教科EEC版四下-Unit8 In the Bathroom-Class 2Textbook p.61-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:10072).zip

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  • 教科EEC2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit8 In the Bathroom_Class 2 Textbook p.61_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:10072)
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Living room 客客厅 Kitchen 厨房厨房 Dining room 餐餐厅 Bath room 浴室浴室 Bedroom 卧室卧室 Where is he? He is in the living room Where are they? They are in the kitchen Where are they? They are in the dining room Where is he? He is in the bath room Where is he? He is in the bedroom 我做你猜 Where am I? Where is she? Where is she doing? She is watching TV in the living room Where are they? What are they doing? They are cooking in the kitchen Where are they? What are they doing? They are eating in the dining room Where is she? What is she doing? She is washing face in the bath room Where is he? What is he doing? he is sleeping in the bedroom 我做你猜 Where am I? What am I doing? Lesson 8 In the bathroom 教学设计 一、教学目标 1.知识与能力目标:通过本节课学习,学生能够听、说、读、 写、使用简单的动词。能够掌握并运用重点句型 Where is? What is doing? 及其答语; 2.过程与方法目标:能够将所学单词、句子运用到实际生活中; 学生的英语素养及交际意识得以提高。 3.情感态度价值观目标:掌握教学目标中所提出的重点单词, 理解并熟练运用重点句型及其答语为本课的教学重点。而灵活运用 扩展知识表达成为一项教学难点。 二、教学重难点 如何将所学单词、句子运用到实际生活中是本课难点。 三、教学过程 T:Hello,everyone. Lets sing a song . Ss: Sing a song. II.Revision: T:What are you doing? S:Im _ T: Would you like to chant with me?(课件出示) Ss: Yes. T: Doing, doing, what are you doing? Ss: Singing, singing, I am singing. (一问一答的形式进行 chant,先由教师问学生答,在学生熟悉之后, 由学生问学生答) T: Chant 中出现的是什么时态? Ss:现在进行时。 (请同学们说一说看到的动词) Listening Fun 1、引导学生说出已知动词。 2、运用课件,以图片提出问题。 T: Look at the pictures, one ask and one answer. Ss: What is he doing? Ss: He is swimming. (出示三组图片,通过一问一答的形式使学生更了解句型) 3、课文学习。 听磁带并跟读,同桌之间以对话的形式进行训练,在听之前为学生 提出问题,请同学们思考。 问题的提出也是有层次性的,先是两个单一的问题,分别询问在哪 里和做什么,第三个问题将两个问题合并,要求学生用一个答案回 答出在哪里和做什么,加深知识。 Where is Ken? Ken is in the living room. What is he doing? He is watching TV. Where is dad? What is dad doing? He is working in his room. 4、扩展知识。 T: Look, this is Kens house. How many rooms are there? (教师出示课件,让学生说一说) Ss: 5. T: Can you guess what is this? Ss: Bathroom.(拼读) T: Maybe. Ss: Bedroom. (拼读) T: Maybe. (学生猜测房间名称,一边猜一边复习单词,进行拼读练习;同时 每个房间出现人物,让学生自己提出问题并进行解答,将课本知识 升级,将前面复习的一些动词融入其中,扩展知识,让学生懂得运 用) IV.Practice: 出示两组阅读练习,让学生在读完后回答问题,巩固所学知识。 (朗读分成自由读和展示读两个阶段;读完后请同桌之间配合一个 问一个答。 ) 1、 Ken: Where are you , mom? Mom: Im in the kitchen. Where are you ,Ken? Ken: Im reading a book in the living room. I want to drink some water, mom. Mom: OK! Here you are. 2、 LiLi: Where is Ken? Betty: He is playing computer games in the bedroom. LiLi: Is Jimmy with him? Betty: No, hes washing in the bathroom. 完成任务,实践运用 仿写对话,请同学们用自己身边熟悉的人,使用自己会的一些动词。 T: What are you doing? Ss: We are studying English in the classroom. Listen and speak. Chant, chant! Do the exercise book. V.Sum Up: T: What did you learn in this class? Ss:Read and say. VI.Homework: Listen read and copy the new words and dialogue. 这是一篇对话教学课,主要学习句型。总体来说这节课的任务并不重,如 果只是简单地分学这个句型而设计课堂学生即使通过一些活动学习了新句型, 可能也只是掌握了这个句型的读法。并不会在生活中运用,这就失去了语言学 习的意义。
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