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1、译林版四下第 14单元重难点 Welcome back to school.欢迎回到学校。(welcome back to 欢迎回到) Welcome home.欢迎回家。(home/here/there 是副词,前面不加 to, 此处去掉 back 更简洁) Welcome to my home.欢迎来我家。(welcome to 欢迎来到) Welcome to our school.欢迎来我们学校。 对喜欢什么学科、课程提问用 what subjects(多用复数),I like Chinese and Maths.(提问)What subjects do you like?(what

2、subjects 通常与 like 连用) 对上什么课提问用 what lessons(多用复数),We have Music and Maths.(提问)What lessons do you have?(what lessons 通常与 have 连用) 比较:I have three lessons this morning. I have seven subjects this term.(这学期不会只上七节课对吧,所以是 seven subjects) Its time for English. =Its time to have English. =Its time to have

3、 an English lesson.(Its 可以 省去) Its time+for+名词.=Its time +to do (的时间到了。) for English=have English=have an English lesson 上英语课 对星期几提问用 what day,Its Wednesday.(提问)What day is it? 在具体的某一天及某天的上午、下午、晚上用 on,on Monday 在周一,on Monday morning 在周一上午,on Tuesday afternoon 在星期二下午 含有行为动词(实义动词)的句子否定时在动词前面加上 dont 或

4、doesnt(第三人称单数), dont/doesnt 后面跟动词原形,I like Art.(否定)I dont like Art. He does homework at home. (否定)He doesnt do homework at home. all 的位置在 be 动词、情态动词后面,行为动词前面,They are all very cheap.他们都很便 宜。We all like English. 我们都喜欢英语。 重点难点四下 2 对星期几提问用 what day, Its Wednesday today.(提问)What day is it today? Today i

5、s Monday. (提问)What day is today?星期的缩写都是大写,除星期四取前四个字母外,其余都是取前 三 个 字 母 , 即Monday(MON), Tuesday(TUE), Wednesday(WED), Thursday(THUR), Friday(FRI), Saturday(SAT), Sunday(SUN), 星期一到星期五的任何一天都叫 weekday(周工 作日), 星期六和星期日叫 weekend(周末),注意,Sunday is the first(第一) day of the week. 星期日是一周的第一天。Monday is the second(

6、第二) day of the week. 星期一是一周的第二 天。 lets go and play (play) table tennis. Come and play (play) table tennis. and 意为“和、与、又” , 表示并列关系,and 前后连接的词的形式是一致的。如:She likes dancing (dance) and swimming (swim). The boy goes (go) home and does his homework. a swimming lesson 中 swimming 是动名词, 原形是 swim, 构成方式是双写最后一个字

7、母再 加上-ing, 大多数动词构成动名词是直接加-ing, 结尾是 e 的去掉 e 再加上-ing. 如:Its a sleeping (sleep) bag. 它是一个睡袋。We have a swimming (swim) pool in our school. 我们 学校有个游泳池。I have three pairs of running (run) shoes. 我有三双运动鞋。 What about?=How about ?意为“怎么样?” ,后面跟名词、代词、动名词,如: What about you? What about Sunday? What about playing

8、 football? 对时间提问用 when 或 what time, 如:I get up at five.(提问)When do you get up? / What time do you get up? Its seven oclcok.(提问)What time is it? I dont have any lessons on Saturday.(同义句)I have no lessons on Saturday. 重点难点四下 3 整点时间后面可以加上 oclock,如:七点钟:seven seven oclock 七点十五分:seven fifteen seven fiftee

9、n oclock 对时间提问用 when 或 what time, when 提问的时间比较笼统,对钟面上时间提问只能用 what time. 如:I get up at seven.(提问)When do you get up?/What time do you get up? Its seven oclock.(提问)What time is it? When is it? What time is it?(同义句)What is the time? have breakfast/lunch/dinner(supper) 三餐前不加 the, play football/basketbal

