
上传人(卖家):春光无限好 文档编号:2801828 上传时间:2022-05-27 格式:DOCX 页数:7 大小:25.61KB
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1、读后续写高分句子素材积累50句1.Her facebeamedwith adazzlingsmile, whichlit upthe shabby restaurantabruptly.她的脸上洋溢看耀眼的笑容,一下子照亮了破旧的餐厅。2.Struckby the horrible scene, I wasshiveringwith fear, my hearthammering被这恐怖的一幕击中,我吓得浑身发抖,心怦悴直跳。3.Driven bytremendouscuriosity,Harry hardly resisted theimpulsetocasta glance.在极大的好奇心

2、驱使下,Harry发现自己很难去抵抗去看它的冲动。4.Collapsingonto the ground with relief,they were still visiblyquiveringwith fear after such a narrow escape.在死里逃生之后,他们终于松了一口气并倒在了地上,仍然明显地在恐惧中颤抖着。5. Choked withoverwhelminggratitude, Mac bowed to themrepeatedly,without whosehelp he couldnt have survived.麦克怀看无比的感激之情,反复向他们鞠躬,没

3、有他们的帮助,他就无法活下来。6.Pluckingup his courage andclearinghis throat, Tom started to recite the poem he had slaved over.Surprisinglywordsescapedhim fluently, which was beyond his wildest dream.鼓起勇气,清了清嗓子,汤姆开始背诵他苦读过的那首诗出乎意料的是,他流利地说岀话来,这超出了他最疯狂梦想。7. Katiedippedher head down, feeling like sitting on pins and

4、needles. Her wordsechoedin my ears that were like invisible hammers,strikingmy heartfuriously凯蒂低下头,感觉就像坐针毡。她的话在我耳边回荡,犹如无形的锤子,狠狠地敲击看我的心。8. Gloom and depressionenveloped/swallowed/shadowed/hauntedhim.忧郁和抑郁笼罩/吞噬/阴影/困扰看他。9. His mouthcurvedinto aradiantsmile.他的嘴角勾起一抹灿烂的笑容。10.Ishriekedat the top of my lun

5、g. My weak brother made his way to me, his eyes filled withconcern. A sense of palpable reliefenvelopedme. Ithrewmyself to him and hugged himtightly.我在我的肺顶部尖叫。虚弱的弟弟向我走来,眼中满是关切。一种明显的解脱感笼罩着我。我扑向他,紧紧地抱住他。11.He gave ajumpin the air,twirledran a few steps, stopped, looked all around,sniffedthe smells of

6、afternoon, andset offwalking down through the orchard.他在空中一跃,转身,跑了几步,停下来,环顾四周,嗅着下午的味道,然后开始穿过果园。12.Sittingrestlesslyhe couldnt helpPeelingthe skin at the edge of his thumb.坐立不安,他忍不住剥了拇指边上的皮。13.Hardly had Mama opened the doorwhenshe wasentirelysurprised at the scene,utterlyin disbelief at what she was

7、 seeing.妈妈刚打开门,就被眼前的景象惊呆了,完全不相信自己所看到的。14.Imagine Theos sadness when he walked down the stage,sankheavily into his seat andlet outa sigh. It suddenlydawned onhim that Alexa must have felt the same.想象一下西奥走下舞台时的悲伤,重重地坐在座位上,叹了口气。他突然意识到Alexa一定也有同样的感觉。15.The rain dropsbeatagainst the leaves, making them t

8、remble. The gloomcloudedover the poor lady.滴打在树叶上,使它们颤抖。阴霾笼罩着这位可怜的女士。16.The wind washowlingoutside and the rain wasbeatingand splashing the windows.外面狂风呼啸,雨淅淅沥沥地打着窗户。17.An absolute darknessdevouredthe forest.Even worse, the temperature suddenly droppeddramatically.绝对的黑暗吞噬了森林.更糟糕的是,温度突然急剧下降。18.His fa

9、ce turningcompletelypale and hisbodyshivering, Harrybentdown,stretchedhis arms andyelped.他的脸变得完全苍白,身体在颤抖,Harry弯下腰,张开双臂大叫起来。19.All of a sudden, anoverwhelmingsense of helplessnessmingledcoldness took hold of me.突然,一种压倒性的无助感夹杂着冰冷的感觉,将我笼罩。20.Withchillywindshowlingaround, my body began toshiverspontaneo

10、usly.寒风呼啸,我的身体不自觉地开始颤抖。21.Twinkling stars wereblinkingandfragrantbreeze gentlystrokedmy head.as ifcomfortingall of my tiredness.闪烁的星星在闪烁,芬芳的微风轻轻拂过我的头,仿佛在抚慰我所有的疲倦。22.Everyone started toclaptheir hands and thethunderousapplause seemed tobrimout of thehall,deafening所有人都开始拍手,雷鸣般的掌声似乎冲岀了大厅,震耳欲聋。23.Ireluc

11、tantlyshook my head and simultaneouslymurmuredto my fathertentatively我不情愿地摇了摇头,同时试探地向父亲低声说道。24.It was sunset when we passed the village, sun sblazingorangefuelingthe clouds on the horizon,renderingscene ofmagnificence路过村子时已是夕阳西下,艳阳高照在天边的云层上人渲染出壮丽的景象。25.Isqueezedmyeyesshut,elbowingthrough the crowd.我

