2021新版人教版选修一英语Unit3 Faster, higher, stronger The Return of the Champions教学设计.docx

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1、高二英语外研版新教材选择性必修 1 Unit3 Faster, higher, stronger The Return of the Champions 教学设计 主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:新闻报道 授课时长:1 课时(40 分钟) 教学设计理念 普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版) 明确提出了立足学生发展的学科核 心素养育人观,将高中英语课程标准目标凝练为由语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能 力构成的学科核心素养。学校应在日常教学中分阶段、分层次、有侧重地培养学生的英语学 科核心素养,进一步落实立德树人、全面育人的重任。本节课是针对高二英语选择性必修 1 中人与社会的话题,介绍了中国

2、女排如何凭借坚韧不拔的毅力和奋斗精神以及团队合作精神 战胜困难,赢得各类国际赛事,成为名副其实的世界冠军。本堂课设计要以问题为引领串起 整个课堂的框架,既有逻辑思维,又有情感体验。相信通过这一板块的学习,学生能够深入 理解团队精神的重要新,学会介绍中国女排的成功事迹,增强民族自信心和自豪感。同时能 够联系自身的学习和生活,深入思考女排精神对自己学习态度、生活态度和价值观的启示。 为了让学生对于中国女排有较为全面的认识,从而更好地理解文章及女排精神,在课前预习 的部分补充女排的发展史,涉及到女排的建立 2 及女排光辉的八十年代的五连冠,尤其是于 1984 年击败美国队第一次登上奥运会的世界领 奖

3、台,以及雅典奥运和里约奥运夺冠,补充材料中的部分语言可以和部分文本很好地互释。 这一背景知识的补充会令学生对于这个已有 60 多年历史的运动团队产生浓厚的兴趣, 会促使 他们认真思考女排在中国人心目当中的特殊地位,进而对女排的精神有更为深刻的认识。授 课过程中设计的讨论和活动也紧紧围绕学生的所思所感来进行,基于文本主题和语言,又联 系学生自身情况,鼓励学生实施自主、合作和探究学习。使学生学有所获,获有所思,思有 所表,力求从语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力几方面来培养学生英语学科核心素 养。本节课是在今年 9 月 23 日授课,刚好 9 月 25 日夺冠上映,是新冠疫情之后上映的 的第一

4、部影片,讲述中国女排的故事。因此在课的末尾做周末影片推荐,希望学生可以走进 影院,再次感受女排精神并完成观影感受。这是对课内内容的延伸,让德育的光芒在课堂内 外闪光。 教学内容分析 The passage titled “The Return of the Champions” is a news report, introducing how the Chinese womens volleyball team won various international matches by their strong fighting spirit, perseverance and teamwor

5、k and became the renowned world champion again and again. Through reading the passage, students are supposed to deeply understand the importance of teamwork. At the same time, they will learn to introduce the stories of the success of the Chinese womens volleyball team. The learning will enhance stu

6、dents national confidence and sense of pride. Most importantly, students will think about how the teams spirits will influence their attitude towards study and life as well as their opinion about value. But in order to enrich students knowledge about the Chinese womens volleyball team for deeper und

7、erstanding of the teams spirits, additional background knowledge is added about the trace of the team. 学情分析 The students are senior 2 students in our school. Most of them have great interest in English learning, but quite a part of them are lame in English, partially because they are afraid to speak

8、 English. The target students know the Chines womens volleyball team but not much. In order to help them better understand the passage, especially the teams spirit and the teams special place in the nations heart, more English background knowledge about the team is provided for students to do previe

9、w work to get well prepared for the class. Apart from the above preparation, some video material is also selected to display in the class, aiming to achieve better learning effect. 教学目标 1. To guide students to understand the passage to know the development of the Chinese womens volleyball team. 2.To

10、 guide students to know the teams spirit as an inspiration to Chinese.3. To guide students to express ideas about what they will learn from the team and what they will do when facing difficulty in life. 教学重难点 1. To enable students to understand the passage and summarize the spirits of the Chinese wo

11、mens volleyball team. 2. To enable students to apply the learned to express ideas logically. 3. To enlighten students to learn from the team and think about how to face difficulty in their own life. Before-class(Input of background knowledge) 1. Collect enough background knowledge and video material

12、 about the 1.Read the offered background knowledge about the Chinese womens volleyball *To get students to know the general impression of Chinese womens volleyball team for students to do preview work and assign students to comb the trace of the team and their highlights. 2. Assign students to read

13、the target passage before class and think about the questions “What they have learned from the team?” and “How to face difficulty in life? team and read the target passage fluently.2.Think about the questions “What they have learned from the team?” and “How to face difficulty in life?” the team.*To

14、know why the team can win honors for ourcountry.*To think about the questions concerned with students own life.*To exercise students ability of automatic learning While-class: Reading、discussing、thinking and applying Pre-reading Leading-in 1. Show the spirit of the Olympics “Faster,higher,stronger”

15、and play the video about the moment of the Chinese womens volleyball team winning the champion in Rio Olympics in 2016.2. Make students aware of the learning objectives of this period .1. Students revise the spirit of the Olympics and experience the exciting moment of winning the gold medal. 2. Stud

