辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 12 Having fun-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b0526).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 12 Having fun_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:b0526)
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Having fun Unit 12 What are you doing? Youre making a mess. Tidy up! Tidy up! Here come our guests. What are you wearing? Thats only a vest! Hurry up! Hurry up! Go and get dressed. Lets sing What Are You Doing? Back Whats he/she doing? . Review Ask and answer Back Whats the horse doing? Its eating grass. Listen and say eating Ask and answer Back What are they doing? They are eating grass. Listen and say Can you say? Back Whats it doing? It is _. What are they doing? They are _. drinking Listen and say Ask and answer Back ? What _ _ _? They are _. sleeping Listen and say Ask and answer Back ? _ _ _ _? _ _ _. singing Listen and say Ask and answer Back dancing Listen and say Ask and answer Back What are the doing? They are . Listen and say Ask and answer Back The birds are s_ in the tree. There are some horses. They are e_ grass. Look! The girls are d_ in the classroom. ating inging ancing Listen and say Read and write Back Where are Bob and Billy? What are Helen and Xiao Hui doing? What are the children doing? What are the people doing? They are in the TV tower. They are looking down from the TV tower. They are having a picnic. They are planting a tree. Listen and say Read silently and answer Back Listen and say Some children are looking down from the TV tower. Bob: Wow! Its amazing! Look at those children! Billy: Where? Bob: On the grass. What are they doing? Xiao Hui: They are having a picnic. Helen: Oh, yes! Some are eating. Some are drinking. Xiao Hui: Look at those people! Are they climbing the hill? Bob: I dont think so. Billy: Oh, I see. Back What are they doing? They are planting a tree. Listen and say Some children are looking down from the TV tower. Bob: Wow! Its amazing! Look at those children! Billy: Where? Bob: On the grass. What are they doing? Xiao Hui: They are having a picnic. Helen: Oh, yes! Some are eating. Some are drinking. Xiao Hui: Look at those people! _ _ _ _? Are they climbing the hill? Bob: I dont think so. Billy: Oh, I see. _ _ _ _ _. What are they doing They are planting Fill in the blanks Back a tree What are they doing in Picture One? They are 1 Look and say Back 2 What are they doing in Picture? They are Look and say Back 34 5 A: What in Picture? B: _. Look and say Back After class many students are playing in the playground. What are they doing? Listen and say Ask and answer Back Whats the girl doing? Listen and say Ask and answer Back Whats the boy doing? Listen and say Ask and answer Back What are the girls doing? Listen and say Ask and answer Back What are the boys doing? Listen and say Ask and answer Back After class, many students are playing in the playground. The girl _. The boy _. Two girls _. Look, the boys _. They are so happy. is reading a book is drawing a pictureare dancing are playing basketball Listen and say Fill in the blanks Back Unit12 第 1 课时教学设计 【内容来源】辽宁师范大学出版社(三起点)五年级下册 Unit 12 【主 题】Having fun. 