北师大版(三起)四上Unit 5 At school-lesson 1 What subjects do you have -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:d7562).zip

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    • art发音.wav
    • chinese发音.wav
    • English发音.wav
    • math发音.wav
    • music发音.wav
    • P.E.发音.wav
    • science发音.wav
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    • U05_L1_3_ListenAanNumber.swf
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    • Unit5 At School Lesson1教学反思.docx--点击预览
    • Unit5 At School Lesson1课堂实录.doc--点击预览
    • 教案d7562.docx--点击预览


Unit 5 At School Lesson 1 EnglishEnglish chchineseinese t P.E.P.E. arart t : musicmusic mamathth sciencescience What subjects do you have today ? We have Chinese, music, math and P.E. What subjects do you like ? I like music and math . Chinese Music Math P.E. Listen and Number Learn the text Homework Make an English timetable. Bye! 1 2 教学反思教学反思 Unit11Unit11 Lesson1Lesson1 这节课上下来第一感觉是有些快,细细反思有这些地方训练 不到位。 一 句型的练习没有让同桌两个根据实际情况去讨论有什 么课,喜欢什么课。 二 Listen and Number 部分第一遍听时有学生没有跟上, 应 该再听一遍。 三 课文表演时给学生的时间太少。 通过本课的教学,我感触颇深。首先,教学是一门无止境的 艺术。无论怎样构思教学,总有需要我们进一步改进的地方。因此 备好课绝不是一句空话,它需要我们充分了解教材、了解学生,需 要我们踏踏实实地考虑好每一个环节,这样每一节课堂才会是高效 率的。我会尽我所能,积极向其他老师请教学习,使自己的课更上 一层楼。 Unit 5 At School Lesson 1 What subjects do you have? 教学设计思想: 这节课的目的是熟练掌握学科单词及询问设置有什么学科、喜 欢什么学科的句型。 内容选自北京师范大学版教材四年级上册 Unit5 Lesson 1. 过程安排如下: 1 打招呼 2 引入新课 3 学习单词及句型 4 考察单词 5 练习并唱句型 6 听听力考察所学句型 7 处理课文 方法选择:情境教学法 TPR 教学法 愉快教学法(唱歌学英 语) 手段利用:自制课件 卡片 配套教学光盘 区别传统教学的创新点: 1 传统教学遵照单词、句型和课文的顺序,这节 课 单词中带句型,句型中穿插课文内容。 2 这节课的游戏设置依据单词特点,根据单词发 音 和音节(art music)来设置游戏,不是为了游戏而游戏。 3 唱句型。把本节课最重要的句型用脍炙人口的 曲 调唱出来,不仅活跃课堂气氛,学生也乐于在课下练习。 这节课注重改变英语教学方法,注重听说能力培养,激发学生 的学习兴趣和学习热情,体现了新理念。 教学目标:教学目标: 1 熟练掌握学科单词 2 熟练运用句型 What subjects do you have today ? We haveand . What subjects do you like ? I like . 3 热爱学习的科目。 教学重点:教学重点:学科单词。 教学难点:教学难点:What subjects do you have today ? We haveand . What subjects do you like ? I like .句型的掌握。 教具:教具:配套教学光盘,自制课件与卡片。 教学过程:教学过程: StepStep 1 1 GreetingGreeting StepStep 2 2LeadLead inin Hello! Everybody! Today is the school open day(出示幻 灯片). There are so many teachers(指后边听课教师).Lets say : Hello! Welcome to our school!(学生重复) Now, this is a timetable.拿出课表并贴黑板上。T:So many subjects.(领读 subjects,让学生明白其意义) Can you show it in English ? (教师手指黑板上的中文课表) S: No. T: Let me help you .Today, we will learn Unit5 At School Lesson 1(板 书课题并领读 school ). Step3Step3 LearnLearn thethe newnew wordswords 幻灯片出示 EnglishEnglish. T: What subject is it? 学生跟读幻 灯片。教师拿出卡片:What subject is it ? S: English . 教师 手指课堂,引出 English class,然后拿出英语课本练习:English book,手指自己练习: English teacher . 把卡片贴到中文课表的 相应位置。 T: We have English.(横线部分板书) 幻灯片出示 ChineseChinese. T: What subject is it? 学生跟读幻 灯片。教师拿出卡片:What subject is it? S: Chinese. Now, show me your finger(拼写字母).Play a game: 顶卡。 把卡片贴 到中文课表的相应位置。引出:We have Chinese. 指课表中 ChineseChinese 和 EnglishEnglish 卡片。T: What subjects are they? S: Chinese and English. T:What subjects do you have ?(句型卡片贴黑板) T: subject-subjects- What subjects-What subjects do you have? 按顺序一点点教学生并玩滚雪球游戏。句 型练熟后引出回答: We have Chinese and English. 幻灯片出示 P.E.P.E. T:Look at me.边做动作边问: What subject is it ? 学生跟读幻灯片。教师拿出卡片:What subject is it ? S:P.E. 把卡片贴到中文课表的相应位置。练习句型: What subjects do you have ? We have Chinese ,English and P.E. (Part A ask, Part B answer) 幻灯片出示 artart. T:Look at me.边在黑板上画头像边问: What subject is it ? 学生跟读幻灯片。练习 ar 发音 : 教师 拿出卡片:What subject is it ? S:art.利用嘴型大小练习发音。 把卡片贴到中文课表的相应位置。