2021版外研版必修二英语 Unit4 Stage and screen单元核心词汇句型专项训练(含答案).doc

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1、Unit4 Stage and screen 单元核心词汇句型专项训练单元核心词汇句型专项训练 【核心词汇】【核心词汇】 1His wife is a famous _ (歌剧) singer. 2This was one _ (方面) of her character he hadnt seen before. 3_ (女性的) education in the country is developing rapidly. 4He _ (拍) his hands for silence. 5She has published more than 20 books including nove

2、ls, prose and _ (诗歌) 6The actors usually have to practice one m_ thousands of times. 7I never saw such an e_ man. 8Wed better c_ Chinese traditional medicine with western medicine. 9 We are determined to carry on a bitter struggle to t_ the mountain area in five years. 10Nobody knows what e_ argumen

3、ts the matter will bring. 11It seemed _ (credible) that she had been there a week already. 12The book aims to cover all _ (aspect) of city life. 13After a while the sun has suddenly lost its _ (dazzle) shine. 14They were able to share their common joys and _ (grieve) 15She has an _ (exaggerate) sens

4、e of her own importance. 16We are always finding new beauties in Shakespeares _ (poet). 17As one of the oldest folk art in China, paper- cut can date back _ the 6th century. 18_ (perform) well, the girls kept practicing day and night. 19Jinghu is an instrument _ two strings. 20To be or _ to be, that

5、s a question. 21We can _ (克服) any difficulty, however great. 22In the final _ (一集) we will find out who did the murder. 23He is the least _ (有吸引力的) character, to me at any rate. 24Why are you so _ (粗鲁的) to your mother? 25I have told him about the _ (安排) of meeting. 26_ (cross) the road, the old man

6、was knocked over by a car. 27_ (work) hard all day, I _ (go) to bed early. 28He was caught in the rain, thus _ (make) himself catch cold. 29All night long he lay awake, _ (think) of the problem. 30_ (feel) nervous, he didnt speak at the party. 31Amy made an _ (笨拙的) gesture with her hands. 32He _ (表现

7、) as if nothing had happened. 33He should be able to lead a perfectly _ (正常的) life . 34She was like a _ (公主) in a fairy tale. 35She noticed the _ (没有) of pictures in the book. 36This is the record of this _ (fiction) character bringing us the helplessness of reality. 37There are two men _ (call) Buc

8、kley at the Home Office. 38I think this sentence is one of the _ (unforgettable) lines from the movie. 39Someone had to give orders and take _ (responsible) for mistakes. 40In the absence _ facts, anyones opinion is a good one. 41A _ (王子) turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale. 42The second- ha

9、nd _ (版本) is a poor copy of the original. 43She never hides her _ (情感) in front of her friends. 44The artist combines different _ (技巧) in the same painting. 45We still dont know how many galaxies there are in the _ (宇宙) 46He had a _ (短暂的) visit to the city last week. 47His latest movie is a real _ (

10、失败之作) 48She was exaggerating the true _ (程度) of the problem. 49Every afternoon, I go to the teahouse to listen to _ (讲故事). 50I think you should go back to your _ (原先的) plan. 51What a great _ (cinema) experience this is! 52Im _ (disappoint) it was sold out. 53Tom helps us escape _ the dangerous area.

11、 54The movie doesnt look the way we visualised while _ (read) the book. 55This is something _ we did not hope to see. 56Its _ (tradition) in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. 57Increased population has _ (transform) the landscape. 58He was filled with _ (angry) at the way he had been treate

12、d. 59I believe she will transform me _ a talker. 60I wonder if Peking Opera is easier than a Shakespeare play _ (understand) 【核心句式】【核心句式】 1这部戏剧取材于爱尔兰传说。 The play was _ Irish legend. 2我不会辜负大家对我的期望,相信我! I will _ what you expect, trust me! 3一千个读者眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特。 There are _ in a thousand peoples eyes. 4我在某

13、种程度上是能够理解他们的态度的。 _, I can understand their attitude. 5她是凭借自己的能力成为富人的,而不是通过继承。 Shes a rich woman _ rather than by inheritance. 6她上台时人们向她鼓掌。 She _ as she came on stage. 7这些孩子太专注于他们的学习,所以我就坐在后面。我不教。 These kids are so _ their studies that I just sit back. I dont teach. 8不久之后我们将要上演哈姆雷特 ,让我们尽量把台词记住吧。 We s

14、hall _ Hamlet before long. Lets do our best to learn all our lines. 9我等不及要看他们精彩的表演了。 I _ watch their wonderful performance. 10不知道今天早上世界上发生了什么,我不能错过这个节目。 _ whats happening in the world this morning. I must not miss this program. 参考答案 【核心词汇】 1. 答案:opera 2. 答案:aspect 3. 答案:Female 4. 答案:clapped 5. 答案:po

15、etry 6. 答案:movement 7. 答案:energetic 8. 答案:combine 9. 答案:transform 10. 答案:explosive 11. 答案:incredible 12. 答案:aspects 13. 答案:dazzling 14. 答案:griefs 15. 答案:exaggerated 16. 答案:poetry 17. 答案:to 18. 答案:To perform 19. 答案:with 20. 答案:not 21. 答案:overcome 22. 答案:episode 23. 答案:appealing 24. 答案:rude 25. 答案:arr

16、angement 26. 答案:Crossing 27. 答案:Having worked; went 28. 答案:making 29. 答案:thinking 30. 答案:Feeling 31. 答案:awkward 32. 答案:behaved 33. 答案:normal 34. 答案:princess 35. 答案:absence 36. 答案:fictional 37. 答案:called 38. 答案:most unforgettable 39. 答案:responsibility 40. 答案:of 41. 答案:prince 42. 答案:version 43. 答案:emo

17、tions 44. 答案:techniques 45. 答案:universe 46. 答案:brief 47. 答案:turkey 48. 答案:extent 49. 答案:storytelling 50. 答案:original 51. 答案:cinematic 52. 答案:disappointed 53. 答案:from 54. 答案:reading 55. 答案:that 56. 答案:traditional 57. 答案:transformed 58. 答案:anger 59. 答案:into 60. 答案:to understand 【核心句式】 1) 答案:based on 2) 答案:live up to 3) 答案:a thousand Hamlets 4) 答案:To some extent 5) 答案:in her own right 6) 答案:was applauded 7) 答案:absorbed in 8) 答案:put on 9) 答案:cant wait to 10) 答案:Not knowing


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