(广东)粤人版六下-Unit 4 Feeling Excited-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)--(编号:407e8).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Feeling Excited_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+素材)__(编号:407e8)
    • the Mid-Autumn Festival 课件.ppt--点击预览
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I was excited Guessing game lucky number? Predict the boys Mid-Autumn Festival : (预测小男孩的中秋节预测小男孩的中秋节) 1.Where did he go? 3.How did he feel? 2.What did he do? 1. The story is about _____. A. a big dinner B. the Mid-Autumn Festival C. the moon 限时快速阅读限时快速阅读 60秒秒 阅读并选择阅读并选择 Read and choose Look and listen . I was excited There were lots of fruit,too. I went into the living room. There was a big mooncake on the table. I had a big dinner with my family. It was August 15th in Chinese lunar calendar. Oh, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival. After dinner, I went out and looked at the moon. The moon was round and bright. Maybe Change and her rabbit were there. I was excited. I walked to the park. There were many lanterns riddles. I tried to guess the riddles. What a great festival! Feeling TimeFood Activities Name Time Food Activities Feeling look at the _________ guess the lantern ________ have a big _______ The _______ Festival _________ in Chinese lunar calendar _________ ______ _________ 限时限时2分分钟钟 Name Time Food Activities Feeling look at the _________ guess the lantern _______ have a big _______ The ___________ Festival _________ in Chinese lunar calendar _________ ______ _________ Mid-Autumn August 15th mooncakefruit dinner moon riddles excited It was August 15th in Chinese lunar calendar .(农历八月十五)(农历八月十五) When did the story happen? Solar calendar ______________ Lunar calendar ______________ 阳历(公历阳历(公历 ) 阴历(农历阴历(农历 ) September 24th August 15th What did he eat? He ate mooncake and fruit. Mooncake lotus seed mooncake 莲蓉月饼莲蓉月饼 five nuts mooncake 五仁月饼五仁月饼 Sweet bean mooncake 豆沙月饼豆沙月饼 ice cream mooncake 冰淇淋月饼冰淇淋月饼 snowy mooncake 冰皮月饼冰皮月饼 chocolate mooncake 巧克力月饼巧克力月饼 Maybe you like eating mooncake, but dont eat too much. How did he feel? He was excited. ? How did he feel? He was excited. 1 Change Flying to the moon 嫦娥奔月嫦娥奔月 跟录音读跟录音读 小组读小组读 Read and judge 1. We have a big dinner with our family. 2. The Mid-Autumn Festival is on August 15th in solar calendar. 3. We can guess lantern riddles. ( ) ( ) ( ) Read and judge 1. We have a big dinner with our family.( ) T round reunion团圆团圆 The Mid-Autumn Festival is a big time for family to get together. So please enjoy your family time. (珍惜与家人相聚的时光) Read and judge 1. We have a big dinner with our family. 2. The Mid-Autumn Festival is on August 15th in solar calendar. ( ) ( ) T F The origin of “Mid-Autumn” “中秋中秋”的来历的来历 Mid- middle 中间中间 Autumn fall 秋天秋天 “中秋中秋” That day marks the middle of autumn, so we call it “Mid-Autumn”. Read and judge 1. We have a big dinner with our family. 2. The Mid-Autumn Festival is on August 15th in solar calendar. 3. We can guess lantern riddles. ( ) ( ) ( ) T F T Guessing the lantern riddles. 猜灯谜猜灯谜 1. An animal has two long ears, it likes eating carrots. 2. Its a food, it likes the moon, people eat it on the Moon Festival . rabbit mooncake 3. Its a fruit. Its yellow. Monkeys like to eat it. banana 6. Its big and bright in the sky, you can see it at night. the moon 4. Its a fruit, its a color, too. What is it? orange 5. Shes a girl in the old story. She flied to the moon. Whos she? Change May the people live forever, and share the moon shine across vast distances together. play the grass dragon 舞火龙舞火龙 浙江省开化县 fire Douxiang 烧斗香烧斗香 江苏省无锡县 put the sky lights放天灯放天灯 山西 pomelo lantern 柚子灯柚子灯 广西 Write about your last Mid-Autumn Festival. (写一写去年的中秋节)(写一写去年的中秋节) ( ) Task1 : Last Mid-Autumn Festival , I was at/in ________ . First, I had _______________________. Next, I watched _________. Then, I ate _________________. After that , I guessed ________________. I was ________. What a _______ festival! ( ) Task 2: : It was _________________, I was at /in____________. First, I _____________________. Next, I ________________. Then, I____________________. ______________________. 