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(一)教学设计思路我这节课的上课内容是八年级上册 U3 Computer-Reading Computer facts, 是一节阅读课。下面说说我这节课的设想:接到任务后,我先从教参入手,浏览了教参 Module2 Science and technology的整个模块的设计以及其它单元阅读课的活动设计,发现模块里的两个单元(Unit 3 Computers,Unit 4 Inventions)很多地方是互通的:Computers are also great inventions,在教参 P96 U4 有一个 Computers的蛛网图,P98 页有一个小组活动:Imagine life without wheels/telephones/light bulbs,所以我在备课时也设计了这样的教学环节(蛛网图:What can we do with computers,口语练习作业:What will happen to us if we dont have computers) 。这节课也参考了最近区深度学习的学习资料,尤其是阅读技巧的训练环节。导入部分就用开学第一课的部分片段(人机对决,速度难分伯仲) ,引入课程主题 Computers,对视频的提问也考虑 Grammar 部分的比较级) ,一举两得。阅读篇章的过程考虑了用略读技巧把握大意和篇章结构,用找读技巧把握细节的阅读技能,在阅读技能训练方面,结合文章(说明文)的结构特点,渗透了 sub-heading 的阅读技巧,让学生用略读技能快速了解篇章结构和把握篇章大意。阅读篇章设计的第一个教学环节是利用 Sub-heading 的技巧快速阅读篇章,掌握篇章的outline,第二环节是找读文章回答 3 个问题,第三个环节是围绕 “What can we do with computers?”进行 head to head 的讨论活动,这一环节的设计思路是希望学生利用 sub-heading 的阅读技巧,快速找到对应的段落,再通过细读把握 computer 的多种用途,同时也希望学生能跳出课本,结合生活经历适当延伸 computer 的其他用途,为单元后面的活动做铺垫。(二)课堂教学反思这节课基本能达成了教学目标:1、通过阅读篇章和图片,了解电脑的历史和发展趋势,以及电脑在当今社会中所起的重要作用;2、运用 sub-heading 技巧理解篇章结构大意,利用设计篇章段落的蛛网图理解篇章结构和归纳主要信息。课堂体验了学生能自主学习、合作学习和探究学习,课堂交往积极,学生都能积极参与各个学习活动,学生学习积极性很高,非常配合。课堂让我比较惊讶的几个焦点:1、学生课前读书声音响亮,老师没教的单元新单词,他们都能基本上读准并大声地读出来,这说明学生基本上能借助音标和单词拼写的知识读新词;2、学生在课堂上表现得轻松自然、不因为多老师听课而拘谨,这对我上课有很大的帮助;3、在小组合作下,学生互助互学,有 4 位平时成绩比较薄弱的学生也积极举手并能用完整地句子表达自己的思想。由于课堂时间有限,在训练 sub-heading的阅读技能和蛛网图的使用方面用时还不够,需要在课后作业以及接下来的教学都要不断渗透,要多布置有关 Computer 题材的文章让学生阅读,拓展学生视野,为学生语言输出做准备。还有课堂各个环节的衔接还不够流畅,对学生学习方法引导方面要灵活多样等等。通过这次学习我加深了对深度教学的理解,希望自己在不断的努力和学习中提升自己的教学能力,让学生学得更有效、学得更灵活。Period 1Period 1Reading (I)Reading (I)Module 2 Science and technologyOxford EnglishUnitUnit 3 3ComputersComputersStep I Lead-in1. Who played the music faster, Teo or Xu Zihang ?2. Who played the music better,Teo or Xu Zihang?3. What makes Teo work(Teo or a computer)?Watch a video and understandI think Xu Zihang is better than Teo at skills.Lead- inA computer makes Teo work.Teo played the music two seconds faster than Xu Zihang. Computers can operate the railways (like the underground).Computers can also fly planes and spaceships.Conclusion: Inside most of the machines, there are computers and the computers make them work.abacuscalculator Huge computer desktoplaptopPDA =personal digital assistant 掌上电脑Robot History of computersStep II Pre-ReadingLearn a reading skill about sub-headingsA sub-heading usually tells us the topic of the paragraph(s) , it is at the beginning of the paragraph or the top of it.Example: _In the 1940s, the first computers were bigger than cars. Now computers are becoming smaller and better.Some computers are tiny. You may be unaware of them. There is probably one inside your TV or washing machine. You depend on computers more than you realize.A. What can we do with computers?B. Smaller