Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e10cb).doc

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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e10cb).doc_第1页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e10cb).doc_第2页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e10cb).doc_第3页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e10cb).doc_第4页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e10cb).doc_第5页
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1、TeachingTeaching C Contentsontents课题课题新译林牛津小学英语四下Unit5Drawinginthepark(Cartoon time)授课人授课人类型类型新授课时课时第 2 课时AnalysisAnalysis ofof TeachingTeaching MaterialsMaterials教材分析:教材分析:本部分呈现的是 Sam 和 Bobby 在看西洋镜的场景。Bobby 第一次看见的是停留在河面的小船,第二次看见的却是一只打老虎,差点吓破了胆,而 Sam 却在一旁偷笑。语言知识复现了 Story time 部分的 What can you see in

2、/on the? Ican see,同时出现了新的语言点:Try again.故事内容生动有趣,符合低年级学生的心理特点。一一. .TeachingTeaching A AimsimsThe knowledge and the skill aims:1. Students can understand and use the new sentence: Try again.2. Students can use the sentence structures: What can you see in/on the I can seeto talk about things flexibly.3

3、. Students can use the new sentences to read some English storybooks and lovereading.The emotion aims:Students can feel the happiness in the story, and love reading.二二. .TheThe K Keyey andand D Difficultifficult P Pointsoints1. Teaching key points:The reading of the story, including: the intonation,

4、 sress and the feeling.2. Teaching difficult points:Through teaching cartoon time, let students love reading.tGame-teaching method;Task-based method;Group-cooperation method四. Teaching ProcessStep 1:Warming- up and lead- inT: Boys and girls, are you ready for our English class? Its a nice day, and i

5、ts warmtoday, I believe well have a good time together. So dont be nervous, make youcomfortable. So, Lets enjoy our English class. OK?S: OKT: Today Im your new English teacher, you know my English name?S: Shelly.T: Yes, Im Shelly. You have known something about me. Today we are going to talkabout SR

6、ING. Its Spring now. Do you like Spring?S:T: What can you see in Spring?S: I can see T: Well, in Spring, we can see many beautiful flowers, many green trees, the birdssing happily, and its warm too. So What do you think about Spring?S: Its nice/ beautiful.T: I think Spring just like a nice girl. Its

7、 colorful and happy. So lets enjoy an Englishsong in such beautiful season. OK?(Enjoy a song)设计意图:在上课之前,师生之间从谈论春天开始,进而引入歌曲,不仅渗透设计意图:在上课之前,师生之间从谈论春天开始,进而引入歌曲,不仅渗透了句型了句型What can you see in the? I can see,营造了宽松愉快的学习氛围,而营造了宽松愉快的学习氛围,而且为接下来的新授环节做好铺垫。且为接下来的新授环节做好铺垫。Step 2: Presentation1.Lead-in Cartoon ti

8、meT: Do you like the song?S: Yes.T: What can you see in this song?S: I can see a tree.S: I can see a monkey (in the tree)T: We can see a monkey in the tree.S: I can see三三. Teaching MethodsT: What can you see in our classroom?S:T: What can you see on the desk?S: I can seeT: Whats in this box? Guess.S

9、: T: Have a look. Its great fun.T: What can you see in it?S: I can seeT: Try again. What can you see now?S: I can see设计意图:由一首歌曲设计意图:由一首歌曲What can you see?过渡到课文主要句型的复习,同时教过渡到课文主要句型的复习,同时教师用实物盒子为学生创设和师用实物盒子为学生创设和Cartoon time相似的情境,为相似的情境,为Cartoon time的教学的教学做好铺垫。做好铺垫。2.Present Cartoon timeT: I have a bo

10、x. Our friend Sam has a box too. Look, he has a big box. But his box ismagic. It calledPeep showIt can show many different pictures. Its great fun.T: Guess, what can you see in it?S:设计意图设计意图:让学生猜测让学生猜测peep show里有什么里有什么,激发学生的兴趣激发学生的兴趣,训练学生的思维训练学生的思维和语言运用能力。和语言运用能力。T: Well, actually, nobody knows what

11、 can see in it. Bobby wants to see whats in it.watch the cartoon, and find out the answer: What can Bobby see in it?(学生看动画)S: He can see a boat on the lake.T: Ok, lets go on.PPT: Try again. What can you see now?T: Do you know again? eg: Read it together. You read: Try again Oh, you dont doit well. P

12、lease read again. You read: Try again.Oh, this time is better. This isagain.T: Read together.T: What can Bobby see now? Listen. Oh, Bobby is shouting. What happened indeed?Guess.S:T: Ok, what can Bobby see indeed?PPT: Its a tigerT: Oh, its a fierce tiger. He opens his big mouth, with his sharp teeth

13、. I want to eatyou. Oh ,so scary. So Bobby feels scary. But Sam is happy. Because he thinks its aninteresting trick.设计意图:让学生看设计意图:让学生看Bobby的表情猜测他看到了什么,激发学生的想象,训练的表情猜测他看到了什么,激发学生的想象,训练学生的思维和语言运用能力。学生的思维和语言运用能力。3. Reading timeT: All right. Lets read the story sentence by sentence. Pay attention to the

14、 intonation ,stress and the feeling(学生跟读录音)T: Please read together.T: Lets act out the story. Im Sam, who wants to be Bobby?(师生表演故事)Step 3: ConsolidationT: All right. Next, please you choose one task to practice with your partner, then showit for us.(学生选一个任务小组练习并反馈)Step 4: ExtensionEnjoy readingT: O

15、k, you did a good job. Please you read together, Ok?S: Ok.T: Well done. After class you should read and read, because reading is good for yourEnglish learning. So, today I also bring you an interesting story. Look, the story nameis: What is he? Do you know what is he? Can you guess?S:设计意图:本单元的重点句型是设

16、计意图:本单元的重点句型是What can you see in the? I can see学生在熟学生在熟练掌握文本句型,体会故事的趣味性后,让学生从文本中走出来,尝试阅读含练掌握文本句型,体会故事的趣味性后,让学生从文本中走出来,尝试阅读含有相关语言点的简单有趣的英文绘本,不仅进一步加深巩固了本节课的语言知有相关语言点的简单有趣的英文绘本,不仅进一步加深巩固了本节课的语言知识,而且拓宽了学生的视野,延续了故事阅读的乐趣,更重要的是让学生爱上识,而且拓宽了学生的视野,延续了故事阅读的乐趣,更重要的是让学生爱上阅读,体会阅读带来的乐趣。阅读,体会阅读带来的乐趣。T: Lets read to

17、gether.T: Do you like this story?S:T: You know Dinosaur? You should watch them on TV. Dinosaur is a kind of animal.They lived in about one billion years ago, they are very fierce. But this dinosaur iskind. He smiles, and shakes his hand Hello, Nice to meet you. Do you like it?S: Yes.T: All right, af

18、ter class you can read more and more English stories, and share witheach other.(师生在轻松愉悦的氛围中共读绘本故事)Step 5: Homework1.Read and act out the cartoon time2. Read more English storybooks after class, and share with each other.Blackboard designUnit 4 Drawing in the parkCartoon timeWhat can Bobby see in it?can see


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