北京版六年级上册UNIT TWO WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR NECK -Lesson 8-Now I can read Now I can write-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:c0250).zip

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1 适用年级及内容适用年级及内容 适用年级北京版小学英语六年级上册 二单元 适用内容避免意外伤害 学会健康生活 教学基本信息教学基本信息 课题How to Live a Safer School Life 学科英语学段高年级段年级六年级 教材北京版英语六年级上册 出版社:北京出版社 指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 英语学科核心素养主要包括语言能力、学习能力、思维品质和文化品格。其中思维品质 是指思维在逻辑性、批判性、创造性等方面所表现的能力和水平。思维品质的发展有利于提 升学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。本课在设计时注重结合实际,创设真实的情境和任务, 让学生在任务驱动下综合运用语言,联系实际,解决问题。同时教师利用思维导图逐步引导 学生思考,梳理板书内容,并为最终的任务产出提供框架。 教学背景分析教学背景分析 教学内容教学内容 本课教学内容位于六年级下册第二单元第五课时。基础课时中,前两个课时主要谈论生 活当中的意外伤害、发生原因及合理建议,第三课时主要谈论合理膳食、适量饮食,通过分 析,我们提炼单元主题为“健康生活” 。在前三课基础课时的学习基础上,我们在第四课时 加入绘本,拓展阅读,同时为综合实践课的顺利实施作铺垫。单元整体设计结构图如下: 2 学生情况学生情况 本节课的授课对象是小学六年级的学生。学生们经过教师近六年的培养和学习,已经养 成了良好的学习习惯,具有主动开口讲英语的意识,浓厚的学习英语的兴趣,课堂活动参与 意识强,小组合作模式熟练,整个班级学习热情高涨。 本节课是本单元的第六课时,学生在前五个课时的学习中,已经学习了一些意外伤害的 名称,比如 scratch/cut the finger/break the arm/hurt the finger 等,并涉及到了一 些意外伤害的处理方式及预防措施,比如 go to the hospital/take an X-ray/take some pills/eat less/exercise more 等,这些都为学生学习本课内容提供了语言支持。学生在近 六年的小学生活中,具有较为丰富的自己经历或目睹他人经历意外伤害的经验,为本课自由 的交流分享提供可能,并能够结合自身经验提出合理可行的处理措施及预防措施。 本节课对于学生而言,难点在于语言表达。对于自己受伤经历的描述,处理措施中简单 语言的表达都会对学生的学习形成障碍。对于这些难点,教师通过图片实物讲解,运用熟悉 的语言形象表达,借助问题逐步引导的方式帮助学生化解学习中的难点,顺利产出。 技术准备技术准备 多媒体课件、图片、板画、海报底板 教学目标教学目标 (1) 能在情景中,正确表述意外伤害的名称,描述意外发生的过程。 (2) 能说出不同场景中可能发生的意外伤害,并能提出合理的处理措施。 (3) 能结合自身生活经验,提出有效避免伤害的预防措施。 (4) 通过对本课内容的学习,增强自我保护意的识,并能够提示他人避免意外伤害。 板书设计板书设计 3 教学流程示意 教学过程(文字描述) .To.To InvolveInvolve 1.1.设置情境,观看视频设置情境,观看视频 T: I was wondering how long you have been in this school. S: Six years./Five years. T: En, are you having a good time here? S: Yes! T: Look at them. They are also very happy. (学生观看一年级新生入学视频) T: Which grade are they in? Do you know? S: Grade One. T: Why are the grade one students so happy? S1: Because they can learn a lot of new things. S2: Because they can make new friends. S3: Because they are proud to be a student. T: But here are some students. They are not happy. Whats wrong with them? What happened? S1: Maybe there is too much homework. S2: Maybe they get hurt. S3: Maybe they miss mummies and daddies. T: Lets see what has really happened. What happened? to involve to assist to solve 1. Watch a Video 2. Discuss Pictures 3. Free Talk 1. Task Introduction 2. Think About Time & Place 3. Find Out Measures 4. Work Out Precautions 1. I Can Summarize 2. I Can Share 设置情境 丰富语言 发散思维 联系实际 自主阅读 提炼要点 归纳总结 分组展示 解决问题 4 S: They get hurt. 设计意图:由学生熟悉的话题入手,缓解课堂初始的紧张气氛,视频播放引出今天所要谈论设计意图:由学生熟悉的话题入手,缓解课堂初始的紧张气氛,视频播放引出今天所要谈论 的话题。的话题。 2. 复习旧知,引入新知复习旧知,引入新知 T: En, lets look at these pictures one by one. Look at Picture one. Whats wrong with the first boy? S: He fell down. T: Because of what? S: Because of the football. T: Yes, he fell down because of the football. How about the second girl? S: She cut her finger. T: And what about the third picture? S: He got scratched on his face. T: Whats wrong with this boy? S: He broke his right arm. T: Whats wrong with this boy in Picture 5? S: He hurt himself. T: Did the bones break? S: No. T: Yes. Bones are not broken. But the muscles are hurt. So at this time, we will say he “get sprained”. S: (read after the teacher) T: How about the last girl? Whats wrong with her? S: She hurt her finger. T: Where is her finger? S: In the door. T: So at this time we can say she “get nipped in the door”. Read after me “get nipped”. S: (read after the teacher) 设计意图:通过图片引导学生复习基础课时中已经接触过的相关短语及表达,并插入少量未设计意图:通过图片引导学生复习基础课时中已经接触过的相关短语及表达,并插入少量未 接触的新知,拓展学生已知,激活思维。接触的新知,拓展学生已知,激活思维。 3. 