. A. excited B. exciting C. bored D. boring 3. Is the child any better today? I think so. His temperature seems now. A. high B. normal C. low D. special 4. My old neighbour Charles felt after his children moved out. A. lonely B. safely C. angrily D. happily 5. The city of Harbin is beautiful all

44、the year around, _ in winter. Ice lanterns decorate streets and attract plenty of tourists. A. especially B. generally C. probably 6. She always does very well in the English exams. But she can _ understand English radio programs. A. always B. hardly C. already D. easily 7. We arrived at the station

45、 too early and had _ to go, so we sat there and chatted with each other. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere 8. I met Lucy in the primary school and we have been close friends _. A. as usual B. again and again C. sooner or later D. ever since 9. This movie wasnt _. He fell asleep half

46、way through it. A. interesting enough B. enough interesting C. interested enough D. enough interested 10. Tony is not as clever as Lucy, but he works _ than her. A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest 11. Many boy students think math is English. I agree. Im weak in English. A. much difficult th

47、an B. so difficult as C. less difficult than D. more difficult than 12. My grandpa told a good story, but I told a _ one. A. good B. better C. best D. worse 13. What do you think of the film So Young directed by Zhao Wei? Wonderful. I think its than the other films about youth in recent years. A. th

48、e best B. the worst C. much better D. much worse 14. Lanzhou is the only capital city that the Yellow River, the second _ river in China, passes through. A. long B. longest C. longer D. length 15. I know you are shorter than your brothers, but you run _. A. more faster B. fastest C. more fast D. fast 1. Read the articles in Learning English. 2. Preview the new words and expressions in Module 4.


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