练习句型:What subjects do you have ? We have Chinese ,English P.E. and art.(S1 asks, S2 answers) 幻灯片出示 musicmusic. T: Listen to me. 教师唱歌并问:What subject is it ? 学生跟读幻灯片。教师拿出卡片:What subject is it? S:music. T: mu S:sic Together:music 反复练习发音。 然后把卡片贴到中文课表的相应位置。练习句型:What subjects do you have ? We have Chinese ,English P.E. art and music.(换学生提问教师回答) 指黑板上课表,T:So many subjects .I like English and music.What subjects do you like?引导学 生回答:I like 或 I like and .(在喜欢的科目上贴心 形标志,练习句型) 幻灯片出示 mathmath. T: Is this Chinese? S: No. 跟读幻灯片, 利用自然拼音拼读。一排一列读。教师拿出卡片,T: What subject is it? S: math.把卡片贴到黑板相应位置。 幻灯片出示 sciencescience. T: What subject is it? 学生跟读幻 灯片。教师拿出卡片:What subject is it? S: Science.拼写并 玩大小声游戏。把卡片贴黑板相应位置,引出 We have science . 指黑板上 sciencescience 和 mathmath 卡片。区分和s发音。 StepStep 4 4 HaveHave a a checkcheck 找学生把剩余科目单词贴在课表相应位置上 StepStep 5 5 PracticePractice thethe sentencessentences 教师手指黑板上贴满的课表。 T: Today is Wednesday. What subjects do you have today? S:We have T: What subjects do you like? (在喜欢的科目旁贴心形标 志) S: I like 把以上句型编成歌曲,学生学一遍,唱一遍。 教师依次指周一、周二、周四和周五的课表并贴上心形标志, 让学生反复练习句型: StepStep 6 6 HaveHave a a checkcheck Listen and Number LookSayListen Check answers StepStep 7 7 LearnLearn thethe texttext 1 Today is the school open day .Mocky came to Ann and Kens school. Look!(播放影片) 2 Follow me 3 Look the text by yourself. 4 Read in roles 5 Show time HomeworkHomework: Make an English timetable 板书设计板书设计: Unit5Unit5 AtAt SchoolSchool Lesson 1 What subjects do you have today ? English Math English Chinese Math We have Chinese P.E. P.E. Music Art What subjects do you like ? Math Art Math Math English I like Science Music Science P.E. Chinese Unit 5 At School Lesson1 What subjects do you have? Teaching Aims: ( (一一) ) 教学目标:教学目标: 1、 指导学生准确流利地读出科目单词。如:English, Chinese, P.E., art, music, math, science 等。 2、 运用所学的单词进行口语交际。如: What subjects do you have (today) ? We have What subjects do you like ? I like 3、 能在插图的帮助下理解故事主要内容并能模仿表演故事。 (二) 能力目标:能力目标: 1、培养学生听说读写能力。 2、能使用简单的英语进行口语交际。 (三) 情感目标:情感目标: 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学习英语的积极态度,使 学生乐于学习、主动、大胆、积极地参与,并勇于进行交际实践。 Teaching Important Points 1、指导学生准确流利地读出科目单词。 2、指导学生用所学句型询问设置有什么科目,喜欢什么科目。 3、分角色表演故事。 Teaching Difficult Points 用所学句型询问设置有什么科目,喜欢什么科目。 Teaching Aid 幻灯片 、 卡片。 Teaching Process Step One: Lead in. Step Two: Learn the new words and new sentences. Words: English, Chinese, P.E., art, music, math, science. Sentences: What subjects do you have (today) ? We have What subjects do you like ? I like Activities(words): a. Look, read and repeat. b. This part/line/ row read. d. One by one. e. In big /low voice. f. Play games. Activities(sentences): a. Teacher/student1/this part/boys ask, Students/student2/that part/girls answer. b. Sing it. Step Three: Check the words. Put the word cards on blackboard. Step Four: Practice the sentences.(Sing it) 1、Teacher and students 2、Part A and Part B 3、Student 1 and Student2 Step Five: Listen and Number Look-Say-Listen-Check the answers Step Six: Learn and act out the story. 1、 Listen to the story. 2、 Read after the teacher. 3、 Work in groups and read in roles. 4、 Act out the story in roles. Homework : Make an English timetable. Blackboard design: Unit5 At School Lesson1 What subjects do you have today ? English Math English Chinese Math We have Chinese P.E. P.E. Music Art What subjects do you like ? Math Art Math Math English I like Science Music Science P.E. Chinese
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