联系实际,表达语言联系实际,表达语言 T: You have been here for like nearly six years. Have you ever got injured here? S: Yes! T: What injury have you got? Please talk about your story with your partners within your group first. And then share with us together. S: (talk within groups) T: Who would like to share your story with us?What happened to you? S1: I once got sprained on my knee when I was having a PE class. T: How did you get sprained in the PE class? S1: When I was practicing duckling steps. T: Duckling steps? In Chinese means? S1: Yazibu. 5 T: Oh, got it. So you should be more careful in the PE class. Lots of injuries happen there. S: Yes. T: What happened to you? S2: I tripped myself once I was playing football. I felt dizzy. T: What did you do with it? S2: I took a rest for ten minutes. Then I feel better. T: Oh, you should also be careful next time. S: Yes. T: What happened to you? S3: When I was in Grade Three I broke my arm. T: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. How did that happen? S3: I was standing there and someone suddenly pushed me. I hit my arm on the table corner. T: How long did it take for you to get well? S3: Half a year. T: Oh, thats quite a long time. So be careful, everybody, OK. Dont hurt others and also yourself, OK? S: OK. 设计意图:学生结合自己的生活实际经历,表达语言,综合产出,为后续解决问题做铺垫。设计意图:学生结合自己的生活实际经历,表达语言,综合产出,为后续解决问题做铺垫。 .To.To SolveSolve 1. 布置任务,引出布置任务,引出 What T: So many injuries happen here. You know as the Grade one students entering the school, the school is really worried about their safety here. It seems that you guys are quite experienced. Why dont we give them some advice on the safety tips. Would you like to? S: Yes! T: You are so kind. The school has found out the top 5 injuries here. Lets see what they are. What is the first one? S: Get scratched. T: En, get scratched, have you ever got scratched here? S: Yes! T: What about No.2? S: Get nipped. T: That really happens a lot. I just got nipped yesterday. That really hurt a lot. And what about No.3? S: Get sprained. T: That really hurts a lot right? What is No.4? S: Cut the finger. T: This one usually goes bleeding, right? How about No.5? S: Break the arm/leg. T: This one usually takes the longest time for you to recover. S: Yes! 设计意图:结合图片交代整个任务的背景,同时引出思维导图的第一支。设计意图:结合图片交代整个任务的背景,同时引出思维导图的第一支。 6 2. 联系实际,归纳联系实际,归纳 When/Where T: So many injuries, when or where do you think these injuries may happen? For example, I think maybe you will get sprained when you are running downstairs. S: Yes! T: What do you think? S1: I think you may get scratched in the PE class. S2: I think you may cut your finger when using scissors. S3: I think you may get nipped between the two tables. T: What do you mean? S3: You know if you are standing between the two tables, and someone just suddenly pushed the table, and youll get nipped. S4: When two students are running in the hall, and at the corner, they cannot see each other, so they may crash. 设计意图:学生结合自身生活经验,发散思维,提出意外伤害可能发生的地点,引出思维导设计意图:学生结合自身生活经验,发散思维,提出意外伤害可能发生的地点,引出思维导 图的第二支。图的第二支。 3. 观看视频,提炼观看视频,提炼 What to do T: I have a video here talking about one of these injuries. Id like you to watch it. And while you are watching. Please pay attention to these two questions. The first one is? S: What injury is it? T: And the second is? S: What can we do about it? T: OK. Lets watch it together. (学生观看擦伤处理视频) T: So what injury is it about? S: Get scratched. T: En, if you get scratched, what can you do? If you catch one, you can say one, its okay. S: We should clean the wound. T: What do we use to clean the wound? S: Clean water. T: Yes, we should clean the wound under clean water. Any other things we can do? S: We can coat some medicine. T: Yes. Anything else? S: We can wipe some iodine. T: Iodine, I have a bottle of iodine here. And if you wipe some on your skin, it would be yellow. Any other things we can do? S: We can dress the wound with band-aid or bandage. T: When do we use band-aid? And when do we use bandage? S: When the wound is big we use bandage and if it is small we use band-aid. T: So many things we can do. But can they be done at the same time? S: No. T: Do they have some orders? S: Yes! 7 T: Which should be done first? S: Clean the wound. T/S: First, we should clean the wound under clean water. T: Then what should we do? T/S: Then we should wipe some iodine on the wound. T: And after that? T/S: After that we can coat some medicine on the wound. T: At last? T/S: At last we can dress the wound with band-aid or bandage. 