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1、Section Developing ideas.核心单词1 _ adj.被动的2 _ prep.无法3 _ n.例子,实例4_ adj.出色的,非凡的5_ adj.聪颖的,才华横溢的6 _ n.学说,理论7 _ n.药剂;疗法passivebeyondinstanceextraordinarybrillianttheorycure8 _ n.(科学)实验9 _ n.虚构的事,想象的事10 _ v.系,绑;贴11 _ n.重力,引力12 _ n.记述,描述13 _ n.证明,证据14 _ n.程序,步骤,手续experimentfictionattachgravityaccountproofp

2、rocedure.拓展单词1_ adj.重要的 _ n.重要性2 _ v.使受伤 _ adj.受伤的 _ n.伤口3 _ n.化学家 _ n.化学4 _ n.天文学家 _ n.天文学5 _ n.生物学家 _ n.生物学6 _ adj.精确的 _ n.精确7 _ adj.小的 _ n.少数8_ n.起源_ adj.最初的_ adv.起初;原来9_ adj.精神的_ adv.精神上地10_ adj.科学(上)的_ n.科学_ n.科学家11_ adv.完全地_ adj.完全的,整个的12 _ n.声明;宣告 _ v.宣布significantsignificanceinjureinjuredinj

3、urychemistchemistryastronomerastronomybiologistbiologyaccurateaccuracyminorminorityoriginoriginaloriginallymentalmentallyscientificsciencescientistentirelyentiredeclarationdeclare.阅读单词1species n._2stream n._3radium n._4draft v._n._5lightning n._6metal n._7flash n._8conduct v._物种物种小河,小溪小河,小溪镭镭起草起草草稿草

4、稿闪电闪电金属金属闪光闪光传导传导(电、热等电、热等).重点短语,英汉互译1name after _2due to _3along with _4be regarded as _5the number of._6apart from _7come up with _8_ 为做出贡献9_ 专心于10_ 把系在上以以命名命名由于,因由于,因造成造成与与一起一起被认为是被认为是的数量的数量除除之外之外提出,想出提出,想出contribute tofocus ontie.to.重点句型1People wanted to know _ lightning was really produced by e

5、lectricity or something else.人们想知道闪电是否真的由电或其他东西产生。2However,_ the story _ the details of the experiment are entirely true.然而,这个故事和实验的细节都不是完全真实的。3.,_ it hit him on the head.没有证据表明这个苹果砸到了他的头。4But scientists all agree that if Franklin _ the key,he _ from the electric shock.但是科学家们一致认为,如果富兰克林真的摸了钥匙,他肯定会死于

6、电击。ifneithernorthere is no proof thathad actually touchedwould certainly have died.速读:匹配下列段落大意1Part 1(Para.1)_2Part 2(Para.2)_3Part 3(Para.3)_4Part 4(Para.4)_5Part 5(Para.5)_6Part 6(Para.6)_AFacts should be proved by experiments and research.BThe reason why scientists often question accepted ideas.C

7、The detailed procedure of Franklins experiment with lightning.DThe great effect of Franklins experiment on science and inventions.ENeither the story nor the details of the experiment are entirely true.FBenjamin Franklins famous experiment with lightning may be fiction.FCDEBA.细读:选择最佳答案1What does the

8、passage mainly talk about?AScientific research should be based on truth.BFranklins experiment with lightning is very famous.CFranklins experiment with lightning is a complete fiction.DWe shouldnt question some famous scientists experiments.A2Why did Franklin made the experiment with lightning?AHe wa

9、s interested in flying kites.BHe wanted to show his bravery and his unique method.CHe desired to prove that he was more capable than other scientists.DHe was eager to know whether lightning was really produced by electricity or something else.D3Which is the correct experimental procedures of Frankli

10、ns experiment with lightning?aHe raised the kite with a piece of string tied to it and a metal key was attached to the string.bFranklin touched the key with his finger and got an electric shock.cA flash of lightning hit the kite,and electricity was conducted through the string to the key.dThis prove

11、d that lightning was a form of electricity.Aabcd BabdcCacbd DbadcC4Which of the following statements is NOT the effect of Franklins experiment?AHe has set a good example in scientific discoveries and inventions.BIn order to seek truth,scientists should make dangerous experiments.CIt has inspired us

12、that scientific experiments play an important part in establishing the truth.DMany schoolchildren have been amazed by his bravery and his scientific approach to looking for truth.B5What can we infer from the last three paragraphs?APeople tend to believe in truth instead of the interesting fiction.BS

