辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 9 A busy family-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:a098b).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 9 A busy family_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:a098b)
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    • a busy family.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案a098b.doc--点击预览


Unit9 A busy family Unit9 A busy family Taihe Primary School Helen Who are they? A busy family Im busy. Im busy. Im busy. A busy family the dishes Im doing the dishes. What are you doing? A busy family What are you doing? A busy family the dishes Im sweeping the floor. What are you doing? A busy family the dishesIm cleaning the desk. Im cleaning the desk. Im sweeping the floor. Im doing the dishes. A busy family A busy family when we use sb+be+doing means 某人正在做. Im reading What are you doing? Im singing. What are you doing? Im dancing. What are you doing? Im cooking What are you doing? lets review and say a chant . Are you ready? What are you doing? Im. eating dancing cleaning the windowsflying sweeping the floor doing the dishes washing clothes swimming Im_. Im _. Im _. Im _. A B C D Listen and match.听音连线 Listen and think:What are they doing? Imsweeping the floor (B) B A C D Im cleaning the windows(A) Im washing clothes (D) Im doing the dishes (C) A busy family 1.Spot is _ 2.What is Jimmy doing? Jimmy is _(play) with Spot. free playin g Read silently and answer.(默读并回答问题) Its _ morning. Everybody is _.My dad is_. My mom is _. My grandma is _. Linda is _. I am _ with Spot. Sunday busy cleaning the windows sweeping the floor doing the dishes washing clothes playing Read the text again. 大声朗读课文。 Fill in the blanks. 填空。 Listen and imitate 听音跟读 Read the text in roles. (小组内分角色朗读 课文.) Jimmy: Dad, can you play with me? Dad: Sorry, Im busy. Im cleaning the windows. Jimmy: How about you, Mom? Mom: Sorry, Im sweeping the floor. Jimmy: Grandma, please. Grandma: Look! Im doing the dishes. Linda: And Im washing clothes. Jimmy: What about you, Spot? Spot: Woof! Woof! Jimmy: Yeah! Spot is free. Lets go. Can you read the Can you read the text?text? Hello ! My name is Cindy. Hello! My name is Cindy My happy family Its Sunday. Were at home. Look! My dad is working . My little brother is playing. My mother is watering flowers. Im reporting. This is my happy family! I love my family. Write about your family!Write about your family! My _ family Its _. Were at home. Everybody is _.Look! My dad is _. My mom is _. Im_. This is my _ family! I love my family! warm, happy, busy Monday Wednesday morning, Sunday evening washing clothes, playing the piano, watching TV, watering flowers, playing chess washing clothes, playing the piano, watching TV, watering flowers, playing chess warm, happy, busy Monday Wednesday morning, Sunday evening Word Bank Write about your family!Write about your family! My _ family Its _. Were at home. Everybody is _.Look! My dad is _. My mom is _.Im _. This is my _ family! I love my family! Word Bank washing clothes, playing the piano, watching TV, watering flowers, playing chess warm, happy, busy Monday Wednesday morning, Sunday evening Your parents are doing these things for you! 你的父母也正在为你做着这些事情. Homework: 1.Read your writing to your parents. 2.Do housework for your parents. 3.Say thank you to your parents A busy family 教学内容:五年级下册 Unit 9 第一课时 教材分析:基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是通过各种教学活动,激发和培养学生 学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力 与合作创新的精神,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。