接力版三年级下册Lesson 15 It’s tall.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:9322f).zip

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Lesson 15 Its tall. Warm-up face car Rabbit, rabbit,蹦蹦跳。 (兔子跳到哪 ,你就读到哪。) sing redgreenblack blue hair eyes nose ears small big swim Presentation ItIt isis a a nicnice e day.day. PeterPeter andand JohnJohn gogo toto thethe zoo.zoo. 今天天气真好,皮得和约翰去动物园。今天天气真好,皮得和约翰去动物园。 WelcomeWelcome toto thethe zoozoo They come to the gate of the zoo and go in 他们来到动物园门口并走进去。他们来到动物园门口并走进去。 Presentation Look! there are two trees. 皮得说,看!那有两棵树。 Presentation Look, listen and say Its tall. Its short. PresentationPresentation Presentation Look! There are two animals. 皮得说,看!那有两只动物。 Presentation Look, listen and say an elephant a mouse Its big. It has big ears and a long nose. Its small. It has small eyes. Look, listen and say Presentation Its tall. Its short. an elephant Its big. It has big ears and a long nose. a mouse Its small. It has small eyes. Practice Lest chant Short Short Its short. Tall Tal Its tall. Big Big Its big. Small Small It s small. elephant tall big long tall elephan t small small 抢答、 做动作 Tips: 认真观察下面的图片,说出他们之间的不同之处。 look and answer He is . . He is . tall short It is . It is . big small She has a short and brown hair. She has a long and black hair. 1. the elephant has ears and a nose. big 2.the lion(狮子) has a hair . 3.the monkey has a tail(尾巴). long brown long 4.the frog(青蛙) has eyes. big 6.the hippopotamus(河马) has mouth and eyes. 5.the pig(猪)has ears and nose. big big 7.the rabbit(兔子)has ears and tail(尾巴). big small longshort Presentation Read and choose Its big. Its small. It has a long nose. It has small eyes. It can fly. It can sing. Its big. Its small. It has a long nose. It has small eyes. It can fly. It can sing. Its big. Its small. It has a long nose. It has small eyes. It can jump. It can sing. Its big. Its small. It has a long nose. It has small eyes. It can fly. It can sing. Summary tall elephant mouse I know these words. 我认识了这些单词。 I can describe things and animals with: Its tall. It has big ears and a long nose. I t has small eyes. 1.读课文P47和单词两次。 2.写练习册P80-P81。 3.听音频,预习Lesson 16。 Homework Lesson15Lesson15 ItIt ss talltall 第第 1 1 课时课时 教学主题 Look,Listen and say 一、教材分析 教材以大树和小树、小鸟、大象和老鼠的对比,呈现核心句型 Its It has It can 同时呈现单词 elephant 和 mouse。 二、教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)能听、说、认读单词 tall 和 elephant。 (2)能听说单词 mouse。 (3)能够听懂、会说并认读主要句型 Its It has It can 2.能力目标 (1)能准确模仿本课录音中的内容。 (2)能够在图片、实物或情景的帮助下正确运用句型 Its It has It can描述动物特征。 3.情感态度,文化意识,学习策略。 (1)能体会到英语学习的乐趣。 (2)能积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 三、教学重难点 1.教学重点。 在实际情境中运用 It s It has It can描述动物特征。 2.教学难点 在实际情境中运用 It has 描述动物特征。 四、教学准备 1.教师准备。 课前练习一部分动物简笔画、配套音响、多媒体课件。 2.学生准备 自己画一幅喜爱的动物图片、课本。 五、教学流程设计 1.热身活动 (1)师生互相问候。 (2)sing a song: She is tall. 趣味抢答。 教师出示 PPT,引导学生 the rabbit 跳到哪个单词,生就快速读出 那个单词。 2.新知与操练。 (1)要求学生打开课本,出示 PPT,师问:“Do you know? Who are they?”生答。教师创造情景并介绍情景:“Today is weekend, It is a nice day, so Peter and John go to the zoo.”师继续介绍言语情景:“Look! they go to the zoo of the gate.” (2)承接上一环节,师引导学生看图,比较两棵树的特征: “Look at the picture, There are two trees.”师指着高的树并 做高的手势:“The tree is ”引导生读 tall.新授单词 tall 以 及 Its tall 句型。 用同样的方法呈现对比句型 Its short. 教师引导学生读并做手势:“It is tall. It is short.”板书 Its tall. Its short. (3)出示大象图片,师指这大象问生:“Who can tell me? What is it ?”引导生说 elephant.新授单词 elephant.然后逐一指 着这些身体部位,由词到句,逐渐加大难度,呈现主句型。如: ears, big ears. It has big ears,再依次描述其他身体部位,学 说主句型 It has 用同样的方法呈现 mous 以及对比句型。 (4)教师播放录音,让学生模仿跟读。后进行全班朗读,小组 朗读,男女生朗读。 (5)操练: Lets chant 师引导生边做动作边读句型。 play a game. 3.巩固拓展 (1)分别提供两幅动物图片,人物图片,让学生运用本课所学 快速说出不同之处。比如动物的大小,人物身材的高低,头发的长 短等。引导学生指图说出句子 It has big/ small. It is short/tall. It has long/short hair. (2)让学生翻开书本 P49 完成练习。 (3)你说我说 师出示一张动物聚会的照片,给时间学生考虑 让学生说出不同的动 物身上不同的特征。 4.总结 教师引导学生梳理本课的重点词汇和句子,让学生在梳理中自 己总结出本节课的收获,形成对学习成果的自我评价。 六、作业布置 1.读课文 P47 和单词两次。 2.写练习册 P80-P81。 3.听音频,预习 Lesson 16 七、板书设计 Lesson15 Its tall Its It has
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