教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 11 Can you tell me the way -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-公开课-(编号:605fd).zip

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第第 1 课时课时 课 题Module 6 Directions 教学内容Unit 11 Can you tell me the way? 教 学 目 标 1、理解和流利朗读课文,在提示下复述课文对话。、理解和流利朗读课文,在提示下复述课文对话。 2、能在老师提供的框架下清楚地问路和向他人发出线路指引。、能在老师提供的框架下清楚地问路和向他人发出线路指引。 教学重点问路和向他人发出线路指引问路和向他人发出线路指引 教学难点问路和向他人发出线路指引问路和向他人发出线路指引 教法学法以旧引新、小组合作 教 学 流 程 (一)leading-in 1. Sing and dance. (复习 right 和 left,为后面的路线指引做准备) 2. 导入课题: Can you tell me the way?. 3. 展示学习目标:a、课文对话及词条。 b、理解和流利朗读课文,在提示下复述课文对话。 c、能在老师提供的框架下清楚地问路和向他人发出线路指引。 (二)Presentation and practice 1. Learn how to say the way. 2. 教师出示自己在街上的照片并提问:Where am I?Im lost, can you tell me the way to the park?引导孩子准确的说出路线 3. 分别展示几张图片,介绍背景:Jiaming 住院了,Ben 和 Janet 想去医院 探望他,结果迷路了,只好问路。 4. 呈现课文内容之后看课文视频,判断 T 还是 F。如 F,引导学生说出错误 的地方并更正。 5. books open: 学习课文对话。 点 评 教 学 流 程 4. Act out the dialogue. 5. Read together. (三) Development 1. Look and say: 闪现地点图片,看谁最快说出地点单词。 2.呈现问路以及指路的句型。 4. 小组合作: 看图,根据提示说出路线对话。 5. 小组合作:看图,写出路线对话所缺的单词。 6. Lets play: a. I do you say: 学生根据老师现场走的情况说出路线。 b. You say he/she do: 全体学生感觉图标提示说出路线,一 学生背 生背对图标提示,感觉听到的指示走出路线。 6.看图,根据问题,写出路线。 (4)Sum-up How to ask and answer the way. (五)Homework 1、抄写本课单词并家听。 2、用思维导图写出对话的关键词。 点 评 板书 设计 Unit 1 Can you tell me the way? 评价栏 sentences 练习 安排 1. 看图,做出路线指引 教学 反思 本节课孩子们参与的积极性很高,对于路线的提问和回答都掌握比较好。本节课在关注 后进生方面有所欠缺,以后要多对他们进行指导。 签名:王俊斌 Warming up! Lets sing and dance! Module 6 Directions Period 1 本课时内容及目标:本课时内容及目标: 1、课文对话及词条。、课文对话及词条。 2、理解和流利朗读课文,在提示下复述课文对话。理解和流利朗读课文,在提示下复述课文对话。 3、能在老师提供的框架下清楚地问路和向他人发出线路指、能在老师提供的框架下清楚地问路和向他人发出线路指 引。引。 Im lost. Can you tell me the way to the park. I want to meet my friends there. Lets learn how to say the way. go straight ahead turn right turn left crossingthe first crossing the second crossing the third crossing the first the second the third Can you tell me the way to the park. I want to meet my friends there. Thank you so much. Jiamin ate some bad bread. He got sick. So he went to the hospital to see a doctor. The doctor said Jiamin should stay in the hospital for some days. So Janet and Ben are going to go to the hospital to see Jiamin. But they dont know the way. They are lost. Lets lear n They go and ask a lady for help. Lets listen. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead Lets learn then turn right at the second crossing. the first the second the third Its the building on your right, opposite the school.You cant miss it. Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Lets learn Thank you so much. 1. ( ) Janet and Ben are lost. 2. ( ) Janet and Ben ask a man for help. 3. ( ) Janet and Ben want to go the park. 4. ( ) Go straight ahead then turn left at the first crossing. 5. ( ) The hospital is the building on the right, behind the school. T F F F Choose true (T) or false (F). lady hospital. opposite the school. F Lets listen right second 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 Oh dear! I think were lost. Lets go and ask the lady over there. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing. Lets read 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Its the building on your right, opposite the school. You cant miss it. Thank you so much. Lets read Guessing game: What place is it? Lets play 通过游戏复习和学 习有关场所的单词 。 cinema Lets play market Lets play library Lets play shopping centre Lets play hospital Lets play bank Lets play 通过phonics教授单 词。 restaurant Lets play 通过phonics教授单 词。 Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to _? Lets talk Yes, of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead. Then turn _ at the _ crossing. Its on your _, next to the _. You cant miss it. left cinema second left restaurant Could Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to _? Lets talk Yes, of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead. Then turn _ at the _ crossing. Its on your_, next to the_. You cant miss it. Could I do you say!We say you do! 3 2 1 1 the first the second the third Can you write down the way to the school for me? I want to meet my brother there. 1、抄写本课单词并家听。 2、用思维导图写出对话的关键词。
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