星级评比:星级评比: Spelling: (单词拼写是否正确) Grammar: (使用的语法是否正确) Handwriting: (书写是否工整) Content: (文章的内容是否丰富) Feeling: (情感的表达是否到位) Homework 1.Talk about the Mid-Autumn Festival with your friends. (和朋友谈论中秋节)(和朋友谈论中秋节) 2. Write an e-mail to your friend, about your favorite festival. (写一封邮件给朋友,谈谈你最喜欢的节日)(写一封邮件给朋友,谈谈你最喜欢的节日)Teaching Material Analysis: This period is a self-edited teaching material, its about the Mid-Autumn Festival. This class is teaching of reading and writing. . Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge and technique: a/ Ss are able to learn about the Mid-Autumn Festival. b/ Ss can read the passage correctly. c/ Ss are able to get information from the video and learn to write sth about the Mid-Autumn Festival. 2. Process and method: a/ Ss discuss with partners in the group and fill in the blank. (Cooperative study) b/ Ss finish the exercise such as read and judge, write a passage in the limited time. (Task-based language teaching) 3. Emotional attitude and value orientation: Ss learn to love their family and enjoy their family time. . Key point & Difficult point: 1. Ss are able to understand and read the passage. 2. Ss are able to get information from the video and learn to write sth about the Mid-Autumn Festival. . Teaching realism: Computer, PPT, learning materials, video, cards, lantern riddles . Teaching procedure: Step 1. Warming up: 1. Free talk and divide groups 2. A guessing game Guessing game lucky number? 【设计意图】 通过猜一猜游戏,让学生放松心情,所猜水果、月饼、嫦娥 等与中秋节有关,学生对接下来的学习有初步的认识,起到铺垫 的作用。 Step 2. Pre-reading 1. Watch a video about the Mid-Autumn Festival. 【设计意图】 通过观看视频,让学生对中秋节有了进一步的认识,既锻炼了 学生的观察能力,也让学生的英语听读能力得到训练。 2. Lead-in: What can you do on the Mid-Autumn Festival? Get Ss to talk about the festival. Then lead-in: What about this boy? 【设计意图】 学生自由谈论中秋后,再引出短文中的小男孩,过渡自然,让 学生易于接受。 3. Predict: The boys Mid-Autumn Festival Where did he go? What did he do? How did he feel? 【设计意图】 通过预测小男孩的中秋节,让学生对短文存在一定的好奇心, 产生阅读的欲望,激发兴趣。 Step 3. While-reading 1. Fast reading: Read the passage in a short time and choose the right answer. 1. The story is about _____. A. a big dinner B. the Mid-Autumn Festival C. the moon 限限时时快快速速阅阅读读 60秒秒 阅阅读读并并选选择择Read and choose 【设计意图】 让学生快速浏览文章,找出短文的中心,划出关键词“the Mid- Autumn Festival” 。 2. Intensive reading (1)Listen and read the passage with the help of tape and pictures. There were lots of fruit,too. I went into the living room. There was a big mooncake on the table. I had a big dinner with my family. It was August 15thin Chinese lunar calendar. Oh, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival. After dinner, I went out and looked at the moon. The moon was round and bright. Maybe Change and her rabbit were there. I was excited. I walked to the park. There were many lanterns riddles. I tried to guess the riddles. What a great festival! 【设计意图】 在激活学生已知的中秋节知识基础上,通过绘本阅读,帮助学 生进一步了解文章内容。 (2)Group work: Discuss and fill in the blank Name Time Food Activities Feeling look at the _________ guess the lantern ________ have a big _______ The _______ Festival _________ in Chinese lunar calendar _________ ______ _________ 限限时时2分分钟钟 【设计意图】 学生在阅读绘本后,通过小组合作完成填空,对中秋节的时间、 食物、活动、情感有了清晰的了解,学生的听力也得到一定的训练。 (3)Read after the tape, to talk about the lunar calendar, mooncakes It was August 15thin Chinese lunar calendar .(农农历历八八月月十十五五) When did the story happen? Mooncake Maybe you like eating mooncake, but dont eat too much. 【设计意图】 通过跟录音读,培养学生的跟读能力,并学习文本中的生词, 如:Mid-Autumn, lunar calendar, lantern riddles。让学生了解各类中 秋月饼,并引导学生注意均衡饮食。 (4)Read in groups and judge Read and judge 1. We have a big dinner with our family. 