在语言学习过程中,学生将要学 习、掌握单词表中四会单词和三会单词。快乐英语(三年级起点)五年级下册,共 12 个单元。为了突破这节课的重点,难点。我主要采取以活动,合作为主线。让学生在 教师的指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与合作等多法并用的方式组织教学。 学情分析:本册书教授的是小学五年级的学生,对英语学习有一定的兴趣。并具 备一定的英语知识,也具备了一定的自学能力和语言组织能力。但在灵活运用上还需 要教师引导,因此,在设计上采用从听说入手,创设情境。设计 chant,激发学生学 习兴趣,所设计的内容面向全体学生。由易到难,让学生在愉快的氛围中从不同程度 得到提高,从而达到培养学生综合运用语言能力的目的,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。 增强自信心。 教学目标: 1.key phrases: cleaning the windows, sweeping the floor, doing the dishes, washing clothes. 2.Master the sentence: Im doing sth. 3.Grasp the present continuous tense. 4.We should love my parents, and thanks them. 教学重点:The present continuous tense. 教学难点:The present continuous tense. 教具准备:words cards, books, PPT 1、热身 听音乐,做手指操,放松身心,激发兴趣. 1. 巧妙导入: T: Hello, everybody, do you like cartoons? Ss: Yes. T: Well, Look! Theyre coming! Who are they? Ss:大头儿子小头爸爸! 二、呈现与操练 2.引出主題: T:What are they doing? Look! (The students watch the cartoon) 3.解决难点: 利用情境及听音,让学生理解重点句型 T:Wow! Its a busy family! T: What are you doing, mom? (Look at the ppt and ask.) 教师播放音频 (Teaching doing the dishes.) Point to the cartoon . T:What are you doing dad?教师播放音频 S1: Im sweeping the floor. S2: Im sweeping the floor. (Teaching sweeping the floor.) Point to the cartoon . T:What are you doing the big head son?教师播放音频 S1: Im cleaning the desk. S2: Im cleaning the desk. T: Wow! Its a busy family. Look at the red letters. (PPT: Im doing the dishes. Im sweeping the floor. Im cleaning the desk.) Sb be doing sth. It means T:某人正在做某事。 通过图片及 chant 进行练习 T:lets do some exercises. look at the picture and answer my questions. T: now lets say a chant together! 4.听音感知: (1).Listen and match. T:(PPT 出示图文连线)Listen! What are they doing?(Listen to the text) 5.默读初始:Read silently and answer the questions. 1) Spot is _. 2) What is Jimmy doing? 6.朗读探知: Read and fill in the blanks. T: Read and fill in the blanks. And write down your answer on your paper. 7.听音跟读:Listen and try to read after the tape. 8. 角色朗读: 1) Read the text in groups. 9.留白处理:留白读,去掉文中关键字让学生填空读。 三、运用与拓展 10.短文示范: My happy family Its Sunday. Were at home. Look! My dad is working . My little brother is playing. My mother is watering flowers. Im reporting. This is my happy family! I love my family. 11.学生仿写: T: Maybe you have a busy family, a happy family and a warm family. Now please write down your family. Go! 四、小结与作业 12.情感升华: 教师播放 my family 公益广告 In the morning. When you sleepy, your parents are cooking for you. In the evening. When you play, your parents do housework. Your parents are doing these things for you. They are hardworking and tired. So lets say thanks to your parents and help your parents do housework. 13 布置作业: 1.Read your writing to your parents. 2.Do housework for your parents. 3.Say thank you to your parents 14 板书设计: My busy family Im doing the dishes Im sweeping the floor. Im cleaning the desk 教学反思: 在教学中,学生英语兴趣浓厚,基础良好,师生配合默契。本节课的教学目标是:知识目 标:通过教学,帮助学生巩固现在进行时,并且能让学生用完整的句子表达某人正在 做什么事。本堂课上,我利用多媒体,以学生己有的知识和兴趣为出发点而设计,创 设情境将教学内容与学生有机地结合起来。围绕课的主题,精心准备了 PowerPoint 课 件,想让学生通过看课件上的图片来学习巩固本课句型,运用形象生动的课件吸引学 生的注意力。这样不仅缩短了教学和现实的距离,给学生提供使用英语交际的机会, 而且满足了他们好奇、好动的心理,学生触景生情,激发起表达的欲望。通过多媒体 步步深入演示,逐步呈现教学内容,并配合演示理解,这样很大程度上吸引了学生们 的注意力,激发了学生的学习兴趣。教学中给予学生充足的自主学习时间和小组操练 的机会,通过学生问和答及自由交流互动,各种练习,让不同程度的学生都处于积极 思维状态。这样他们不仅学会了本课的内容,还把以前学过的相关内容也串联起来了, 从而提高了学生的英语综合运用能力。给学生提供了一些可用的词组,要求选择一篇 进行写作,通过写作来检验学生现在进行时的语法点的实际掌握情况。 在教学中,也应尊重每个学生,用心鼓励他们在学习中尝试,保护他们的自尊心 和用心性。把英语教学与情态有机会结合起来,创设各种合作学习活动,促进学生互 相学习,互相帮忙,体验成就感,发展合作精神。关注学习有困难的或性格内向的学 生,尽可能的为他们创造语言的机会。建立融洽、民主的师生交流渠道,互相鼓励和 帮忙,做到教学相长。
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