Unit 5 A delicate world 重点短语句型检测 -(2019)新外研版高中英语高三选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、选择性必修二 Unit 5 A delicate world重点短语句型:P5052 Understanding Ideas:1. 站在一个岛上 _2. 在AB两地之间 _3. 反差鲜明 _4. 塑成它细长的形状 _5. 使它有荒野和自然的美 _6. 教科文组织的世界遗产地 _7. 难以想象 _8. 当地栖居动物 _9. 与自然栖息地完美地和谐共存 _10. 讲述不同的故事 _11. 一个悲剧故事 _12. 到达这个岛 _13. 占据海岛 _14. 攻击小鸟 _15. 被带到某地 _ 16. 渐渐以鸟为食 _17. 引起土壤侵蚀 _18. 被当作人类食物的来源引进到岛上 _19. 吃本地植物

2、_20. 挖洞 _ 21. 爆炸式增长的兔子数量 _22. 为猫提供食物 _23. 相应地 _24. 导致更多的猫猎杀鸟 _25. 最终结果 _26. 数量巨大 _27. 岛上本土生长的 _28. 灭绝 (动词短语) _29. 成为官方自然保护区 _30. 依然无法控制 _31. 想出计划 _32. 从清除掉 _33. 怀着这个目标 _34. 在岛上投放病毒 _35. 导致兔子的数量从下降到 _36. 结局是 _37. 重新注意 _38. 多达 _39. 在二十世纪八十年代 _40. 用捕猎夹抓猫 _41. 被用来做 _42. 常言道 _43. 随着的离去 _44. 大约一万只兔子 _45.

3、最终结果是 _46. 对病毒产生免疫 _47. 再一次 _48. 导致土地塌陷 _49. 巨大量的 _50. 需彻底解决 _51. 参与 _52. 正是来解决这个问题 _53. 从直升飞机上投放毒药(用主动) _54. 清除最后的入侵物种 _55. 加入,参与;到达 _56. 被训练来做 _57. 这场悲剧的漫长,耽搁太久的结束 _58. 欠 _59. 给它一个喜剧结局 _60. 被宣布无害虫 _61. 在渐渐恢复的途中 _62. 被从毁灭中拯救 _63. 告知读者某事 _64. 用有趣故事娱乐读者 _65. 保护生态系统 _P5354 Using Language:66. 发源于 _67.

4、由于它可爱的外表 _68. 养这种龟作宠物 _69. 被从释放 _70. 不是大问题 _71. 对其它物种的威胁 _72. 在户内养宠物 _73. 送到合适的动物收养所 _74. 吸收水, 溶解养分 _75. 吸收阳光 _76. 依靠植物 _77. 以绿色植物为生 _78. 初级消费者 _79. 高层/次级消费者 _80. 捕食 _ 81. 食物链 _82. 分解动植物残体使之成为养分 _83. 从土壤中吸收养分 _84. 依靠生产者给他们提供食物 _85. 分解动物粪便和生物残骸 _86. 存在着 _87. 给花授粉 _88. 对食物供给很重要 _89. 依靠蜜蜂授粉 _90. 灭绝 (系表

5、结构) _91. 对负责 _92. 蜜蜂数量的减少 _93. 流程图 (题目中) _94. 几件事的结合 _95. 根据统计数据 _96. 弥补损失 _97. 以庄稼为食 _98. 开玩笑!_99. 我不信!_100. 你对确定吗?_101. 你自己来核查一下 _P 5658 Developing Ideas:102. 教学方法 _103. 以提出话题开始 _104. 支持主题思想 _105. 听觉与视觉信息 _106. 维持听众的兴趣 _107. 短暂的问答阶段 _108. (句型) 很高兴能给大家讲一讲 _109. 代表 _110. 天人合一 _111. 成功登上世界遗产名录 _112.

