Unit 5 Our new home-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:7011e).zip

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Step1 Free talk T: Im your new English teacher, I have a sweet family. Look, this is our home. How is the home? S: The home is big/nice/pretty/clean. T: Its new. (通过) T: I have a dog in the home. Its cute. Look, its S1: Its on the sofa. S2: Its in the box. S3: Its behind the sofa. S4: Its under the table. Step2 Lead in T: This home is new too. Look, who are they? S: Su Hai and Su Yang. T: Yes, its Su Hai and Su Yangs new home. They re looking for the things. Lets go and have a look. Step3 Presentation 1.T: Listen and tick, What are they looking for? 2.T: Where is the bag? Where is the cap? Where are the skirts? Lets have a look. 3.T: Mum, Im looking for_? What is Su Yang looking for (呈现包的图片) S: A bag. T: Wheres the_? S: Bag. T: Where is the bag?(呈现卧室的图片) S: Bed 4. T: Su Yang gets the bag, she is very happy. What is Su Hai looking for? S: Skirts T: What colour are they?(圈出裙子图片) S: A blue one and a red one. T: Where are the skirts?(呈现客厅图片) S: Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. T: The living room is big. Im looking for the ball Where is the ball? Its behind the sofa.(学生回答) T: Im looking for the grapess Where are the grapes? Theyre on the table.(学生回答) 形成 chant: Ball, ball. Where is the ball? Sofa, sofa. Its behind the sofa. Grapes, grapes. Where are the grapes? Table, table. Theyre on the table. 根据图片,自编 chant _, _. Where is the _? _, _. Its on the _. _, _. Where are the _? _, _.Theyre in the _. 5. T: What else is Su Yang looking for? S: Mum, Im looking for my cap. T: Is it red? S: No, its white. T: Wheres my white cap? T: Is it in your bedroom? S: No, it isnt. It isnt in the bedroom. T: Is it in your living room? S: No, it isnt. It isnt in the living room. T: Is it on the sofa? S: No, it isnt. It isnt on the sofa. T: Maybe its in the kitchen. Listen! 6. (走路的声音)(人进来) T:Ahha, come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen. Step4 Consolidation 1. T: Take out your text, read it after the tape. T: Now, you are Su Yang, you are Su Hai, you are Mum, You can read the first picture. Try to read it. 2. T: Su Yang says “Mum, wheres?” Su Hai says “Mum, where are?” Are they good girls? S: No. T: Theyre too lazy. I can do it by myself. Can you? S: Yes, I can. 3. T: Now, do it by yourself. Try to retell the text. Its Su Yang and Su Hais new home. Su Yang is looking for . The is in the Su Yang is looking for a It isnt in the Its in the. Su Hai is looking for Theyre in the The home is Unit5 Our new home The home is_.new The dog is _the sofa.on The dog is _.in the box behind the chairThe dog is _. The dog is _.under the table Su Hai and Su Yang have a new home. Theyre looking for the things. Listen and tick 勾出答案。勾出答案。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) What are they looking for?(他们在找什么(他们在找什么 ?)?) Mum, I m looking for my_. Wheres my_? bag bag Its in the _.bedroombag Mum, Im looking for my _. skirts skirts Where are my _? What colour are they? A_one and a _one. blue red Theyre in the_,on the_. living room sofa living room Wheres the_? Its behind the sofa. Where are the_? Theyre on the table. ball grapes Ball, ball. Sofa, sofa. Grapes, grapes. Table, table. Wheres the_? Its _. Where are the_? Theyre _. _, _. _, _. _, _. _, _. Wheres the_? Its _. Where are the_? Theyre _. _, _. _, _. _, _. _, _. Su Yang, Im looking for my_.cap Wheres my_ _?capwhite Is it in your_?bedroom No, _ _. It isnt in the_.bedroom isntit Lets go and have a look! Is it in the_?living room Is it in the _? No, _ _. It isnt_. isntit box in the box No, _ _. It _. isntit isnt behind the sofa Is it behind the_?sofa Aha, come and look, Su Yang.Your cap is in the kitchen. Su Hai and Su Yang have a new home. Theyre looking for the things. Mum, I m looking for my bag. Wheres my bag? Its in the kitchen. Mum, Im looking for my skirts. Where are my skirts? What colour are they? A blue one and a red one. Theyre in the living room,on the sofa. Su Yang, Im looking for my cap. Wheres my white cap? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt. It isnt in the bedroom. Lets go and have a look! Is it in the living room? Is it in the box? No, it isnt It isnt in the box. No, it isnt It isnt behind the sofa. Is it behind the sofa? Aha, come and look, Su Yang.Your cap is in the kitchen. Mum, wheres my? Mum, wheres my? I can do it by myself. (自己去做) Retell Its Su Hai and Su Yangs new home. Theyre looking for the things. Su Yang is looking for Its She is looking for It isnt Its Su Hai is looking for Its The home is Home work: 1.Read the text after the class. 2.Try to find out other(其它的) rooms in your home. 