重庆大学版六年级下册Unit 3 Public Rules-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:e028a).zip

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  • 重庆大学2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2015年12月第3版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Public Rules_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:e028a)
    • Public Rules lesson two .7z
    • Public Rules lesson two .flv
    • Public Rules lesson two .ppt--点击预览
    • 教案e028a.doc--点击预览


Unit3 lesson2 Public Rules feed喂养 fi:d What does it mean?它意味着什么? We cant feed animals.我们不能给动物喂食. Dont feed animals. 不要给动物喂食. smoke抽烟smk What does it mean?它意味着什么? We cant smoke.我们不能抽烟. Dont smoke. 不能抽烟. park停车p:rk What does it mean?它意味着什么? We cant park anywhere.我们不能随意停车. Dont park. 不能停车. We should follow the public rules. 我们应该遵守公共规则. Classroom rules 教室规则 litter乱扔垃圾lt(r) What does it mean?它意味着什么? We cant litter.我们不能乱扔垃圾. Dont litter. 不要乱扔垃圾. fight打架fat What does it mean?它意味着什么? We cant fight.我们不能打架. Dont fight. 不要打架. shout喊叫at What does it mean?它意味着什么? We cant shout.我们不能喊叫. Dont shout. 不要喊叫. Self-study自学 litter 乱扔垃圾 feed 喂养 fight 打架 smoke 抽烟 shout 喊叫 park 停车 Step1: 写出短语中文含义. Step2: Read.自己读单词. Group learning互学 litter feed fight smoke shout park Step2: Groups Show. 小组展示 Step1: Read words in groups. 小组内读单词. 1. 组长领读 .2. 齐读. 3. 轮读. Whats missing? 找一找,想一想,哪一个短语走丢了? Whats missing? 找一找,哪一个单词走丢了 . smoke Whats missing? 找一找,哪一个单词走丢了 . litter Whats missing? 找一找,哪一个单词走丢了 . feed Whats missing? 找一找,哪一个单词走丢了 . fight Whats missing? 找一找,哪一个单词走丢了 . shout 214 365 Skys class Homework Skys class Unit3Unit3 PublicPublic RulesLessonRulesLesson 22 1.教学目标 1.知识目标: 能听懂、会说、会读以下单词:pick, hurt, light, shoot, cut.以及相关短语:pick flow ers, hurt animals, light fires, shoot birds ,cut trees. 能听懂、会说、会读句子:What does this sign mean ? Dont .并在具体情境中灵活 运用。 能区分和理解一些标志的含义。 2.能力目标: 能正确识别和理解一些公共规则标志的含义。 3.情感目标: 通过对本课的学习让学生明白处处有规则,我们必须遵守规则。 2重点难点 教学重点: 单词 pick, hurt, light, shoot, cut 以及短语 pick flowers, hurt animals, light fi res, shoot birds, cut trees. 句型 What does this sign mean ? Dont . 教学难点: 动词短语的理解及句型 What does this sign mean ? Dont .的熟练运用 3教学过程 活动 1【导入】.Step1.Preparation. 1.Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls . S: Hello. T: Nice to meet you . S: Nice to meet you ,too . T: Look , this is a square , and this is a circle .This group is square ,and th e other is circle. If you do a good job , you will get a sign and I will put it here, are you clear ? 设计意图:教师通过简单的问候开课,同时将学生分为两组,一组为方组,一组为圆组,奖励学 生一张与本课相关的图片标志作为评价机制,自然的为后面句型中 sign 的学习做铺垫。 2.Listen,look and do . T: Oh, today is a little cold, do you think so ? Lets do sports together .Fol low me .Run, run ,run. S: Run, run ,run. 3.Listen and do. T: Now lets listen and do .If you hear “Dont ”you must stop ,clear ?Let s go. 教师播放课件和学生一起做动作复习已学过的动词,为本课新词及 Dont 句型的学习作 准备。 活动 2【讲授】Step2.Presentation Step 2.Presentation 1.Lead in. T: Walk, walk, lets walk to a farm. Do you know a farm ? S: T: Look, this is a farm. 教师以热身动作中的 walk 一词自然引出本课主题 farm,并板书单词 farm 教授。 2.Brainstorm. T: Look, this is a big farm. What can you see at the farm ? S: I can see trees/ apples/animals/birds 课件展示一张农场的图片,让学生思考:What can you see on the farm ? 当学生说出来了后,将这些单词如 trees, fruits, animals, birds贴在黑板上。以此激 活学生的思维,让学生复习和运用所学旧知单词:trees, flowers, animals, birds 3.教授以下新词及相关短语:pick, hurt, light, shoot, cut. pick flowers, hurt anim als, light fires, shoot birds, cut trees ,同时出示相应标志,教授句型:What does t his sign mean ? Dont . T: Boys and girls, you can see some trees/apples/animals/birds on the farm, the y are beautiful. Sometimes you also can see this sign ,do you know what this si gn mean ? S: No. T: It means Dont pick flowers, we cant pick flowers on the farm. (教师出示禁止摘花的图标,并教授学生整个句子。同时引出句型 What does this sign me an ?单词句型结合操练。) S: Pick flowers./ Dont pick flowers. T: What does this sign mean ? S: Dont pick flowers. 教师以同样的方式教授其它单词及短语、句子。 4.引出课题 Public Rules. T: OK, boys and girls. Look at the blackboard, they are farm rules, so today we study somethings about farm rules. S:Farm rules. 教师板书课题 Farm Rules 并教读。 活动 3【活动】Step3.Practice. Step 3.Practice. 1.Listen,repeat and practice. 教师播放第三部分录音,学生跟读并操练朗读。 2.Who is the winner ? 教师让学生分小组竞争朗读短语或句子。 T: Now lets PK, who is reading faster, who is the winner. 3.Look ,read and match. 教师出示课件图片让学生看图连线。 T: Lets practice. Look, read and match. What does this sign mean ? S: Dont pick flowers. T: What does this sign mean ? Which one is the answer ? 活动 4【练习】Step4.Productionandsummary. Step4. Production and summary. T : Class, today we have learned the following farm rules : S: Dont pick flowers/shoot birds/hurts animals/light fires/cut trees. T: What other rules you know ? do you know these rules ? S: 教师出示一些常见的标志图片,如:禁止进入,禁止践踏草坪,禁止钓鱼等,允许学生说汉语。 T: Yes, we have farm rules on a farm ,we also have class rules in the classroom, school rules at the school, traffic rules on the road. Everywhere we can see ru les. T: Look, this is a square and this is a circle, when we put them together, what do you think ? S:没有规矩,不成方圆。 T: Nothing can be achieved without rules and order . So everyone must keep the rules . Lets count how many signs and what signs you got.The _group is the winner. 活动 5【导入】Step5.Homework. Step5.Homework. Find out more rules around us. Make some class rules.
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