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1、Unit8-College-Life-新世纪大学英语新世纪大学英语1 1.people differ_ reading ability.A.from B.on C.than D.in 2.We have_ a wide range of topics in todays discussion.A.spoken B.talked C.covered D.absorbed 3.Although Columbus discovered America,he did not _ the new continent.A.expose B.explore C.exploit D.explode 4.Abr

2、aham Lincoln had_ patience and tolerance for those who disagreed with him.A.ending B.large C.endless D.small 5.The young teacher was very patient_ students who could not follow him.A.to B.with C.on D.for 6.Many teachers often_ newly learnt words to their students.A.dictate B.memorize C.rememer D.und

3、erlie 7.Lets fix a_ date for the next meeting.A.detailed B.delight C.definite D.destiny 8.The children_ against having to do three hours home work each evening.A.reversed B.rebelled C.objected D.opposed 9.Topics for conversation should be_ to the experiences and interests of the students.A.embedded

4、B.reflected C.relevent D interesting 10.That is what we_.but it is not easy to prove.A.assist B.assume C.suggest D.adviseWarming-up Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.1.Directions:What words will occur to you whenever we mention“college life”?Write down as many word

5、s as possible about it.Share your answers with your group members and comment on each of the words you have written.College LifestudyCampus EquipmentSocial ActivitiesStudy major credit 贷款,学分 freshman bachelors degree sophomore masters degree junior doctors degree senior compulsory course必修课 undergra

6、duate optional course graduate professor postgraduate tutor 导师,助教Campus Equipment dining-room self-study center dormitory clinic library auditorium 礼堂礼堂 playground gymnasium 体育馆体育馆 store lecture roomSocial Activities students club outing短途旅行短途旅行 campus love dance/ball sales person part-time job perf

7、ormanceDiscussion 2.Having spent one term in college,how do you like your college life so far?Give examples.3.What are the differences between college life and middle school life?4.What do you think is the most important thing to achieve at college?Explain.Understanding the quotes 1.We dont go to sc

8、hool or college to learn,but to seek the way to learn.2.Instead of stuffing students with knowledge,real education aims at bringing out what is inside students and cultivating their potential.3.Teaching doesnt really help anyone,but it helps a person find out what he/she is good at.Pre-reading Activ

9、ity Are you a straight-A student?Do you want to be a straight-A student?Do you want to know how to be a straight-A student?Please work in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions:1.If you are a straight-A student,what are your secrets of being a straight-A student?2.If you are n

10、ot a straight-A student,what do you think prevent you from being a straight-A student?Reading:Secrets of Straight-A Students 1.Read the text quickly and write down the main idea of the following paragraphs in the space provided.P249 Para2-6 2.True or false.P250Secrets of Straight-A Students Para1:1.

11、Who are called straight-A students?A straight-A student is someone who regularly gets the best marks for all of their work in school or college.1.top grades do not always go to the brightest students.(Paraphrase)Being bright doesnt necessarily make a student a top student.2.Translation of the first

12、sentence.一位研究教育的老师对成绩优异的学生进行过几项大型调查,发现成绩最优秀的学生不一定是头脑最聪明的学生。Para1 3.,it is far more important for a student to know how to make the most of his or her innate abilities.(paraphrase)What is of more importance is that he/she learns how to make the best use of the abilities that he/she is born with.4.Tra

13、nslation of the second sentence根据这位教授、其他教育专家以及全优生们自己的观点,懂得如何充分发挥自己的潜能对于学生来说更为重要。conduct:vt.carry out or direct;go with and guide or lead 进行;实施;管理;引导 1.We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.2.Is it really necessary to conduct experiments on animals?Collocation:conduct

14、a meeting 主持会议主持会议 condcuct an investigation 进行调查进行调查Para2 1.What are the basic principles that top students master and apply in their studying?P250 a.set priorities right b.study anywhere or everywhere c.study at ones preferred time d.be consistentattain:Vt gain or arrive at,esp.after long effort;r

15、each eg:1.India attained independence in 1947.2.经过多年的努力后他出名了。He attained fame through many years of hard promise:vt/vi/n do something that is against ones principles or does not reach the standards that one has set 妥协,让步 eg:1.Nine,I said.Nine thirty,he replied.We compromised on 9:15.“9点,”我说。“9:30,”他

