(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修三Unit 2 Make a differencePresenting ideasppt课件.pptx

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1、Make a difference Presenting ideas Unit Two What qualities do they have in commom ? effective generous perseverant responsible permanent humanitarian sympathetic PositiveNeutralNegative selfless strong-will considerate independent confident creative intelligent easygoing, loyal determined ambitious

2、bookish sensitive serious stubborn self-conscious nervous lazy selfish mean slack stupid short-sighted Personal qualities 1. 务实的: 2. 脱颖而出: 3. 具有.的美德: 4. 责任感: 5. 脾气好的人: 6. 一个有自制力的人: 7.天资高的人: 8.高素质的老师: 9.个专心致志进行探索的科学家: 10.具有对教学过程敏锐的洞察力: be down-to-earth stand out from the crowd with the virtue of sens

3、e of responsibility a scientist bent on making a discovery highly qualified teaching staff equipped with a keen insight into the teaching process a good natured person a self-possessed person a talented person Big events in ones life(一生的大事件) -Achievements receive/obtain/win the Nobel Prize for. be g

4、ood at.do well in. be crazy about.enjoy. make rapid progress in. set a new world record of. equal the world record win a gold/silver/bronze medal be selected to/become a member of. go through hardship overcome many difficulties have a gift/talent for language Evaluation(评价) one of the best/most impo

5、rtant. set a good example for. be respected by everyone speak/think highly of. be honored as(an excellent athlete) His hard work brought him great success. He is the pride of China. His heroic story spread all over the city. make great contributions to. Consistency/Perseverance is the key to success

6、. PERSON OF THE YEAR Name Achievements Personal qualities Reasons for recommendation You can choose a well-known person or some one you know. Complete the form about the person. Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale was a pioneer of public health and the founder of modern nursing. She improved c

7、onditions in the hospitals during wartime and brought down the death rate of wounded soldiers. competent, original aggressive, creative, Work in groups, talk about your “person of the Year” . Use the information in Activity 1 and the expressions in the box to help you. Useful expression .I recommen.

8、 because. .I think. is the best choice, because. .I agree with him/her. .Really? I dont think so. I think. I recommend Tu Youyou as “Person of the Year” because she makes great contributions to the study of Chinese medicine. She managed to extract qinghaosu which is effective in fighting malaria. An

9、d she is the first woman who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology . Not only has she saved many people suffering from malaria, but also proved the reliability of traditional Chinese herbs treatment. Furthermore, she is respected because she devotes most of her time and energy to medical research. Prese

10、nt your “person of the Year ” to the class 张定宇 事迹: 武汉市金银潭医院是最早接诊新冠患者的 定点医院,收治病人全为重症和危重症患 者。院长张定宇隐瞒自己患渐冻症的病情, 顾不上照顾已感染新冠的妻子,步履蹒跚 与时间赛跑,只想为患者多赢一秒。他说: “能帮助到别人,觉得很幸福!” 颁奖词: 步履蹒跚与时间赛跑 只想为患者多赢一秒 身患绝症与新冠周旋 顾不上亲人已经沦陷 这一战 你矗立在死神和患者之间 那一晚 歌声飘荡在城市上空 我们用血肉筑成新的长城 事迹: 建校12年,云南丽江华坪女高1000多名女生走 出大山上大学。佳绩频出之时,校长张桂梅的

11、身体却每况愈下。她说:“听到学生们毕业后 能为社会做贡献,我觉得值了。” 颁奖词: 烂漫的山花中 我们发现你 自然击你以风雪 你报之以歌唱 命运置你于危崖 你馈人间以芬芳 不惧碾作尘 无意苦争春 以怒放的生命 向世界表达倔强 万佐成、熊庚香夫妇:开办1 元“抗癌厨房”18年不打烊, 这对夫妻温暖烟火人间 事迹: 从肿瘤医院旁小巷里的油条摊 位到炒1个菜收1元的“抗癌厨 房”,18年来,万佐成和熊庚 香与癌症病人相伴,用爱心守 护他们。这对夫妻的初心十分 简单:“有的病治不好了,但 能让病人吃好一些,家属的遗 憾也能少一些。” 颁奖词: 微弱的灯 照亮寒夜的路人 火红的灶 氤氲出亲情的味道 这陋

12、巷中的厨房 烹煮焦虑和苦涩 端出温暖和芬芳 惯看了悲欢离合 你们总是默默准备好炭火 北京房山一个普通农民曹大佛,胸怀大志追梦奥运, 从2000年北京申办奥运会开始,他立志走遍全世界 的233个国家地区,以及地球南北极点和珠穆朗玛 峰,让北京双奥运城市的信息传遍世界每一个角落。 至今,他已经到达193个国家和地区,完成了南北极 点的跨越,2010,在南极点展示奥运连着我和你, 成为全世界第一位在南极点升起奥林匹克五环旗帜 的人,创造了让世界刮目相看中国人的奇迹。最难 能可贵的是一个中国普通人宣传环保,让中国普通 人的环保声音,在我们地球家园上回荡。他还是两 万个留守儿童的“爸爸”,给孩子们写信、