6、连绵不绝 _113. 中草药 _114. 以的名字命名 _115. 俘获世界人民的想象 _116. 符合两个标准 _117. 自然平衡的环境 _118. 实时观察 _119. 生态和生物过程 _120. 世界上最完整的自然区域之一 _121. 海拔三千多米 _122. 华中屋脊 _123. 海拔的大差异 _124. 导致 _125. 气候条件的巨大不同 _126. 不同物种 _127. 被称作活化石 _128. 神奇的生物多样性 _129. 全部开花植物 _130. 脊椎动物/物种 _131. 给供给食物 _132. 不惧暴雪与严寒 _133. 多亏了某人的努力 _134. 持续增长 _135

7、. 给人留下最深印象的方面 _ 136. 未造成损失 _137. 以自己酿造的蜂蜜而著名 _138. 由于外来物种的入侵 _139. 与共存 _140. 给蜜蜂提供安全的家 _141. 做作为回报 _142. 与自然和谐共处 _143. 赢得在世界遗产名录上的一席之地 _P59 Writing: 144. 听说 _145. 必做之事 _146. 被添加到名录上 _147. 濒危动植物物种 _148. 国家自然保护区 _149. 由于而著名 _150. 叹为观止的景色 _ 151. 避暑胜地 _152. 代表了在环保方面最伟大的成就之一 _重点句型:1. 绿草和光秃的岩石形成巨大的景观反差,使海

8、岛呈现出一种狂野和天然的美。2. 没有游客会觉得这座岛是联合国教科文组织确定的世界遗产这件事奇怪。他们也不难想象出,数千年来,当地动物是如何与自然栖息地完美和谐共存的。3. 这件事相应地导致了更多的猫捕食鸟类。4. 专家们认为,必须要想出办法清除掉岛上的所有兔子。5. 事实上,它们对病毒产生了免疫,数量又一次激增。6. 这次干预行动是这场悲剧漫长而屡被贻误的大结局,但这是我们人类应该做的,我们亏欠这座岛屿一个美好的结局。 7. 我很开心能够代表人与自然和谐相处协会在这里发表演讲。8. 它也是世界上人迹罕至之地,科学家们可以实时观察到植物和动物发展和进化过程中的生态学和生物学过程。9. 神农架给

9、人印象最深刻的一点是当地人从大自然中索取,但不会破坏生态平衡的生活方式。10. 尽管在中国其它地方,由于外来物种侵犯,这种蜜蜂已经濒临灭绝,但神农架的蜜蜂已经和当地人和谐共处了几个世纪。11. 这只是神农架的村民与自然和谐相处的方式之一。12. 以上这些解释了为什么神农架能够并理应入选联合国教科文组织的“世界遗产名录”,同时也强调了人们的理解,认识和付出是如何促进对这一自然界独特且美好区域的保护的。答案: 1. stand on an island2. halfway between A and B3. contrast dramatically4. (help) sculpt its lon

10、g, thin shape5. give it a wild and natural beauty6. a UNESCO World Heritage Site 7. fail to imagine8. native inhabitant(s)9. exist in perfect harmony with their natural habitat10. tell a different story11. a tragic / sad story12. arrive on the island13. take over the island14. attack babe birds15. b

11、e brought to some place16. develop an appetite for the birds17. cause soil erosion18. be introduced to the island as a source of food for humans19. eat native vegetation 20. dig holes21. exploding rabbit population22. provide food for cats23. in turn24. lead to more cats hunting the birds25. the end

12、 result26. (be) large in number27. (be) native to the island28. die out29. become an official nature reserve30. remain out of control31. come up with a plan32. removefrom33. with this goal in mind34. release a virus onto the island35. cause the rabbit population to decrease fromto36. in consequence3

13、7. turn ones attention back to38. up to39. in the 1980s40. use traps to catch the cats41. be used to do42. as the saying goes43. with the departure of (sb.)44. 10000 or so rabbits45. It turned out that46. develop an immunity to the virus47. once again48. cause some / land to collapse49. a substantia

14、l number of50. need solving once and for all51. participate in52. tackle this very problem53. drop poison from helicopters 54. remove the last invading species55. come in56. be trained to do57. a long, much-delayed ending to a sad story58. owe sb. sth./owe sth. to sb.59. give it a happy ending60. be

15、 declared pest-free61. on the road to recovery62. be saved from destruction63. inform readers of sth./ the chaos64. entertain readers with a funny story65. protect the /an ecosystem66. be native to67. due to its cute appearance68. keep this turtle as a pet69. be released from70. (be) no big issue71.