16、回答道。我们各让一步定在9:15。2.She admitted that she was unable to compromise.collocation:reach a compromise 达成妥协 make a compromise 妥协;折衷;做出让步thrive:Vi develop well and be healthy,strong,or successfuleg:1.Most herbs(草本植物)need direct sun all day in order to thrive.2.企业没有良好的管理不会兴旺。A business cannot thrive without

17、 good management.thrive on 以.成长,喜欢;从容应对Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle.perform vt 1.do;carry out(a piece of work,duty,ceremony,etc.),esp.according to a usual or established method eg:Students perform increasingly difficult tasks as the course continues.2.表演,演出,演奏 This play was first perf

18、ormed in 411 BC.Paragraph 3 Read this paragraph and answer the following questions.1.What are the suggestions given by some students on being organized?2.What does reading effectively include according to some top students?disclose:vt make known(esp.something that has been kept secret)publicly eg:1.

19、She disclosed that she had been in prison for theft before she came to this small town.2.他没有透露协定的细节。他没有透露协定的细节。He did not disclose details of the agreement.advocate:vt/n speak in favour of;support(an idea or plan),esp.publicly 提倡;主张;拥护。eg:委员会不提倡使用暴力。The committee doesnt advocate the use of violence.

20、Noun:提倡者;支持者;律师 He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system.Paragraph 4 Q1:Why is it important for students to know how to shedule their time?a.They will reasonably pace each assignment or project to avoid being.b.They will have more time to review or polish their work.

21、c.They are less likely to procrastinate.Para4 They must know how to pace each assignment or project according to their daily timetable and work ability so that they might not be overwhelmed by the tasks at hand.1.What can you infer from the expression“to pace each assignment or project according to

22、their daily timetable and work ability”?Our time and energy are limited,so we have to organize our assignments and activities skillfully so that we do not have too much to do and still have energy left near the end.2.Paraphrase“the tasks at hand”.Tasks that need to be dealt with now.Schedule:vt/n 1.

23、plan that something will happen at a particular time 安排;计划 eg:1.The elections are scheduled for June.2.The opening ceremony is scheduled to take place on the coming Monday.2.a plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it 时间表;计划表eg:Can you take a moment out of your busy schedu

24、le to talk to me?on schedule 按时,按照时间表 adv ahead of/behind schedule 提前提前/落后于时间表落后于时间表 polish:vt 1.After she had polished the furniture,she cleaned the windows.2.爱德华的论文好,但是他还需要稍微完善一下。Edwards essay is good,but he needs to polish it a little bit.jot down 警察匆匆记下了他的证件号码 The policeman jotted down his licen

25、ce number.Paragraph 5 Q1:What other factors are introduced in this paragraph that may contribute to academic excellence?Q2:.who turns in neat work is already on the way to scoring an A.(paraphrase)is likely to get a very good scorepromote:vt help the progress of(something);encourage or support提倡;促进;

26、助长 A balanced diet promotes good health and normal development.你听说大卫被提升了吗?你听说大卫被提升了吗?Have you heard that Davids been promoted?The aim of the meeting is to promote trade between the two countries.Para6 The experiment also illuminated the value of hypothetical tests conducted among the students and on

27、 their own.1.What is a“hypothetical test”?A hypothetical test is a test that is not real,but that might happen.2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.研究也证明了学生间互相进行模拟测试或自我研究也证明了学生间互相进行模拟测试或自我测试的好处。测试的好处。illuminate:vt cause to understand;explain;make clear;give light to;fill(esp.a room)with light 这个报告阐

28、明了难点。这个报告阐明了难点。The report illuminated the difficult points.Streetlights illuminated the street.demonstrate:Galileo demonstrated that objects of different weights fall at the same speed.confirm:vt give support or certainty to(a fact,belief,statement,etc.),e.g.by providing more proof or by stating tha

29、t something is true or correct 据证实Barbara 将在这部新电影中扮演主要角色。eg:It has been confirmed that Barbara will play the principal part in the new movie.1.Devide the paragraph into two parts and summarize the main idea of each part.2.警察不得的使用武力进入这栋建筑。(employ)The police had to employ force to enter the building.T

