人教版中考英语教材知识复习:八年级下 Units 3~4.pptx

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1、八年级下 Units 34,.单词拼写 1.Every one of us in our life has to face something we h (厌恶). 2.I think I can do it well by myself although I have no such s (技能). 3.It may c (造成) trouble to throw waste through the window of a car.,ate,kill,ause,4.Most people had some c (疯狂的) dreams when they were children. 5.F

2、ewer students in his class c (抄袭) homework from their classmates.,razy,opy,.单项填空 ( )1.Im not going swimming this afternoon. . I have to help my mother do some cleaning. A.So am I B.So I am C.Neither am I D.Neither I am,C,( )2.I my CD player to Dave and I havent got it back yet. A.borrowed B.lent C.t

3、ook D.made,B,( )3.Could you please give this camera to Lily? Sure. Ill give it to her she comes back. A.as much as B.as good as C.as far as D.as soon as,D,( )4.Dont always others. You should do it by yourself. A.depend on B.think of C.work out D.care for,A,( )5.Can I bring a friend to your birthday

4、party? Sure, . A.no problem B.not at all C.my pleasure D.well done,A,.补全对话 A:Hi, Mike! You look unhappy. Whats the matter? B:Hi, Miss Black! 1. A:Whats the problem? B:As you know, I failed in my last exam. 2. A:Oh, thats what the problem is. B:3.,D,G,B,A:You should tell them how hard you always stud

5、y at school. B:4. A:Dont worry. Ill tell them about it. B:5. Thank you, Miss Black. A:Thats nothing. Probably they dont know you always studies hard at school.,E,C,A.What did he do after that? B.But what shall I do, Miss Black? C.They always believe what you say. D.I have a problem with my parents.

6、E.But I dont think they can believe me. F.I went to see the dentist just now. G.They said I didnt study hard at school.,Could I borrow that book?我可以借那本书吗?(Unit 3, P20) Could you lend me some money?你可以借点钱给我吗?(Unit 3, P20) borrow和lend都含有“借”的意思,但实际上它们是一对反义词。borrow表示“借来;借进”,lend则表示“借给;借出”。borrow后常与from连

7、用,常用borrow sth. from sb.或somewhere结构,表示“从某人或某处借来某物”;lend常与to连用,表示“把某物借给某人”,用lend sth. to sb.或lend sb. sth.结构。比较例句: I borrowed a novel from John last week.我上周从约翰那里借了一本小说。 I lent my dictionary to my classmate yesterday.昨天我把词典借给我的同学了。,辨析borrow与lend,根据句意,选borrow和lend填空 1.They often something from others

8、 but never anything to others. 2.Dont the books that you from the library to others.,辨析borrow与lend,borrow,borrowed,lend,lend,Children these days depend on their parents too much.现在的孩子过于依赖父母。(Unit 3, P22) depend和depend on都可以表示“取决于;依靠;依赖”,但用法不同。depend后不接名词作宾语。答语中,常用“It (all) depends.”或“That depends.”表

9、示“那要视情况而定。”;depend on后必须接名词、代词或从句作宾语,如: It depends on class size. 这取决于班级人数。,辨析depend与depend on,比较下面两段对话: 1.Are you going to have a picnic next Saturday?你们下周六去野餐吗? It depends.那要视情况而定。 2.Are you going to have a picnic next Saturday?你们下周六去野餐吗? It depends on the weather.那要看天气如何。,辨析depend与depend on,根据句意,

10、选depend和depend on并用其适当形式填空 1.Im old enough now. I dont want to my parents. 2.I may go there with my parents next month, but that .,辨析depend与depend on,depend on,depends,He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show. Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night.他总是不让我看我最喜欢的电视节目。相反,

11、他想看什么就看什么,直到深夜。(Unit 4, P27) instead是副词,意为“代替;反而;相反”,在句中作状语。该词虽有“代替”含义,但后面不能接宾语。,辨析instead与instead of,instead of表示“代替某人或某物;而不是”,后面接名词、代词、动词-ing形式等作宾语。请比较例句: There was no rice, so I ate some noodles instead.没有米饭了,因此我就吃了些面条。 He went there on foot instead of by bus.他步行去那里,而不是乘公共汽车。 Instead of being ang