16、 (be) a threat to other species72. keep pets in an enclosed area73. take them to an appropriate animal shelter74. absorb water and dissolve nutrients75. absorb light / sunlight76. rely on vegetation77. feed on green plants78. primary consumer(s)79. secondary consumer(s)80. prey on81. food chain82. b

17、reak down dead animal and vegetable matter into nutrients83. take in nutrients fro the soil84. rely on the producers to provide food for them85. break down animal waste and the remains of living things86. be in existence87. pollinate flowers88. be very important to food supply89. depend on bees for

18、pollination90. become extinct91. be responsible for92. the decline in the bee population93. the flow chart94. a combination of things95. according to statistic96. compensate for the loss (of)97. live on the crops98. You must be kidding!99. I dont believe it!100. Are you sure about?101. Check it out

19、for yourself102. teaching method103. start with addressing the topic104. support the main idea(s)105. verbal and visual information 106. maintain the audiences interest107. a short question-and-answer session108. Its my pleasure to give a lecture here (about)109. on behalf of110. (be) at one with na

20、ture111. make it onto the UNESCO World Heritage List112. stretch on and on113. Chinese herbal medicine114. name after sb. / sth.115. capture the imagination of the world116. meet two criteria117. a naturally-balanced environment118. observe sth. in real time119. the ecological and biological process

21、es120. one of the most “complete” natural areas in the world121. over 3000 metres above sea level122. the “Roof of Central China”123. the vast range in altitude124. result in125. a great variation in climatic conditions126. a wide variety of species127. be regarded as living fossils128. incredible b

22、iodiversity129. Chinas total floral richness130. vertebrate species131. supply food to132. brave heavy snow and freezing temperatures133. thanks to ones efforts134. continue to grow135. the most impressive aspect136. dowithout causing damage137. be known for its home-made honey138. due to the invasi

23、on of foreign species139. coexist with140. provide the bees with a secure home141. doin return142. live and work in harmony with nature143. earn (and deserve) its place on the UNESCO World Heritage List144. hear of145. a must for sb.146. be added to the list147. endangered plant and animal species14

24、8. national nature reserve(s)149. be renowned for150. breathtaking scenery 151. a summer resort152. represent one of the countrys greatest achievements in environmental protection1. The green grass and bare rock of its landscape contrast dramatically, giving it a wild and natural beauty. 2. No visit

25、or would think it surprising that the island is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Nor would they fail to imagine how its native inhabitants existed in perfect harmony with their natural habitat for thousands of years.3. This in turn led to more cats hunting the birds.4. Experts felt it necessary to come

26、 up with a plan to remove all the rabbits from the island.5. It turned out that they developed an immunity to the virus, and their numbers exploded once again.6. This intervention is a long, much delayed ending to a sad story, but we humans owe it to the island to give it a happy ending.7. It is my

27、pleasure to give a lecture here on behalf of the Be at One with Nature Association.8. It is also one of the rare locations in the world where scientists can observe in real time the ecological and biological processes that occur as the plants and animals develop and evolve.9. The most impressive asp

28、ect of Shennongjia is the local people, who take things from nature without causing damage.10. Although (they are) endangered elsewhere in China due to the invasion of foreign species, the bees of Shennongjia have coexisted with the local people for centuries.11. This is just one of the ways in whic

29、h people of Shennongjia live and work in harmony with nature.12. All of this explain why Shennongjia earned and deserves its place on the UNRSCO World Heritage List, as well as highlighting how understanding, awareness and hard work have contributed towards protecting a unique and wonderful part of our natural world. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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