and better.C. Computer factsD. Is a computer cleverer than me? Smaller and better_We can use computers to calculate. They can calculate at a faster speed than we can and almost never give wrong answers. We can also type and draw things with them. In addition, computers can do important jobs like operating railways and flying planes and spaceships.A. What can we do with computers?B. Smaller and better.C. Computer factsD. Is a computer cleverer than me? What can we do with computers?_The answer is “No. Your brain can produce new ideas but computers cannot. However, one day computers may be able to do a better job than human beings. For example, they may be better than doctors at doing their job.What will happen to us if computers can do all our jobs? Will we have nothing to do? Computers may change our lives, but will they make them better?Is a computer cleverer than me?A. What can we do with computers?B. Smaller and better.C. Computer factsD. Is a computer cleverer than me? Computer FactsSmaller and betterIn the 1940s, the first computers were bigger than cars. Now computers are becoming smaller and better.Some computers are tiny. You may be unaware of them. There is probably one inside your TV or washing machine. You depend on computers more than you realize.What can we do with computers?We can use computers to calculate. They can calculate at a faster spend than we can and almost never give wrong answers. We can also type and draw things with them. In addition, computers can do important jobs like operating railways and flying planes and spaceships._A. What can we do with computers?B. Smaller and betterC. Computer factsD. Is a computer cleverer than me? A sub-heading usually tells us the topic of the paragraph(s) below it. (Page 36)sub-headingsRead the title, sub-headings, pictures of the article and answer the following questions: (1)Where does this article most probably come from? A. A novel (小说) B. A science magazine C. A newspaper D. An ad.(广告)(2)What kind of article is it? A. narrative(记叙文) B. argumentation writing(议论文) C. expository writing (说明文)step III While-ReadingComputer factsPart 3Part 2Part 1(Main idea)The _ of computers in different timesThe _ of computers in daily lifeThe _ between human beings and computers in the futuresizesusesrelationship(关系)Read the article and complete the outline of the it.Title:We can also use a spidergram to We can also use a spidergram to understand the outline of the understand the outline of the articlearticleComputer Computer facts factsthe sizesthe sizesthe usesthe usesthe relationshipthe relationship1 What were the first computers like? _2 Why are we unaware of some computers? _3 Are computers cleverer than you and me? Why or why not? _They were bigger