设计意图:教师结合视频指导阅读,引导学生从视频中提炼相关信息,培养学生的信息提取设计意图:教师结合视频指导阅读,引导学生从视频中提炼相关信息,培养学生的信息提取 能力,同时引出思维导图的第三支。能力,同时引出思维导图的第三支。 4. 分组阅读,完善分组阅读,完善 What to do T: Now we know if we get scratched what we can do. How about the other four? Please take out your safety tips and you can read these four parts. While you are reading, please underline things we can do if we got that injury. And you dont have to read them all. Because there is so much reading. This line, please read Top2 get nipped. This line please read Top3 get sprained. And this line you please read Top4 cut the finger. And the last line please read the last one break the arm/leg. Understand? S: Yes! T: Okay. Go please. T: Do you still remember our unhappy boys and girls? S: Yes! T: So can you help them? S: OK. T: Who would you like to help? S: Id like to help the girl who got nipped. T: Lucky for her, she just got a small crush. So what can she do? S: She can cover the area with a towel and then cool the area with ice. T: Can she rub the area? S: No, she cant rub. T: Good. Thank you very much. Because of you she now knows what she can do. How about other boys and girls? Who can help them? S: Id like to help the girl who cut her finger. T: So what can she do? S: She can . T: Who would like to help? S: Id like to help the boy who broke the arm. T: So what can he do? S: He can . T: Thank you for your help. You are so nice. How about the last girl? Who can help her? S: She should stop bleeding first. And then she should disinfect the area. T: Disinfect, just now we used iodine to disinfect the wound. Except the iodine, what else can we 8 use? S: We can also use alcohol. T: Yes, she can disinfect the area with alcohol. Then what should she do? S: She should dress the wound. T: Nice! Good job. 设计意图:通过设计意图:通过 jig-saw reading 的方式培养学生的自主阅读能力,提取相关信息,进一步完的方式培养学生的自主阅读能力,提取相关信息,进一步完 善思维导图的第三支。善思维导图的第三支。 5. 结合经验,分享结合经验,分享 How to avoid T: You guys are very helpful. Because of you, now they all know what they should do. Thank you. But I still think it would be better if there were no injuries happening in the school. S: Yes! T: So how can we avoid injuries here? I think maybe we can walk slowly so that injuries would be less. Whats your idea? Do you have some good ideas? S1: I think maybe we should follow the instructions. T: What do you mean? Can you give me an example? S1: For example, you should walk to the right. T: Ah, very good example, have you seen that there is a notice on the stairs saying “walk to your right” in our school? S: Yes! T: En, very good. So we should follow the instructions of the teacher or according to the places. Any other ideas? S2: Be careful when using scissors. T: Good. And maybe we should be careful when doing everything. S3: I think maybe we should close the door. T: If the door is not closed, what would happen? S3: He or she may get hurt when theres strong wind. T: OK. Got what you mean. 设计意图:引导学生结合自身生活经验发散思维,组织语言,解决实际问题,引出思维导图设计意图:引导学生结合自身生活经验发散思维,组织语言,解决实际问题,引出思维导图 的第四支。的第四支。 6. 归纳板书,出思维图归纳板书,出思维图 T: Now look at the blackboard, you guys have so many great ideas. And because of you, now we have four parts on the blackboard. And can you name these four parts using our six “wh”? This line, which one will you use? S: What. T: Good. How about this part? S: Why/How/When/Where. T: How about this one? S: What to do. T: And the last line? S: How to avoid. T: Good. Now we have our mind map of this class. 