2. The Mid-Autumn Festival is on August 15th in solar calendar. 3. We can guess lantern riddles. () () () 【设计意图】 通过小组一起读书,进一步熟悉文本后,完成判断题,为后面 的拓展阅读作准备。 3. Extensive reading (1)Think and answer: Who will you invite to have the big dinner? round reunion团团圆圆 The Mid-Autumn Festival is a big time for family to get together. So please enjoy your family time. (珍惜与家人相聚的时光) 【设计意图】 通过让学生谈论邀请谁来吃中秋大餐,引导学生懂得中秋的意 义团圆,并珍惜与家人相聚的时光。 (2)Watch a video about “Mid-Autumn” The origin of “Mid-Autumn” “中中秋秋”的的来来历历 Mid- middle 中中间间 Autumn fall 秋秋天天 “中中秋秋” That day marks the middle of autumn, so we call it “Mid-Autumn”. 【设计意图】 通过观看视频,让学生了解“中秋”名字的来历。 (3)Activity: Guess the lantern riddles 1. An animal has two long ears, it likes eating carrots. 2. Its a food, it likes the moon, people eat it on the Moon Festival . rabbit mooncake 3. Its a fruit. Its yellow. Monkeys like to eat it. banana 6. Its big and bright in the sky, you can see it at night. the moon 4. Its a fruit, its a color, too. What is it? orange 5. Shes a girl in the old story. She flied to the moon. Whos she? Change 【设计意图】 通过小组猜灯谜,让学生亲身体会中秋的特色活动,动手动口 动脑,活跃课堂气氛。 Step 4. Post-reading: 1. Sum-up: Try to describe Mid-Autumn Festival Feeling TimeFood Activities 【设计意图】 根据思维导图提示,简单复述本节课的中秋节相关知识,检测 学生归纳知识的能力,并锻炼学生的口语表达能力。 2. Know more activities in different places 浙江 play the grass dragon(舞火龙) 江苏 fire Douxiang(烧斗 香) 山西 put the sky lights(放天灯) 广西 pomelo lantern(柚子 灯) 【设计意图】 通过了解各地的中秋习俗活动,开阔学生的眼界,激发他们对 祖国灿烂文化的热爱。 3. Write sth about the Mid-Autumn Festival ( ) Task1 : Last Mid-Autumn Festival , I was at/in ________ . First, I had _______________________. Next, I watched _________. Then, I ate _________________. After that , I guessed ________________. I was ________. What a _______ festival! ( ) Task 2: : It was _________________, I was at /in____________. First, I _________________________. Next, I ______________________.Then, I____________________. ______________________. 【设计意图】 学生在深入了解中秋知识的基础上,进行简单的写作,培养他 们的写作能力,为语言的输出创造更多的机会。 Step 5. Homework 1. Talk about the Mid-Autumn Festival with your friends. 2. Write an e-mail to your friend, about your favorite festival. 【设计意图】 两份作业:一份是说的作业,谈论中秋节;另一份是写的作业, 以邮件方式写自己喜爱的节日。作业是本节课所学内容的补充和延 伸,锻炼学生的口语和书面表达能力。 板书设计:板书设计:Group work(小组活动) Discuss and fill in the blank(讨论并填空) NameThe ______________ Festival Time_______________ in Chinese lunar calendar Food______________ ____________ Activities have a big____________ look at the ___________ guess the lantern __________ Feeling______________I was excited I went into the living room. There was a big mooncake on the table. There were lots of fruit, too. I had a big dinner with my family. It was August 15th in Chinese lunar calendar(农历). Oh, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival! After dinner, I went out and looked at the moon. The moon was round and bright. Maybe Change and her rabbit were there! I was excited. I walked to the park. There were many lantern riddles(灯谜). I tried to guess the riddles. What a great festival!Writing about last Mid-Autumn Festival (写一写去年的中秋节)(写一写去年的中秋节) Word Bank (参考词汇表参考词汇表) Timelast Mid-Autumn Festival Placeat home, in the park, in the street Foodmooncake, fruit, Activities had a big dinner, watched the moon, guessed the riddles, played games, visited friends, saw a movie, watched TV, went shopping, took a walk, listened to music Feelingexcited, happy, good, great, tired 根据参考词汇表,选择一项任务打根据参考词汇表,选择一项任务打并完成。并完成。 Name:___________ ( )1 : Last Mid-Autumn Festival , I was at/in ________ . First, I had __________________. Next, I watched ___________. Then, I ate _____________________. After that , I guessed ______________. I was ________. What a _______ festival! ( )2: It was _________________. I was at/in _________. First, I ____________________. Next, I____________________. Then, I___________________. ____________________.
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