外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 3-Unit 1 The sun is shining.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:e03e7).zip

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NewStandardEnglish Module3Unit1inbook8 cry Whatistheboydoing? Heiscrying. Look at the naughty bird. Its flying. Look at the little dog. Its crying. Lookatthesephotos. Whataretheydoing? 1.Theyaredoingmorningexercises. 1 2 2.Theyarereadingbooks. 3 4 3.Theyarerunning. 4.Wearehavingapicnic. 1.Whowrotethisletter? 2.WhatisDamingsendingtoLingling? Heissendingsomephotos. 3.Whatdidtheydo? Theyhadapicnic. Daming. Inthisphoto Thesun. Thebirds. We. They. Inthisphoto, Itand thebirds. Andjust. Theducks. 现在进行时: be+动词的现在分词 选词填空,注意信的格式。 DearLily, Howareyou?ItisSundaytoday.Thesu nis_._isathome.My fatheris_acake.Mymotheris _herhousework.Mybrothers are_watermelons.Mysisteris _,andIam_some photostoyou. From,_ (sending,shining,making,everyone,singin g,eating,doing) shiningEveryone making doing eating singing sending 眼力大考验 snowy windy 1.Inthisphoto,its. Thewomanis. snowy skating 2.Inthisphoto,its. Themanis. windy flyingakite shining sunny cloudy 3.Inthisphoto,its. Thecatsare . 4.Inthisphoto,its. Thepandais. 5.Inthisphoto,its. Themonkeyis. shining climbingthetree sunny eatingbamboo cloudy readingnewspaper 2011 版新标准英语教材三年级起六年级下册版新标准英语教材三年级起六年级下册 Module 3 UNITUNIT 1 1 TheThe sunsun isis shiningshining 课型描述课型描述 本课是新标准英语教材三年级起第八册第三模块第一单元。本模块是以描 述照片或图片为中心,学习用现在进行时描述照片或图片中正在进行的动作。 重点围绕着“描述图片或照片中的情景”这个话题开展多种教学活动。本单元 的课文情境是 Lingling 收到 Daming 的来信,Daming 在信中介绍他星期六和 Simon 去野餐的有趣经历。信中有三张照片:第一张照片中天气晴朗,阳光普 照,鸟儿在树上唱歌,他们看到一群鸭子,他们好像饿了;第二张照片中天空开 始下雨了,鸟儿飞走了;第三张照片中鸭子在吃 Daming 他们的三明治。第二模 块是讲述发布天气预报,因此本模块与第二模块紧密联系。在学习本课新句型 之前,学生已经掌握了表达天气的表达方法。 因此,本课谈论画面的天气,再 用现在进行时谈论画面的动作,学生就比较容易理解和掌握, 学时分配学时分配 40 分钟 教学方法:教学方法: 讲授法、情景教学法、交际法 教学目标:教学目标: 1.知识目标 听、说、认读单词 just,fly away,shine, everyone,cry,和现在进行 时句型,如:The birds are singing in the tree. we are looking at some ducks.It is starting to rain.The ducks are eating our picnic.并能实际运用。 能了解动词的现在分词(即 ing 形式) ,并能运用到现在进行时中。 能听懂、理解课文的大致内容,能回答教师 的问题。 全体学生能运用已学语言描述图片或照片中的情景,或在教师设置 的交际情景中运用。 2、情感目标 锻炼学生自主学习的能力,学生用现在进行时通过照片描述自己的生活, 提高学习英语的兴趣。. 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1、教学重点:、教学重点:进行时的结构和分词的构成,现在进行时的在实际中的运用。 2 2、教学难点、教学难点:be +动词 ing 缺一不可;过去分词的构成。去掉 e 不发音再 加 ing,双写末尾一个字母再加 ing. 教学过程教学过程 StepStep 1 1(复习)导入新课(复习)导入新课 1、Free talk. T: Hello, boys and girls. Is everyone here today? Ss: Yes.we are. 