Unit 4 Nature disaster 重点单词讲解学案(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册必修第一册.docx

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1、班级 姓名 Vocabulary LearningQuotes: Live to tell: Raising Awareness, Reducing Mortality.United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (2016)劫后余生:提高认识,减少死亡。联合国减少灾害国际战略(2016年)一、Learning goals:1.掌握disaster、tornado、drought、flood、rescue、damage、destroy、ruin、death、effect、affect、shelter、percent、

2、brick、等基础词汇的正确读音,拼写和意义。2.能正确运用death、nature、effort等重点词汇。3.能在具体语境中正确区分affect/affection/effect、damage/destroy/ruin。二、自学指导与检测:9n.灾害,灾难 n.(pl. oes/os) 龙卷风 n.旱灾,久旱 n. 滑坡,泥石流 n. 海啸 n. 火山喷发 n&v. 洪水,淹没,大量涌入 n.&v. 营救,救援 vt.&n. 损害,破坏,损失 n. 直升飞机 n. 死,死亡 vt. 影响,深深打动 vt. 摧毁,毁灭 n.&v. 避难处,保护,庇护 自然灾害 保持冷静 n.&vi&vt.

3、裂缝,使破裂 仿佛,好像 n.&vt. 破坏,毁坏 严重受损,破败不堪 n. 百分之. n. 砖块 震惊, 吃惊 n. 电,电能 n.&vt 陷阱,使落入陷阱 vt. 埋葬,安葬 vi.&vt.统一,使成一体 vi.&vt.呼吸 n. 努力,艰难的尝试 n. 振兴,复兴 vi.&vt.复活,使复苏 n. 上下文,语境 n. 智慧,才智 vi.&vt. 遭受,蒙受,受苦 3、 重难点词汇探究:nature n. 自然;性质;本性; -.的本质 in nature by nature 天性,本性上 adj. 自然的;物质的;天生的;天然的; adv. 自然地;自然而然地;The nature of

4、 the issue is economic. 这个事情的本质是经济上的。1.The (nature) disaster has killed several thousand monkeys. 这场自然灾害已造成几千只猴子死亡。2.When things go wrong, all of us _(nature) feel disappointed and frustrated.出问题时,我们自然而然都会觉得失望和沮丧。3. Its an economic issue _. 在本质上,这是一个经济事件。damage/destroy/ruin的区别:damage n.& v. 损害;损毁;赔偿

5、金;损害;损毁 damaging adj. 具有破坏性的 vt. cause it to become less good, pleasant, or successful(使功能受损,还可以修复)destroy vt. 破坏;消灭;毁坏 cause so much damage to it that it is completely ruined (彻底摧毁,不能修复)ruin n. 毁坏;毁灭,灭亡,废墟;vt.v. 破坏,糟蹋;毁灭,对有灾难性的影响 to damage sth so badly that it loses all its value, pleasure, etc.;(侧

6、重于破坏的彻底性)destruction n. n. 破坏,毁灭;摧毁 destroyed adj. 被毁的,遭破坏的fall into ruin 衰落,衰败in ruins 成为废墟ruined 坍塌的; 荒废的 in the ruins在废墟中1.If the tree falls that way, it _ the house.2.It will cause pollution and the _of our seas and oceans. 3.Drinking and smoking can _ your health. 饮酒和吸烟会损害你的健康。4.One dead child

7、was found _ almost two hours after the explosion.5.After the earthquake,the school has been _ death n.死亡die_ died_ dead_ death_ die for.渴望,切望;为了而死 die of.死于.(由于自身疾病,衰老等内因)die from.死于.,因.而死(由于外部原因如事故,外因)die out 灭绝;消失a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事be frightened/starving/bored/.to death 极度地害怕/饥饿/无聊.1

8、.In a severe winter, wild animals can _ lack of food. 2.Around fifty people _ cancer every day in the camp. 3.The storm is responsible for as many as four _(death). 这场暴风雨造成多达4人死亡。affect/affection/effect:1.effect作“影响”讲时,侧重于指身体上的影响;affection侧重于思想上的影响。2.affection 更多的是作“喜爱,真挚的感情”,此时是不可数名词,后面可接for或者towar