13、cientists dont think Franklin really touched the key during the experiment.CScientists never question the story about the apple that fell on Newtons head.DPeople have been more inspired by the facts themselves than Franklins spirit of scientific exploration.B这个著名的这个著名的故事故事放飞了一只风筝放飞了一只风筝促使他提出重力理论促使他提

14、出重力理论 第一版块:重点词汇诠释第一版块:重点词汇诠释1.declaration n.宣布;宣告declare sth.宣布某事declare that.宣布/宣告declare for/against 声明赞成/反对 declare war on 向宣战declare.(to be).宣布是declare sth.open/closed 宣布某事开始/结束经典例句Americans believe in the ideal,as stated in their Declaration of Independence,that all men are created equal.美国人相信所

15、有人天生是平等的这个理想,正如他们在独立宣言中陈述的一样。The area has been declared a national park.这地区已宣布为国家公园。易混辨析:announce/declareannounce指正式地“公开;发表;宣布”,侧重“预告”人们所关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指新闻之类的消息declare指正式地、明确地向公众“宣布;宣告;声明”,侧重“当众”发表,多用于宣战、议和、宣判、表明立场等即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子(1)Several boys were crowding around Chad,who declared with a proud smile

16、_ he sold six dozen the day before.(2)Germany _(宣战)France on 1 August 1914.thatdeclared war on2.attach vt.系,绑;贴(1)attach.to.把附加在上attach importance to.认为重要/有意义(2)attached adj.附属的,依恋的,爱慕的be attached to.附属于;依恋于;爱慕(3)attachment n.附属物,附件经典例句Dont forget to check that your attachment is actually attached t

17、o the email.不要忘记检查你附在邮件上的附件。During the operation,Mr Liu had a new hand attached.在手术中,刘先生被接上了一只新手。Our government attaches much importance to education now,which enables so many people to be well educated.我们的政府现在非常重视教育,这才使很多人接受到良好的教育。attach短语中的to均为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。to为介词的常见短语还有object to 反对lead to 导致ge

18、t used to(doing)sth.习惯于get/become accustomed to(doing)sth.习惯于pay attention to 注意;关注be devoted to 致力于即学即练写出下列句中attach及相关短语的含义/完成句子(1)With the skin gone,to what can the hair attach itself?_(2)The high school is attached to that university._(3)We must attach importance to the education of the children.

19、_(4)It is said that the hospital _(附属于)that university.(5)He _(非常重视)what his parents said.(6)The old man _(非常依恋)old customs and habits.把把附在附在上上附属于附属于认为认为重要重要is attached toattached great importance tois very attached to3.account n.描述,记述,解释,说明;账户(1)give an account of 给予描述;进行说明 take sth.into account/ta

20、ke account of sth.认真考虑某事on account of 由于,因为on no account 决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)open an account 开一个账户(2)account vt.&vi.认为account for (在数量和比例上)占,占据;是的原因;对做出解释和说明经典例句You will have the chance to join one of these large assemblies and take part in the dancing,listen to traditional accounts of bravery,and play

21、 games.你将有机会加入这些大型集会中的一个并参与跳舞活动,聆听传统的英勇故事,还可以参与游戏节目。When developing our economy,we must take environmental protection into account.当发展经济时,我们必须把环境保护考虑在内。Mary often does some translation work to earn extra money,which accounts for half of her income.玛丽经常做些翻译工作来获取额外收入,这些收入占了她收入的一半。联想拓展:表示“决不”的短语小结:in n

22、o caseby no meansat no timein no wayunder no circumstances即学即练写出下列句中account的词性及含义/句型转换(1)The newspaper gave an incorrect account of the traffic accident._(2)Some banks make it difficult to open an account,which is especially for the old._(3)We all account him a qualified teacher,and he is also respe

23、cted by his students._(4)Can you account for your movements on that night?_(5)Visitors are on no account allowed to feed animals in the wildlife park.On no account _ to feed animals in the wildlife park.n.报道报道n.账户账户vt.认为认为vi.解释解释are visitors allowed4.beyond prep.(表位置)在或者往另一边;(表时间)晚于;(表排斥)除以外;(表数目)多于

24、;(表程度)超出的范围;(表范围)超出beyond ones control 超出某人的控制,不受某人的控制beyond compare 无与伦比beyond ones reach 够不着,超出之外beyond ones power/ability 超出某人的能力beyond words/description 无法形容,难以言表beyond question 毫无疑问beyond belief 难以置信beyond repair 无法修补经典例句The beauty of the West Lake is beyond description.西湖的美是无法形容的。The decision

