外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 6-Unit 1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级优课-(编号:d15b3).zip

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M6U1 It was Damings birthday yesterday. What did he buy for his friend? How was the present? M6U1 It was Damings birthday yesterday. Task 1.Well learn to introduce the present. 2. After class, we can introduce our present we got. What were the presents? A book about space travel. A paper spaceship. General questions: faceplace spaceship spaceship = What do you want to know about the presents? 1.Does Daming love this present? Why? 2. What did they see in the book? 3. What did Daming and Simon decide to do after they finished the book? 4. Was Simons mum happy? Why? Yes, he does. Because he is interested in space travel. They saw many pictures of spaceships from China, Russia and the US. They decided to make a paper spaceship and gave it to Simons Mum. Yes, she was. Because Daming thanked her for the birthday present. Detail questions: The tips of learning 1.Read, find and underline the answers on your book. 2.If you finish, you should stand up and talk about your answers in your group. 3.If you know the answers, you can sit down and read your book. If you dont, you should ask for help. Russia 赠送和接受礼物赠送和接受礼物 buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. Grammer: give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. Fill in the blanks: 1.On my birthday, my mum bought me a cake. On my birthday, my mum bought _ _ _ me. 2.Yesterday, I gave a book to her. Yesterday, I _ _ _ _. a cake for gave herabook The tips of reading 1. Stand up and read. 2. If you read very well, you can sit down and retell the text. 3. If you cant, you should ask for help. was got bought was be interested in decided gave thanked was Retell: Practice: On Damings birthday, Amy bought him a present. It was a blue car. On Amys birthday, Sam bought her a present. It was a yellow cap. On Linglings birthday, Daming bought her a present. It was a green kite. Talk about our present On Mothers Day, I got a present. It was a bunch of flowers. My daughter gave it to me. She made it by herself. It was beautiful. I was very happy. When What Who How Feeling Talk about our present _, I got a present. It was _. _ me. It _. I _. When What Who How Feeling We should thank our family. They give us love. We should thank our teachers. They give us knowledge and power. We should thank our friends. They give us friendship. We should thank everything. They make us beautiful. Homework: All of us: 1.Listen and read the text three times. 