13、寄书本、 文具,资助着数百个孩子的学习、生活。曹大佛一 直没有忘记母亲的教诲,他一直在寻求自己的方式 去回报社会。“我们没有轰轰烈烈的壮举,只有点 点滴滴的小爱。”曹大佛评价说。 五:郭明义献血模范 19年献血6万毫升, 郭明义还经常向工友们宣传无偿献血的意义 和相关知识,带动更多人加入到无偿献血队伍中来。郭明义用自 身的经历高叔告诉我们:“接触不同的社会群体,就会有不同的 人生思考。 社会贡献:2002年,郭明义加入中华骨髓库,成为鞍山市第一批 捐献造血干细胞志愿者。2006年,郭明义成为鞍山市第一批遗体 和眼角膜自愿捐献者。 郭明义身上似乎有双无形的翅膀,那就是“爱心”的翅膀,只要 心中有

14、梦就会飞翔;郭明义行为中有种“奉献精神”, 2011年2月14日,荣获2010年感动中国人物。 其颁奖词为:他总 看别人,还需要什么,他总问自己,还能多做些什么。他舍出的 每一枚硬币,每一滴血都滚烫火热。他越平凡,越发不凡,越简 单,越彰显简单的伟大。 为了让贫困的孩子们能安心上学,白方礼老人靠自己的 劳动,在十多年的时间里先后捐款35万元,资助了300多 个大学生的学费与生活费。他为学生们送去的每一分钱, 都是用自己的双腿一脚高一脚低那么踩出来的,是他每 日不分早晚,栉风沐雨,用淌下的一滴滴汗水积攒出来 的,来之不易,来之艰辛!照常理,像他这样的古稀老人 不仅无须再为别人做什么,倒是完全应该

15、接受别人的关 心和照顾。可他没有,不仅丝毫没有,而且还把自己仅 有的能为别人闪耀的一截残烛全部点燃,并且燃烧得如 此明亮,如此辉煌! 一个馒头,一碗白水,他曾如此简 单生活;三百学子,35万捐款,他就这样感动中国。由白 方礼,社会知道了什么叫拳拳之心,什么叫积小善成大 善,什么叫大爱无言。白方礼老人让这个社会还明白了 一个道理,无论你从事的职业多么卑微,只要你竭尽全 力去爱,去奉献,你都会变得高贵,受人爱戴。 六 . 白方礼助学 七:2020年度特别致敬:抗疫英雄 2020年 那一个残酷的春天 是谁在守护我们? 是那些在生死线上奔跑的白衣天使 是那些火速集结的人民子弟兵和支援者 是那些不分昼夜

16、创造奇迹的工程建设者 是那些不辞辛劳的社区工作者 是那些平凡岗位的普通人 是那些从“90后”到古稀老人的志愿者 是忍受着隔绝与思念的每一个平凡 人 我们要致敬的 包括14亿人当中的你我他 我们应该为自己点赞 因为每个人都了不起 他们或在危难中逆行 或在逆境中坚守 Topic comprehension Every one of us is put in this world to contribute to make a difference in our own unique way. It just needs to be something you do with the intenti

17、on of “doing good” . Start now and your contribution will never be too small. Let us remind ourselves that in order to receive more happiness , lets spread more of them first. Empower other people. You can change the world by helping one person at a time. Other than doing things to make a difference

18、 , we should also seek to influence others to start doing things that make a difference. And the best way to convince other people is to led by example. We all have something to offer the world with the time we have . When we devote our natural gifts to taking care of each other every day. We make a

19、 difference. Recognizing Rhetorical Structure chronological order cause and effect comparisonprocess Facts Opinion Home work: Write a profile on the person of the year. 1 让四十中学生成长为能力所及的最好模样 1010 Unit 2Making a difference We Are the World 导读:We Are the World,中文译名天下一家。由迈克尔杰克逊和莱昂纳尔里奇共同作曲,由迈克尔杰克逊 独自填词,旨

20、在呼吁世界帮助非洲饥荒人民。 We Are the World There comes a time when we hear a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying Oh,and its time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all We cant go on pretending day by day That someone,somewhere will soon make a change Were all a

21、 part of Gods great big family And the truthyou know love is all we need We are the world,we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So lets start giving Theres a choice were making Were saving our own lives Its true well make a better day Just you and me Well,send them your heart S

22、o they know that someone cares And their lives will be stronger and free As God has shown us By turning stone to bread. 天下一家 当我们听到了恳切的呼唤 全世界应该团结一致 有些地方的人们正逐渐死亡 是该伸出援手的时候了 对生命而言,这是最好的礼物 我们不能日复一日地伪装下去了 总有人会一瞬间让世界改变 我们都是上帝的大家族中的一员 事实上,我们需要的就是爱 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民 创造美好的未来要靠我们 所以,让我们开始奉献自己 我们正在做的抉择 是在拯救自己的生命

23、我们真的可以创造更美好的明天 就靠你和我 将你的心传递给他们 让他们明白有人关心他们 他们的生命才能更坚强、更自由 如同上帝启示我们的 借着把石头变成面包这件事 Qian Xuesen, regarded as the father of Chinas space program, was born in 1911 in Shanghai. In 1935,Qian went to America for further study and was highly thought of by Von Karman. In 1938, he obtained his doctors degree

24、in aerospace science and mathematics in the US. In 1950, he heard China had been founded and succeeded in coming back to his homeland in 1955 though the American government tried to stop him. Since 1958 he had been devoted to aerospace science and research and made great contributions to the cause of Chinas aerospace. In 2009, he passed away in Beijing. Because of the love for his country and the great achievements, he has received the respect and admiration from his people.


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