四年级上册四年级上册 Unit5 Our new home(Story time)教案)教案 一、教学内容 本课时的教学内容是4A Unit 5 Our new home第一课时的Story time部分。 二、教学目标 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词home, sofa, bedroom, kitchen, living room, come。 2.能用句型Wheres ? Its Where are ? Theyre 寻找东西。 3.能听懂、正确地理解并用合适的升降调朗读Story time,在老师的引导和帮助下表演课文内容。 4.能通过对Story time的学习,体会到自己的物品要会自己整理和保管。 三、教学重难点 1.单词home, sofa, bedroom, kitchen, living room, come的发音和具体运用。 2.句型Wheres ? Its Where are ? Theyre的运用 四、教学准备 多媒体课件,Su Hai,Su Yang和mum的头饰,图片,小奖品。 五、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 课前热身:播放动画和歌曲:Wheres the bird? I love my bedroom,学生边看边尝试着跟读、跟唱。 (快速进入英语学习氛围,看动画,学唱歌,对接下来的课堂教学内容有整体 的 感知。) 1.Greetings T:Good afternoon, boys and girlSs:Good afternoon, Miss Xu. T:Nice to see you. Ss:Nice to see you, too. T:How are you today? Ss:Fine, thank you. And you? T:Not bad. Today is the Open Day for our school, there are so many teachers in our classroom, can you say Welcome! to them? Ss:Welcome to our class! T:Now theyre very happy, are you happy? Ss:Yes. T:OK, sit down, please. 2.Free talk T:I like toys. Look! I have many toys. Do you like toys? Ss:Yes, I do. T:Look at my toy bird. Ss:Its cute./ Its very nice./ Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Lead in T:Look! Wheres the bird? Ss:Its on the desk. T:Now, it is not here. Wheres the bird? Lets sing a song first,OK? Ss:Sing a song: Wheres the bird? 2.New words 1)T:Now look at the picture. Where are the birds? Ss:Theyre in the tree. 2)T:(出示幻灯片:小鸟在沙发上) Who can ask me? Ss:Where are the birds? T:Theyre on the sofa. (Teach:sofa go-so sofa, sofa, on the sofa) T:Where are the birds? T:Theyre on the sofa. T:Right. Also we can say :Theyre in the living room. (Teach:living room liv+ing 注意room的发音要发到位) T:Look, this is the living room. (图片展开) And this is the home. (Teach:home go-so-ho, home) The home is _. (教师提示) Big or small? Is it nice? Ss:The home is big/small/nice/new/ T:The home is new. So today well learn Unit 5 Our new home. (指着板书,学生跟读) 3.Story 1)T:Whose new home is it? Who are at home? What are they doing? Lets watch the cartoon, OK? Ss:OK. T:First, we should watch and answer two questions. Task1:Watch and answer. Q1:Who are at home? Q2:What are they doing? Are you ready? Ss:Go! Ss watch the cartoon. Ss answer the que stions:Theyre Su Hai, Su Yang and mum. They are moving house. Theyre looking for something. (板书贴苏海苏洋头像) 2)T:What are they looking for? Task2:Listen and circle. Ss listen to the story, then circle the pictures. T Check the answer. (板书贴三个物品图片) 3)T:You all did a good job! But how do they look for the things?Ss:她们问妈妈和姐姐。 T:How do they ask? Task3:Read and underline. Ss read and underline the sentences with _.Check the answer: Ss:Mum, wheres my bag? T:Tips (注意体会寻找东西时的焦急心情)教师播放录音,学生跟读,体会语音 语调。 Ss:Mum, where are my skirts? (多读) Ss:Wheres my white cap, Su Hai?(多读)T:Good!/Wonderful! Can you help them? Ss read and under the sentences with _ Ss:Its in your bedroom. (Teach: bedroom 教师出示bedroom图片贴在黑板上,进行单词分解教学) 教师带领学生读句子。 Ss:Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. 教师带领学生读句子。Ss:Your cap is in the kitchen! (Teach: kitchen 教师出示 kitchen图片贴在黑板上,进行单词分解教学)教师带领学生读句子。 4)T:Now can you match them? Task4:Read and match. Ss read the story, then match. Check the answer. Ss:Su Hais _ is in the _. Su Yangs _ are in the _. T:Su Yangs cap is in the kitchen. Its in the dogs mouth! So funny! 5)T:Youre very good! Task5:Read after the recorder. 教师播放录音,学生跟读,读得不好的地方多读。 Teach:come come and look Your cap is in the kitchen! It looks so funny! 体会语气 6)T:OK. Now the next task:Read in groups. Three in a group, read or act the dialogue, OK?Ss work in groups. Ss 上台展示,注意加动作。教师对表演者给予一定的奖励。 7)T:What have we learned from the story? Ss say in Chinese. T:We should be good at collecting and keeping our own things, to avoid that we cant find something, also it canhelp our parents. OK? Ss:OK. Step 3 Consolidation 1.Summary T: 通过今天这节课的学习,我们知道了: 1.沙发、客厅、卧室、厨房用英语怎么说: sofa, living room, bedroom, itchen. 2.想要询问他人某个东西在哪里,可以这样问: Wheres ? 别人可以这样回答: Its in/on/under/behind/beside 3.想要询问他人某些东西在哪里,可以这样问: Where are ? 别人可以这样回答: Theyre in/on/under/behind/beside 2.Exercise:Look, read and write Su Hai and Su Yang are in their new home.Su Hai: Where are my pencils? Su Yang: Theyre _ the desk. Su Hai: _ my schoolbag? Su Yang: _ _ on the bed? Su Hai: No, it _. Su Yang: Oh, its _the desk. _ _ my dolls? Su Hai: _ on the bed. Wheres my toy panda? Su Yang: Your toy panda is under the _. Su Hai: Lets tide up(整理)our room. Su Yang: OK. Ss do the exercise by self.Check the answer. Step 4 Homework 1.Listen to the tape of Story time, try to imitate the pronunciation. Then act the dialogue with your friends. 2.Learn to clean up the rooms with your parents help.
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