Unit 7 Chinese festivals-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:304ab).zip

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Unit 7 Chinese Festivals(Sound time&Culture time&Cartoon time)Brain-storming头脑风暴Months月份JanuaryBrain-storming头脑风暴Festivals节日 1.our 2. Western people s 3.Mike s 4.Bobbys mothers 分享快乐 share our happiness 分享快乐Lets talk 说说你喜欢的节日I like .It is in .People usually They eat share western people s happiness 分享快乐We like Halloween.It is on the thirty-first of October.10/31People usually dress up.They knock on peoples doorsand shout “trick or treat”for sweets. 打扮不给糖就捣蛋 share Mikes happiness 分享快乐Lets listenMike 想考考我们,你听出他说了哪些单词吗?mouththankthinthinkmouththankthinthink想一想: th 发什么音?Lets readmouththankthinthink舌尖放在上下齿间,略露出齿外,气流由舌齿间泻出,摩擦成音,声带不振动。注意不要紧咬住舌尖,只要轻咬就行了!Say a rhymeThirty-three songbirdsSitting in the tree.Thirty-three songbirdsSinging songs to me.Today is my birthday.Im happy as can be.鸣鸟我要多开心就多开心!Say a rhymeMore words:更多th发音为 的单词thing anything through Thursday third thirteen toothache teeth thirsty Mondaymonth 月份mouthsouth 南面 toothbooth 电话亭youyouth 青年根据你认识的单词尝试读出新词 Read new wordsthis brother that motherthe fatherthese togetherthose with they 想一想: th发音不是 的单词 同学们千万别搞错哦! share Bobbys mothers happiness 分享快乐What festival are they talking about?They are talking about_.What festival are they talking about?They are talking about_.Mothers Day.1. Whens Mothers Day?.2.What do people do on Mothers Day? 3. What do Bobby and Tina give to their mother?Its on the Second Sunday of May.They give their mother presents.They give her a card and some flowers. Read and answer细读课文,了解大意模仿语音语调跟读Lets read跟读录音 注意模仿语音语调跟读录音 注意模仿语音语调跟读录音 注意模仿语音语调跟读录音 注意模仿语音语调以五人小组为单位,为动画配音,可适当加上动作。Lets dub比一比谁的配音更像哦!Lets showDad: Is there a Fathers Day too?Tina:.Dad: When is Fathers Day?Tina:Its on the third Sunday of June.续编这个故事吧Dad: .大家可以参照动画中的内容,也可以自由发挥哦!Lets continueThis year,Mothers Day is on the twelfth of May.(5月12日)Fathers Day is on the sixteenth of June.(6月16日)On that day, we should say: I love you, Mum/Dad.You can give some presents to them.You can also help them do some housework.1.读熟 cartoon time并表演。2.为即将到来的母亲节制作一张贺卡,并写上祝福语。3.做节日信息卡。Homework设计题目Sound time, Culture time,& Cartoon time (Period 3)执教日期教学目标1.了解字母组合 th 在单词中的读音/;2.了解万圣节的相关内容;3.能够理解 cartoon time 内容并配音。4.能够体会在母亲节所表达的情感,在即将到来的母亲节向母亲节表达感情。教学重点1.通过朗读、对比、列举等环节让学生掌握字母组合 th 在单词中的读音/;2.通过看动画、带着问题阅读、续编故事等环节,让学生能够理解 cartoon time 内容。教学难点通过朗读、对比、列举等环节让学生掌握字母组合 th 在单词中的读音/;教学策略通过合作、交流、参与、体验等方式,让学生能够主动参与到学习中来,并且掌握有效的学习方法。教学过程(可续页)教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动二次备课Step1:Warming up and revisionStep2:Share ourhappiness1.Enjoy a song: twelve months2.Brain-storming 复习月份和日。【设计意图】通过头脑风暴复习月份和节日。1.Talk about your favourite festival【设计意图】谈论自己喜欢的节日,综合性地巩固本单元重点知识。2.介绍外国小男孩 Harry 喜欢的节日 Halloween.在介绍过程中教授新单词:Halloween ,dress up, knock, trick or treat。Ss enjoy the song.Ss 说一说知道的月份和节日。Ss 说一说自己最喜欢的节日:I like It is in People usually They eatSs 跟读,开火车读。(通过 know, clock学习 knock;通过tree,meat 学习Step3:Share western peoples HappinessStep 4:Share Mikes happinessStep 5 Share BobbysMothers happiness3.PPT 呈现一些万圣节的图片让学生进一步感知万圣节相关知识。【设计意图】单词学习以旧引新,引导学生发现单词读音的规律。1.Mike 想考考大家,听听他说了什么?PPT 呈现单词教读音标/播放 sound time 中的小诗。 【设计意图】播放万圣节音乐以及多组图片,让学生进一步了解万圣节信息。2.出示更多包含 th 的单词。3.出示这些单词。【设计意图】通过跟读、自读、对比让学生体会/的发音。PPT 出示卡通版块图片。1. 播放动画。【设计意图】带着问题看动画,找出动画的中心内容。通过自读以及回答问题,进一步了解、学习对话。2. 指导朗读。treat)Ss 欣赏图片,感受万圣节氛围。跟读录音。齐读。Ss 听录音,说单词。Ss 跟读;说一说 th的发音欣赏动画,跟读单词音标。跟节奏朗读,然后齐读。说说还有哪些单词的 th 也发/跟读。说说哪些单词中的th 不发/跟读。猜测 What are they talking about?观看动画,确定自己猜测是否正确。Read and answer3. 情感教育告诉学生今年母亲节,父亲节的具体日期,建议学生应该怎么做。【设计意图】为动画配音,激发学生的兴趣,巩固所学。续编故事,发散思维。When is Mothers Day?What do people do on Mothers Day?What do Tina and Bobby give to their Mum?跟读课文;齐读。五人小组准备,为动画配音。同桌一人当 dad,一人当 Tina,续编故事。作业设计1.读熟 cartoon time 并表演。2.为即将到来的母亲节制作一张贺卡,并写上祝福语。3.做节日信息卡。板书设计 Unit 7 Chinese Festivals Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May give their mothers presents ( a card and some flowers)教学反思
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