教科EEC版四下-Unit3 What's the Matter -Class 3Textbook p.22-23-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:00080).zip

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Whats the matter? Hi,Kate.Hi,Kate. Whatsthematter?Whatsthematter? Youlooksick.Youlooksick. Yes,Iam.Yes,Iam. Ihaveafever.Ihaveafever. Gee,thatstooGee,thatstoo bad.bad. Takecare,Kate.Takecare,Kate. Thanks.Thanks. MyfriendKateMyfriendKate MyfriendandKateMyfriendandKate 你能判断出哪个是单三人称吗?你能判断出哪个是单三人称吗? have和has专项练习 1.I_acat.havehave have和has专项练习 2.He_adog.hashas have和has专项练习 3.Lisa_twobig eyes. hashas have和has专项练习 4.Mymother_a fever. hashas have和has专项练习 5.Thestudents_ agoodteacher. havehave Hi.Whats_Hi.Whats_ _?_? thethemattermatter Hi.Whats_?Hi.Whats_?wrongwrong Kate_.Kate_. She_afever.She_afever. issickissick hashas Canshego_Canshego_ us?us? withwith I_so.I_so.hopehope Little Red Riding HoodLittle Red Riding Hood 小红帽小红帽 A: Whats wrong/ the matter? B: C is sick. She/ He has a _.(headache/ toothache/ stomachache/ fever/ cold) A: Can she/ he _( with us)? (go to school/ have lunch/ make dumplings/ sleep well/ look at the lanterns/ sing/ read books) D: I hope so. 忧郁忧郁病痛病痛难过难过 丢失东西丢失东西事故事故 Whatsthematter? Whatswrong? Homework 和朋友们表演P1822课文 听录音,完成教科书P2428习 题 Whats the Matter?教学设计 教学内容:EEC 英语义务教育课程标准实验教材四年级第二学期 Lesson 2 第三课时 教学目标教学目标 知识目标:1.使学生熟练掌握句型“Whats the matter?”及其回答“Im” 。 2. 能在各种语境信息的帮助下,在实际交际中正确自如地表达与疾病相关的 单词。 能力目标:1. 帮助学生形成良好的学习策略。 2. 树立利用网络扩展知识储备的意识。 情感态度价值观: 1. 使学生树立敢说想说要说的意识和愿望,获得轻松愉悦的学习体验。 2. 使学生认识到环境与健康的关系,意识到环保的重要性。 教学重点、难点教学重点、难点 1.教学重点:掌握同天气相关的句型及词汇。 2.教学难点: 提高听说读写技能。 教学过程:教学过程: I.Greeting and revision 1. Greeting 2. Review the verbs 3. Review P20 II.New Lseeon 1. Q: Whats the matter with Kate? 2. Learn:has 思辨点 1: 师:Whats the matter with Kate? 生 1:She is has a fever. 师:Is it right? 生 2:No. 应该是 She has a fever. 师:Why? 生 3:is 和 has 不能同时使用。 师:Which one should we use?我们用哪个不用哪个呢? 生:用 has。 师:老师上节课告诉过大家得某种病要用 have,have a fever。为什么不用 have 呢? 生 4:因为 she 是单三人称,单三人称后面要用动词的单三形式。 师:Right. Have 的单三形式是 has(讲解 has 拼写及发音) 。 师:除了 she 以外,还可以替换成那些词? 生 5:Kate. 生 6:My sister Kate. 师:Great. Look at the screen. Which one is right? 生:My friend Kate is right. 师:Why?My friend is a person. Kate is one person. They are two persons. 生 7:My friend is Kate. Kate is my friend. It is one person. 师:Great. Why is the second one wrong? 生:Because and. My friend and Kate, my friend is not Kate. They are two persons. 师:Good job. The key word is (结合课件) 生:And. 师:OK. Lets do some exercise. Number 1: I a dog. 生 8:have. 师:Why? 生 8:“I”不是单三人称。 (余下习题略) 3. Q: Can she go to the park with us? 4. Listen to the tape 思辨点 2: 师:(提出问题并板书)Can she go to the park with us?(听录音,板书上呈现的与磁带中不同,此处唤起学生思考。 ) Can she go with us?为什么和老师写得不一样呢? 生:之前课文故事提到过,所以可以省略。 师:Right.对于上文提到过、说话的人都明了的内容可以省略。 5. Learn: hope 6. Fill in the blanks 7. Extension: ache 思辨点 3: 通过讲解扩展内容 headache、toothache、stomachache,进一 步拓展教材外词汇 earache、backache、hand ache 等相关词汇,以 达到利用词缀举一反三的目的。 师:Is there something special among these words?这些词 有什么特别之处吗? 生:表示部位疼痛的词中都有 ache。 师:Good. If there is something wrong with my ear, I have an . 生:earache(师板书,生拼写) 师:If there is something wrong with my back(师板书). I have a . 生:backache(生拼写词缀) 师:If my hand hurts. I have a . 生:hand ache。 (师板书,强调除今天学习到的身体部位直接加 ache 组成合成词外,其他部位疼痛需要在部位和 ache 间空格,构成 短语。 ) 8. Act or read 9. Show III. Extension Whats the matter? Whats wrong? IV.Homework
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