than cars.Because they are tiny(very small).No, they arent. Because our brain can produce new ideas but computers cannot.Read the article again and answer the following questions in complete sentences._In the 1940s, the first computers were bigger than cars. Now computers are becoming smaller and bettersmaller and better.Some computers are tiny. You may be unaware of them. There is probably one inside your TV or washing machine. You depend on computers more than you realize.Smaller and better_We can use computers to calculate. They can calculate at a faster speed than we can and almost never give wrong answers. We can also type and draw things with them. In addition, computers can do important jobs like operating railways and flying planes and spaceships.What can we do with computers?_The answer is “No. Your brain can produce new ideas but computers cannot. However, one day computers may be able to do a better job than human beings. For example, they may be better than doctors at doing their job.What will happen to us if computers can do all our jobs? Will we have nothing to do? Computers may change our lives, but will they make them better?Is a computer cleverer than me?Step IV Post-ReadingHead to headWork in groups and discuss:What can we do with computers? Post-reading? ?What can we do with computers? ? ? ?What can we do with computers ? ?What can we do with computers? ?Fly planes Fly planes and spaceshipsand spaceships? ?play gamescalculatetype thingsOperate railways? ? ?draw thingsplay video/musicWhat can we do with computers ?Computers are useful,we should make good use of it.Read one more article to practice the reading skill-sub-headings1. Learn how to get the main idea of the article quickly by using a sub-headings skill.Step V Summary Step V Summary 2. Know more facts about computers( their sizes ,their uses , the relationship between computers and human beings)3. How to use a spidergram to help us understand the article better.Step VI Homework Step VI Homework 1. 口语练习话题:What will happen to us if we dont have computers in the future? 要求给出观点和理由,内容不少于6句话。2. 蛛网图设计比赛:根据课文内容设计一份关于Computers的蛛网图。3. 阅读作业:完成补充阅读练习。1学生情况:学生情况:优等生和学困生都有。初中英语考查阅读部分占较大的比例,7年级下学期期考的阅读设问点也向中考靠拢,很多学生还没掌握良好的阅读习惯和阅读技巧,做题速度慢,从期考分析来看,也反映出学生的阅读能力薄弱。课堂上,学生的思维仍然欠缺活跃,大部分学生想用英语表达思想,但视野欠缺开阔,不够灵活变通,语言积累不够,所以在运用语言能力上有待提高。尽管学生对computers的话题不陌生,由于他们的阅读面狭窄,很难用英语表达自己对computers的看法。在情感态度,学习策略和文化意识方面还存在诸多需要进一步解决的问题。单元大约所需时间:单元大约所需时间: 6 课时主要可以使用的资料和资源:主要可以使用的资料和资源:教材、相关图片、视频、信息卡片及多媒体等简单摘要:简单摘要: 本单元 Reading 是一篇说明文,题材是电脑的相关知识,内容与学生的学习和生活密切相关,它贯穿了本单元的听力、写作板块和会话部分;语法部分介绍了形容词的比较级和最高级的构成和用法,在本单元的 Reading、Writing 和 Speaking 中渗透了大量与语法有关的材料;More practice 板块延伸了电脑的话题,是一位校长在家长会上谈论学生玩电脑游戏上瘾这严峻问题的演讲稿。在单元活动设计上:(1)通过小组合作对老师事先布置的内容进行展示, (2)运用评价表让学生学会如何去评价, (3)以编制对话和调查,学生互相分享观点,体验电脑对人类的影响,养成正确使用电脑的良好习惯。 (4)最后完成一份远离网络游戏的演讲稿,呼吁学生合理使用电脑,不沉迷于网络游戏,发挥电脑对人类的积极作用。启发性论题:启发性论题:Control or be controlled 二、单元理解目标二、单元理解目标目标 1目标 2目标 3目标 4目标 5问句:你是否觉得电脑比人类更聪明?Do you think computers are cleverer than human beings?问句:在日常生活中,你知道怎样使用电脑做事?Do you know how to use computers to do things for us in our daily lives?问句:你知道同学在家使用电脑的情况吗?Do you know how your classmates use computers at home ?问句:你知道生活中有哪些事例是因使用电脑不当而带来伤害?Computers can change our lives, can they do harms to us?问句:你能为校内的同学写一份有关远离网瘾的演讲稿吗? How to write a script of a speech about keeping away from computer games?2陈述句:通过让学生阅读篇章,了解电脑的外观、用途和未来的发展趋势,并对电脑与人类的关系发表看法。陈述句:在日常生活中,人们喜欢利用电话、网络进行买卖。陈述句:能够通过制作调查表,采访同学并记录他们在家使用电脑的具体情况。陈述句:电脑对人类影响很大,但使用不当也会造成极大的伤害。陈述句:在教师的引导下,学生完成一份呼吁大家远离网瘾的演讲稿。三、单元整体设计框架(主要活动)三、单元整体设计框架(主要活动)目标、课目标、课时时课型及教学内容课型及教学内容学习活动学习活动设计意图及评价设计意图及评价目标目标 12 课时课时 阅读课:Getting readingBefore readingVocabularyC1 ReadingVocabulary C2Comprehension活动 1:主阅读篇章的蛛网图设计及展示比赛。要求每位同学都要参与,然后各小组选出最优秀的一份蛛网图参加班级评选,最后全班再评选出最优秀的3 份蛛网图,被选出的最优秀的小组要在课堂上完成复述课文任务,其他小组根据评分标准评出一、二、三名,班级进行表扬和奖励。活动 2:小组讨论,结合本节课学到的知识在组内讨论以下两个话题(内容可发挥想象适当延伸)1.What can we do with computers in our daily 设计意图:设计意图:1.培养学生的合作精神,让学生学会合作与分享;让学生学会借助蛛网图熟悉 主阅读篇章并能复述。2.创造情景让学生围绕任务发挥想象,在讨论中运用该课知识比适当延伸。评价方式:评价方式:1、老师倾听、巡堂,学生相互倾听、相互质疑。2、小组根据评价表渐进性综合评价蛛网图的设计及展示评分标准蛛网图的设计及展示评分标准 组别:组别:_评分项评分项目目评分标准评分标准分值分值分数分数内容及设计1、内容简练,要点齐全;2、版面清晰,字体工整。5 分展示效果1、发音正确,语音语调标准、规范 3 分3目标目标 1目标目标 21 课时课时听力课活动:听力练习后,模仿销售员和订购员编写对话并表演。设计意图:设计意图:通过对话活动,体验电话、网上订购与销售的办法评价方式:评价方式:师生倾听、点评,小组互评。目标目标 1目标目标 21 课时课时写作课活动:扮演一名销售员,写电子邮件推销不同款式的笔记本电脑。设计意图:设计意图:模仿课本的写作板块,学写有关销售方面的电子邮件。评价方式:评价方式:师生倾听、点评,小组互评。作文评分标准作文评分标准项目项目具体内容具体内容分值分值得分得分内容内容内容完整4语言语言用词恰当、语言简洁、语句通顺、文章流畅4布局及设计布局及设计布局合理、书写工整2总分总分10lives? 2.What will happen to us if we dont have computers in the future? .2、表达流利,语速适当,声音响亮;3、表情自然大方 参与性每位组员 0.5 分2 分10 分4目标目标 2目标目标 31 课时课时口语课 1.Talk time2.Speak up 活动 1:制作关于调查班上同学在家使用电脑情况的调查表并在班里完成调查。活动 2:辩论赛( Will computers make lives better?)设计意图:设计意图:通过调查活动,创设平台让学生灵活运用本单元所学的知识。评价方式:评价方式:老师倾听、巡查,给予帮助。四、分课时教学设计四、分课时教学设计第第 1 课时:阅读课课时:阅读课 (公开课公开课)本课学习目标:本课学习目标:目标目标 1(语言知识)(语言知识)目标目标 2(语言技能)(语言技能)目标目标 3(学习策略)(学习策略)目标目标 4(文化意识及情感态度)(文化意识及情感态度)目标目标 3目标目标 4目标目标 51 课时课时综合拓展课:More practiceStudy skills综合展示活动:1.绘制演讲稿的流程图2.学生将练习 B 中的问题的答案以演讲稿的形式呈现设计意图:设计意图:展示学生综合运用英语的能力。如何方式:如何方式:教师倾听、巡查、点评;学生互评;小组互评。 演讲评分标准项目分值内容完整4 分声音:清晰、流畅4 分表情:自信大方。2 分合计10 分51.学生能够认读和理解单词、短语:in the 1940s, for example, be better at doing, happen to , have nothing to do 等。2.了解电脑的历史和发展趋势,以及电脑在当今社会中所起的重要作用。1、培养学生通过略读主阅读篇章,理解文章结构, 通过找读理解文章细节以及理解蛛网图信息的技能。2.、能通过蛛网图来理清文章结构,归纳文章主要信息。1. 、略读、找读的阅读策略。2. 小组合作学习。深入理解电脑与人类的关系。本课学习活动与评价:本课学习活动与评价:学习目标学习目标教学过程教学过程设计意图及评价设计意图及评价目标目标 2导入活动:导入活动:1、观看开学第一课部分片段,问学生:Who plays the piano better, Teo or Xu Zihang? Who plays the music faster? What makes Teo play music? 