人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 2What time is it -Part C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:e15c6).zip

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  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit 2 What time is it _C_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:e15c6)
    • April Fools Day.mp4
    • April Fools Day.ppt--点击预览
    • Tick Tock Time.flv
    • 教案e15c6.doc--点击预览


Whats the song about? (歌曲是关于什么?) Its 9 oclock. Its time _.for English class Lets know about my timetable. Its 7 oclock. Its time _. to get up Its 3 oclock. Its time _. for English class Its 7:30. Its time _. for breakfast Its 9 oclock p.m. Its time _.to read a storybook April Fools Day What do you know? (关于愚人节你知道你知道哪些?) date?日期 origin?起源 How to celebrate?怎样庆祝 . food l April Fools Day Good to know 愚人节是西方国家的民愚人节是西方国家的民 间节日(每年间节日(每年4 4月月1 1日日)。在)。在 这一天,人们之间可以相互这一天,人们之间可以相互 开玩笑,被开玩笑者被称为开玩笑,被开玩笑者被称为 AprilApril FoolFool,而被告知是愚人,而被告知是愚人 节时,才恍然大悟,所以这节时,才恍然大悟,所以这 一天总是能够引出许多笑话。一天总是能够引出许多笑话。 What do you want to know? (关于这个故事你想知道你想知道什么?) What the story happened? (例如:这个故事发生了什么?) What do you see ?(你看到了什么?) Discuss with partner. (和同桌讨论) When? (时间) Where? (地点) Who? (人物 ) What? (事件 ) try to use English (尝试用英语表达) Watch and choose. What the story happened? (发生了什么事情) A play a joke (玩笑 ) B play a game 你你 鞋带鞋带 散啦散啦! 你你 鞋带鞋带 散啦散啦! 你你 鞋带鞋带 散啦散啦! joke Share your joke Have you ever played jokes on others? Have you ever been fooled by others? Tell your story to your partner? (你曾经和别人开过玩笑或者上过别人的当吗?和同伴 分享你的“玩笑玩笑”。) Share your story. Read the story. 1 a e w kup Wake up! Zoom! Its time to get up! 1 Mmm!I want to sleep! What dose Zip say? (Zip会说什么?) 2 Look! What time is it? Why is Zoom so shocked? (Zoom为什么这么震惊?) Its eight oclock. Oh dear! Im late for school. 3 Actually, what time is it ? (实际是几点钟?) Why does Zip change the time? ( Zip 为什么为什么要要改时间改时间?)?) (四四月一日月一日) Is Zoom angry? We can play jokes ,but not too much. (愚人节我们可以开玩笑,但不能玩的太(愚人节我们可以开玩笑,但不能玩的太 过火哦。)过火哦。) Read and judge. (判断对错)(判断对错) Zoom is late for school. Zoom plays a joke on Zip. Zip changes(改变) the clock. Zoom is tricked (上当). Listen and imitate. Read it loudly and emotionally. (有感情的大声朗读) Tip: If you need help ,you can ask for partners or teacher. (可以向同伴或者老师师 求帮助) Its seven oclock? Its eight oclock. Oh dear! Im late for school. Mmm!I want to sleep! Wake up, Zoom. Its time to get up. Mmm. I want to sleep. Look! What time is it? Its eight o clock. Oh dear! Im late for school. Wait! Wait! Zoom, look at that clock. Its seven oclock? April Fool! Act out in roles. (分角色表演) Act out in roles.(分角色表演) Tips: 1.Role-play in pairs. (同桌两人角色扮演) 2.You can use the blackboard-writing.(可以使用板师 ) 3.If you need help ,you can ask for partners or teacher. (可以向同伴或者老师师 求帮助) Pronunciation (语音)(语音) Fluency (流利)(流利) Feelings (角色感)(角色感) OK! Good! Super! ! Act out in roles.