16、ents clearly keep the learning objectives in mind. *To arouse students interest in the content and get well prepared spiritually. *To get students to be aware of the learning objectives and what to achieve in the class. While-reading 5Activity 1 (Input) 1. Ask one student to passionally read the exc

17、iting on-site commentary of the winning moment in the first paragraph with the other students reading silently. 2. Illustrate a few familiar words with new meanings in this part: electric/ serve/ dive for the ball/ go wild.1. Students read the exciting on-site commentary of the winning moment in the

18、 first paragraph.2. Students get to know that it was very difficult for the team to win the champion in the Rio Olympics. To get students to understand the first sentence “The Chinese womens volleyball team holds a very special place in the national heart.” and get ready for the following reading an

19、d understanding championships during the 1980s, especially the first Olympic gold medal by defeating American team in Los Angeles in 1984. Activity 2(Input) 1. Lead students to comb the trace of the teams development by referring to the background knowledge paper and paragraph2 in the passage. 2. Le

20、ad students to understand the phrases “burst onto the international volleyball scene” and“ paint the most vivid portrait of the teams competitive spirit” according to the context by interpretation. 3. Stress the teams five straight 1. Students get further aware of the development of the team and pay

21、 more attention to the teams winning the champion in Rio Olympics in 2016. 2. Students understand mentioned difficult points clearly by referring to the context in the materialand with the help of the teacher.*To get students to understand the language as well as the logical linking between paragrap

22、hs.*To get ready for summarizing the teams spirits in the following reading Activity 3(Input) 1. Raise the question “Why does winning gold in Rio paints the most vivid portrait of the teams competitive spirit?”2 . Ask students to read paragraph3 to know the fierce fight during the competition.1. Stu

23、dents keep the question in mind and read paragraph3 to really understand the teams difficult road to success in the game.2. Students are supposed to fill in the blanks with the key words that show the fierce fight.*To get students to further understand the saying “winning gold in Rio paints the most

24、 vivid portrait of the teams competitive spirit.”*To arouse students high passion for the team. Activity 4(Input) 1. Raise the question “What competitive spirits have contributed to the teams success?” 2. Ask students to read paragraph3 again and paragraphs 4-5 to summarize the teams spirits.3. Lead

25、 students to think about what is the key difference between team sports and individual sports to stress the importance of team sports further and display some famous sports teams “The Chinese womens basketball team” and “The Chinese table tennis team” as well as “The Qingdao No.67 mens basketball te

26、am” 1. Students understand the question and try to find out the teams spirit as well as supporting examples. 2. Students show their findings and understand that a viewpoint should be supported by examples. 3. Students get to know the importance of teamwork deeply. *To get students to understand the

27、teams spirit and know how to support a viewpoint. *To lay foundation for later discussing and sharing about what they have learned from the team. Activity 5(Input)1. Ask students to understand the topic sentence “Together, the Chinese womens volleyball team has fought their way through ups and downs

28、.” in paragraph6.2. Lead students to understand Langpings words and the teams sense of responsibility for our country. 3. Display some pictures of the team standing on the victory podium. 1. Students read and understand the last paragraph and get to know the teams next aim.2. Students get to know th

29、e teams sense of responsibility for our country. *To get students to be aware of the great drive behind the teams fight. *To get students to fully understand theteams spirits to get ready for the following discussion. *To get students to know everybody should bear strong 8responsibilitiesfor our cou

30、ntry. Activity (Output) 1. Think and share: Ask students to discuss in groups about “What can we learn from the Chinese womens volleyball team?” 2. Lead students to understand the following words as the conclusion for this class. 3. Evaluate students sharing properly. 4. Recommend students to enjoy

31、the film Duo Guan “No difficulty can hinder/prevent the rise of our great country because the Chinese nation has a great spirit of perseverance, a strong will and the steeliest nerves and we can give our all toour country.” 1. Students have a discussion about the question and share their ideas in En

32、glish one by one. 2. Students can collect ideas from other classmates. 3. Students enjoy the trailer of the film Duo Guan. *To allow students chances to express their ideas based on the learning. *To tell students that No difficulty can hinder/prevent the rise of our great country because the Chines

33、e nation has a great spirit of perseverance, a strong will and the steeliest nerves and we can give our all to our country.” *To arouse students interest in the film for later deeper sharing Task( Extension) Advise students to enjoy the movie about the Chinese womens volleyball Team Duo Guan to be r

34、eleased on September 25and write down their feelings for later sharing. 1. Students are supposed to enjoy the film Duo Guan. 2. Students are supposed to write down their feeling after enjoying the movie. *To further impress the Chinese womens volleyball team on students fort hem to understand the sp

35、irit more deeply. *To arouse students internal courage to face difficulty in life to achieve the goal of moral educating. Teaching reflection Students can understand the concerned language with the teachers guide and they can try to summarize and understand the Chinese womens volleyball teams spirit

36、s, which contributes to their thinking and expressing about their own life. Its sure that the students have received very good education about perseverance, teamwork, teamwork as well as the responsibilities for our country. However, there are still some students who stay on the level of understanding the language. They cannot express their ideas in English freely and confidently because of poor oral English. In the future teaching, more activities should be designed for students to apply the learned and build their confidence in making statements in English.


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