人教版(新起点)二年级下册英语Unit 2 Weather-lesson 2-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0949).doc

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人教版(新起点)二年级下册英语Unit 2 Weather-lesson 2-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0949).doc_第1页
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1、二年级二年级 Unit2Weather 单元教学计划单元教学计划 单 元 教 材 分析 本单元的话题是关于天气以及各种天气下的游戏或娱乐活动。本单元分为四个课时, 第一课时呈现有关天气状况的单词,第二课时主要用句型“Whats the weather like today ? Its. .Lets.”询问回答有关天气状况,表达自己想进行的娱乐活动。 本单元是本学期新开篇,教材的一、二课时为后面的内容打好基础,紧接着后面还有 Lets play, Listen and repeat 部分,尤其是 Story Time,呈现相关的有趣的故事, 属于阅读型材料,培养学生阅读兴趣。 单 元 教 学 目

2、标 1、能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出有关天气状况的 5 个单词。 2、能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型。 3、能够识别出本单元所涉及的图片及标志并说出它们的名称。 单 元 课 时 安排 4 课时 单 元 教 学 建议 1.结合课文插图,引导学生提问质疑。 2.就学生最熟悉的话题,设置情境有效进行教学。 3.鼓励学生向全班、小组内、同桌间主动问答天气。 单 元 重 难 点 知 识 检 测 卷 主要词汇: rainy cloudy snowy windy sunny umbrella 主要句型: Whats the weather like today ? Its .

3、 . Unit2 Weather Lesson2 课课 题题Unit 2 Lesson2 教学目标教学目标 能够听懂、 会说有关询问和回答天气状况的功能句,能表达自 己想进行的娱乐活动;能询问和回答不同城市的天气: Whats the weather like today ? Its .Lets. Whats the weather like in_? Its . 教学重点教学重点 Whats the weather like today ? Its .Lets. Whats the weather like in_? Its . 教学难点教学难点 询问天气的功能句“Whats the wea

4、ther like today ?” 以及询问不同城市的天气“Whats the weather like in_? ”以及自己想进行的娱乐活动。 教学准备教学准备教学课件,单词卡片,话筒,天气指示棒,天气预报单(学 生) ,出游计划单(学生) 第第2课时课时 教学环节教学环节教教 师师 活活 动动学学 生生 活活 动动 Step 1: Warming up 激情热身 1. Greetings. 2. sing a song. “Whats the weather like today?” 1. Greetings. 2. Sing the song and dance together. S

5、tep2: Review 复习 用单词卡片复习天气,并 把相应天气图片呈现在 黑板上:Whats the weather like? 根据天气图片回答: Its . Step3: Lead in 引入 呈现一栋房子和天气的 图片: Whats the weather like? Guess:Whose house is it? Its sunny. Its Bills house. Step4: Presentation 情境呈现 Lets visit Bills house. 1,What can you see in Bills bedroom? 2, What is Bill doing

6、? 3, What is Bills dad wearing ? Its in the morning or in the evening? 4, What is Lucky doing? Watch the story and check the answer: What is Lucky doing? What city does he watch? 1, I can see . 2, He is sleeping. 3,学生可用中文回答睡 衣,老师教读 pajamas。 Its in the morning. 4, He is watching TV. 看天气预报 老师教读weather

7、 report Shanghai Step5: Study the story 境中探究 1,Sentence 1: describe the picture and ask: What does Bill say? Listen and answer 教读重点句: Whats the weather like today? 游戏:Read after me Complete my sentences High & low voice Little train Sentence 2:What does Bills dad say? Free talk: In a sunny day , I c

8、an ride a bike. What can you do in a sunny day? 引入 Bill 今天想做的事: Guess: What does Bill want to do? Sentence 3:Listen and answer: What does he say? Read after me Explain “ Lets ” Picture 1: Bill says: “Whats the weather like today?” Students answer together: Its sunny. I can . Play football Listen and

9、 answer: Wow! Lets go and play football. Sentence 4: Guess: What does the angel say? Check the answer Sentence 5: Whats the weather like in this picture? 解释重点句: Whats the weather like in_ ? Read after me 呈现中国的 6 个著名城 市,让学生猜城市,并让 学生用重点句询问当地 天气并回答。 2,listen and repeat the story 3,dub the story Whats t

10、he weather like in Shanghai? Read together Its rainy. Guess the city Whatstheweather like in_? Its . listen and repeat little teacher leads to read the story Role play: Bill Bills dad Angel Lucky Step6: Practice 境中应用 Guess:Whats the weather like in Kunming? Lets watch the weather report in China. Te

11、acher and a student are the weather reporters. Key sentences: Whatstheweather like in_? Its . 活动:Im the weather reporter.我是小小天气 预报员。 Its Students watch the weather report Work in pairs:两人合 作: 1,自我介绍:Good morning, Im _. 2,选 6 个城市,用以下 句型问答天气。 A: Whats the weather like in _ ? B: Its_. 选择 3 组同学上台做小小 天气预

12、报员,播报 6 个城 市的天气 Step7: Production 情意延展 Whats the weather like in Wenjiang? Do you want to play outside? Firstly, Lets make our plan . 活动:Make the plan 制作游玩计划 Teacher and a student show how to make the plan Key sentences: A:Whats the weather like today? B:Its _. A:Lets _. B:OK. Its cloudy. Yes, I do.

13、 Work in pairs:两人合 作: 1,问答今日的天气和计 划。 2,用简笔画简单画出今 日天气和计划。 3,再次问答对话。 Step8: Homework 家庭作业 1,listen and read the story.听读故事。 2,make your plan with your parents.与父母一起 做游玩计划。 Blackboard design 板书设计 Weather Whats the weather like today ? in _ ? sunny rainy Itscloudy rainy snowy Lets go and play football.


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