重庆大学版六年级下册Unit 3 Public Rules-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:00b53).zip

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  • 重庆大学2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2015年12月第3版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Public Rules_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:00b53)
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    • Unit 3 Lesson 1.flv
    • Unit 3 Public Rules Lesson 1.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案00b53.doc--点击预览


Unit 3 Public Rules Lesson 1 Activity 2(活动 2):Look and write.看图,补全句子。 (1) We should follow the traffic rules. Dont run a red light. (2) It is dangerous(危险) to light _ _ in the woods. (3)The park is beautiful. We cant _ _ _ _. (4) Please _ _ _. Lets show.(合作展示) (Greetings 问候语) Mr.Li: Are you Miss Liu? Miss Liu: Yes,I am. Are you Mr.Li? Mr.Li: Yes. Welcome to our farm. All:Thank you. Miss Liu: Now , read the farm rules first. Dont _. A/B: Dont_. Dont_. Dont _. Dont_. Miss Liu: Will you follow these rules? All: Yes, we will, Miss Liu. Mr.Li: Good. Lets go inside. (Open Endings 开放式结尾) WarmWarm upup SingSing a a songsong - 1 - 教学环节教学内容学生活动活动设计 Warm-upWarm-up 1. Greetings. 2. T :Lets sing a song, ok? Old MacDonald Had a Farm. T: Ok. In the farm, what can we see? There are many farm Say hi/hello. Sing a song. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Enjoy some 互相问候拉近师 与生、生与生的距 离,提高和调动学 生的学习兴趣和积 极性。 教学目标 1、认知目标:能听、说、认读关于农场规则的词组 pick fruits、hurt animals、climb trees、step on the grass 和 light a fire. 2、能力目标:能熟练掌握并在情境中运用句型:Dont pick fruits/hurt animals/climb trees/step on the grass/light a fire.;培养学生初步的运用语言的能力及小组合作的意识,勇于展示 自我的能力。 3、情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,渗透规则意识。 教学重点难点 以及措施 1、重点: 认知目标:能听、说、认读关于农场规则的词组 pick fruits、hurt animals、climb trees、step on the grass 和 light a fire. 2、难点:能熟练掌握并在情境中运用句型:Dont pick fruits/hurt animals/climb trees/step on the grass/light a fire. 3、措施: (1)直观法。采用趣味视频、图片来引入、学习新知,以激发学生的求知 欲望,调动其积极性。 (2)活动法。通过活动操练,让学生在活动中学习英语,运用英语,完成 语言点的学习和操练。 (3)小组合作学习法。引导学生在课堂教学中开展小组合作学习,充分调 动小组讨论交流,齐心协力来完成学习任务。不仅能掌握知识,而且还培 养了学生的学习兴趣、合作意识,让学生有所收获。 - 2 - animals. Look, what are they? In the farm, there are some trees and grass. In the tree, there are many fruits.Do you like the farm? Today ,well visit the farm with Miss Liu. The farm owner is Mr. Li. We have to know the farm rules. pictures. Mr.Li: Hello, are you Miss Liu? Miss Liu: Yes, I am .Are you Mr.Li. Mr.Li: Welcome to our farm. Ss: Thank you. 通过歌曲,活跃 课堂气氛。 PresentatPresentat ionion Self-study(自学探究) 1.Task 1(任务 1): Choose and match.(选择单词短语到对应图片下 方) Tips:(1)借助图片,获取信息。(2) 借助课本,电子词典等方式学习新知。 2.Task 2(任务 2):Listen and follow . (看视频尝试跟读) 3.Task 3 (任务 3):Try to read.(根据音标,试着读一读) Group work 1(小组合作 1): Learn the new words(互学新词) Choose and match. Listen and follow Try to read the words. Read in group. 通过农场图片 引入本课,浅显易 懂。 坚持“词不离句” 的原则。 音标渗透,扫 清障碍。 粗略检测学生 - 3 - (1)Help each other to read.(2)Ask for help. 掌握的情况。 PracticePractice Activity 1(活动 1):Make sentences.(造句)。Dont pick fruits/hurt animals/climb trees/step on the grass/light a fire. Lets read (读一读) Group work 2(小组合作 2):Read the sentences. (1)Read in groups.组内练读。 (2)准备展示汇报。 Look and choose.(选择对应图标) “What does this mean?” “It means dont pick flowers.” Activity 2(活动 2):Look and say.(看图,说出箭头所指图标) Make sentences. Read the sentences. Look and write. Look and say. 重视对学生观察 能力、听力能力的 培养。 充分激发学生的 学习兴趣, 游戏操练,让 学生在游戏中学习 英语,运用英语, 完成语言点的学习 和操练。 结合导学精要, 适当练习,达到课 中检测的目的。 - 4 - Activity 3(活动 3):Look and write.(看图补全句子) ConsolidaConsolida tiontion Group Work(小组合作) (Greetings) 看视频 Lets show.(合作展示) (Greetings 问候语) Mr.Li:Are you Miss liu? Miss Liu:Yes,I am.Are you Mr.Li? Mr.Li:Yes.Welcome to our farm. Group work. Look at the picture. Ask and answer Learn the passage. Listen and 自由问答,让 学生在课堂中“活” 起来, 打开学生思维。 - 5 - All:Thank you. Miss Liu:Now ,read the farm rules first. Dont _. A/B:Dont_.Dont_ .Dont _.Dont_. Miss Liu:Will you follow these rules? All:Yes,we will,Miss Liu. Mr.Li: Good.Lets go inside. (Open Endings 开放式结尾) Group work 3(小组合作 3):Make a dialogue(创编对话)(1)Identify a theme.(2)Assign roles.(3)Make a dialogue. Standards(评分标准) For audience. follow. 小组合作,创 编对话。 AssessmenAssessmen Conclusion, assessment , 通过对知识的 小结,帮助学生将 - 6 - t t compliment Now , rules are everywhere. We have to know the rules. School rules, classroom rules, traffic rules. Ok ,all of you done a very wonderful job. Thank you very much. 本课的信息新单词 和句型进行储存。 对学生的表现 进行总结评价,以 评价促发展。 HomeworkHomework 1.Read new words.(熟读所学新词组 ) 2.Create Group rules.(创编小组规 则)
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