教科版四下-Module 6 Celebrations-Unit 11 I was born in January-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)--(编号:7026c).zip

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Module 6 celebration Unit 11 I was born in January Celebrations 庆祝 presentcandle Whats going on ?Whats going on ? go on go on 进行进行 I am Dai Yi heng, I was born in April , I am eleven . _ _ was born 出生于. _ April 四 月 when were you born ? I was born in how old are you? I am 你几月出生的? 我出生于 Lets talk Sharp eyesSharp eyesSharp eyesSharp eyes January February March April May June July August September October November December when were you born ? I was born in how old are you? I am 你几月出生的? 我出生于 Lets talk what is going on what is going on what is going on what is going on ? ? ? ? Lets go to Lets go to Lets go to Lets go to JiaminsJiaminsJiaminsJiamins partypartypartyparty! ! ! ! 1. What are they doing? Whats going on? They are having a party for Jiamins birthday . Lets Lets listenlisten 1. 1.When was Jiaming born?When was Jiaming born? A. February B. MayA. February B. MayC. JanuaryC. January 2. How old is he?2. How old is he? A. 12A. 12B. 10B. 10C. 11C. 11 3. How many candles should they 3. How many candles should they put on the cake?put on the cake? A. 10A. 10B. 12B. 12C. C. 1111 Look at all the presents, cards and flowers! Whats going on? Were having a Party for Jiamins birthday. Great! Happy Birthday, Jiamin! I was born in January, too. How old are you? Im ten. Lets put ten candles on the birthday cake. Look at all the presents, cards and flowers! Whats going on? Were having a party for Jiamins birthday. Great! Happy Birthday, Jiamin. I was born in January, too. How old are you? Im ten. Lets put ten candles on Jiamins birthday cake. Lets chantLets chant When were you born? When were you When were you born? When were you born?born? I was born in January. I was born in I was born in January. I was born in February.February. I was born in . I was born in April.I was born in . I was born in April. I was born in May. I was born in May. I was born in . I was born in . I was born in July. I was born in August.I was born in July. I was born in August. I was born in . I was born in . I was born in . I was born in . I was born in November. I was born in November. I was born in .I was born in . Sum up 义务教育教科书小学英语学科(教育学科出版社)四义务教育教科书小学英语学科(教育学科出版社)四 年级下册年级下册 Module 6 Celebrations Unit 11 I was born in January (Period 1st ) 教学设计教学设计 【教学内容分析教学内容分析】 四年级下册 Module 6 Celebrations,教学内容为Unit 11 I was born in January,lets talk 部分。本课重点词汇有:was born, present, card, go on, party, candle, cake,12 个月份单词。 重点句型:When were you born? I was born in How old are you? I am 本课时是 U11 的第 一课时,是关于庆祝 Jiamin 生日聚会的对话内容,创设本班同学过生日的情境让学生感受对话内容, 贴近学生的日常生活,学生容易理解和上口。 【教学对象分析教学对象分析】 四年级学生对生日聚会的这个话题比较感兴趣,三年级已经学过祝贺别人生日快乐“Happy birthday” ”Thank you!”,询问别人年龄“How old are you?” ”Im”等句式的表达,生日聚会 类型的话题有一定语言基础。孩子活泼好动,爱表现自己,生日聚会话题涉及我在哪月出生,孩子 们都有学习的欲望,但这个年龄段的孩子课堂自控能力较弱,因此教学中通过生动的歌曲、情景创 设、比赛游戏等方法帮助学生集中注意力,在话题教学模式下掌握教学内容。 【教学目标教学目标】 (一)语言知识目标 (一)语言能力(一)语言能力 1、知识目标 1)学生能够听说读 12 月份单词; 2)学生能够听说拼读 was/born/present/card/party/candle/cake 3)学生能听说读句型 When were you born? I was born in (二)语言技能目标 2、技能目标 1)学生能够询问他人的出生月份、年龄并且做出回答; 2)学生能够正确朗读对话内容。 (三)情感态度目标 学习策略目标: 1)通过以旧带新、音节分解法帮助学生学习新单词; 2)通过听说活动培养学生的口头表达能力及综合语言运用能力。 【教学重难点教学重难点】 教学重点 1、学生能够听说拼读 was born/present/card/party/candle/cake; 2、学生能够询问他人的出生月份、年龄并且做出回答; 3、学生能够正确朗读 letstalk 对话内容 教学难点 January/February 的读音 【教学策略教学策略】 1、充分利用视频、图片、PPT 等资源进行词汇、句型和课文的教学;2学会观察分析单词中的规 律,分音节来记忆单词的方法。 2培养学生的小组合作精神和能力。 【教学过程教学过程】 Procedures 教学活动教学活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Warming up Listen to music Listen to music 引出课题 Pre-reading 1、What can we see in a birthday party ? 2、what is going on ? 3、lets talk 1、看图片学习单词 2、看生日聚会表演学 习 12 个月份单词和句 型 3、操练句型 1、激发学生学习兴 趣。 2、学生日礼物词汇, 为阅读扫除障碍。 3、通过有趣的生日 聚会,让学生初步 了解生日内容,为 课文学习做铺垫。 While-reading 4、Learn the dialogue 1)The 1st listening 1. What are they doing? Whats going on? 2)The 2nd listening When was Jiaming born? How old is he? How many candles put on the cake? 3) Lets enjoy the vedio 4) Lets read 进入对话 1.带着问题听力,理解课 文内容。三听语音语调。 2. 通过跟读朗读,学生 学会正确朗读本课对话。 1、一听对话大意, 2、二听对话细节,。 3、三听语音语调。 4、情境性原则 趣味性原则性 Sum up 1、 Lets chant 2、 Listen to the music 1、根据提示说出月份 和句型 2、唱歌 1、归纳总结 Homework 1、写新学的单词,一个一行 2、向跟朋友讨论生日年龄 1、写新学的单词,一 个一行 2、向跟朋友讨论生日 年龄 复习巩固所学知识 板板 书书 设设 计计 Module 6 Celebrations Unit 11 I was born in January
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