25、is in the hand of him;I couldnt do the things beyond my power.决定权在他那儿,我不能越权而为之。The bicycle was beyond repair.自行车已损坏得无法修理。即学即练单句语法填空(1)Can David take charge of the international department?Im afraid its _ his ability.用beyond的相关短语填空(2)Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?Because the old one has bee

26、n damaged _(3)Thats shocking _beyondbeyond repairbeyond e up with 提出;想出come up 走近;上来;发芽;发生;被提出;(太阳、月亮等)升起come about 发生come acrosscome upon 穿过(路、桥);偶遇;偶然发现come to 苏醒;总计;达到;谈到come to a conclusion 得出结论;告一段落经典例句I was amazed that hed come up with this sweet idea.我很惊讶他想到了这个好主意。I planted some lily(百合花)seed

27、s in the yard.But they failed to come up.我在院子里种了百合花种子,但是没有发芽。易混辨析:come up在指“问题、建议、方案”等被提出时为不及物动词短语,主语常为物,无被动语态;come up with则为“提出”,为及物动词短语,主语常为人,宾语为表示“建议、计划、方案等”的名词。即学即练用come相关短语填空(1)We can _ that practice makes perfect.(2)I _ my former teacher in the supermarket the other day.(3)A question _ in the

28、meeting yesterday.(4)We _ a question in the meeting e to a conclusioncame acrosscame upcame up with6.focus on 专心于;专注;关注focus ones attention/energy/mind on集中某人的注意力/精力/心思于经典例句She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to focus on her studies.为了集中精力学习,她已经拒绝了几个在节目中担任主角的邀请。即学即练单句语法

29、填空(1)We are surrounded by people who often focus their attention _ their smartphones.(2)On arriving,he began to devote himself to _(solve)the problem.onsolving7.contribute to 导致;有助于;对作出贡献(1)contribute.to.将捐献给(2)contribution n.贡献make a contribution/contributions to.为做出贡献经典例句This company contributes a

30、 large amount of money to the disaster-hit areas.这家公司向灾区捐了一大笔钱。Those who makes a contribution to the development of our country should be respected.那些为国家发展作出贡献的人应该得到人们的尊重。即学即练单句语法填空(1)Fresh air will contribute _ the recovery of your disease.(2)Thomas Edison made a great _(contribute)to the world.toc

31、ontribution8.tie.to.把系在上tie up 捆绑;束缚tie sth.together 把绑在一起tie.back 把绑在后面be tied to sth.依附于某物经典例句You can tie your horse to the tree and then you can wander about.你可以把马拴到这棵树上,之后你可以四处逛逛。The thief was brought in with his hands tied back.小偷被带进来了,他的手被绑在后面。易错提示:tie him up 把他绑起来在“动副型”短语中,人称代词作宾语时,只能放在副词之前。名

32、词作宾语时,放在副词前后均可。即学即练完成句子(1)他把口袋扎紧,拿到了外面。He _ the bag and took it outside.(2)飞机将要起飞,请系好安全带。Please _ the safety belt well because our airplane will take off.(3)她将一朵红色的花系到礼物的包装盒上。She _ a red flower _ the packet of the gift.tied uptietiedto 第二版块:重点句型解构第二版块:重点句型解构1.(教材原句)Franklin,along with many other sci

33、entists,has inspired us and taught us that scientific experiments are important in order to establish the truth and to contribute towards later scientific discoveries and inventions.富兰克林和其他许多科学家激励我们、教导我们,科学实验对于确定真相和为以后的科学发现和发明作出贡献是重要的。本句是主从复合句,其中that引导宾语从句。has inspired和taught是主句的并列谓语。He,along with h

34、is friends,is going shopping.他和朋友要去购物。We started early in order to arrive before dark.为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。名师点津(1)主谓一致的“就前原则”:由as well as,with,along with,like,together with,rather than,except,but,including,besides,in addition to等引起的结构跟前面的主语保持一致。(2)动词不定式作目的状语:不定式作目的状语可使用以下形式:to do,only to do,in order to

35、 do,so as to do,so/such.as to do。不定式用作目的状语有两个可能的位置,一是在句首,二是在句末。一般说来,用于句首属于强调性用法,即强调动词的目的。有时为了特别强调目的状语,可以在不定式之前加上in order或so as,即构成in order to do sth.和so as to do sth.结构,但so as to do不能用于句首。(3)不定式作目的状语可以置于句首,并且当需要强调时,通常会置于句首。但位于句首的不定式不一定是目的状语。To cooperate with others is important.(作主语)同他人合作很重要。即学即练单句语