2、教师顺着学生的活动引出本课的话题 Computers。3、展示有关电脑发展历史的图片。设计意图:设计意图:通过观看视频吸引学生把注意力集中在课堂;激发学习热情;引出主题 computers。评价方式:评价方式:老师倾听、观察学生的表现。目标目标 3初始理解活动初始理解活动 1:教师引入 Strategy 部分的内容,学生阅读 Computer facts 篇章的标题、小标题和图片,回答下列问题:(1)Where does this article most probably come from? A. A novel. B. A science magazine C. Newspaper D. an ad.(2)What kind of article is it?A. narrative 记叙文 B. argumentation writing 议论文 C. expository writing说明文设计意图:设计意图:学生通过略读、找读、细读初步了解主阅读篇章的体裁和内容,通过阅读篇章了解说明文的特点,同时训练学生的阅读技巧。评价方式:评价方式:老师通过倾听、巡堂、提问方式检查学生获取信息是否准确,同时督促小组根据答题情况填写课堂反馈记录。6目标目标 2目标目标 3目标目标 4初始理解活动初始理解活动 2:学生通过略读主阅读篇章理解文章结构:What information about computers can you get from the article? Part 1: Sub-heading:_Main idea: The _ of computers in different times. Title:_ Part 2: Sub-heading:_ Main idea: The _ of computers in daily life. Part 3: Sub-heading:_Main idea: The _ between human beings and computers in the future.设计意图:设计意图:检测学生是否能结合 sub-headings 的作用,快速理解篇章结构以及每部分大意。评价方式:评价方式:老师倾听、观察学生的答题。目标目标 1目标目标 2目标目标 3目标目标 4初始理解活动初始理解活动 3: 学生通过运用 sub-headings 技能,找读主阅读篇章回答下列问题:1.What were the first computers like?2.Why are we unaware of some computers?3.Are computers cleverer than you and me? Why or Why not?设计意图:设计意图:检测学生是否能结合 sub-headings 的作用,快速找到相关的段落并能作出回答,通过找读、回答问题帮助学生了解细节信息。评价方式:评价方式:老师倾听,口头评价。目标目标 1目标目标 2目标目标 3目标目标 4探究理解活动探究理解活动 1:主阅读篇章的蛛网图设计及展示比赛。要求每位同学都要参与,然后小组选出最优秀的一份蛛网图参加班级评选,最后全班再评选出最优秀的 3 份蛛网图,被选出的 3 个小组要在课堂上完成复述课文任务,其他小组根据评分标准评出一、二、三名,班级对获奖小组进行表扬和奖励。探究理解活动探究理解活动 2:小组讨论,结合本节课学到的知识在组内讨论以下话题(可发挥想象适当延伸内容)1.What can we do with computers ?设计意图:设计意图:培养学生的合作精神,让学生学会合作与分享;由于大多数说明文都有 sub-headings,学生设计蛛网图能进一步了解更多有关 computers 的细节信息,为复述课文铺垫。探究活动 2 主要是培养学生的想象力,进一步点出电脑对人类的影响。评价方式:评价方式:老师和同学一起倾听、评价、质疑,并作出纠正。蛛网图的设计及展示评分标准蛛网图的设计及展示评分标准 组别:组别:_评分项评分项评分标准评分标准分值分值分数分数72. What will happen to us if we dont have computers in the future?(课外)For example: Do you know what Miss Chen use computers to do? Yes. I usually use computers to prepare for lessons. And sometimes I use a computer to send messages to your parents. Id like to use computers to have classes as well. With the help of computers, our class will be more lively. Now I depend on computers more and more. 目目内容及设计1.内容简练,要点齐全;2.版面清晰,字体工整。5 分展示效果1. 发音正确,语音语调标准、规范 2 表达流利,语速适当,声音响亮;3. 表情自然大方 3 分参与性每位组员 0.5 分2 分10 分目标目标 1目标目标 4Homework:1. 口语练习话题:What will happen to us if we dont have computers in the future? 要求给出观点和理由,内容不少于 6 句话。2. 蛛网图设计比赛:根据课文内容设计一份关于 Computers 的蛛网图。 3. 阅读作业:完成补充阅读练习. 设计意图:设计意图:培养学生合理使用网络,学会利用网络查找相应的动物的基本信息,为 Listening 和 writing 铺垫。如何评价:如何评价:学生互评、老师检查帮助评价方式:评价方式:学生参考主阅读篇章,能准确地阐述 computers 的基本信息(外观、用途、与人类的关系)。口语练习评分标准蛛网图设计比赛评比要求:蛛网图设计比赛评比要求:1、 内容完整,表达清晰项目分值内容:句子完整性(每个句子 1 分,总分不超过 6 分)6 分声音:清晰、流畅2 分表情:自信大方。2 分合计10 分82、 布局合理美观3、 版面整洁,字体工整漂亮。
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