Unit 3 Reading for Writingppt课件 -(2021新)人教版高中英语高一必修第三册.pptx

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1、UNIT 3DIVERSE CULTURESReading for WritingWELCOME TO CHINATOWN!Chinatown in San FranciscoChinatown in Los AngelesChinatown in New YorkChinatown in ChicagoChinatown in Londonhistorylanguagearchitecturetourist attractionsfoodNow lets read a passage to know more information about the Chinatown in San Fr

2、ancisco. There are many Chinatowns around the world.What do you want to know about Chinatown?1 What are the famous tourist sites in the Chinatown of San Francisco? Dragon Gate, Tin How Temple, Bank of Canton and Portsmouth Square. 2 What else can you do there?We can explore the interesting sights, e

3、xperience traditional Chinese culture, go shopping, eat Chinese food, and so on.Read the introduction to the Chinatown in San Francisco and answer the questions.What information is included in the introduction? Tick the items that are mentioned. Study the organisation and language features._ locatio

4、n _ climate _ history _ population _ ethnic groups _ languages _ famous figures _ legends/stories_ famous food/drink _ tourist attractions _ businesses and industries _ other names for the city/townUnderline the sentences t h a t a r e u s e d t o describe the items above.locationclimatehistoryethni

5、c groupslanguagestourist attractionsfamous figuresbusinesses and industriesfamous food/drinkGeneral introductionto the ChinatownDetailed information of the ChinatownImportance of the ChinatownIntroduction Body Summary StructureIn groups,brainstorm as much information as possible about your city/town

6、 and its culture. Then write an outline of your introduction. Write an introduction to your city/town.city / towntourist attractionspeoplelocationareafoodbe located (situated) in/on.cover an area of. .has a population of. The majority of residents are., who.There is.to suit everyones taste. Many of

7、the major sites here are. .is also a key site, being. .is a great place to see, where visitors can.Welcome to Lijiang! Lijiang is an ancient city high up in the mountains of Yunnan, near the borders of Sichuan and Tibet. It was an important stop on the Ancient Tea and Horse Road, which connected cen

8、tral China with Myanmar and India, transporting not just tea but also silk and other goods. Lijiangs Old Town, with a history of over 800 years, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Today,Lijiang is mostly known for its ethnic minority culture, especially the culture of the Naxi ethnic group. The Naxi a

9、re famous for their Dongba culture. They have their own unique written language that uses pictures and symbols. They also create beautiful arts and crafts, and are well known for their singing and dancing. Strolling around the Old Town, one can witness Naxi life much as it was hundreds of years ago.

10、 One can also try traditional Naxi food, including the air-dried pork liver, Naxi baba (a kind of flat bread), and Naxi hot pot. But if you really want to see Naxi traditional culture, it is best to visit during the Torch Festival, which usually occurs in the summer. During the festival, the streets

11、 are full of torches, bonfires, and lots of people singing and dancing.Sample Writing While the main ethnic group living in the area is the Naxi, there are also at least 19 other ethnic groups, including Yi, Lisu, Bai, Tibetan, and Pumi. It is easy to arrange a short homestay with an ethnic minority

12、 family to learn more about their way of life. Just outside the city, there are beautiful mountains, meadows, lakes, rivers, and gorges, offering plenty of opportunities to go hiking, kayaking, or rafting. Like much of Yunnan, the weather is always fairly mild in Lijiang, so it is fine to visit thro

13、ughout the year. Lijiang can be easily reached by airplane or train, and visitors can hire bikes or cars to explore the area. It is the perfect place for tourists to experience the colourful culture of Chinas ethnic minorities. 阅读理解 (根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. Which of the following statements about the Chinat

14、own in San Francisco is NOT correct?A. It is the biggest in America.B. It is the oldest in America.C. The Golden Gate Bridge receives more visitors than the Chinatown every year.D. It is a very popular tourist attraction.2. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that_.A. the settlers in Chinatown can speak f

15、luent EnglishB. Chinese settled here during the railroad construction and gold rush periodC. Chinatown is a centre for Chinese artD. most of the residents here are tramps课文预习自测3. How many famous sites are mentioned in Paragraph 3? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 4. We can learn that . A. most of

16、 Chinatown was once destroyed B. visitors enter Chinatown through the Golden Gate Bridge C. Portsmouth Square is the centre of San Francisco D. the legendary Dragon Gate is the place where people can see traditional Chinese culture in real life 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文) The Chinatown in San Francisco is

17、 the 1(big) in America. It is a very po pul a r t o ur i s t dr a w 2 re c e i v e s ma ny v i s i t o r s e a c h y e a r. 3 (historical), Chinese immigrants settled 4 the area during the railroad construction and gold rush period. Now the 5_(major) of residents in Chinatown are still ethnic Chines

18、e. Most of Chinatown 6 (destroy) in the 1906 earthquake,7the city and residents rebuilt it,8(take) care to include lots of Chinese architecture. There are many famous sites in Chinatown,including the Tin How Temple,Bank of Canton and Portsmouth Square,9(name) but a few. People can find a unique rang

19、e of souvenirs,goods,and clothing in the stores in the Chinatown. Many people treasure Chinatown because of its food with 10 (tradition) dishes from all over China. biggest that/which Historicallyinmajority was destroyed but taking to name traditional01PART ONELanguage points核心词汇1 mild adj. 温和的;和善的;