9 设计意图:通过为思维导图分支命名的方式渗透思维导图的形成过程和方式,帮助学生建立设计意图:通过为思维导图分支命名的方式渗透思维导图的形成过程和方式,帮助学生建立 思维图的意识,同时完善本节课的板书。思维图的意识,同时完善本节课的板书。 .To.To AssistAssist 1. 结合思维图,分组制作海报结合思维图,分组制作海报 T: Id like you to do a poster within your group. And your poster should include four parts. The first part is about what. Choose one kind of injuries that you are reading. And the second part is about? S: when and where. T: So think about the time and place the injury may happen. And the third part is about? S: What to do. T: So if unluckily you get that injury what can you do to help. The last part is about? S: How to avoid. T: Work with your partner and think about the ways to avoid the injury. Clear? S: Yes. T: After you finish your poster please share within your group and then in front of the class. Make sure that every student in your class takes part in. OK? S: OK. 2.2. 小组展示,相互补充小组展示,相互补充 T: Now Id like to invite some groups to share in front. And other groups you have to listen carefully, and if you have some new ideas you can add to their presentation when they are finished. S: OK. Group One share in front S1: The injury we are talking about is breaking the arm/leg. S2: I will talk about when we will get this injury. I think when we have a competition or a PE class or running downstairs we will break our arm/leg. S3: If you get this injury unfortunately, you should not move and then you can dress your wound with splint or bandage. And then you should call a doctor or go to a hospital. Then you will get well. S4: How can we avoid this injury? First, you should be careful every time. Be careful the people around you may push you. Second, follow the instructions. Third, we must walk slowly and slowly so that you can see the things at the first time. T: OK. Very good. Do you have anything to add? S: I think we should walk slowly when walking downstairs or we may fall down and hurt ourselves. Group Two share in front S1: We want to talk about getting nipped. S2: We may get nipped when you are near the door, the window, the table and the chair. S3: If you get this injury, what can we do? If it is a small crush, we should cover the area and cool the area. Then we can coat some medicine, and dress the wound with bandage. 10 S4: Though getting nipped is nothing serious, we still think it is better if you dont get that injury. So how to avoid this injury? We should be careful. When the wind is too strong, we should close the window. Keep far from the door and keep far from the window. In this way, we may not get nipped. T: Very good. Do you have some new or different ideas to add? S5: I think to avoid getting nipped, you should not put your fingers between two desks. S6: I think we shouldnt play with the door so we wont hurt ourselves or hurt others. S7: I think we can avoid by putting a sponge thing on the side of the door. 设计意图:学生分组合作,培养学生的小组合作能力;小组间分享,相互补充,提升学生间设计意图:学生分组合作,培养学生的小组合作能力;小组间分享,相互补充,提升学生间 的倾听能力与合作能力;学生利用本课及本单元所学知识提出解决方法,解决实际问题,提的倾听能力与合作能力;学生利用本课及本单元所学知识提出解决方法,解决实际问题,提 升学生的问题解决能力。升学生的问题解决能力。 .Ending.Ending 1.1. 点题点题 T: You have done a very good job. And he also thinks so. And I am also sure that with your great ideas the grade one students will enjoy a happier and safer school life in the next few years. 2.2. 布置作业布置作业 Homework: 1. Perfect your poster and paste it on the wall of your classroom so that you can share more with others. 2. Finish your safety tips and send it to a grade one student. You guys are now big brothers and sisters in the school. I am sure your ideas will be of great use to them. 设计意图:总结梳理。设计意图:总结梳理。
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