趁机 教新单词 everyone,用不同的方式练 everyone T: Hi! T: Whats the weather like today? S1: Its sunny. T: Do you like the sun? S1: Yes, I do. T: Well, The sun is very lovely. We are so happy.but look at the boy,课件展示一 个男孩哭的照片,趁机教新单词 cry,用不同的方式练 cry。 2、Lets chant. P14 活动 1,本活动放三遍录音,第一遍就听,老师用英语讲 just listern 趁 机教新词 just,让学生在真实的情景中学习新词,学起来更自然。放录音之前, 让学生思考两个问题,1.What is the dog doing?2.Why is the dog crying? 【设计意图设计意图】天气的表达是上一模块的重点,通过唱儿歌以及自由对话的 方式使学生们尽快回忆起旧知,由于本模块的题目就是表达天气的另一种方式, 温故而知新,由此,便可将本节课的重点串联出来,使学生尽快进入状态。 StepStep 2 2 探究新知探究新知 1.Lead in. 教师展示图片:T: Whats the weather like today? S1: Its sunny. T: Good! Its sunny, and the sun is shining. 教师重点领读句型 The sun is shining. 和 It is shining. 2、教师展示出课件 T: Look at this photo. Whats the weather like? Ss: The sun is shining. T: Great! It is shining. I think its very hot today. Now look at these photos? What are they doing? 教师分别展示出若干相片,这些照片都是班上同学的照 片,学生熟悉,:1.They are doing morning exercises. 2.They are reading books 3.They are running 出示我本人野餐的照片,学生答 4.You are having a picnic. 【设计意图设计意图】此活动联系学生的生活,能更有效地调动他们的情绪,同时 通过提问,可以增高学生的主动性。为新课学习调动积极因素。 Step3 Text-teaching 1、Listen to the tape about the letter. Answer the questions: Who wrote this letter? .What is Daming sending to Lingling ? What did they do? T: Daming had a picnic in the park on Saturday, and he sent some photos to Lingling. Lets look at them!包括四个步骤: A.Listen and repeat.用点读笔让学生跟读这封信,然后答 B.Listen and unline the new words and new sentences(进行时).C.圈出加 ing 的词,引导学生归纳并掌握分词构成的方法:a.直接加 ing 如:sending;b. 去 e 加 ing 如:shining;c.双写末字母加 ing 如:swimming 。总结现在进 行时的用法。 2、教师展示 picture 1 T: In picture 1. What can you see in this picture? Ss: I can see a lady, two boys, some birds and ducks 指着鸭 子的图片教这个新单词。, a tree, and the sun. T: So good! This boy is Daming, and that boy is Simon. Look! What are they doing? Look at the picture as ask: Whats the weather like? What are those birds doing in the tree? What are the people doing? What are the ducks doing? T: Then, we will listen to the tape and know about other photos. 3、 Play the tape and have the students listen. Answer the questions: Whats the weather like? Where are they? What are the ducks doing? 根据所听到的课文内容回答问题。学生根据图片内容回答问题。对于学生 在回答问题的过程中所遇到的困难,最好采用合作的方式解决,而不是单 纯依靠教师的提醒。展示 Picture2、Picture 3.逐副图听一遍录音,回答 老师提出的问题,第二遍跟录音读,第三遍用不同的方式自读 4、看着图 片复述照片内容口头描述,以此来培养学生的表达能力。 【设计意图设计意图】有了前面的内化,课文的学习就显得容易了.所以这部分我安排 得相对简单,由于先前的充分练习,再加上课文中的难点不多,因而学生在对课 文理解方面没有太多困难,所以教师则不用作太多的讲解,只需要在学生自己 理解的过程中给予一定的帮助就可以。 StepStep 4 4 巩固练习巩固练习 1.书本 16 页活动 4 的 5 张照片的描述。同桌可以练说。 2.注意信的格式。选词填空。 