教科EEC版五下Unit2 What Do You Want to Be -Class 1 Textbook p.14-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f00d6).doc

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1、LessonLesson 2 2 WhatWhat DoDo YouYou WantWant toto Be?Be? (第(第 1 1 课时)课时) 教材分析教材分析: 本课是小学 EEC 英语第六册第二课第一课的内容。 本节课的重点在于熟悉表示放学后学生们 要做的事情,掌握相关的单词以及要表达的英语句式。 学情分析:学情分析: 学生的语言基础知道已经牢固,并具有对信息的获取、分析、处理、加工的能力。他们很喜 欢用英语表达,很喜欢用英语表达自己的情感。 教学目标教学目标: 一、 知识目标: 本课通过学习、 练习巩固 WhatWhat dodo youyou usually dodo after

2、 school? I usually Sometimes I 句型。 二、能力目标:把所学知识运用到实际的生活中。 三、情感目标:让学生从小立志,有远大的理想。 教学重点教学重点: 1、巩固句型:WhatWhat dodo youyou usually dodo after school? I usually Sometimes I 2、运用所知识进行综合语言交际活动。 教学过程:教学过程: 本课我采用的是情景式教学模式。 首先通过复习已识知的单词形式进行热身活动, 然后通过 图片的引入学习新知,运用分组、分角色教学进行扩展学习。扩大孩子的词汇量。听说读写 并用。激发了孩子的兴趣。 教学流程:

3、 一、旧知复习,激情连谊。一、旧知复习,激情连谊。 Greeting , say hello toto each other.Try toto think how toto say the words. 通过观看大屏幕,轻松课堂氛围,激活学生英语思维。并与学生进行互动交流,拉近师生之 间的距离。 二、为学习语言新知奠定基础:二、为学习语言新知奠定基础: 利用多媒体课件呈现生活情景,使学生整体感知学习内容。同时运用课件、单词卡片等多种 教学手段,使学生在愉悦的氛围中自然地掌握单词。 T: Leam toto read the words ,and leam toto read the sente

4、nce .talk in pairs. Always , usually ,sometimes ,cook ,dodo my home work One by one read the words 用分组训练的形式继续练习 words。提问 Who can say ? Always , usually ,sometimes ,cook ,dodo my home work Play “drive train ”and “spin the compass”toto practice the sentences. 三、情境中体会语言,学习语言三、情境中体会语言,学习语言, , 应用语言应用语言 1

5、.Stick the words, and practice the pronunciation. Learn toto read the words. 2.(通过大屏幕的展示,询问 whatwhatshe doing?) Good, now who can tell me? (1)He practices the violin. Clean my room . At the Pool I like go swimming at the pool. but ,its just my hobby. (板书呈现) (2)Play a game: listen and touch the words

6、 on the board.Read the words that the teacher pointing , who is quicker.learn toto read the sentence. (3)Havea competition: a big shark. (4)Sentence: (板书呈现) WhatWhat dodo youyou usually dodo after school? I usually clean my room . Sometimes I help my mom cook. (5)Check the students reading the dialo

7、g. And talk in pairs.(Use the words and the sentences.) (创设情景在语言交际中自然呈现本课知识,并使学生对新知内容有初步的了解。) 3. Show time for the students. T: Who can bebe the teacher? T: Good, excellent teachers! (给学生展示的空间,用询问的形式走到教室前面来体会用英语对话的乐趣,) 4T: YouYou did a good job. Our friends 3POalso wantwant toto play game.Now lets l

8、isten toto the tape and find out whatwhat happened in the story. T:Now open your books and turn toto page 18 (听课文,在课件的辅助下,利用磁带对学生进行语言输入。让学生在情境中体会语言。 ) T: Ok just stop here,lets check out together. 5Practice. T: Group work: (分角色读、分组读、整体读课文等形式理解课文。) 6. Listen again and repeat T: Good, now lets listen

9、toto the tape again, and read after the tape. (再读课文,熟悉课文的细节。) 四四. .运用所学语言进行交际运用所学语言进行交际 1.在学生了解单词句型用法之后,现场学生就应用所学句式。练习放学后我能做什么? WhatWhat dodo youyou usually dodo after school? I usually Sometimes I . 2.学生选场景小组练习。 T: Ok youyou get the right answers so now lets practice in groups by using WhatWhatwe v

10、e learnt. Please dodo it! (让学生以语言实践为途径,开展语言应用活动,以小组语言形式汇报,使学习程度有所提 升。) 五、结合所学,升华教学内容五、结合所学,升华教学内容 通过小组商定放学后的活动内容进行语言实践。学生选场景小组练习。 T:WhatWhat dodo we dodo together after school ? Please talk about it and tell me the result. Show them whatwhat dodo youyou usually dodo after school ? let the students i

11、ntroduce it S: I usually . Sometimes I T: Ok youyou get the right answers so now lets practice in groups by using whatwhat we ve learn with thepictures. Please dodo it! S: OK . (让学生以语言实践为途径,开展语言应用活动,以小组语言形式汇报,使学习程度有所提 升。) 六、布置作业六、布置作业 Homework: 根据给出的短文,写一篇你自已的在学校的生活计划,将课堂学习延伸到课外。 Make a planafrer school. 七、板书设计七、板书设计 Lesson2 What Do You Want to Be? practicescleanpoolhobby WhatWhatdodo youyou usually dodo after school? I usually clean my room . Sometimes I help my mom cook.


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