(小组分角色表演(小组分角色表演 ) Wake up, Zoom. Its time to get up. Mmm. I want to sleep. Look! What time is it? Its eight o clock. Oh dear! Im late for school Wait! Wait! Zoom, look at that clock. Its seven oclock? April Fool! Act out in roles. (分角色表演) 1.Read the story for 10 minutes.(朗读朗读10分钟)分钟) 2.Imagine the end of story and share it. (和同伴分享你想象的故事结局。)(和同伴分享你想象的故事结局。) 3.Enjoy the cartoon April Fools Day. Emil: Code: 201509 Thank you ! Goodbye! 1 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本单元选自 PEP Primary English Students Book four Unit 2 What time is it? 本单元由三个板块构成,分别为 Part A Lets talk & Lets Learn, Part B Lets talk & Lets learn, Part C Story time。本课时选自 Part C,讲述了愚人 节那天 Zip 把 Zoom 的闹钟调早了一个小时,愚弄 Zoom 的故事。四年级的孩子他们喜 欢读故事,乐于表演,已经知道一些愚人节的文化,因此在课堂中以愚人节为故事背 景,让学生说说已知的愚人节文化激活已有的背景知识,提出自己想知道的内容,激 发孩子学习的兴趣,在故事学习中关注学生的读图能力,利用图片想象故事内容,引 导孩子多提问题激活思维,理解故事大意,最终同桌合作表演故事。 2.教学背景分析 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本课选自四年级下册第二单元 C Story time,本课是以愚人节为话题展开的故事,讲述了在 愚人节早上 Zip 故意把时钟拨快了一个小时,提前叫 Zoom 起床。学生除了复习巩固句型 What time is it? Its time to get up 以及 get up, go to school 等短语以外,还要通过图片、 上下文理解 wake up, wait, April Fools Day, Im late for school.等。同时让学生在 阅读中了解愚人节的文化,并在想象的基础上理解故事,最终能够同桌合作表演故事。 学生情况分析:学生情况分析: 学生在这一单元的前两个课时中已学过时间表达法,能提问 What time is it? 并能区分运用 Its time to/ Its time for等。故事体裁的文本,容易激发学生学习的兴趣,但是他们 仅学过一年多的英语,语言承载量小,导致很多时候不敢开口说,不敢想象。 本节课以图片为突 破口,在读图的基础上引导孩子大胆想象,勇于说出自己的想法。 3.教学目标分析 一、知识技能目标:一、知识技能目标: 1、能够听说认读单词:wake up, sleep,wait, April Fools Day, late 2、能够在情境中运用句型 What time is it? Its time to/ for Im late for school. 3、能够理解故事大意 4、朗读故事,语音正确 5、同桌合作表演故事 二、情感目标:二、情感目标: 1、体会故事阅读的乐趣 2、积极思考,敢于表达 3、知道虽然愚人节可以开玩笑,但是不能开太过分的玩笑 三、学习策略目标:三、学习策略目标: 1、借助图片获取信息,合理想象 2、同桌合作学习 2 四、文化意识目标:四、文化意识目标: 1、了解愚人节文化 4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1、 教学重点: 掌握生词、句子,了解故事大意并能准确流利的朗读 能借助读图策略读懂故事,同桌合作表演故事 2、 教学难点: 能针对故事标题提问 能根据图片想象故事内容 同桌合作表演故事 5.教学过程设计 (中文为主 + 所教学科目标语言) .Pre-reading 1.Warm up & Revision Greeting Sing a song Tick Tock Time T: The song is about_ S:time T: Yes. Look, what time is it now? Its 9:00. Its time for English class. So we have an English class together. Do you want to know my timetable? .Its 7 oclock. Its time_? Can you guess? Ss. (设计意图:在情景中猜测老师的时刻表,发散学生的思维复习前两个模板所学的 Its time to/ for 句型) 2.lead in T: Its 3 oclock. Its time _. Can you guess? Ss. T: Yes, its time to read a storybook. Today well enjoy a story “April Fools Day.” What do you know about April Fools Day? S1:Its on April (the) first. S2: We can play jokes on others. T: Ok, we know its on April (the) first. Its a day we can play jokes. Now lets watch the video and know more about it. (设计意图:从老师的时刻表过渡到今天我们所要阅读的故事,观察故事封面发现故事主人公 Zoom 和 Zip,激发学生兴趣,引导学生说出已知的愚人节文化激活学生已有的背景知识,观看视频进行 愚人节文化渗透) 3 .While-reading 1.What do you want to know? T: At first, what do you want to know about this story? For example, what the story happened? S1:When S2: Where S3: (设计意图:在读故事前启发孩子提问题,培养孩子的问题意识,激发阅读的兴趣。) 