9、ds;用于复数时,意思是“爱情、感情”。affect v. vt. 影响;感染;感动;假装affection n. 喜爱,感情;影响family affection 亲情 affection film 爱情电影 show affection 示爱1.I have a great _affection for New York. 我很喜欢纽约。2.He is hungry for _. 他渴望得到爱。flood:flood n.&v. 洪水;涨潮;淹没,泛滥;大量涌入a flood of complaints 大量投诉in flood 在泛滥 under flood 遭受洪灾flood into

10、/in 涌进 a flood of.大量.fight the flood 抗洪1.Large numbers of immigrants _the area. 大批移民涌入了这个地区。3.When the Nile is _ , it leaves a layer of mud on the fields. 尼罗河泛滥时,在田野上留下一层泥。breathe/breath:breath n. 呼吸,气息;一口气 breathe vi. 呼吸;低语;松口气breathless adj. 喘不过气来的;停止呼吸的 breathlessly adv. 气喘地;屏息地out of breath 喘不过气

11、来,上气不接下气地breathe in/out 吸气/呼气breathe into 注入breathe regularly 均匀呼吸 breathe hard 呼吸困难1.She was slightly _ from running. 她跑过后有点上气不接下气。2.He _ watched the spider attempt to spin its web for the third time. 他凝神屏息地观看那蜘蛛试图第三次结网。3.Watching him climb up the cliff, everybody was _ with anxiety. 看着他往悬崖上爬,大家都紧张

12、得不能呼吸。4.The air was so cold we could hardly_ . 空气非常寒冷,我们难以呼吸。effort:effort n. 努力;成就; 复数 efforts :作“努力 ”时,不可数,用单数effort;作“努力的事,即作品,成就”时,为可数名词。 effortless adj. 不费力的,容易的;make an effort to do something 努力去做某事in an effort to do 企图(努力想);试图with (an) effort 吃力地,努力地spare no effort to do. 不遗余力be worth the eff

13、ort 值得努力with effort 努力地 without effort 毫不费力地1.The new students adapted _ to his new surroundings. 新生们不费力地就适应了新环境。2.You should make an effort _(figure) it out. 你应该努力去弄明白这件事。3.They are _ to decrease the production costs. 4.We should _our environment. 我们应该不遗余力保护环境as if 好像,仿佛,似乎在look, seem 等系动词后引导表语从句;如

14、:1She looks as if she were ten years younger她看起来好像年轻了十岁。(虚拟语气)It seems as if our team is going to win看来我们队要胜了。 还可以引导方式状语从句,如:1.She loves the boy as if 她爱这男孩,就好像她是他的母亲一样。(虚拟语气)2.The child talked to us as if 那孩子跟我们谈起话来,像个成年人似的。(虚拟语气)Homework:一、Complete these sentences with the correct forms of the wor

15、ds below. 1. The huge earthquake let nearly the whole city _(destroy).2. Everyone was_(shock), thinking the world must be coming to an end.3. Millions of people were left without water, food, or _(shelter). 4. Soldiers and volunteers worked as hard as they could to pull away _ (brick)and rocks, and

16、rescue those who were_(trap)under the ruins. 5. Some were found alive, though they were suffering from terrible injures, but others had already stopped _(breathe)when they were discovered.6. A few buddings were still standing, but people were afraid to use them as shelters, worrying they would be _

17、(bury)if the buildings fell.二、Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words below. death destroy survive crash shelter disasterEarthquakes are a form of natural _. They are so powerful that they can cause tall buildings to_ to the ground in just a few seconds. In fact, most of the _ in an

18、 earthquake are caused by falling houses or buildings. New research data from earthquake zones is helping architects to design saferbuildings that will not be _ during an earthquake. Instead of being fixed in place like most ordinary buildings, the new buildings they have designed can move. Other researchers have designed small round houses that will not fall down when there is a quake. Because the houses are round, they can _strong winds and floods, and are good _during a disaster.


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