2.Copy the new words, phrases and sentences three times. Some of us: 3.Finish your writing. Summary and homework Module6Module6 Unit1Unit1 ItIt waswas DamingDamings s birthdaybirthday yesterday.yesterday.教学设计教学设计 (1 1)教材分析)教材分析 本课教材为外研社英语 (新标准) (三年级起点)六年级下册 Module6 Unit1 It was Damings birthday yesterday. 本单元的话题是介绍礼物。本单元的课文情景是 Daming 过生日的 时候,Simon 的妈妈送给他一本关于太空旅行的书,Daming 很喜欢这本书,Simon 也很喜欢, Daming 请 Simon 和他一起读这本书。书中介绍了中国、俄罗斯、美国的宇宙飞船。读完这本 书后,他们制作了一个宇宙飞船模型,并将其送给 Simon 的妈妈。学生通过学习进而能够运用 所学语言介绍礼物。本单元的学习为全体学生在 Unit2 运用英语写一篇短文向全班介绍宇宙飞 船模型做了充分的准备。本单元共 1 课时完成。 (2 2)学情分析)学情分析 本单元的学习重点是学会运用“It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present.”这一结构去介绍礼物,进一步复习一般过去时态的运用,尽管学生在之前的学 习中,学生已经学习过一般过去时态,但部分学生对于这一时态可能还没有完全掌握,希望通 过本课学习给这些学生更多巩固和运用的机会,同时帮助学有余力的学生进行适当的拓展。 (3 3)教学技能)教学技能 1、语言技能、语言技能 (1)全体学生能听懂:It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present. (2)全体学生能听说:It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present. (3)全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。 (4)全体学生能按要求完成语句书写。 2、语言知识、语言知识 (1)全体学生能运用语句:“It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present. ” 介绍礼物。 (2)全体学生能理解词汇:home, got, space, interested, spaceship, finish, decide, paper 全体学生能运用词汇:home, got 部分学生能运用词汇:space, interested, spaceship, finish, decide, paper 3、情感态度、情感态度 懂得感恩、学会感恩、感恩所有的遇见 4、学习策略、学习策略 自主探究、小组合作、情知交融 5、文化意识、文化意识 在学习中,了解在西方国家中,别人感谢你时的回答与中国的不同表达方式。 (4 4)教学重、难点)教学重、难点 1 1、重点、重点 (1)正确使用“It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present. ” 介绍 礼物。 (2)掌握介绍礼物的方法。 2 2、难点、难点 (1)准确使用“buy sth.for sb.与 give sth. to sb.句式以及动词过去式” (2) “interested, Russia”的发音 (5 5)教学准备)教学准备 单词卡片、点读机、课件、比赛计时器 (6 6)教学过程)教学过程 一一Warm-up and lead-in (5 分钟) 1. Greetings. 2. Free Talk: Mothers Day The teacher talked about the present on that day. Ask the students to talk about the present they gave their mother. 3. Lead-in Learn Part 1. (Show the picture of P1 on the PPT) Ss watch the video, find the answers of the questions: What did the allien buy for his friend? How was the present? then report. Learn Part 1 a. Read it after the tape and teach: home (通过单词卡片会读、明确意思即可) b. Read it together. 【设计意图】通过谈论母亲节,自然将话题引到了礼物上,复习了对礼物的已有认知介绍,为 本课继续谈论礼物打下了伏笔;通过第一部分的内容学习,了解选择礼物还要适 合对方,为课文的进一步学习做了铺垫。 二二Task Presentation (2 分钟) 1. Today well learn to introduce the present. 2. After class, we can talk about our present we got. 【设计意图】交代本课学习任务,使学生在课堂上的学习目标更加明确,进而更好地完成学习 任务。 三、三、Text learning (18 分钟) (show the ppt, and introduce the background of the pictures) 1. Watch the video and answer the question: What were the presents? 2. Devide the Ss into two groups: Book Team Spaceship Team 3. Ask the Ss to ask for the questions about the presents. 