Unit 1 Back to school Grammar and usage (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、牛津译林版高中英语必修一课件Unit 1 Grammar and usage Sentence elements and sentence structures制作者:桂东一中李宇平内容分析内容分析 本板块围绕单元本板块围绕单元话题话题,以,以“制订目制订目标标”创设情境,鼓励学生在语篇中观创设情境,鼓励学生在语篇中观察探究英语察探究英语句子成分与句子结构句子成分与句子结构的基的基本特征,自主归纳出其核心语法规则。本特征,自主归纳出其核心语法规则。教学活动首先引导学生关注语篇中不教学活动首先引导学生关注语篇中不同句式对语言理解、表达的准确性和同句式对语言理解、表达的准确性和得体性的影响;再通过

2、对句子结构的得体性的影响;再通过对句子结构的正确分析理解语篇的基本意义和深层正确分析理解语篇的基本意义和深层意义;随后通过单句和语篇两个层面意义;随后通过单句和语篇两个层面的练习巩固所学,内化新知;最后使的练习巩固所学,内化新知;最后使用正确的句子结构描述自己的新学期用正确的句子结构描述自己的新学期目标。目标。教学目标教学目标 By the end of this section,we will be able to 1.categorize ktgraz(将将分类;把分类;把加以归类加以归类)the sentence elements and summarize smraz(总结;概括;概述

3、总结;概括;概述)the general rules;2.distinguish dstw(区分;区分;辨别;分清辨别;分清)and choose the right sentence structures;3.apply appropriate prprit(合适的;恰当的合适的;恰当的)sentence structures in new situations.A.Exploring the rules P6 On the first day of school,Miss Yan gave a short speech about the importance of setting goa

4、ls.Pay attention to the underlined sentences and fill in the table below.The first one has been done for you.Albert Einstein lbt anstan said,“If you want to live a happy life,tie(连接;联合;使紧密结合连接;联合;使紧密结合)it to a goal.”(1)I agree.Goals are important in many ways.(2)Setting goals gives you a focus(重点重点)

5、in life.By setting goals now,you are deciding what you want to achieve in the future.Then you know where you are going in life and can work hard to get there.Setting goals also helps you develop good habits.To realize your goals,you need to have a good plan,manage your time well and pay attention to

6、 details.(3)These habits will be helpful.Finally,(4)setting goals makes you more confident.When you achieve a goal,you see the result of your hard work and know how much progress you have made.A goal is a dream that needs action.As a result of your action,your dream will come true and hopefully(5)yo

7、u will live a happy life.Answer the following questions (1)What is a goal?(2)Whats the significance of setting goals?A goal is a dream that needs action.Setting goals gives a focus in life.Setting goals helps develop good habits.Setting goals makes one more confident.SubjectVerbI agree.SubjectVerbPr

8、edicativeSubjectVerbObjectThese habitswill behelpful.Youwill livea happy life.SubjectVerbIndirect objectDirect objectSubjectVerbObjectObjectcomplementSetting goalsgivesyoua focus in life.Setting goals makesyoumore confident.Working out the rules The subject and the(1)_ are necessary parts of a sente

9、nce.A transitive verb is always followed by a(n)(2)_.Some verbs can have two objects.The indirect object usually refers to a person and the direct object a thing.The object complement adds more information about the object.verbobject句子成分句子成分 句子是表达思想的基本单位,句子是表达思想的基本单位,主要的句子成分主要的句子成分(sentence elements

10、)有主语有主语(S)、谓语、谓语(V)、宾、宾语语(O)、补语、补语(C)、状语、状语(A)、表语、表语(P)、定语定语(Atr)等。具体如下:等。具体如下:1.主语主语(subject):指:指句子句子所谈论所谈论的的主体主体。如。如:The teacher gave a speech.Beijing is the capital of China.2.谓语谓语(verb):谓语又称为:谓语又称为“谓谓词词”,指谓语部分的主要动词,通,指谓语部分的主要动词,通常常说明主语所做的动作或主语的特说明主语所做的动作或主语的特征和状态征和状态。如:。如:Many students join scho

11、ol clubs.The weather is nice.3.宾语宾语(object):通常指:通常指动作的对动作的对象象。有的动后面可以接两个宾语,。有的动后面可以接两个宾语,通常把其中通常把其中表示人的宾语称为间接表示人的宾语称为间接宾语宾语(indirect object),把表,把表物的宾物的宾语称为直接宾语语称为直接宾语(direct object)。如:如:We should develop good study habits.Jack offered me some helpful advice.4.补语补语(complement):补语分为:补语分为主语补语主语补语(subje

12、ct complement)和和宾语补语宾语补语(object complement),用,用来来补充说明主语或宾语的特征或情补充说明主语或宾语的特征或情况况。如:。如:He is made chairman of the club.Listening to music makes me relaxed.5.状语状语(adverbial):修饰动词、修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子形容词、副词或整个句子。如:。如:Maggie plans her study carefully.Clearly,talking to him is a mistake.6.表语表语(predicative):指连

13、系动:指连系动词后面的成分,通常说明主语的身词后面的成分,通常说明主语的身份、特征和状态。常见的连系动词份、特征和状态。常见的连系动词有有 be,become,feel,look,seem等。等。如:如:Its a lovely day.I feel happy.7.定语定语(attributive):修饰名词:修饰名词或代词。如:或代词。如:I went to a large library yesterday He doesnt have anything to do at the moment.句子结构句子结构 常见的句子结构常见的句子结构(sentence structures)有以下