36、法填空/完成句子(1)My mother,as well as my father,_(have)a key to the room.(2)_(save)class time,our teacher has us students do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework.(3)医生彻夜工作以拯救伤者的生命。_ the life of the injured man,doctors worked through the night.hasTo saveIn order to sa

37、ve2.(教材原句)However,neither the story nor the details of the experiment are entirely true.然而,这个故事和这个实验的细节都不完全是真的。(1)本句是简单句,句中neither.nor.结构连接并列主语,主谓一致适用于“就近原则”。(2)neither.nor.结构也可连接其他句子成分,表示对两者的全部否定,意为“既不也不”。Neither Anna nor I am interested in high finance.安娜和我对巨额融资都不感兴趣。Either I or they are responsib

38、le for the result of the matter.不是我,就是他们要对那件事的结果负责。Without motivation you can neither set a goal nor reach it.没有动力,你制订不了目标,也达不到目标。I have neither time nor money for pop festivals.我既没时间也没钱来参加流行音乐节。名师点津主谓一致的“就近原则”这一原则是指谓语动词的人称和数与最近作主语的词语保持一致,常出现在这类句子中的连词有:or,either.or.,neither.nor.,not only.but also.及t

39、here be句型中。即学即练单句语法填空(1)Neither I nor he _(be)to blame.(2)Not only he but also all his family _(be)fond of music.(3)There _(be)a pen,a knife and several books on the desk.(4)He can _他既不会读也不会写。isareisneither read nor write.单词拼写1I suffered from _(精神的)illness and depression when I was younger,and it to

40、tally affected my teenage years.2The task requires _(非凡的)patience and endurance.3Shakespeare is not only a great playwright but also a _(才华横溢的)poet.4Many words in the English language are French in _(起源).5As a child,Adeline couldnt understand why the medal was so _(重要的).mentalextraordinarybrillianto

41、riginsignificant6The report presents a faithful _(记述)of the event.7Dont forget to _(贴)a recent photograph to your application form.8How did the monkeys get their reward in the _(实验)?9You should follow the normal _(程序)or you will go wrong.10For the past two years,Gordons students have been studying w

42、ays to kill bacteria in zero _(重力),and they think theyre close to a solution(解决方案).accountattachexperimentproceduregravity.单句语法填空1The American _(declare)of war in 1917 turned the scales against Germany.2For many students Wilsons help is not only appreciated,its also _(entire)necessary for them to be

43、 able to complete their college education.3_(science)theories must be based on facts.4They questioned the _(accurate)of the information in the file.5It is of great _(significant)to promote the Belt and Road cooperation with related countries.declarationentirelyScientificaccuracysignificance6I have g

44、rown not only physically,but also _(mental)in the past few years.7In modern man,the brain accounts _ about 2%3%of total body weight,but it consumes 25%of the bodys energy when the body is at rest.8The room still has many of its _(origin)features.9A war _(injure)has made his left hand stop functionin

45、g.10Now doctors believe they have cured him _ the disease.mentallyfororiginalinjuryof.短语填空beyond recognition,for instance,to date,name after,due to,look for,along with,take place,come up with,under the instructions of1The students are discussing the maths problems _ their maths teacher.2The babys mo

46、ther escaped from the fire _ two other children.3The scientists are beating their brains trying to _ a solution to the problem.4Great men have often risen from poverty,_,Lincoln and Edison.under the instructions ofalong withcome up withfor instance5The meeting will _ as planned.6_,I have not receive

47、d news from him.7When he came back to his hometown,he found it had changed _8The searchers are trying their best to _ the missing boy.9The businessmans success was largely _his excellent judgment.10The bridge _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.take placeTo datebeyond recognitio

48、nlook fordue towas named after.课文语法填空在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。New research suggests that Benjamin Franklins famous experiment with lightning may be fiction instead 1._ fact.During a storm in 1752,Franklin raised a kite with a piece of string 2._(tie)to it.A metal key was attached to the string.A fla

49、sh of lightning hit the kite,and electricity 3._(conduct)through the string to the key.Franklin then touched the key with his finger and got an electric shock.oftiedwas conductedFor many years,schools 4._(teach)the story of Franklins lightning experiment.5._,neither the story nor the details of the

50、experiment 6._(be)entirely true.The detail about the string and the key is true.But scientists all agree that if Franklin had 7._(actual)touched the key,he would certainly have died from the electric shock.Scientists often question accepted ideas because they want to establish the facts.Some have ev


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