4. Show the teachers questions on the PPT and ask the student to read them one by one. 5. Read,find and underline the answers of the questions on their books, then talk about the answers in the groups. Show the Tip of learning. Read,find and underline the answers of the questions on their books, then talk about the answers in the groups. The Ss report the answers, and the teacher teaches the new words and the sentences.( write them down on the Bb.) 6. Grammer: 赠送和接受礼物的表达法及一般过去时态 引导学生归纳:教师指着板书中的动词形式,帮助学生归纳:描述过去收到的礼物时用 一般过去时态,动词要用过去式。其句子结构为:buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb. give sb. sth.= give sth. to sb. 操练练习,检测学生是否理解掌握:在 PPT 上出示习题,让学生填空完成语句。 7. Read the text (Show the tips of reading on the ppt.) Read the text after the tape, teach the new words. Read it by themselves. Check reading one by one. Read it together. 8. Retell the text The teacher helps the Ss to retell the text according to the tips. Ask a good pupil to retell it. Practise retelling by themselves. Show the retelling. Retell it together. 【设计意图】通过任务型的教学模式,让学生在感知、体验、合作、探究中习得新知,激发了 学生主动求知的欲望,培养了学生的合作、探究意识,使学生真正成为课堂学习 的主人;语法地归纳和强化,有助于学生更加准确地运用语言描述收到的礼物, 同时培养了学生对所学知识的归纳、梳理能力;同过熟读课文,加深对词汇、句 型、课文的理解;复述语篇,便于学生对文章的整体架构,为语言的顺利输出提 供了保障。 四.Practice(5 分钟) 1.Finish Part 4. Look at the model and make them to know how to describe them. Ask one of the pupils to describe Picture 2. Talk about Picture 3 and Picture 4 in the groups. Report and correct the answers. 2.Talk about their present they got like Part 4. 【设计意图】通过例句和图片的提示,能够模仿例句,完成对图片信息的描述,巩固加深了目 标语句的理解和使用;并通过模仿谈论自己的礼物, 为任务的完成起到铺垫作 用。 五五.Task completion(8 分钟)分钟) Talk about the present. 1. The teacher makes a model: Talk about the present on Mothers Day. 2. Draw a conclusion : the ways of introducing the present. 3. Talk about their present they got according to the tips Talk about their present they got by themselves. Show (Twice) 【设计意图】通过完成本课学习任务,让学生体验学习的乐趣,能够学以致用,服务于生活, 才是学习语言的意义所在。 六六. Summary and homework(2 分钟) 1. Sum-up: Say what weve learnt this class. We should learn from Daming:A thankful heart. 2. Homework: All: Listen and read the text three times. Copy the new words and sentences one line. Some: Finish the writing. 3. Choose the better Team. 【设计意图】通过回顾、梳理所学的知识,强化重点,便于学生课后对知识的整理和复习;通 过 Daming 给 Simons mum 送礼物这件事,告诉学生我们应该感恩我们的家人、 老师、同学和所有的遇见,是他们让我们的生活变得更加美好;分层次布置作业, 使班级每个学生都能有所获,让每个孩子都能够跳一跳,就能够得到,有助于孩 子的自信心的培养。 板书设计 Module6 Unit1 It was Damings birthday yesterday. It was Damings birthday yesterday. a bought ht gave Simons MumDaming a present.present a was were interested in saw decided was thank was interesteddecidefinish M6U1 It was Damings birthday yesterday.