12、ry, he seemed quite pleased.他没有生气,反而似乎很高兴。,辨析instead与instead of,If you dont go instead of him, let Mary go instead.如果你不代他去,就改为让玛丽去吧。,根据句意,选instead和instead of填空 1.You probably picked up my keys yours. 2.If Bill cant attend the meeting, you can go .,辨析instead与instead of,instead of,instead,You should e

13、xplain that you dont mind him watching TV all the time.你应该解释说你不介意他一直看电视。(Unit 4, P27) explain是动词,意思是“解释;讲解;说明”,常用“explain sth./explain sth. to sb.”和“explain (to sb.)+从句”或“explain (to sb.)+how/what/where/who+不定式”结构。如: He was late this morning, but he didnt explain the reason.他今天早晨迟到了,但他没有说明原因。,explai

14、n的用法,Please explain this rule to us.请把这条规则给我们解释一下。(注意:不能说Please explain us this rule.) He explained to us why he wanted to go there alone.他给我们解释了他为什么想独自去那儿的原因。,explain的用法,1.她向我解释了她学法语的原因。 She explained she studied French. 2.接着,他讲解如何使用这台洗衣机。 Then he explained this washing machine.,explain的用法 根据句意,填写适

15、当的单词完成句子,词数不限,to me why,how to use,提建议是日常生活中的重要话题之一。建议可以当面提出,也可以通过电话、书信、邮件等方式提出。中考英语试题常以书信或邮件作为载体,向对方提出建议。因此,我们应掌握“写信提建议”的写作方法。 写这类信件要体现三部分内容:一、表明写信意图;二、提出具体建议及其原因,并说明采纳建议的益处;三、表达希望建议被采纳的愿望。写信时要注意语气委婉礼貌,所提的建议要合情合理。,中考常考作文话题闯关,话题11 提建议,【常用句型】 提建议的常用句型有: 1.You should/shouldnt . 2.Youd better./Youd bet

16、ter not. 3.Its necessary for you to do. 4.Dont /Never. 5.Will/Would you please.,中考常考作文话题闯关,话题11 提建议,6.I would like to suggest that. 7.I hope that./My suggestion is that . 8.In my opinion, you should.,中考常考作文话题闯关,话题11 提建议,【题目要求】 你的英国笔友John在辅导班里学习汉语时遇到了一些困难,于是来信请你就如何学好汉语提些建议。假定你是李华,请你针对语言学习中如何进行听、说、读、写

17、这四个环节的训练,给John写封回信。词数80左右。,Dear John, Im very glad to hear from you. Yours, Li Hua,【审题指导】 这是一封书信,体裁是应用文,写作时应注意书信格式及开头、结尾的“客套”语句表示法;正文内容是“提建议”,题材属说明文。写作时,一要注意内容不能离题;二要注意准确运用表示建议的词语和句型。,【写作指导】 一、细化要点 这是一篇开放式作文,我们需要细化“听、说、读、写”这四个环节的具体训练方法。我们可以根据语言学习的常规方法予以细化。例如,写“听”时,我们可以联想到“listen to the teacher”和“lis

18、ten to tapes”;写“说”时,我们可以联想到“speak Chinese in and after class every day”及“not be afraid of making mistakes”等;写“读”时,我们可以联想到“read books and newspapers in Chinese”;写“写”时,我们可以联想到“keep a diary in Chinese every day”。,二、表达技巧 为使“听、说、读、写”这四个环节的训练方法表达有序,我们可以用firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally等词语进行串接。另外,为避免重复使

19、用“you should.”的句型,我们可以运用祈使句或其他表示建议的句型转换表达,如“Try to speak.; Dont be afraid of making mistakes.; Youd better.”等。另外,本篇还可用到谚语“Practice makes perfect.”,以突出多加训练的重要性。,【佳作展示】 Dear John, Im very glad to hear from you. Now Im going to say something about the ways of learning Chinese. As you know, listening, s

20、peaking, reading and writing are the four main ways to learn a language. So it is with your Chinese study. In my opinion, firstly, you should listen to your teacher carefully in class. And after class, you should listen to the text tapes. Secondly, try to speak Chinese in and after class every day.D

21、ont be afraid of making mistakes. Thirdly, you should,often read books and newspapers in Chinese.It will help you to learn Chinese well. Finally, youd better keep a diary in Chinese every day. It will help you to learn Chinese more quickly. Practice makes perfect. I hope you will make great progress in your Chinese study. Yours, Li Hua,


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