湘鲁版三年级下册英语Unit 5 Pass me the milk,please!-Section A-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:80c4c).doc

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湘鲁版三年级下册英语Unit 5 Pass me the milk,please!-Section A-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:80c4c).doc_第1页
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1、1 / 7 UnitUnit 5 5 PassPass meme thethe milk,milk, please!please! TeachingTeaching contents:contents: Words: milk, water, pass, ice-cream; box Sentences: Pass me the .please! Here you are! Its in the box. Thank you! You are welcome. TeachingTeaching aims:aims: 1.1.语言能力语言能力: : Students can read and s

2、peak out the new words and the sentences smoothly. 2.2.学习学习能力能力 : :Students can use English frequently. 3.3.思维品质思维品质 : : Students can ask for help when they need . 4.4.文化意识文化意识 :Students can be ready to help others。 KeyKey pointspoints : : Pronunciation of the words and sentences speaking. Difficult

3、Difficult points:points: Use the sentences and make the actions at the same time. TeachingTeaching procedureprocedures s: : 一、一、LeadingLeading inin 2 / 7 1. Warm up T: Hi,I am Casey.My English name is Casey.(板书) Say”Hello”to Casey.Today I am your English teacher Casey .Lets do and say together “Hell

4、o hi hello hi hello hello hi hi hi .” 2. Greeting T: If I say “Good to see you.” Ss:You say . Yes “Good to see you, too.”Very nice! T: I am happy today.Are you happy?Follow me:If you are happy,clap your hands/stamp your feet/shout” hurry” /stand up,please./sit down,please. T: Hello, good morning boy

5、s & girls Ss:Hello, good morning teacher 二、二、RevisionRevision 1. T:Well,Are you tired? I say “One two three”You say four four four,OK? I am hungry.My favourite food is bread.Yummy Yummy .Are you hungry?Yes? or No? I am thirsty.My favourite food is apple.Yummy Yummy.Are you thirsty?Yes? or No? 如果今天 C

6、asey 老师请客, What s your favourite food? (提问)请班长记录同学们最喜欢的食物,回答问题的同学 3 / 7 可以使用长句子:My favourite food is. You four students have done a good job.Lets clap hands for them.Today we are going to learn Unit 5 Pass me the milk ,please! (板书)Read after me with a smiling face.Ill divide you in 6 groups.Group 1,

7、2,3,4,5,6. If you win .One star for one candy. 2.T: Look,I have a magic box,Whats in the box?教授 box. So many candies,do you want the delicious candies? 打开魔法盒子展现单词:Lets see whats in the box? 3.T:I have some pictures in my hand.Its about food. The teacher shows some pictures and then students say the

8、Chinese meaning . water 水ice-cream冰激凌 milk牛奶box 盒子 4. 学生抢读单词卡片,拍单词卡片,赢得单词卡片。 T:Who can get my card,read the card loudly and quickly. 5. 看白板,观察单词字母组合,手写空单词。 T:Lets write them withour fingers. 6. 教师魔法手指 Magic finger 领读单词。 T:Look at my finger,1,2,3,4,5.Read the words according to my finger,Ok? 7. 猜猜哪个消

9、失了,Whats missing?训练学生眼力。 4 / 7 T:Lets play a guessing game. 三、三、PresentationPresentation 1.The teacher shows the sentence:“Pass me the ., please!” and then circle the word of pass, show the Chinese meaning. Pass . 给;递给 Pass me the ., please!请把给我。 2.The teacher shows the Chinese meaning, and then the

10、 students translate the sentence according to the key words, Such as: 请把牛奶给我!Pass me the milk, please! 请把水给我! Pass me the water, please! 请把冰激凌给我! Pass me the ice-cream, please! 3.(1)T: Look, who is he? He is Mr fox.He is hungry and thirsty. Mr. Fox wants to drink milk, but he cant get it. He wants M

11、r. Pencil to pass it to him. What would you do if you were Mr. Fox? The teacher shows the sentence: Pass me the milk, please! Would you like to help him? “Think about how to answer “pass me the milk, please! ” - Here you are. -Thank you .-You are welcome . (2)T: Lets learn the sentences: thank you &

12、 you re welcome according to the pictures .Lets help the 5 / 7 other friends. 四、四、practicepractice (1)小组朗读 PK 赛。 (齐读,分图读,男女生读) T:Lets compete in groups.You can choose the way you like best.(The students practice the sentences with the word cards prepared by the teacher.) (2)制作单词卡片,教师板书示范并指导。 T:Lets

13、make one beautiful card. 五、五、ConsolidationConsolidation Enjoy the chant,do it together. “Pass me the milk , Pass me the water,please! Please! please!please!Thankyou!Thankyou!Youarevery very very welcome.Pass me the .Pass me the .please! Please!please! please!Thank you! Thank you!You are very veryver

14、y welcome.” 六、六、HomeworkHomework 1.制作单词四张卡片 milk, water, ice-cream,box。 2. 同 伴 之 间 仿 照 课 本 任 务 8 , 学 会 使 用 Pass me the .please! 来自编 chant。 七、七、BlackboardBlackboard designdesign Unit5Unit5PassPass meme thethe milk,milk,please!please! Pass me the.,please! 6 / 7 Hereyouare. Its in the box. milk Ice-cre

15、am Thank you! You are welcome. 六、六、ReflectionReflection 1. 一开始引用Hello Hi有节奏的热身拉近了师生之间的 关系,又采用Good to see you 这首歌曲导入本课时, 既渲染了英语课堂气氛,又使学生充分放松,激发学生学习 英语的兴趣。而且,自然而然的进行打招呼询问你最喜欢的 食物这一话题,起到了以旧带新的良好效果。 2. 整个课堂围绕卡通人物需要他人帮忙传递食物展开, 在过 程中使学生体验帮助他人的愉快心情。操练形式有生生互 动,小组合作,角色扮演,尽可能地发挥学生的主动性,使 学生有话说,敢于说,善于说。 water 7 / 7 3. 在课堂环节上,可以加入 daily talk 部分,把学到的知 识融入到实际运用中,日积月累,学以致用。 4. 时间的分配既要照顾到重难点,又要注重学情。 5. 竞争机制运用最好形成常态化, 充分调动小组成员学习的 积极性。


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