14、八种:有以下八种:1.主谓主谓:主语:主语+谓语谓语(SV)。如:。如:The car stopped.2.主系表主系表:主语:主语+连系动词连系动词+表语表语(SVP),也作主也作主(系系)表表(SP)。如:。如:Mary seemed pleased.3.主谓宾主谓宾:主语:主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语(SVO)。如:如:I love ice cream.4.主谓宾宾主谓宾宾:主语:主语+谓语谓语+间接宾间接宾语语+直接宾语直接宾语(SVOO)。如:。如:Tom gave me a present.5.主谓宾补主谓宾补:主语:主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语+宾语补语宾语补语(SVOC)。如:。如:W

15、e consider the work challenging.6.主谓状主谓状:主语:主语+谓语谓语+状语状语(SVA)。如:如:They work hard.7.主谓宾状主谓宾状:主语:主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语+状语状语(SVOA)。如:。如:We like the film very much.8.存现句存现句:引导词:引导词 there引导的引导的句子。如:句子。如:There is a sports centre in our school.B.Applying the rules B1.Mark the different elements of each sentence wit

16、h different symbols.Use the example below to help you.Sentence elementSymbolsSubjectVerbObjectPredicativeObject complementAdverbial Attributive()Example:You will enjoy(personal)growth at(high)school.1.You will find(senior high)school different from(junior high)school 2.(Your)schoolwork will be more

17、challenging.3.We will give you(more)independence.4.You should listen more carefully.5.You can join a club.6.(Your)teachers will help you in(many)ways.7.You will succeed!B2.Below are some tips about setting goals.Match the underlined sentences with the correct structures.Write the letters in the boxe

18、s.P7 a.SV b.SVP c.SVO d.SVOO e.SVOC f.SVA g.SVOA Setting goals is the first step in achieving them.(1)The tips below may help you().Set goals that can be achieved.Dont push(逼迫逼迫)yourself to achieve more than what is possible.Instead,you should set goals based on your abilities and skills.不要强迫自己实现超出可

19、能的目标。相反,你应该根据你的能力和技能设定目标。c Break big goals down使分解使分解(为为);使变化使变化(成成)into small ones.When you do so,(2)they will seem easier to reach().You will be proud of yourself when you realize each small goal.(3)This will also give you the encouragement to achieve your long-term goal().bd Write your goals on p

20、aper.It is a good idea to put your goals where you can see them.(4)You can place the list on your bedside table(床头床头小几;床头柜小几;床头柜)().Or you can stick(粘贴;粘住粘贴;粘住)it on your bedroom wall.This will remind you of what you are working for and keep you focused(注意力集中注意力集中的;目标明确的的;目标明确的).g remind sb of sb/st

21、h使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)You remind me of your father when you say that.你说这样的话,使我你说这样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。想起了你的父亲。That smell reminds me of France.这股气味使我想起了法国。这股气味使我想起了法国。After you set a goal,it is important to stick to坚持坚持(做某事,做某事,不怕困难不怕困难)it and work hard towards 努力达到,设法完成努力达到,设法完成(目目标标)it.(5)You m

22、ay find achieving goals difficult().But(6)you should not give up().Instead,stay positive and confident.(7)You will succeed in the end().eaf B3.What is your goal for the new term?How are you going to achieve your goal?Write about it using different sentence structures.Use the example below to help yo

23、u.P7 Example:I will try to improve my English in the new term.There are a lot of things I need to do to achieve this goal.I will read two English novels this term.I will also try to find a language partner.Joining the English Club will be helpful to me too.All my efforts will pay off(尤指尤指冒险的计划或行动冒险的

24、计划或行动)成功;奏效;成功;奏效;达到目的达到目的!Option 1:My goal for the new term is to improve my communication skills.To achieve this goal,I will be friendlier to my classmates.Joining a school club will help me make more friends.I will also read a book on how to improve communication skills.I will succeed!Option 2:Be

25、ing a member of my new schools basketball team is my goal now,because basketball is my favourite sport.Besides exercising my body,I will make new acquaintances 结识结识(某人某人)kwentnsz through this activity.More importantly,exercising should go hand in hand with(两件事)密切相(两件事)密切相关地,同时并进地关地,同时并进地 studying,so

26、 in the new term,I hope to have faster and better growth in both my body and my mind.Option 3:We live in a society of“knowledge explosion kspln”,so it is my goal to improve my academic performance in my new school life.As the saying goes-knowledge is power.Learning from classmates around me and cons

27、ulting knslt(请教请教)teachers will help me acquire the knowledge I need.I believe my goal will assist me to adjust to this new life quickly.Workbook P58 C.Match the sentences below with the correct structures.Write the letters in the brackets.a.SV b.SVP c.SVO d.SVOO e.SVOC f.SVA g.SVOA 1.Weather matter

28、s a great deal.()2.School meals are fresh and healthy.()fb 3.Our school offers students a balanced diet.()4.A balanced diet keeps the body healthy.()5.Students have fresh fruit and vegetables.()6.Amy likes watching English films very much.()decg 7.English learning is interesting,meaningful and practical.()8.Focusing on using English makes English learning more effective.()9.The speech began.()10.She acquires a good knowledge of English.()beac


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