Dear Lily, How are you? It is Sunday today. The sun is . is at home. My father is a cake. My mother is her housework. My brothers are watermelons. My sister is , and I am some photos to you. From, 3. PPT 呈现更多图片的练习。指导学生看图片说天气,并描述图片进行的动作。 【设计意图设计意图】从老师的输入,到学生通过书信练习的输出,图片的练习巩 固现在进行时在实际生活中的运用。 板书板书 ModuleModule 3 3 UNIT1UNIT1 TheThe sunsun isis shining.shining. shine The birds are singing in the tree. cry fly (away) we are looking at some ducks everyone It is starting to rain. just The ducks are eating our picnic. 练习 一动词的现在分词,知道吗?例如:sing _singing. 我们试着也变一变吧。 look_ eat_ send_ rain_ shine_ swim_ cry_ 二注意信的格式。选词填空。 Dear Lily, How are you? It is Sunday today. The sun is . is at home. My father is a cake. My mother is her housework. My brothers are watermelons. My sister is , and I am some photos to you. From, 2011 版新标准英语教材三年级起六年级下册版新标准英语教材三年级起六年级下册 Module 3 UNITUNIT 1 1 TheThe sunsun isis shiningshining 课型描述课型描述 本课是新标准英语教材三年级起第八册第三模块第一单元。本模块是以描 述照片或图片为中心,学习用现在进行时描述照片或图片中正在进行的动作。 重点围绕着“描述图片或照片中的情景”这个话题开展多种教学活动。本单元 的课文情境是 Lingling 收到 Daming 的来信,Daming 在信中介绍他星期六和 Simon 去野餐的有趣经历。信中有三张照片:第一张照片中天气晴朗,阳光普 照,鸟儿在树上唱歌,他们看到一群鸭子,他们好像饿了;第二张照片中天空开 始下雨了,鸟儿飞走了;第三张照片中鸭子在吃 Daming 他们的三明治。第二模 块是讲述发布天气预报,因此本模块与第二模块紧密联系。在学习本课新句型 之前,学生已经掌握了表达天气的表达方法。 因此,本课谈论画面的天气,再 用现在进行时谈论画面的动作,学生就比较容易理解和掌握, 学时分配学时分配 40 分钟 教学方法:教学方法: 讲授法、情景教学法、交际法 教学目标:教学目标: 1.知识目标 听、说、认读单词 just,fly away,shine, everyone,cry,和现在进行 时句型,如:The birds are singing in the tree. we are looking at some ducks.It is starting to rain.The ducks are eating our picnic.并能实际运用。 能了解动词的现在分词(即 ing 形式) ,并能运用到现在进行时中。 能听懂、理解课文的大致内容,能回答教师 的问题。 全体学生能运用已学语言描述图片或照片中的情景,或在教师设置 的交际情景中运用。 2、情感目标 锻炼学生自主学习的能力,学生用现在进行时通过照片描述自己的生活, 提高学习英语的兴趣。. 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1、教学重点:、教学重点:进行时的结构和分词的构成,现在进行时的在实际中的运用。 2 2、教学难点、教学难点:be +动词 ing 缺一不可;过去分词的构成。去掉 e 不发音再 加 ing,双写末尾一个字母再加 ing. 教学过程教学过程 StepStep 1 1(复习)导入新课(复习)导入新课 1、Free talk. T: Hello, boys and girls. Is everyone here today? Ss: Yes.we are. 趁机 教新单词 everyone,用不同的方式练 everyone T: Hi! T: Whats the weather like today? S1: Its sunny. T: Do you like the sun? S1: Yes, I do. T: Well, The sun is very lovely. We are so happy.but look at the boy,课件展示一 个男孩哭的照片,趁机教新单词 cry,用不同的方式练 cry。 2、Lets chant. P14 活动 1,本活动放三遍录音,第一遍就听,老师用英语讲 just listern 趁 机教新词 just,让学生在真实的情景中学习新词,学起来更自然。放录音之前, 让学生思考两个问题,1.What is the dog doing?2.Why is the dog crying? 【设计意图设计意图】天气的表达是上一模块的重点,通过唱儿歌以及自由对话的 方式使学生们尽快回忆起旧知,由于本模块的题目就是表达天气的另一种方式, 温故而知新,由此,便可将本节课的重点串联出来,使学生尽快进入状态。 StepStep 2 2 探究新知探究新知 1.Lead in. 