人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 3Weather-Part C-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c34bd).docx

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1、教学过程安排教学调整 一、热身复习一、热身复习 活动 1. 师生互相问候 教师语言设计:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? Im fine, thank you. 活动 2. 播放 Lets chant,组织学生跟唱并做动作。 教师语言设计:Show me your hands. Lets do the action and sing the songs. Great! You can chant and act very well. 活动 3.听声音,猜天气。 教师语言设计:Now listen carefully and tell me w

2、hats the weather like? Yes,windy,sunny,rainy,snowy,cloudy.Great,you have a good listening. 【设计意图】通过唱歌,创设轻松自由的英语学习氛围。热身环节紧扣本课主题,为后面的故事学习做好铺垫。通过 猜谜游戏,激发学生学习积极性,并且复习旧知,为后面故事的学习奠定基础。 二、二、语言呈现语言呈现 活动 1.呈现 Zip 带着鼻涕的面具,问谁躺在床上,并询问她怎么了?引出句子 I have a cold。并询问原因。引出句型 Its cold here.从而对比 cold 当形容词及名词的用法。 教师语言设计:

3、Look! Who is she? Yes, shes Zip. Whats the matter with her? I have a cold. Do you know whats the reason. Now ,look, whats the weather like in Dalian? Its cold here. The word “cold ”has two meanings. 活动 2.给生病的 Zip 打电话,复习电话用语。并且引导作为好朋友的 Zoom 会做什么?渗透朋友间要互相关心。 教师语言设计:Zip has a cold. Lets make a call to

4、Zip. Hello! Zip, are you OK?I have a cold. And as the best friend, what will Zoom do? He says, Ill go to Dalian to see you .So today lets help Zoom to go to Dalian. And today our task is to act out the story ”Ah-choo” on journey. 活动 3.Listen and choose. 1.Whats the weather like in Beijing? A. coldB.

5、sunny and warmC. cool 2.Who has a cold? A. ZipB. ZoomC . Zip and Zoom 让学生带着问题去看故事动画。 教师语言设计:Lets enjoy the story,and I have two questions for you. 活动 4.询问为什么 Zoom 也感冒的原因,引出图 3、图 4.引导学生要细心。 教师语言设计:Why Zoom has a cold too?Lets find the reason in P3 and P4. 活动 5. 操练难点句子,让一个人当小天气预报员,其余的注意听地方,再次引导学生要注意倾听

6、。 教师语言设计:Now I need a weather reporter and the other repeat. Be careful! Listen carefully! 活动 6.学生平时要细心且在外出旅行时注意天气情况并做好雨具及衣物的准备。 教师语言设计:Lets find more tips for Zoom. 活动 7. 播放课本第五、六幅动画,感冒后的 Zoom 看起来怎样?并介绍西方文化。引导学生注意人物情感的变化。 教师语言设计:Zoom has a cold now. How does he look like?He looks terrible. Bless yo

7、u. 活动 8. 听音模仿跟读。指导学生可边跟读边加入肢体动作,增强记忆与理解。 教师语言设计:Now lets listen and imitate. Please pay attention to your tone and intonation and add your body language. 【设计意图】通过下雨的场景,让学生复习天气句型的同时,引出 Zip 生病的理由。由此引出文中的故事,然后通 过对文本的层层解读,让学生一步一步寻找答案,了解并熟悉故事发展的脉络,为后面故事的表演做好充足的准备。 在引导孩子模仿跟读操练时,侧重引导学生根据故事情节理解故事人物的情感,并运用正确

8、的语气语调进行模仿,在 这一过程中,学生更进一步了解故事的情节和内容。同时,创设符合学生生活实际的情境,让学生理解新知中较难理 解的句子。在跟读过程中,引导孩子注意肢体语言,有利于学生加深印象。最后给故事拟标题,发散学生的思维。 三、语言操练三、语言操练 活动 1. Memory game. 教师语言设计:Now lets play a memory game. Please say as quickly as you can. 活动 2. Put the whole passage in right order. 教师语言设计:Now see the video and work in gr

9、oup and make put the whole passage in right order,and you can decorate your work with your colourful pens. 【设计意图】读图连线,考查学生对故事内容的程度。记忆游戏及故事重组环节加强学生对故事的理解,也为后 面故事的表演做好充足准备。 四、语言运用四、语言运用 活动 1:Role play. (1) 师生示范,教师带上 Zoom 头饰,邀请几位学生上台共同表演示范。 教师语言设计: Boys and girls, lets do a role play. Now Im Zoom. Who

10、will be Zip? You, please. Lets say 1,2,3, action! (2) 生生示范 教师语言设计: Now who will be Zoom and Zip? You did a good job. (3) 根据课文难度系数,将学生分成三组,C 组排练第 5、6 幅,B 组排练 1、2 幅,A 组排练 3、4 幅,之后上台表演反馈。 教师语言设计:Now please choose the part you want to act.Later I will call some groups to show. You did a good job. Im so

11、proud of you. 活动 2. 学生发挥想象,感冒的两个人接下来会做什么? 教师语言设计: Now please fly your imagination. What will Zoom and Zip do? Yes, maybe they will see a doctor and drink more water or go to sleep. 活动 3. 唱歌“Thunder” 教师语言设计: Now lets do the action and sing a song “Thunder”. You can sing very well! 活动 4. 小结 教师语言设计:Tod

12、ay weve learned a funny story about Zoom and Zip. Lets care about our friends and be careful when we are on travel. 活动 5. 布置家庭作业 教师语言设计:(1) Listen and imitate ( 2)Decorate your work with your colorful pens. (3)Make a call in English to your friend to care about him/her, and ask the weather like in h

13、is/her city. 活动 6. 总结评价,结束课堂 教师语言设计:Lets see who is the winner. Boys. Congratulations! Girls are also wonderful. Thats all for today. Class is over. See you! 【设计意图】小学生乐于表演是天性,考虑到学生学习的兴趣与认知特点,让学生以小组表演故事,充分调动他 们运用英语进行故事表演的积极性。学生在玩玩演演中学习与运用英语。表演完故事后让学生想象故事的结局,培养 学生的想象能力。 教学反思:1.道具的准备很大程度上增强了情境的真实性,很好地调

14、动了学生的积极性。2.TPR 教学在本课中很好地得 到运用,学生在 TPR 教学中能够感受到故事的趣味性。3.本文的将来时是个重点,操练还是比较不够。 四下 U3Weather Part CStorytime Hello. Zip,are you OK? I have a cold. Its cold here.Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its sunny and warm.Ill go to Dalian to see you. Tomorrow will be warm in Dali. Oh,itll be warm tomorrow in Dalian. Ah-choo!Its cold here. Hi,Zoom.You look terrible.Ah-choo! Ah-choo! Bless you!


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