教学反思教学反思 本节课,我能够按照自己的教学思路,对学生进行听、说、读、 写的语言知识和语言能力训练,并及时对学生进行思维品质和文化品 格的培养,完成教学任务,达到了教书育人的目的;并能根据学生课 堂生成状况,及时调整教学策略,学生较好地完成了学习任务,对家 人、老师、朋友及所有的事物懂得了感恩,情感上再次得到升华。取 得主要成绩如下: 1、教学重难点突出。本节课始终围绕“It was Damings birthday yesterday.” “Simons mum bought him a present.”进行教学设计。从自 由交流开始切入礼物的话题,然后仅仅围绕话题,运用目标语句,根 据任务,循序渐进地进行训练,最后水到渠成地完成了教学任务。 2、自主学习能力策略贯穿整堂课的始终。在复习导入环节,让学 生谈论自己在母亲节送给妈妈的礼物开始,引出送礼物要适合对方的 话题,激发学生探究学习的热情;在课文学习环节,让学生自己提问 题,对学生进行思维品质的培养,在交流探究中,出示学习提示,学 生明确各步骤所要做的事情,最后达到谁不会教谁的目的,让不同层 次的学生各有所获。 3、重视对学生进行情感教育。通过本课的学习,让学生懂得感恩, 为学生的幸福人生和终身发展奠基。 当然本课也有不足之处。上课还是紧张,表现不够大方,语言不 够流畅,在以后的教学中还要继续磨砺自己。 课例点评课例点评 李庆波老师执教的英语 (新标准) (供三年级起始用)六年级下册 Module6U1 It was Damings birthday yesterday. 是一堂设计完整、目标明确、活动 有序、策略有效、任务达成度高的新授课。这节课的话题是谈论礼物。学习重点是 描述礼物。涉及的词汇有 home, got, space,interested, spaceship, finish, decide, paper。在本课的教学中,教师以新课程理念为指导,采用了任务型教学途径,教 学活动符合学生认知水平,具有合理的建构支架,注重学习策略的指导与情感态度 的培养,高效地达成了本课的学习目标。从热身复习,导入新知;启发诱导,教学 新知;变式操练,巩固新知;完成任务,运用新知到布置作业,深化新知,整个教 学过程清晰明了,脉络分明,不乏亮点: 一、目标明确,设计合理 纵观本节课,教师在充分解读文本和分析学情的基础上,对本课进行了整体合 理的设计。目标设计明确、全面、具体,在知、技、策、情合一的学习过程中培养 学生用英语做事情的能力,在教学活动中发展学生的思维能力,通过学习谈论 Daming 和 Simons mum 的礼物的学习,设计谈论自己的礼物的任务活动,真实有 效,达到了学以致用的目的,充分体现了英语学习工具性与人文性的统一。 环节 设计条理清晰,以文本内容为语境基础,围绕 Daming 和 Simons mum 谈论礼物这 一主线,设计了层次分明的学习活动,整体把握语篇,做到字词句篇教学的统一。 既关注了文本内容的理解,又关注了文本语言的学用和文本情感的体验;板书设计 重点突出;作业设计巩固课堂知识的同时,又对学生的能力进行拓展。 二、情境创设,突破难点 教学中,教师充分运用多媒体教学手段创设了直观化、形象化的情境,帮助学 生在情境中感知、理解和体验语言。从热身导入到课堂小结布置作业的所有环节中 全部有效利用信息化教学设备服务课堂教学。利用母亲节礼物开始本课教学,为学 生创设轻松的学习氛围,很自然与学生谈话引入本课,激发学生的学习兴趣。在新 句型的呈现、理解与实际运用方面,通过教学课件有效地促进了重难点突破;同时 利用教学课件创设的情境帮助学生理解 词汇“space, Russia”和句型 “buy sb. sth. give sb sth”有效突破教学难点。 三、活动有序,层层递进 新课标倡导以活动为中心的教学理念,强调教学活动内容的设计应关注学生在 现实中的需求和兴趣,关注学生现有的经验和能力。教学中,李老师立足学情设计 了一系列听、说、读、练、赏的活动,使语言学习摆脱单纯的语言项目练习,而成 为有趣味、有意义、有交际目的的语言实践活动,有效地发展了学生的听说读写技 能和学习策略。李老师在复习环节设计了 Free talk 活动,自然地切入本课主题, 同时又诱发了学生的学习愿望和动机。在呈现环节采用听、读的方式理解文本,在 学用环节采用说、读、赏等活动,由易到难,层层推进,体现了理解-感知-运用 的过程,体现了语言学习的规律。难能可贵的是设计活动的方法比较科学,如学习 新知时运用问题引领、自主探究、同伴互助、小组合作的教学方式,梳理文本,构 建课文脉络。在指导学生完成本课学习任务的时候,教师先通过描述自己的母亲节 礼物,让学生模仿来谈论自己的礼物,为学生搭建了语言支架,由复述课文、互相 问答到描述自己的礼物,学生很顺利地完成了本课的学习任务。 四、任务跟进,完成语用 本课的教学中,教师始终围绕着谈论礼物这条主线设计了一系列主题明确、层 层递进、真实可操作的任务链,学生在完成一个个小任务的过程中,逐步具备了一 定的语言积累,从而最终学会运用本课的核心语句来完成谈论自己礼物这一综合性 的运用任务,充分体现了语言教学的实践性和交际性原则,有效的培养了学生综合 运用语言做事情的能力。 五、评价有效,激发学习 本课采用两队比赛的方式进行,具体把两队分为 Spaceship Team 和 Book Team。表现优秀的个人会为本组赢得到一分,最终统计各队的分数,决定小组的 胜负。贯穿课堂教学始终的评价机制调动了学生的思维和主观能动性,助推了学生 的学习效果。 本课还存在几点不足之处:本课还存在几点不足之处: 教师在教学中,还要注意语流和语速。 (授课教师:辽宁省大连普兰店区实验小学(授课教师:辽宁省大连普兰店区实验小学 李庆波)李庆波) (评课教师:辽宁省大连普兰店区教师进修学校(评课教师:辽宁省大连普兰店区教师进修学校 赵晶辉赵晶辉
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