30、he latter set high standards for their children and held them to those standards.Paraphrase“held them to those standards”.Helped them live up to the standards.They impressed the lessons of responsibility on their children,and the children delivered.1.Explain the part“impressed the lessons of respons

31、ibility on their children”.It means to make the importance of something clear to someone.The parents made it clear to their children that responsibility is very important.2.What does“deliver”mean?It means to provide something promised or expected.3.Translate the sentence into Chinese.他们使孩子们铭记肩负的责任,而

32、孩子们则将他们使孩子们铭记肩负的责任,而孩子们则将其付诸实践。其付诸实践。undertake:vt take up or accept(a duty or piece of work,esp.one that is difficult or needs effort)Collocation:undertake a task/a project/research 承担一项任务承担一项任务/工程工程/研究研究 undertake to do something 承担做某事的任务承担做某事的任务 She undertook the responsibility for the failure in

33、our marketing project.motivate:vt provide(someone)with a(strong)reason for doing something They are motivated by a need to achieve 他们被成功的需要激励着。你是如何激励人们努力而高效地工作的?How do you motivate people to work hard and efficiently?assign vt 1.sth(to sb/(sb)sth to give sb sth that they can use,or some work or resp

34、onsibility 分配(某物);分派,布置(工作、任务等)eg:The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children.2.sb(to sth/as sth)to provide a person for a particular task or position指定,指派 eg:Theyve assigned their best man to the job.Noun:assignment(分派的)工作,任务P262 第第2题题 promise 2.scheduled 3.steered 4.frame 5.demon

35、strated 6.employ 7.promote 8.impressed 9.confirmed 10.deliberately 11.financial 12.economicP262 第第3题题 1.makes a point of 2.make the most of 3.lead to 4.at hand 5.to begin with 6.Last but not least 7.took.down 8.In addition to 9.takes pains to 10.came to 11 pointed out 12.paid offP263-264 第第4题题 1.sco

36、red 2.scheduled 3.assigned 4.motivate 5.crucial 6.promote 7.performed 8.debate 9.scanned 10.devised 11.advocated 12.clarify 13.priorities promised 15.context 16.undertookP265第第1题题 1.principal/major 2.top 3.major 4.top 5.principal 6.major 7.schedule 8.advocate 9.top 10.approach 11.blame 12.major/prin

37、cipal 13.advocate 14.schedule 15.blame 16.approachingP267第第4题题 1.edition 2.revisions 3.addition 4.anticipation 5.frustration 6.recreations 7.association 8.expectationsP269 Cloze 1.academic 2.priorities 3.conducted 4.principles 5.begin 6.priority promised 8.addition 9.filing 10.Speaking 11.formula 12

38、.Participation/Participating 13.based 14.least 15.way 16.pressuresP269-270 Translation 1.The judge asked the reporters not to disclose the name of the victim.2.The teacher took pains to make sure that we all understood what he said.3.Recently the school conducted a survey among those students who ha

39、ve attained academic excellence.P270 4.He said he would accept the job,so we have asked him to confirm his acceptance by writing us a letter.5.George studies very hard.He wants to make the most of his chance to learn.6.We cant go.To begin with,its too cold.Besides,we are busy.P270 7.Its about time t

40、hat someone spoke up for these basic truths/facts.8.Dont say it is profitless to do this.The effort will pay off in the long run.P270 据一位教育方面的专家所言,高智商的据一位教育方面的专家所言,高智商的学生有时并没有智商低的学生学习成绩学生有时并没有智商低的学生学习成绩好。因为学习对这些学生而言是一件较好。因为学习对这些学生而言是一件较轻松的事,所以他们从来也不会去探究轻松的事,所以他们从来也不会去探究该如何认真学习。该如何认真学习。当然努力学习也不能保证成绩优异。当然努力学习也不能保证成绩优异。“这不是由你手捧书本,端坐桌前多久这不是由你手捧书本,端坐桌前多久而决定的。你要坐在那里真正读书才而决定的。你要坐在那里真正读书才行。行。”一位全优生如是说。事实是有些一位全优生如是说。事实是有些优等生学习时间不多但是成绩却比其他优等生学习时间不多但是成绩却比其他同学高。同学高。


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