教师展示图片:T: Whats the weather like today? S1: Its sunny. T: Good! Its sunny, and the sun is shining. 教师重点领读句型 The sun is shining. 和 It is shining. 2、教师展示出课件 T: Look at this photo. Whats the weather like? Ss: The sun is shining. T: Great! It is shining. I think its very hot today. Now look at these photos? What are they doing? 教师分别展示出若干相片,这些照片都是班上同学的照 片,学生熟悉,:1.They are doing morning exercises. 2.They are reading books 3.They are running 出示我本人野餐的照片,学生答 4.You are having a picnic. 【设计意图设计意图】此活动联系学生的生活,能更有效地调动他们的情绪,同时 通过提问,可以增高学生的主动性。为新课学习调动积极因素。 Step3 Text-teaching 1、Listen to the tape about the letter. Answer the questions: Who wrote this letter? .What is Daming sending to Lingling ? What did they do? T: Daming had a picnic in the park on Saturday, and he sent some photos to Lingling. Lets look at them!包括四个步骤: A.Listen and repeat.用点读笔让学生跟读这封信,然后答 B.Listen and unline the new words and new sentences(进行时).C.圈出加 ing 的词,引导学生归纳并掌握分词构成的方法:a.直接加 ing 如:sending;b. 去 e 加 ing 如:shining;c.双写末字母加 ing 如:swimming 。总结现在进 行时的用法。 2、教师展示 picture 1 T: In picture 1. What can you see in this picture? Ss: I can see a lady, two boys, some birds and ducks 指着鸭 子的图片教这个新单词。, a tree, and the sun. T: So good! This boy is Daming, and that boy is Simon. Look! What are they doing? Look at the picture as ask: Whats the weather like? What are those birds doing in the tree? What are the people doing? What are the ducks doing? T: Then, we will listen to the tape and know about other photos. 3、 Play the tape and have the students listen. Answer the questions: Whats the weather like? Where are they? What are the ducks doing? 根据所听到的课文内容回答问题。学生根据图片内容回答问题。对于学生 在回答问题的过程中所遇到的困难,最好采用合作的方式解决,而不是单 纯依靠教师的提醒。展示 Picture2、Picture 3.逐副图听一遍录音,回答 老师提出的问题,第二遍跟录音读,第三遍用不同的方式自读 4、看着图 片复述照片内容口头描述,以此来培养学生的表达能力。 【设计意图设计意图】有了前面的内化,课文的学习就显得容易了.所以这部分我安排 得相对简单,由于先前的充分练习,再加上课文中的难点不多,因而学生在对课 文理解方面没有太多困难,所以教师则不用作太多的讲解,只需要在学生自己 理解的过程中给予一定的帮助就可以。 StepStep 4 4 巩固练习巩固练习 1.书本 16 页活动 4 的 5 张照片的描述。同桌可以练说。 2.注意信的格式。选词填空。 Dear Lily, How are you? It is Sunday today. The sun is . is at home. My father is a cake. My mother is her housework. My brothers are watermelons. My sister is , and I am some photos to you. From, 3. PPT 呈现更多图片的练习。指导学生看图片说天气,并描述图片进行的动作。 【设计意图设计意图】从老师的输入,到学生通过书信练习的输出,图片的练习巩 固现在进行时在实际生活中的运用。 板书板书 ModuleModule 3 3 UNIT1UNIT1 TheThe sunsun isis shining.shining. shine The birds are singing in the tree. cry fly (away) we are looking at some ducks everyone It is starting to rain. just The ducks are eating our picnic.
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