川教版三年级下册Lesson L What a Beautiful kite!-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f001a).zip

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Lesson L What a Beautiful Kite! The 1st period 蔡婷蔡婷 Review Review 长的长的 Magic box long snake a long snake snake short a short snake 短的短的 girl beautiful a beautiful girl ugly an ugly boy 丑的丑的 boy woman boy 胖的胖的 瘦的瘦的 fat thin a fat woman a thin boy What a long snake !好长的一条蛇好长的一条蛇 啊!啊! How long !好长啊!好长啊! a long snake a short snake What a short snake ! How short ! What a beautiful kite! How beautiful! a beautiful kite an ugly boy What an ugly boy! How ugly! a fat girl What a fat girl! How fat! a thin girl What a thin girl! How thin! Lets PK. What a happy girl! How happy! What a sad boy! How sad! What a small ant! How small! What a big tortoise! How big! What a fat girl ! How fat! What a thin girl ! How thin! What an ugly boy! How ugly! What a long pen! How long! What a short pen! How short! Summary 1.New words: long, short, ugly, fat, thin and so on. 2.Structures: What a /an ! How! Homework 1. Review words and structures. 2. Express praise in daily life. 3. Preview the part: Lets read and Lets talk. Thanks! Lesson L What a Beautiful Kite! 一、一、 Teaching Objects 1. Ps can speak and understand new words: ugly, long, short, fat, thin. Make sure the pronunciation correctly and intonation naturally. 2. Ps can use structures What a/an!How! to express praise. 二、二、 Students Analysis Our boys and girls are exposed to English for early time. So it is important to develop there keen interest in English. 三、三、 Teaching Points and Difficulties 1. Sounds of short and thin. 2. Use new words and structure in daily life. 四、四、 Teaching Aids PPT, textbook, blackboard, cards. 五、五、 Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greetings &Group T:Good morning, kids! Glad to meet you. Before class, we have four groups.This group are group A, you are group B, Lets see which group are the winners. Step 2 Review &Lead-in T: Next, lets see some old friends. Can you remember them? How about the girl?The girl is? Ps: Happy. T: (通过提问复习所学的形容词和反义词) Great! Today, we are studying Lesson L What a Beautiful Kite! and learn more words about them. (引入新单词) Step 3 Presentation and Magic box T:Now, look here, Whats this?(吃惊状) Its a Ps: Snake.(板书 snake) T: So clever. How about the snake? (摆出长的动作) Ps: Long /长 T: Well done. Read after me, long , long, a long snake.(板书 long) (以开火车方式找人读并及时纠音) Ps: (跟读) T:Now, how about this one? Ps:Short /短 T:Yes, read after me, short, short, a short snake.(板书 short) Ps: Short, short, a short snake. T: Next one, can you guess? Ps: (以此方式教授新单词) T: OK, Open your book. Look at magic box. Read me. Ps;跟读 T: OK, look here. Whats this? Ps: Its a long snake. If you see a long snake, what will you say? Now, look here. We can say “What a long snake!” Whats the meaning? Please read after me.(用 不同颜色板书句子并教读) Ps: What a long snake! T: And we can say “How long!”. Read after me., how long!(板书并教读) Ps: How long! T:Ok, This is a short snake. We can say, What a (引导说出句子) (按此方式教学新单词和句型,并多找人起来说,及 时纠音) Ps: What a short snake! T: And we can also say “How ”! Ps: How short! T: Good job! And look here, how about this girl? Its so beautiful! She is a beautiful girl, yes? Ps: Yes. T: So we can say “What a !” or How !” Ps: What a beautiful girl! How beautiful! (以此方式板书并教读,引导学生说出感叹句) Step 4 Lets PK. T: Next, we have a PK game. Lets see which group are the winners. Are you ready? Ps: Yes! T: Ok, look here。She is a Ps: Girl! T: How about the girl? Ps: Happy. T: So she is a happy girl. So we can say? Please hands up! Ps: (举手回答问题) T:You are so clever! Lets clap for him/her!Ok, next one. The boy is ? Ps: Sad. T: So he is a sad boy. So hands up. Ps: (以此方式举手进行比赛) T: Today the winner are group Congratulations! Step 5 Summary T:Today we have learned some adjectives and exclamations. For example(引导学生总结) Step 6 Homework T: For todays homework is Its all for today, Goodbye! 六、六、 Blackboard Design Lesson L What a Beautiful Kite! Words: Exclamations: snake-long-a long snake What a /an!= How ! snake-short-a short snake girl-beautiful-a beautiful girl boy-ugly-an ugly boy woman-fat-a fat woman boy-thin-a thin boy 七、七、 Teaching Reflection 通过本节课的学习,学生对于形容词的理解以及感叹 句的表达掌握的较好,在教学过程中,我利用小学生 的好奇、好动、好胜又好表现的特点,我怕主要采用 游戏竞赛似的方式教学,由于本课内容较复杂,本课 初始我采用复习的方式引入新单词,在教学过程中引 导学生思考,给他们更多习得的机会,最后以游戏竞 赛的方式加以巩固和提高学生的积极性。 虽然在本次公开教学中我比较紧张,没有表现的尽 善尽美,但也从中汲取了不少经验。在授课过程中要 注意教授方法,并能根据学生反应及时调整授课方式, 真正做到学生为主体,未来的路还很长,愿和同学们 一起成长,我也能在教学技能和个人提升方面都能取 得进步。
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