10、l 球类前也不加 the, at four forty 在四点四十,注意 forty 中间没有 u, four/fourteen 都有。 do ones homework 做家庭作业, 具体到某人 ones 分别是 my 我的 your 你的, 你们的 his 他的 her 她的 our 我们的 their 他们的,她们的,homework 是不可数名词,没有复数形 式,类似的单词是 housework(家务活)。 evening 傍晚、晚上 下午 6 点到晚上 10 点前 in the evening night 夜晚、黑夜 晚上 10 点至午夜 at night 感叹句:1) How+形容

11、词或副词+其他!如:How beautiful! =How beautiful (the bird is)! 多 么漂亮的鸟啊!中心词是 beautiful(形容词) ,前面用 how 引导。 2)What +a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+其他!如:What a big cake (it is)!=What a big cake! 多么大的蛋糕啊!中心词是 cake(名词) ,前面用 what 引导。 I can see a cake.(一般疑问句)Can you see a cake? (把 can 提到前面,I 改为 you) I can see a cake.(否定句)I cannot

12、 see a cake./I cant see a cake.(can 后面加上 not) I can see a cake.(提问)What can you see? (对什么提问用 what, 把 can 提到前面,I 改为 you) I like (cake, cakes). like+可复 This (cake, cakes) is nice. this +单数 this, cake, nice, a, is (.)This is a nice cake. this, cake, nice, is (.)This cake is nice. 6:15 six fifteen=a qua

13、rter past six (quarter 1/4,一刻钟,十五分钟 past 过) 6:30 six thirty=half past six (half 1/2,一半,半小时,30 分钟) 6:40 six forty=twenty to seven 6:45 six forty-five=a quarter to seven 6:50 six fifty=ten to seven 重点难点四下 4 【let+宾格】 ,如:Let me have a look at your new watch. 让我看看你的新手表。 【lets+动词原形】 ,如:Lets draw in the pa

14、rk. 我们在公园里画吧。 画画 draw a picture=draw pictures 画花 draw a flower=draw flowers 做蛋糕 make a cake=make cakes 做色拉 make a salad=make salads I can see some flowers over there.(提问)What can you see over there? I can see some flowers over there.(一般疑问句)Can you see any flowers over there? 【动词+宾格】 如:Look at the lo

15、vely dog. Can you draw it? I can see some beautiful flowers in the park. Can you draw them? easy(反义词)difficult/hard, easy 前面用 an, an easy subject 一门容易的学科。 Im not good at Art. Its difficult to draw (draw) this boat. 我美术不好,画这条船困难。 I like drawing. Its easy to draw a flower. 我喜欢画画,画一朵花很容易。 this(对应词)that

16、, this(复数)these, that(复数)those, these(对应词)those, 【this/that+单数】 , 【these/those+复数】 the boat on the river 河上的船,The boat is on the river. 船在河上。 Whats in this big box? 这个大箱子里有什么?对什么地方有什么提问用 what is? Whats that in this big box? 这个大箱子里的那个是什么? ten to ten 十点差十分,九点五十, before ten 十点前 Its time for bed.=Its ti

17、me to go to bed. 该睡觉了。 【for+名词,to+动词】 Its time for school.=Its time to go toschool. 该上学了。 Its time for lunch.=Its time to have lunch. 该吃中饭了。 Its time for home.=Its time to go home. 该回家了。 Its time for PE.=Its time to have PE.=Its time to have a PE lesson. 该上体育课了。 Its time for us (we) to go (go) swimming (swim). 我们该去游泳了。 【for 后面跟宾格, to+动词, go+动词 ing, 把 for us 去掉看看, 是不是明白了?】 (以上例句中 Its 均可省去) 长在树上用 on the tree 掉在树上用 in the tree,如:Look at the red apples on the tree. 瞧树 上的红苹果。 (苹果长在树上)Look, the bird is in the tree now. 瞧,鸟儿在树上现在。 (树 上长鸟儿吗?)


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