2.Read a picture and try to answer these questions. T: What can you see in the picture? S1: Zoom is at home. S2: Its 7 oclock. S3 T: What date is it? Its April first. Now can you answer these questions? Try to think and discuss with your partners. T: When? S1: April first. T: Where? S2:Home T: Who? S3: Zoom and Zip? (设计意图:通过看故事的最后一图了解故事的主要组成要素,引导学生抓住关键信息:时间、地 点、人物) 3.Watch and find what the story happened. T:What the story happened? Ok, we dont know. Lets watch the wordless cartoon and find what the story happened. S: Story is about joke. T:joke is around us. Have you ever play jokes on others? Have you ever fooled by others? Talk it with your partner. T:Lets enjoy the funny video about joke T:Ok, we know Zip and Zoom, they are at home, Zip plays a joke on Zoom. (设计意图:由于上个问题中的 What 在图片中还得不到解决,因而进一步引导学生观看视频了解故 事内容。但是视频内容是无旁白的,学生需要边看视频边发挥想象获取故事大意,知道 Zip 对 Zoom 开了个玩笑。在视频中加深对愚人节 joke 文化的理解) 4.Read the story carefully (picture by picture) T: Yes, Zip plays a joke on Zoom. Lets read the story in order and get more information. Picture1 : T:Look, Zip wakes up Zoom.(利用自然拼读的方法学习新词 wake up) T: Look, what time is it? S1: Its 7 oclock. T: Its 7 oclock. Its timeCan you guess Picture 2: 4 T: Does Zoom get up? (Ss: No .Zoo said “mmm, I want to sleep.)(利用自然拼读法教授新词 sleep) Picture3: T: Look at the picture, guess what can Zip say? S1:Look, what time is it? Picture 4: T: Why is Zoom so shocked? Guess! S1: Maybe late for school. S2: Maybe forget the homework. S3. T: Is Zoom really late? Actually, what time is it? S1: Because Zip changes the time. Zip said: “Wait, wait Zoom. Look at that clock. T: Why does Zip change the time? Ss: Its April Fools Day. Zip plays a joke on Zoom. T: Is Zoom angry? Ss:No, because its on April Fools Day. T: Bingo! Boys and girls, please remember we can play jokes but not too much.) (设计意图:一图一图细读理解故事内容,培养孩子读图的能力,利用图片激活学生思维,激发想 象力,想象故事中的对话,想象故事内容。) 5.Read and judge ( 设计意图:以判断对错的方式检测学生是否理解故事大意。) 6.Listen and imitate Read it loudly and emotionally by yourself. .Post-reading 1. Sum up the story. .(设计意图:利用板书,对故事进行简单的小结,帮助学生梳理故事大意。) 2. Act the story out in pairs. Pay attention to pronunciation, fluency and feelings. (设计意图:爱表演是孩子的天性,以同桌合作的方式让学生表演故事,在表演中运用语言。) .Homework 1. Read the story for 10 minutes. 2. Imagine the end of story and share it. 3.Enjoy the cartoon April Fools Day. Unit2 What time is it? Story time When : April Fools Day Where: home Who : Zoom & Zip What: joke wake up 5 get up wait sleep late for school Beginning 8:00? Time? 7:00? Be tricked
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