12、紧闭双眼,从人群中挤过去。26.He willed himself not topanicand suddenly abrilliantideaoccurred tohis mind.他想让自己不要惊慌,突然一个绝妙的主意出现在他的脑海。27.Sheclickedher tongue in disapproval,shruggingher shouldersimpatiently.她不以为然地咂了咂舌,不耐烦地耸了耸肩。28. She stoodrooted,stiffeningwith motionless她站在那里,一动不动。29.1 could feel the airhittingmy

13、 face heavily and hear my dadshystericalcry from a distance. My heart waspumpingwildly and my blood waspulsingthrough my veins.我能感觉到空气重重地撞击看我的脸,还能听到远处我父亲歇斯底里的哭声。我的心在狂跳,我的血液在我的血管中跳动。30.Speechless, she smiledradiantlyand gathered her son into her arms.她说不出话来,笑容灿烂,将儿子拥入怀中。31.Hegrinnedagrin,exposingaset

14、 of amazingly white teeth.他咧嘴一笑,露出一口白得惊人的牙齿。32. Thebone-chillingwindhowledfiercely like a wolf, making the darkness even moresuffocating. Dad, what can we do? Ithrewmy arms around him tightly,quiveringand seized bystarkhorror.刺骨的寒风如狼一般凶猛的咆哮,让黑暗更加的窒息。”爸, 我们能怎么办?“我紧紧地搂着他,颤抖着,被极度的恐惧抓住了。33.Despite hiswr

15、inkledface, the manstrokeinto the room at a rapidpacewith his backstraightand an air of dignity.男人尽管满脸皱纹,但还是挺直腰板,一副威风凛凛的样子,快步走进了房间。34.When the storm ofgriefhad spent itself, into the arm chair shesank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion thatseemingly swallowedher soul.当悲伤的风暴消散后,她瘫倒在扶手椅上,被一种似乎她灵魂的

16、身体疲惫压倒了。35.Asparkleof lightdawnedon me and somehow all of mygrumblefeelingsgushedaway like water down the plughole.一道闪光的光芒突然出现在我身上,不知怎的,我所有的抱怨情绪都像水一样从塞孔里涌了出来。36.The night wind howledruthlesslynameless creaturesmurmuredthe dark and thefaintmoonlight shoneweaklyon the ground.夜风无情地呼啸着,无名的生物在黑暗中低语,微弱的月光

17、在地面上微弱地照耀着。37.1shriekedat the top of mylungbut received no response but thewhistlingof the winds.我拼命尖叫,除了风的呼啸声,没有得到任何回应。38.A wildgaietytook hold of mysinkingheart.Aaffectionatehug replaced all of myhorror种狂野的欢乐抓住了我沉沦的心。一个深情的拥抱取代了我所有的恐惧。39.At thecrackof dawn, she raced towards the castle like agallop

18、inghorse but unfortunatelybumpedintoa stone,reeling.破晓时分,她像一匹奔腾的骏马一样奔向城堡,却不幸撞到了一块石头上,晕了过去。40.Irritatedby the spray, the beargreetedus with ahowlof rage.熊被喷雾激怒了,怒吼着向我们打招呼。41.My mindracedlikeflashas my handsfumbledforanything that might keep us safe.当我的双手摸索着寻找任何可以保护我们安全的东西时,我的思绪像闪电一样飞速运转。42.His eyebro

19、ws firstliftedhigh as the surprisehithim, but then theysoothedasthe dogs warmlynestledagainst his feet,waggingtheir tails, waiting tobestroked.惊喜袭来,他的眉毛先是高高扬起,但随着狗温暖地依偎在他的脚上,它们摇看尾巴,等待被抚摸,他的眉毛开始安抚。43.The sun wasvergingtowards the horizon, but a faint pastel hazelingeredin the mid-summer sky.太阳快要接近地平线

20、了,但仲夏的天空中还残留着淡淡的柔和阴霾。44.A cluster of sunshinecastover the road as ifextendingits encouragement and blessing to them.一簇阳光洒在路上,仿佛在给他们鼓励和祝福。45.The soft breezestirredthe leaves,and the leaves were dancing in the wind.微风拂动着树叶,树叶在风中翩翩起舞。46.Dottedwith glittering stars, the midnight blue sky gave the scene

21、a fairy-tale quality.午夜的蓝天点缀着闪闪发光的星星,给场景增添了童话般的感觉47.While the passing driverszoomedpast us without a stop,we never lost hope for another try musteringupour courage and yelled at the top of our lungs for the fear that we would miss a van.虽然路过的司机不停地从我们身边飞驰而过,但我们从未对再次尝试失去希望鼓起/振作/鼓起勇气,因为害怕错过一辆面包车而拼命大叫。4

22、8. With the fierce windhowlinglike a hungry wolf, theyhuddledtogether in their camp for warmth.The sound of the whining lions made their hair stand on end.狂风像饿狼一样嚎叫着,他们挤在帐篷里取暖。狮子哀鸣的声音使他们毛骨悚然。49. I wasenvelopedwith overwhelming delight and I threw abone-crushinghug to my parents.I yelled at the top of my lung, I made it! I made it!我沉浸在狂喜之中,紧紧拥抱着我的父母。我扯着嗓子喊道:“我成功了!我成功了!”50.A surge of regret gnawing at my heart,I really hated to see my gray-haired Grandpas disappointment. Time ticking by, he heaved a long sigh.一股悔恨的情绪在我心里煎熬着,我真不愿意看到白发苍苍的爷爷失望的样子。时间滴滴答答地过去了,他长叹一声。


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