Unit1 extended reading Language points 的(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.ppt

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1、1.Last year,I had the chance to study at a British secondary school as an exchange student.去年,我有机会作为交换生在英国一所中学去年,我有机会作为交换生在英国一所中学学习。学习。Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera?用用我的旧电视机我的旧电视机换换这架相机,你愿意吗?这架相机,你愿意吗?We need to promote(促进促进)an open exchange of ideas and information.我们需要促进思想和信

2、息的公开我们需要促进思想和信息的公开交流交流。exchange n.交换;交流交换;交流 in exchange for.用用来换来换 He found a bank to exchange his dollars for pounds.他找了一家银行把美元他找了一家银行把美元兑换兑换成了英镑。成了英镑。May I exchange my seat with you?我可以我可以和和你你换换一下座位吗?一下座位吗?I went over and exchanged greetings with everyone.我走过去跟大家我走过去跟大家相互相互打了招呼。打了招呼。exchange v.兑换

3、,交易;交换;交流兑换,交易;交换;交流 What would you give me _(交换交换)my iPhone 11?They have given us more extra information but_(他们想要什么作为交换他们想要什么作为交换).Your watch looks nice,Linda.Can I _(用我的用我的表换你的吗表换你的吗)?in exchange for what do they want in exchange exchange my watch with yours 请根据汉语提示完成下列句子。请根据汉语提示完成下列句子。2.Class di

4、scussion is very important in the UK,but I could not make much of a contribution because sometimes I wasnt able to express myself clearly in English.在英国,课堂讨论很重要,但是我能做的贡献不多,在英国,课堂讨论很重要,但是我能做的贡献不多,因为有时我无法清晰地用英语表达自己的看法。因为有时我无法清晰地用英语表达自己的看法。contribution n.1)an action or a service that helps to cause or

5、increase sth 贡献贡献He was awarded a prize for his contribution to world peace.他由于为世界和平做出他由于为世界和平做出贡献贡献而获奖。而获奖。This is Chekhovs contribution to Russian literature.这是契诃夫对俄罗斯文学的这是契诃夫对俄罗斯文学的贡献贡献。contribution n.2)a sum of money that is given to a person or an organization in order to help pay for sth 捐款;捐赠

6、捐款;捐赠 All contributions will be gratefully received.我们对所有我们对所有捐资捐资表示感谢。表示感谢。We gave a contribution of clothing to the Red Cross.我们向红十字我们向红十字捐赠捐赠了一些衣服。了一些衣服。3.Although there was not as much homework as I was used to,it was still challenging.虽然作业不像我以前那么多,但还是很有挑战虽然作业不像我以前那么多,但还是很有挑战性。性。be used to(doing

7、)sthto talk about sth that you are familiar with so that it no longer seems new or strange to you 习惯于,适应于习惯于,适应于Were used to the noise from the traffic now.现在我们已经现在我们已经适应适应车辆往来的噪音了。车辆往来的噪音了。Im used to getting up early.我我习惯习惯早起。早起。used to do sthto talk about sth that happened regularly or was the cas

8、e in the past,but is not now过去常常做某事,而现在不了过去常常做某事,而现在不了I used to smoke,but I gave up a couple of years ago.我我以前以前抽烟,但几年前就戒掉了。抽烟,但几年前就戒掉了。I used to live in London.我我曾经在曾经在伦敦居伦敦居住过住过。4.Joining clubs was a great way to meet British students and make friends with them.加入俱乐部是认识英国学生和交新朋友的好加入俱乐部是认识英国学生和交新朋友

9、的好方法。方法。a great way to do sth是做是做的好方法的好方法 This is a great way to improve your pronunciation.这是这是一个很好的方式来改善一个很好的方式来改善你的发音。你的发音。This is a great way to learn English.这是这是一个学一个学英语的英语的很好方法很好方法。课时重点回顾课时重点回顾1.in exchange for.2.exchange A for B3.exchange sth with sb4.be used to(doing)sth 5.used to do sth6.a

10、 great way to do sth用用来换来换把把A兑换兑换成成B与与交换交换/交流交流习惯于习惯于,适应于适应于过去常常做某事,而现过去常常做某事,而现在不了在不了是做是做的好方法的好方法1.他对公司的成功作出了重要的贡献。他对公司的成功作出了重要的贡献。(contribution)_ _2.我教你汉语,作为交换,你教我英语。我教你汉语,作为交换,你教我英语。(in exchange for)_ _3.在那里住两年后,他已习惯了寒冷的天气。在那里住两年后,他已习惯了寒冷的天气。(be used to sth/doing sth)_ _4.骑自行车是很好的锻炼身体的方式骑自行车是很好的锻

11、炼身体的方式。(a great way to do)_Translate the following sentences into English.He has made an important contribution to the companys success.I will teach you Chinese in exchange for your teaching me English.He was used to the cold weather after he lived there for two years.Cycling is a great way to exerc

12、ise.Self-evaluationSelf-evaluationDo you know the meanings of the following words and expressions?Can you use them correctly?各个击破各个击破exchange contributionin exchange for.exchange A for Bexchange sth with sbbe used to(doing)sth used to do stha great way to do sth Try to memorize these useful expressions.


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