20、轻微的mild climate/weather 温和的气候 / 天气 mild punishment 轻微的惩罚 【词语积累】 mildly adv.温和地;柔和地2 settle vi. 定居;和解 vt. 解决(分歧、纠纷等);确定;安排好 settle in/into 安顿下来;习惯于(新居);适应(新工作) settle down(使)安静下来;定居settle down to(doing)sth. 专心致志于(做)某事【词语积累】 settlement n. 解决;协议;居住地settler n. 定居者;移居者3 varieties of 各种各样的varieties of = a

21、 variety of 各种各样的a great/wide variety of 多种多样的【词语积累】 vary vi. & vt. 变化 various adj. 各种各样的 variety n. 多样;种类;多样化4 suit vt.& n. (1)vt. 适合;满足需要;相配;合身suit ones needs/tastes 符合某人的需要/ 适合某人的口味It suits sb. to do sth. 做某事适合某人。(2)n. 西服;套装suitable adj. 适合的5 be located in/on 坐落于,位于(=lie in/on) 【归纳拓展】 (1)locate v

22、t. 找出;把设置在;使坐落于(其后接sb. 时,表示弄清某人所在的地点,并不是找到某人) locate the missing man寻找失踪男子的下落 locate Berlin on the map 在地图上找到柏林 locate the source of the radio signal 确定无线电信号的来源 (2)location n. 位置;场所6 be home to 是的栖息地/ 产地/ 家园【归纳拓展】 be the home of 是的故乡家be/feel at home 感觉自在,不拘束make yourself at home 请自便,别拘束home and abro

23、ad 国内外7 contain vt. 包含;含有;容纳;克制,抑制(感情) 搭配:contain oneself 克制自己 contain protein and fat含有蛋白质和脂肪 【词语辨析】contain 与 include (1)contain 着重指容纳或装载的量,或表示包含在内的成分。(2)include 着重指被包含者只是整体的一部分。【词语积累】 container n. 容器重点句式教材原句p.32 . with the author Robert Louis Stevenson having spent much time writing there. 作家罗伯特路易

24、斯史蒂文森曾长居于此进行创作。1 with 复合结构“with+ 宾语 + 宾补”在句中表示状态或说明背景情况,常作伴随、方式、原因、条件状语等。主要有以下几种构成方式: with+ 名词/ 代词+ 名词/ 形容词/ 副词/ 介词短语/ 动词不定式/ 现在分词/ 过去分词He died with his daughter a schoolgirl. 他在他女儿是个学生的时候去世了。(名词作宾补) I like to sleep with the windows open.我喜欢开着窗户睡觉。(形容词作宾补) The boy stood there with his head down. 这个男

25、孩低着头站在那儿。(副词作宾补) With the children at school,we cant take our vacation when we want to. 由于孩子们在上学,所以我们不能在想度假时去度假。(介词短语作宾补) I cant go out with all these clothes to wash. 要洗这些衣服,我不能出去了。(动词不定式作宾补) With the crowds cheering,they drove to the palace. 在人群的欢呼声中,他们驱车来到皇宫。(现在分词作宾补) I sat in my room for a few m

26、inutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling. 我在我的房间里坐了一会儿,眼睛盯着天花板。(过去分词作宾补) 【学法点拨】 with 复合结构中,宾补为形容词、副词或介词短语时,通常表示宾语的特征、性质等;宾补为现在分词时,表示宾语与宾补之间为主动关系;宾补为过去分词时,表示宾语与宾补之间为被动关系;宾补为动词不定式时,往往表示动作还没有发生。单句语法填空 (1) The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog (follow)them. (2)With

27、 all his spare time (devote) to the research,the scientist almost has no time for a holiday. (3)2020全国卷That is 275 dollars a month with gas,water and electricity _ (include). (4) I have to stay up with much homework (do). (5) He walked into the dark street with a stick his hand. 完成句子(6) It is bad ma

28、nners to talk (满口东西). (7) Tired,Jim was fast asleep (他的背靠着一棵大树). followingdevotedincluded to do in with your mouth full with his back against a big tree 教材原句p.34 It was confirmed that a mild earthquake occurred at 6:37 p.m. on Saturday evening in Hebei Province. 据证实,河北省周六晚6 时37 分发生轻微地震 【句式分析】It was

29、confirmed that.意为“据证实”,it 作形式主 语,that 从句作真正的主语。2 It is confirmed that. 据证实 【归纳拓展】 it 作形式主语,that 从句作真正主语的句型: ( 1)It is hoped/announced/expected/reported/said/assumed that. 据希望/ 宣布/ 期望/ 报道/ 说/ 推测 (2)It is+adj. /n. +that. 教材原句p.34 Not only is country music popular in the south, but blues.are popular in the south as well. 不仅乡村音乐在南方流行,而且蓝调也在南方流行。3 not only. but(also). 不但而且 【学法点拨】 (1)Not only A but also B+ 谓语动词+ 其他.(谓语动词的单复数由B 决定,即遵循“就近原则”) ( 2)not only. but also 连接两个分句且 not only 位于句首时,not only 后的分句要用部分倒装语序,但but also 后的分句不倒装,即“前倒后不倒”。THE END


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