【课 时】第 1 课时:1. Listen and say 2. Look and say 7. Lets chant 一、教学目标与要求(Teaching aims and request) 1. 能听、说、读、写,并运用单词 eating, drinking, sleeping, singing, dancing。 2. 能听懂、会说 Listen and say 中的内容,并能够表演出对话内容。 3. 能够听懂、会说并在实际情景中运用现在进行时的第三人称复数的特殊 疑问句及其回答:What are they doing? They are painting a tree. 4. 能够与同桌看图,并用 What are they doing? They are.句型完成 Look and say 的问答。 5. 能够会说、会表演 Lets chant 部分的内容。 6. 培养学生在小组活动中与其他同学积极配合的意识。 7. 通过本课的学习,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 二、教学重点、难点(Teaching points and difficulties) ( (一) ) 重点( (Points) 1. 能听、说、读、写,并运用本单元的单词。 2. 能够听懂、会说,并在实际情景中运用现在进行时的第三人称复数的特 殊疑问句及其回答。 ( (二) ) 难点(Difficulties) 1. 动词变现在分词的规律。教师可以适当地帮助学生总结一定的规律。 2. 现在进行时的第三人称复数的特殊疑问句及其回答:What are they doing? They are painting a tree.这个句型跟以前学过的 What are you doing?结构上基本是 一样的,教师可引导学生在学习的时候放在一起做对比。 三、课前准备( (Teaching preparation) 英语书、课文录音、单词卡片、实物图片、电子课本等。 四、教学建议( (Teaching suggestions) Step 1: Warm-up 1. 师生间互相问候。 2. 唱上一单元学过的歌曲,活跃课堂学习气氛。 3. 师生用上节课学习的句型进行复习活动,描述图片上的内容,例如 The rabbit is jumping. Step 2: Presentation 1. 教师用 PPT 出示一群小老虎在跳舞的情景,问:What can you see? 学生 回答:Tigers.教师又问:What are they doing? 引导学生用 They are dancing.来回 答。教师板书动词原型 dance,再加 ing,用不同颜色的笔写,让学生注意 dancing 的 ing 形式要去 e。教师引导学生书写 dancing。教师说:Show me you hands. Write the word “dancing” with me.让学生书写,加强对单词的拼写巩固。 2. PPT 展示:老虎不跳舞了,停下来唱歌。教师说:Look, what are the tigers doing now? 对于能及时说出 They are singing.的学生所在的小组给予奖励。 3. 课件展示小老虎吃东西的画面,教师问:What are they doing?引导学生说 出 They are eating.教师可以做吃的动作提示学生。 4. 课件展示小老虎们正在喝水的画面。教师说:The tigers are full. They want some water. Look at the tigers. They are drinking.教师做喝水状,并反复说单 词 drink 和 drinking,练习 They are drinking.让学生熟练掌握该词的读音。 5. 教师问学生:Can tigers sleep?学生回答后,教师给予肯定:Yes, tiger can sleep. Look, the tigers are sleeping.课件出示一群老虎正在睡觉的画面,并提问: Can you tell me, what are the tigers doing? 学生回答后,教师板书 sleeping,用不 同声调领读单词。学生齐读单词,并拼写。 6. 课件出示动物园里各种小动物:有的在喝水、有的在睡觉、有的在唱歌、 有的在跳舞,做不同动作的动物至少有两个。教师提问 What are they doing? 学 生回答;然后学生提问,其他学生回答。 7. 教师放 Listen and say 的录音内容,请学生回答问题。再次放录音,请学 生跟读并分角色朗读,同桌分角色扮演课本剧。 8. 学习 chant 时,教师可放录音或自己范读,学生先听,然后逐句跟读, 最后听音乐跟读歌谣。 Step 3: Practice 活动一:猜猜看 What are they doing?教师准备许多可以表演动作的图片, 请学生三人一组参加游戏。学生甲看到图片后模仿相应的动作,学生乙和丙背 向图片做回答,猜测学生甲在模仿做什么动作。五个问题为一组,猜测时间为 一分半钟,看哪组猜出的动作最多。 活动二:看谁的反应快。教师出示一张单词卡片,全班同学马上用现在进 行时进行描述,看谁说得又快又准。 活动三:找茬游戏。教师给出两张图片,学生四人一组进行合作找出两张 图片的相同之处,并用类似“In Picture A, the monkey is picking the fruit, but in picture B.”的句子进行小组汇报。 Step 4: Consolidation 1. 教师给出一幅学生在操场上活动的图片,学生两人一组进行对话练习。 2. 抄写本课所学的新单词和句型。 Step 5: Evaluation 1. 情感态度评价 姓名 你能听、说、读、 写,并运用本课 你能熟练朗读本 课的 chant 吗? 你能积极参与课 堂活动及对话表 的单词吗?演吗? 学生 A 学生 B 学生 C 2. 学习成果评价 用本单元学习的动词短语,根据首字母提示完成句子。 (1) Look, the cows are e_ grass. (2) -What is the baby doing? -Hes s_. (3) -Look, what are those children doing? -There are s_ and d_. (4) -What are the birds doing? -They are d_. Step6: Homework 1. 完成活动用书中与本课内容有关的练习。 2. 写出本课学习的动词的现在分词形式。 3. 把本课学习的新歌谣说给爸爸妈妈听。 【板书设计】 Unit12 eating, drinking, sleeping, singing, dancing What are they doing? They are painting a tree.
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